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<br />I" <br /> <br />83-006640 <br /> <br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />See L 21,459 <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. To ?4,171 <br />KNOW ALL MEN BV mesE PRESENTS: That Charles R. Olson and Carol L. Olson, each in his and ter <br /> <br />r <br /> <br /><MIl right and as spouse of each other, Mortgagor, whether one or mOnl,lnronsidention oftltesumof <br />!'lirtAPn 'I'lY>ll",,,nd and m/lOO--- -----_":'----------- OOLU,RS <br />loaned to said mortgagor by The FAluil3b1e lluiIding and L".n Asso<ialion of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 160 shareoof stock of <br />Did ASSOCIATION, Cenif"",re No. L 24 171 . do hereby grant, e-on""y and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following <br />described real estate, situated in Hall Count:. Nebra.sk3: <br /> <br />Lot Sixteen (16), Bishop Heights Subdivision, <br /> <br />Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />t..ber with an the (<<n::n~nU. hered.H.lment~ ,JJh.i dppmten1tnccs Iht"reuntu mcluding allached floor coverings. all window St.-reens~ <br />Window mades. blinds. sturm wmdtrw'i, lwnmp;. heating. .ut n.mdlhomng., Jnd plumbing and waler eqUipment and acttSSOr1e1: thereto, pumps,stoves, <br />rdrigeralt..n.:md otncr t1xtuu'.s and t"_qwpment O-l.~' \1: hcr-eath.'r attached h,l Of u'.i-ed In O)Ulh::-c.tIOn w1th s;ud rcal estate. <br />And WhelCas 1M said 1~\Htagor has .1~n..C'd aod :..h.oe~ hC-fCby Jl.~!rt thai lilt: monfWgOl ~a11 and win pay all laxes and assessments levied or <br />~ upon'tatd pf(,:Oli$n and up-un In.,, mortft'lJe :1.od th(: honJ M"i.:urcd thereby h(-fnre !h~ S3l1le shan become delinquent: to furnish approved <br />insurance upon the blUld~ti on -.attJ pNml'!leit '1ftUAted lf1 the ~urn Hf S 16,000.00 !'ayable t() S3id ASS<X'tA TJON and to deliver to said <br />ASSO(]A'nON 1~ pt..tit:ri fUI Q.vJ mSUU-IK.'e. and nnt to ruulJ".1 Hf permit auy ,,",'llSle (IIi or ",bout s:ud premises: <br />In cue vi ddauh m!:tw perhMfN.ll<<' 1ft any \,f.he' lem" ;toO nmtlfhons 01 thiS lllon~ Gr Ill!: bond $Cl.'lUed hereby. the mortty ,_Ie shall, <br />Of) demand, he en.tltled to Imroci!;;:ltt:' pl)i$('UlOt\ ~,i the Jl\l.lftp:)!:nl IHCml:'ift:s alld the nUHtgagur hereby alOSlgflS. Hamlet$ and sets ov.;r fo the <br />n'oJt~ ...u the r~-nl$. U:voe.n~ .'1ni1 mcume to r~ Jcuved frum the m{lrtp.;a~d plt~mises dunng ~uch time <llthe mortgage jndebt~ne. sh'lll remain <br />Wlpaid~ and tht' ~U h3~ tiK p;;twCf to J;ppd-_ni any .lgt:1\1 ii. a~:ftts it may \ksi-re f{}{ the l')Ufpoi'C of rep>>iring said prerni$ej and [l;nting <br />t~ ~ .and ~lPl@. tM tenu, h~YenUt,,'-:S J3nd 1O(;I,mtoe ~ .aM It tl(4)' pa)" ('ut of SoliU.! m(~m(' aU expen$Cs, t1f fCpaU'ing Kid premises and ncceuary <br />comaUsuotlS and t:"xpeJlJe:'l t~Ut1~ nl ft':flU.'lg;(oo nta.J'I:a~lng lhe ~fl~ ;ind of .-::,t)lk"ctitlg H:'mah thi:rdmm; the balance refuainio&. if any, to be <br />apf)Jjed tow~nf the d~Nugt \)f uu1 mort~ lntld:rtwne-:o.<>; th(:~ n(t'ih of lOt mOHmi,.."e" milY he at any time during the exi5-tence of such <br />~.ult.lrr~~-uw of ;in)> tenlp,MAI)' \4'ajVt'r ,--~f '-he $.Uf-)C:' <br />The-x ~nts, hu...ever. ,fie Ufl()fi lh<- Cont.1~Hun. rh:i.f Ii the ~uj ~h_,t{j(<lItOl ..hail fepay saW luau ~m or befo(e the malurity of said slwcs hy <br />paymel1(~ puy H~Jflihly h-.! s.itld ,;\s..-.