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<br />BY.I,", WS OP TIn; 8/tEI,TON TOWNSHIP Ct}lnlT.;RY
<br />
<br />SECTION 1. The Cemetery situated in the Sontheaat Quarter of the Southea.<;t Quarter of the South-
<br />W(lst Quarter of Seetion Six t.6), Town Nine 19J. Range Twelve (12) North, Count>" of HaH, -State of Ne.
<br />braska, sha.H be dOlU.inated,a.s the Shelton Township Cemetery and shall be the property of Shelton. Township,
<br />Buif'alo County, Nebraska, on the condItions set forth- in the -Deed convE.>ying slid Cem.eter:r t.o Shelton Town-
<br />ship. Buttalo' County, Nebraska, from the SheHon Demeter). Association.
<br />SECTION II, The Shelton Township C~metery -shall be under th~ management and control of a
<br />Board of Trustees, consisting of -three- QuaUfied electors of the Townsh:ip of Shelton. who shall hold t.hefr of-
<br />riee for a ternl ,of - three years. and until their successors are elected and qualified,
<br />SECTION lII. At the annual tow_n meeting of Shelton Township held on the Cifth dav of Ma:j'c-h~
<br />1918, the ~ieetors present shall elect one Trustee for a term of tbree'(3) years, and one to hold his. ofiicu
<br />for- a term of two (2 i rears, and one who shaH hold his office for a term of one (1) year; and there uhall be
<br />eleded annuallY tl1er-eafte.r one Trustee who shall hold Lis ufUes (or thl"ee .( 3\ years, SaId election to_ be by
<br />ballot, requiring a majority of all votes -east to ~onstitute an election,
<br />SECTION IV. Before entering upon the duties of their office, each trustee sh~ll take and subscflbe t~)
<br />the following Qath befofE! the Town Clerk:
<br />I ~-------, do solemnly swear that I will support the- COustltution- of the {Jolted- Sto'\tes. and
<br />the tongtitution of the State or Nebraska and that I will faithfully perform a.ll the duties imposed upou me
<br />bs tile state laws, and the b~r-laws of Shelton township,_ and espedally those laws and b:r-lu\\'s governing_Shel
<br />ton township Cemetery.
<br />SECTJO...,j y, The- ward of l:'ustees shall meet not later than ten- (ll)I d:.lYs a.fter the- annual Tovln-
<br />shIp meeting and shall organize by (';It''ctinK one of their number Cbafnuan, and another; of tbeir ni.niibe-l'
<br />SeCff.!tary, it shall be the duty of the Chairman to- p!'cside at all meetings of the hnl1'lL to_ ~jgn fin. _ df'-p(j<s
<br />and all warnUil$, It shall be tht.'- dut.:y of the- Se{!f-E',tar:r to keep a l'(!cord of .111 meetJugb; he shall a!so hav:'
<br />authoriQr to $ell lots., ls~ue and sign detfds for same. to sign all warrants on the t.iHrushtp- tl'easure:t, and to
<br />collect all moneys arising from the- sale of 10[s Qr from an:!' ot.her source ror th(l beneflt of tho Cemetery.
<br />,md to (l-ay t11(' S-a.!lH' OYf>r t.o the Township T-I"(l'-\surer, taking -his receipt th€'.l'efor.
<br />SECTIO':-'; "1. The Secretary shall before- entering upon the duties of his office and not later than ten
<br />(Iv} dii.YS nn~'r his appointm~nt or c;e.-__tl:-n. r;~,"'n bon(lS for twice thl? amount or mone)' that 1s liable to'
<br />COl"Je i~;L' his hands in anyone year. condiliGned upon the faithful perfor;;J<lllct:- cf his duty as Secretary,
<br />The ~(mount or the bondg sha.lI be ftx0d by the TOWlli'-hip Board, who sJlull appn,\'," the- Baid bond~; said
<br />honu Hhail be filed with the Townsni-p Clerk ~md shall run to Shelton T(l\ynship.
