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<br />83_006631 <br />.now au . '-en . bp ~b~t.mtnt" 7'Ml, W"-u. In an adion in /hi. DwidCimrlof /he <br />E!l t h_...__..Judieial DUlrid of /he Sk1k of JVitbrtu_. IDiJhin tllldfor tIu: County of_..m...._.!!."lL_..~...._._..____.._... tDheroin <br />--,--.~............Jnt...!!.J:l!\!'l.t.:..!19.!:t8:!!M.J;.!?!I!P..!!!l'y,",.._~.9.!?.!:.P.Qr a 1;J.Q4I-...-..-......-.....__......_..m._._____.......plointiff~: tIIId <br />_~~1!!'_~....:Il:L~~.&!!.!!'_"_.!'!l~...~~~~_i.~_!<:~..~.!~_~.~.'b.-J:l!-'.,,~~!'~..~~_..!'!.f..~i.._._'!.~...~,1.~L......__..._.m.defendclilt..!! <br />at 11lL....l!!.@I~ll..1.!!.t._._._....._.T.,.",. A. Ii. 19..!}.j.. of MUd rourl.._._.....,.r.~t.rJl_..I<I_e.!!.L~E_t:.g..~"-...c..g.ll'.E~!:\l..__......_m"'m_ <br />did o6Iain .. det:ree.jiMing /hat 0..... if dll<from_.Ml.c.ha.el..J!...J!.igllin.s...and..Connie...K.....lUggi.ns.._.,et....1101.............._... <br />..__....JJl.~:!:.,'- W~~.t..~!:Wlt~...9.gl1!p.!!!'.Y.....A. t<9.r..I19.!:!>.U.Q..:!........_..._.......... ........_.._..._._.........._....._......._.... <br />rf Thi r.!Y...:r.rL9E.~!!'!.Q...,H.lit.Y..,,!.!lm~...!!n51_..1.6J.lao..._.... ._......_....._..........._ ...._........_.... ......doIi<ir.. <br /> <br />tIIId-U.oJ .nit taz<d at. ....._......................... .. ..'hm. m.._........ . ........doIlan.tIIId. uk......, it..... fhmtllldlMu <br /> <br />lurtIu:r onJood in tIu: MUd adion that in o..jaWt oj 1M payment oj tIu: ..urn 30 found due by 1M <<<i<L_..~,,_o;.h.!,_!!._.c.~lggi!1L.._h..... <br />and.Conn.!..~..!C.....J~!.gg1I}!'l'"'_..".J:..."J~.... ...........that .._....._...G.h,._r.l~~....F'.....E!ii..\1.l'-Q!>.!L.. <br /> <br />Sheriff oj ",id ec.mty of..... . _ _........._.Ji!!.tL... <br /> <br />_.."w' should couse: 1M lands and t~nemenh lu:ninafler described to hi: <br /> <br />fMkerliMJ and IOld a.ccording /0 law to pay the $Ome, and. tcMreas. default hatJing b<<n l1UJtk lkn("n., fhe sauL___..n....._______......__.n... <br />Charles F. Fairbanks <br /> <br />m....... .... ...... ..... Shuiff of said county. undo and by .irt... of 1M Mid deer<< tIIId <br />tIu: onkr of oak h> him duly direckd. did on tIu:.. . 27 to ._day qf...._...().<:.t:<:>P....!"......._.... ...._....A. D. 1.'i.3}... <br />at tIu:..!<;>J!.\!!"..~9J:)!>y ~r oj tIu: Counl)' Court How.e i" Uu. .. .i:JJ;Y.. ................of.. ......g.r_"'!:!!LJ.~_~.!:\T!!L......_... <br />Hall <br />in #lid County 0/--___.-"'" _~m ...-m_._. , haDing first gmen dUl! and kgal notice of the link! and place of -said 1tClk <br />b.y pl:blirolion emu in ~a~h llffkfor Jour ~u(Y'f!ssil"i' u'el'h ill fhe..q_~~.D:5:L__~~1@d~!?