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<br />JAN A. STEEPLE AND JUDY M. STEEPLE, husband and wife ;. - ..... .. .,.
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<br />Grand Island, Nebraska, and its suecessors and assigns, the following real estate, situated in
<br />
<br />HALL
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<br />of the County pf HAll
<br />
<br />and state oL--.!iEBRASKA
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<br />hereinafter called lheparty of the firiit M'in.
<br />
<br />consideration pf THIRTY THnll'iANn ANn Nn/l nn-------------------- ---- --~~--~--~--...-noLLAiiS;
<br />in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, se1l and ""nvey unto the Home Federal Savings & Loan Association of. G~ .lslaQd,.
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<br />County, Slale Of ',IFRRA"KA towit: A tract of land comprising a part
<br />(S), situated in the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW;\: SW;\:) of
<br />(12), Township Ten (10), North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County,Nebra
<br />more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said Sbuth--
<br />west Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (swkswk); thence northerly along the east line. of
<br />said SW;\: swL a distance of One Thousand Three Hundred Nine and Fifty Two Hundredths
<br />(1,309.52) reet to t.he northeast corner of said SW;\: SW;\:; thence westerly along the north
<br />line or said SW,\ SW~, a distance of Se"Ven Hundred Three and Eighty Four Hundredths ('703;84)
<br />feet to the present right bank line or the Platte River; thence deflecting left 410 22'13"
<br />and running southwesterly along said right bank, a distance of three Hundred Fifty Four
<br />and Thirty Seven Hundredths (,35/.4..37) feet; thence deflecting left 850 08'49" and running
<br />southeasterly, a distar.ce of 'ive Hur.dred twenty Two and Seventy Seven H~ndtegths)(522..7'7)
<br />\ see ack
<br />Together with all the appurtenances thereunto belouglng, and all covenants in all the titie deeds. rumiliig with said real estate;
<br />and all the rents, issues and profits arising therefrom after default in performance of any covenant or condition herein con-
<br />tained; and warrants the title thereto perfect and clear except for thls mortgage.
<br />During the time this mortgage is in force the mortgagors agree:
<br />First. To pay all taxes and special assessments levied against said premixes. including all taxes and assessments levied
<br />upon this mortgage, or the debt secured by this mortgage.
<br />Second. To keep all bulldings thereon insured against loss by fire, lightning and tornado in some company. to be ap-
<br />
<br />proved by the said Home Federal Savings & Loan Association of Grand Island in the sum of $ in,~.urable "Value for
<br />the benefit of the .said As$ociation. and its successors or assigns: and to deposit said policies with said Association, and shall not
<br />commit or suffer any waste on said premises. and shall put and keep said real estate buildings and improvements in good
<br />order.
<br />Third. To payor cause to be paid to the Home Federal Savings & Loan Association of Grand Island. fts suecessors or
<br />
<br />assigns, the sum of $
<br />pa>..ble as follows:
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<br />rH! ~F 'l fHilllc:r..f:Jn
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<br />..,l ;.Hl/lnr1_______
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<br />$30.000.000Uf
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<br />D~'~E~BER
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<br />with in.terest thereon payable. according to the tenor snd effect of the on. c.rtain first mortg1ll\<l.,~IIW"gf said mortgagors.
<br />bearing eV@D date- with these presents. After maturity said bond draws interest at the rate' bt)Qij{i'tfer cent per annum.
<br />If said taxes and assessments are not paid when due, or if the buildings on said premises nre not insured as above pro-
<br />vided. nr if any of said interest is not psid when due. then sait! >l:\1wll..wIl"Sb.'U become due immediately, at the option of the
<br />said ~iation. and shall thereafter draw interest at the rate or ~ cent per annum.
<br />Tbe mortgagor-9 h~reby assiiU-- to said mo-rtgagt'e all rents and income arising at any and aU times from said
<br />property and hereby authorize said mortgagee or its agent. at its option, upon default. to take eharge of said property and
<br />oolle<t all rents and in<ome therefrom and apply the S""'e tu the paymenl of interest, principal, insurance premiums. taxes.
<br />U5e&'5ments.. repairs or improvements necessar)' to keep nid property in tenantable condition. or to other charges or Pa.yM
<br />memo provided for herein or in the note hereby secured. This rent assignment shall continue in foree unt!l the unpaid bal.
<br />a.J:I;Ce of said note is tully paid The taking of possession hereunder shall in no Olanner prevent or retard said mortgagee in
<br />the C<illeetion of said sums by foreclosure or otherwise.
<br />Whether said debt becomes due by ta""e of time, or by reason of the failure of the party of the first part to comply
<br />with any condition h~~ the said Home- Federal Sa\ings &: Loan Association of Grand Island, the successors and assigns,
<br />shall have the right to begin the foreclosure of this mortgage at once on the whole dcht horeby secured. and to include
<br />therein all lues. 1.I8eSlUDents.. insuranee- premiums and costs, paid by it or them: or said Association. its 8Ucc-essOrs or
<br />&IILIips.. ma). foreclOlt!' only as to the sum past due. without injury to this mongage. or the displacement or impairment
<br />of th& lien thereof.
<br />And th& said first party and the malters of said note. especially agree and declare that the separate estate of each and
<br />"vel)' one of tb&m. inelndin& both that now owned and that hereafter acquired, fs pledged and bound for the payment of
<br />the debt bereby seeun>d.
<br />After the _ of any suit in for&clo&ure the plaintiff therein shall be entiUed to the immediate possession of
<br />said ~ and tile appointment of a receiver lhe....fnr, notwithstanding they llla)' be the homestead of the occupant and
<br />IUltwithetaJldin& the partiea liable for the debt may be solvent. and the first party hereby consents to the appointment of .
<br />a-i_ upoa the productlnlI of thllI inddlluro. without other eVide""".
<br />The for...... eo&dlti_ and ~ts. Jill and sillllular, being fully perlOl'Dled, this conveyan.., shall be void. other.
<br />wiA to k aIM! fSl&lD in fUll fOree and effect
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