<br />S.l':CTIO~ VII. .:\11 monies arising fnun the B,lle of lots and from aU othf'!r Sl)urC-l'S for the benefit fit
<br />the Cemotel'")' sfl:-\.11 ('onstitut8 n CeUiNt:',-y iund and sh,J.!1 be kept sep;u-ate L'OlH tiw ether fund" of the- -Tow-41-
<br />",hip by the T-owm~hjp Treasur€'r; ..tnd it is 11('11"1..)-" l;H,de the duty nf Ow Township Tr€'a.surc-r to keep fUl
<br />itemized aCt'-ount of t.he receipts anrl expf'nl!:tun:s M t h.e Cemett'>l'Y fund,
<br />tiF;CTIO~ VIII. Till" Township Tr-(>-&!>un;'T is hereby authori;wd to pay all '~.n.rrant3 on the CeJ.ncter-r
<br />fund t~l -'- :~_.c- signed by the Chairman and SeneL.lQ' 01 the Board 1.11' 1'l'llstt~et;. to it li[Jlit of the funds on h:J.ud
<br />in ~l.ltjl Cer.H;,tery fuud.
<br />~j~C ~'IO:'~ lX. It is h('I"~b)' lU.ilde I_he dut:r (..t the ele-ctl;rl'; IlreHt'!lt :d the .lllnu_d Towushlp meetin~ to
<br />iUai\.~ a hH')' \,-hi-l'h in their judgment: w,:l :a iW suHtdeDt fund", tu rUtIN La' ,(';lu;,t'..:N1t,,> c! The U';;W{,(H',\
<br />for the en8uln~ year,
<br />BEeT-IO;'; x. TtH~ Trustcf:,'8 S;l t:J h -"'.; pOWt.~, Oil IwhaH of thi.' To '1:~11'.D tl\ LI<-:!,\' ill! contl'ut'b and
<br />l'.up'i'rhue-n:l j.11 bbor dnut>: to direof:'t the {'.'(p~nditlln~ of ail mOlH'Y and $llpcrlnteud a!i ihlpmn'ments and Nll-
<br />lld};shIlH.tlt~ of th~, CI.'tIlt'{ery sUbjt'(',t ('n~f to Oll:- w:1l t,'( ;t majority (.If IIH~ " 1'\ t~n.:i p_ (';~i.'nt at ,my aHuual Town
<br />:-;1; p 1.Wl'Lni4. .,-ud to han; ",,",ueral SU-Nn'i;slUl t.f tht, t't'j>lr'tt'ry aud the ptuperty tlWl'(>lO l,t-'long:ing nud to
<br />keep thl! S WH' 10 <18 gum) rof':pa1t' as t1w fuuds will JH>rmit.
<br />Sl;;CTiO:-. XL Th~~ Uustet".'1 :.hall ('ontrac!. no ~;'~':ltt'r exp*,ndltul'eS th;w ha.s lkf'O provld~{\ for
<br />C~m~tt>~>~,. _!a~_d-... t.u~ -Hu) T{,~w:n~hip. B~:rd l;;..:.:.;;. in- ~$~' ,_::.f ~u~dcn ,.o.l.' -\U1UJ%-P.\XCt.vJ., ~:l,w';:~in:,u-~); ''''~vi'
<br />thi' ~{!ne~l fund uf th"" Township, ~uch ~Uhl uf monefj: ~_ tn their distr~l'jon shl.i,.lf' be- UeC6eHa.fY ti}
<br />t<In_@rgeoncy. p.roYidM the- 1Unonnl on hand in thp general fund will pertnit- wttheut serf
<br />other interests or: t.h~ Tuwnshlp. _ ,":~" , _ _ '- .,'__',____:__:;, _ ",''-:c->-::
<br />SECTIO~ XII, Thf! Trtl8tecs ahaU r~etv€' th~ -tc.l1nwJng- _ t:oUlpen&nt_toh for'_ -tbf$->~.J:lU,t:-,~x~~:;:'in_ 'tll~
<br />inlel"8ts of Sheltnn To~nshlp Cem-etel<r= flv' ~kf:t"mhr~ ~hftll-l"et!eive -the SUU1-_Qi f9ry:~'~,ql'la,s-'1H).r.~JmnmJ
<br />the C-hairman ~haU rt>e~iYe tbt' l'IUlU of ft(te'l"n dollan:i -pel" aUflwu; - fhe,-othe-r.me-u.l-bt,u:Of:"b_(iJJo,ard,gh~,,-!:~eh'~,
<br />lbe-_slJl:-tl_-,~f t-;;>_u doll~u'5 per annum., , _ _, _ _ ;,,_ '_ '
<br />Sf.::C'-TIOX _XIII. The ~T~taT}" _8hall not alioW':,~n!' tntenn~nW tn an/,- ut\sq.I~_- l(,t}s_-:il;l--::tha:,-C~~l~~'J'i..