~!1_.Y__~_~"~~.:.Pae~i;~r prin1ed and in general <br />cin:ulation in.aid CounJy oj.... II a. 1 1 . .........m...1l <aid p=nuu at publie audion h>.....:r:!'.~.r:.!'mj,!"!l.t... <br />_.~.r.U..<!!glL.G.Qmpa..n.Y... .. m ...... . Jor tIu: .urn oj..Ihi.r.ty'_.Qn!l..lnQII.und...T.O.U.IL. <br />.!lllndr.ed..J:o.r.t.y.., .911.10.0. . ..dollar.. which oak uxu aflmrord 01 tIu:...J.a".... .ls.t....... Term oj .aid cowl. <br />A. D.. 191U.. ~.mmin<d m,d ronjir"..,J and the . . Char: le.s.F,...Fair.ban.k.~.... . ...M .",h Sheriff. ordered <br />h>.."....,. tIu: Mid pr<min. in!", .impJ. tv 1104 ...L. Intra We"t Mo.rt~".geC()rnpanr_.. . ................ . <br />~obJ 1::l}ertfoft, I. 1M ..uf. .. Char le~. f..Fa.i,rb..",!<.~ .. Sheriff of the County oj <br />Hall <br /> <br />aJ ufur'UaiJ. in t:Of&$ifkraJ.ion uf the prmlUa and by ~ir~ of l~ P(JWf!/'S tlf:skd in me by law 4,. .....t <br /> <br />decreo of <aid court, do hereby Gioe. Grant and Con.ey to 1M ",id.. <br /> <br />...lntta..lie.s.t....lfar:t.gage..c.ompan'j.. <br />.....~().~.~our (4) .~lock.fiv.. (5) _.of Koehler <br /> <br />_~ and auigm. tk premoo so as ajor~!tuid sold, to wit: <br />Place. and Addition to .the <br /> <br />_..SUy.,,!'.. Gr..""J... ~..J-,!;1<j ..Hall ~91,lIl n.....N~!n.I!.~~1l <br />s:rA.TEMli\I.AL, ._, ..I.. <br />NE6.MSMA~~{A~f:NTARY 1.. <br /> <br />{H:G l'5.t:183 . <br />m~m.. <br />~"'l ,?J,. .~ <br /> <br />CEo Jfllbe anb to .oIb the *tame unto tIu: .aid.mlntrll...We~..t. .!:b.l:t.&lI.&.e..~9.<<II1.<IUY. <br /> <br />.with the appurkr'UlneU. <br /> <br />JIl ~mon!, Wbutot. <br />Decelllber <br /> <br />....__...............lU.1'. and au.,.... tIIId to tlu:m tIIId tlu:ir .... tIIId behoof foroNl'. <br />I Iw..., as.ud. Sheriff. he.ewo/.Q sri my luuod lid........... of <br /> <br />...A.D.,I~.3.~~:~~~:::-z: <br /> <br />s:-t.d and 0..1_ in tIu: - oj SM,iff oJ..._... ..H.!,.U.._ ....... .../..:o..nty. NWNuka, <br />R.l... Wil118.S <br /> <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br />~..____..J!!,!"I...,_....... On ou...._. <br /> <br />t~.... heJ- ""'. IN _~._._.!!Q.d&ll.!:.l.... WJ1U!!IlJ.!I. <br /> <br />in....Jp ",id county. ~ appew<d tIu: .aid...... ... <br />...-............., ....._...E!),!!.rl~L~~...r!!.L1?!I!!!.._._......... m.' .......-.m......Sh<ri/f of .aidCount,r, <br />to ....~l-.. to~tIu: ~,.,_ tlu:f~UltlilvlrumeAl..."...,........J <br />'" ~ IN _ to ~ Au oo/unIaloy ..- ....J ... ... .ud. ~.J-/lttl .... a.rd ~~_ <br />"....... "'f<<tA. . ,- <br />...... '-d_ ~ MWI tJw<i<q....., _...........i/Ion. <br />...."'--....._- <br />I'IOOOOl t Wlt~ <br />..lfJ~ t",iI..._l3.I. <br /> <br />... }... <br /> <br />12 Qf-. ... DE!<:.e~b....r <br /> <br />'-----:Z;H'fl-:'"''''''7-y--1fl:;;''--''' <br />tZ:~,' ~::'v~ "4i,,'/,;(,.' 1I~p <br />