~-o(~iAnON t,f' the ~Uin lpectfi-t'd m the Bornl 5t"\:Ufeu h~h;hy :n inh~fesl anti ptmdpal on said loan. un OJ before <br />tIM:: T-'C'tlUe-lhJay uf C'~h ;il,uJ eWf} il-...mlh..unttl ~iJ k"M-H l~ lull)' paiL!; pa)l .:ill tltX~ .lfh! ;a'SSentl\t':llls icVlt'Jagain:it $3ld premjses a.ndon thIS Mortp&e <br />and d~ Bond ~UIt':J thCI("by. belute ~l~t"i~nlo.}. f\l_Cnl~1 ..p-prow:J HnUf;)UC\' Upt)l, lht"bultdmlt~ therwn In the sum of $ 16,000.00 payable <br />10 aW ASS(XIAftON; ft~) ILl s::ud ASSOl'lAno~ Hl'vn JculAu,j all moo-cy hy II p.;ttJ f\H lilKh taxes, l\~nenls and insU['llO('e with interest at <br />tM rmll..tmum lepi IIt~e the-Ienu l'f\)m Ja((: ___of tla}UlC':lll .;tU oj l\ Mon~)( h-~leh)- .igl<<S 10 pay:pe{mit no w;;.steon S3id premises~kt-ep and comply <br />with aU the ~nltfH:S. ami (\}fkhuollS \11 lhe a....uJ i,l( sl6, 000.00 thIS J4)' given by the said Mortg.agur 10 qjd ASSOCIATION, and comply <br />Wtth tillne- r~Wf<metlt.s ull~ rOfJ:tUllllion .ult!, nl ~tJ ASSOCIATION: the" thew v.resents shall btwomc null and vuid~ otherwiJc they <br />shaU fe-main m full fm\X! and may ~ JHJed\.)W.'~ 3.1. 1M uptl-OH Ilf the ~w. ASSOCIATION aHer bihue till three montlu to make any uf said <br />p..-~menh .u be thru monttl$ m'$ m nukuJg Qj4j monthly lliilyments, Of to hep ,md i,:.(ullply With the agreements ...nd conditions of sajd 8ond~ <br />lAd hbftPSOl .lp<<'S to h.lw i1 n:::~lYCJ .ilpputntC'\.l forth"'l-lh lU sth:h forcd()~\lre proce-e-dmp. <br />If tMn 15 u:y ~ \11 iJWhCfsiup 01 the real estal~ t\lUflgasN henan, by i8.le or otherwise. then the erltve rema1nin& indebtedJtess hereby <br />_cd >ball. at the <>plio" of llte ",!u,'obl< 8uilding .."'" Loa" ^"""..tOl" of (;rand Island, Nebr..u, bowme immediately due and payable without <br />fwthe-t fk}I;icc:. and the amoun[ n:mainu~ J~ undt-i- uSd bond, and ~n}' uther bond for;my adi:ljtional advances made thelCundet. &hall, from the <br />date of t'x':tcisC' of SiUd option. beat mienna .at the: Iwuun<<UD leg&1 fale. anti thl$ rnortpgc m..y th(!n be (oreclosed to utisfy (he amount due on <br />bIlo>d.and any o!bel bond for ad.bti..".1 .d........,..l_d>e' with .nw,", poid by >a.d The Equit.ble Building and Loan Auociation of Grand Island, <br />Nebra*a for itiUlaDilX', taxes .and ~nt.s. and absuitCltnc. t'~tensklO (:narges., With inttrest thtu:on. from date of payment at the maximwn <br />IepI rm. <br />AS, ,ptovidtld in the Bond sc.;;ult:4 hereby, whde this lnu-rlpg.e lemiUU$ m eff<<t t~ ff}t)rtgaget: may he-ccafter advance addilional sums to the <br />~., of uid Bond. theif lSi!igflS-Uf succewul in intt:f'-ei-t, which sums shc.U be wlthm the s<<unty oj this. mortpet' the same as the fundsori.gina1ly <br />!IIC(;Uf~ lhfleby. the lOl:U amount of plincipal dtbt ftt...~t to e-xC;ted at an)' time the origjmd amount of this. mortgage. <br /> <br /> <br />SS:t~~~' <br /> <br />,\.0.,19 <br /> <br />83 <br /> <br />STATE OF NEIIlWlM.l .. <br />(COOHn' ()F HAU I <br /> <br />On tlm 14th <br /> <br />dll-)'ui <br /> <br />Uecel1lber <br /> <br />1 q 63 . before mo. <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />lhe uodor_d,. Notary I'ubli< ill and tor wd Cow>ly, poroollllllycome <br />Olson aOO Cal:'Ol L. Olson, each in his and her a.m. r1:>fh\'~J s~~kmlo <br /> <br />Charles ~. <br />otbilr . <br />.. to bt. u. ~ pu.m S \It'" fWUe S are ;dlhed w the .abo~ ul$t(-UJt)Cnt u ll\Ql\~I a <br />~ ,be wd __I to be their >Ulunl,tfy "'" and decK!. <br />W1TNESl> """ ..."" and _lIll s....l 'ho date .i.......;d. <br />~r(:. .. . <br /> <br />-U-:a.\.=EJ <br /> <br />.nd <br /> <br />they ",,,,,ally <br /> <br />...._N <br /> <br /> <br />" ./' <br />