<br />€xroptIn Ul>J.-l fl4Tt k.uo""c a:; the "'P'._ltef"~ Fif'ld". anu__-J1Q lot_shaU--bt'!_&Old UlllU H hU-be-<l_fi p.aJd for:--Jn ;'::1100:.
<br />f.H' o-then\Le tv the aaUstat{iQQ of the St>c€ntarr. who \9ball b-e l'#8}Km&i.bJe fur the 'amount. of aU, s:alea:~
<br />SE(ttlI!S xn', T'hlt Tl'Ust~s- may ti,;,('urt' th~ ~~it@ ot a suitel!'! p~l'sQn to dig', and_ fill. _~,U::: 1t_i'1i't"_~~.>
<br />. Tb.t! -C1)~l-~_t'~;.n t;J_t~ J}ahl {O-t'tbls wnr-k ~h-;lU be- dete-l-inhtwd- by- t-b~ Tro-su~{'-a. -but - s:..ld {:oin:O~rt$1\tron' shan
<br />~ be (:Qllect\Si. by th~~.gr-.a.\'e~dig~er fru,rl. Ute, VJ.l'ty or. ~r~$-having- the intermeut IIp,de' -an4.__$.hn.U bn-'l'-e:taJn'e~
<br />r--- "-"...:,by bUll a.s hiS- t.oW t'tHltpeDAhon for lH~{glng and flnUl.LI;!~dd gra.~.
<br />~_'" .' S8ti"TION- :tV. ~t,) intt!-rmfmt sh.n be n.ll"d~ 'lI:u!heltoa TowllBhip CemN-m'y mil'_, l:'h:a)l-~:,'Any< '8,ti,tve, '~e'
<br />\'-" t_,-"" dj"ed,theroln~ UllUl!lt, BUl'tal Pe-rndt. -shaH have b~n obt.llined-fl'O,m,Ule Seel'clary- of the-, _~(Ja-r<l_:tlr'-.-"rl!l.$t~&.
<br />,~ Said pertuit u.U. give th6 D_8we of th~ 1M~["~Qn to b~ buried. the. nu'wner of 1.ho lot, and lh.e ,'IUilti.e or ~~h~ own...:
<br />...,. e-r uf said_ lot,.___ sbown b)' the booJuo( the Se~ret.ar-y.
<br />~ '\ ' S1OO.Tl[)~-X-YI. Au-y- peraon ma~~ pllteha~.... one -o'r-: llt(~fe ~Ot8' In $heltuD: _ T.0-~.U6h\P. ,_(jtim:et9.T'Y- fot' - the
<br />j ~ IUJxpo&At 0:( lnt't-t'nUtAl8. by p.&fing l.hto apprl\.i~ed \'a.h16 oCthe Rme: Q;B ',-established b~~ t~Et Dottl'd_.-of ''1'ruetees and
<br />.,.,....llQ>io1[..lth aI.1 _..I...."""'to of Ill..... bl'-Ia,,'. tllat ~ relate to or.l!"'''''1l Ill. .al. "O"u"
<br />SE<-"TIQN J\:VIl, All .""aocte, in 'll.. ollie.- ,,( 'l"~I....ohall"" tiU.dby apll9inullll!lt by 'I,. Town'
<br />abJJt.Boatd..:l:Uld the, a-,pohlt~ shan hold uftt-.oe until-, t~;~~~~xt ~uutual tOwnship 'tihu...Ung, ~'he-n. the "aenn.~;;.'
<br />.hall be fIlled. 1>1. el~lon. . r:','
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