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<br />I <br /> <br /> <br />'l <br />i <br /> <br />8;3;;""'. ~:lvGH2;ai <br /> <br /> <br />-.CC <br /> <br />;';);,,-~ <br /> <br />;;:~,,>-:;~:~:,,:,.,::C{ '" <br /> <br />,~,,':i,~'~r <br /> <br />THf€:ASTERLY SIXTY-TWO FEET (621) OF LOTONE(l.), IN BLOCK <br />AOOlTIONTOTHE CITY OF GRAND ISLANO, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> <br />wlIicbhu dleaddrea of <br /> <br />320 East 21st Street, <br />(STREET) <br /> <br />Grand Island <br />(CITY) <br /> <br />Nebraska 68801 (bereln "Propcny Addless"); <br />(STATE "'ZIP COOl!) <br /> <br />TOClI!'J:HEll with all tbe impro_ now oc bcnIlftor CTel:te4on the property. and all _. risbu. appurtelWl<:CS. rents <br />(su!Qa:t ~ 10 tbe ri&bts lIDd autIloritiel liven bercln lO LetIder 10 colIecl and apply sU<:b IUIS), royalties, mineral. oil and.... ri&bts and <br />pcoIlts. _. _ ripts, and_1Cf Ita. ancI all falUleS now oc bereaitot attad1c4 to the property. all of wbicb, im:ludillareplaccment1 and <br />adtIlIioalo thcnto, sIlalI be tIIlenMd to bellDd remala a part of tbe property COVOl'c4 by thisDeocl of Trust; and all of the foreaoins. topthcr with <br />sal41lN1*lJ (ortbeJeuehold _if this DeocI of Trust is on a 1aM:h<lld).... bereln nlfcmdto as tbe "Property"; <br /> <br />TOSl!O.llUllO LetIder(a) tberepaylllClltoftheindebledllelscvidenced rr Borrower's notedatecl December 14. 1983 <br />~t'Nota'1).Ia*~_of FIFTEEN THOUSAND AND NO lOO------------------------------:fIoIIara. <br />...........~providlIlafot-wy insllIllmmllS ofpriDcipoll and iIl_.wilbtbe balanc:e oftbelnclebtednas, if not __ pald; clue <br />IIIlI;PIl!IIIleClft January 1, 1999 ;tbepaymcfttofallotberslllllS, <br />witltm- --. ~ iD aa:onlaDcc hcmri\'Ilto pn>tei:t tbe.......rity of this Dccdof Trust; and tbe por{OllIIlIDCC of Ihe <:0_ and <br />.........of~ haciIl <:oa\lIIlJlCd: lIDd (b). tbe repIIJJIICIIt of any future odvam:cs. with ~ thereon, made 10 Borrower by Lender <br />pIlIRI8I.lO~21henuf(beniD"Puture ~"). <br /> <br /> <br />u.-_.tlIat~is lawfully sciMldoflhe_hoteby conveyccIand baa tberiPt 10panl andconvcy.tbe Property. <br />~t.lotc~:..I'8"'- -'-'1l!oL and that. aormw.willwarrant and cld'ent1 JCIICIlIl1y tbe title 10 the Property aaainst all. claims and <br />......'~l!):_;~- orralricliolllllltoclln a J<be4uJo of exccplions. to covcrap in any title iIlIunJlce policy <br />~,...jathe~. <br />lJJlfIl!OU4~~_U~.......-.and_asfollows: <br />k; ~~ .'~ 1..........~sIlalI pn:tIIlpIly pay when cluetbeprincipal of and in_on theU\clcbtoclDcaevlclcllccd <br />lIt~"'I~.. t_~..~lI>theNoce.lIDdtbeprincipalofandi-onaay futurcAd_.-rc4by thisDccd <br />lIli~.~,........ <br />"~. ~.'~...' . .,.... JrSubjeel!lO~laworlOuri_waiwrby LcalIcr.lI<<roweraballpayto Letlderontbeclay <br />........Jll1!;TJ!~ .. Jq(",r.lll' ~...~ ....~1IlIIIer'tbeNoce.llRdltbe.Notels I'"Iid ill fIdl; a sum O1cnlll"P\mcII") eqll&ltO one- <br />~"_~ll\1lIlt_""""","lIlllJ&Wlla.\lriOrilY_lbIs DeocIofTnlll..andplll!lld mlIlon tbe Propefty.lfu".ptus one- <br />ti.",,~~~~! .... f...............~of,...,~~..founor....--ifUY. all <br />.........I~. ..~.l. .1IlJ!4!-.jI!f~.lO_by.......on* <br />~,......~~~the~QI'--otQldl_iuml4or.....-tby.Pedenl or _..-r(lI\llIucIlna <br />..........~J,....-...l!l!l'!~....J.....tWlWltbe FIlDdt.._ sald._.' 1.,inI_pmnluD lIDdpoulld _It. <br />t.............,.......IO~-".....tbe.F\l!ld1l........sald-or """.UlI~._~'OO bUls. <br />LI>,'~_~~.-,......~-f/IIfJllIU1.eadcrIO.....-*a..... &orro-andl__ftIlI1._ltl <br />~llJ..~~of....otT\'llll_""'OlI tbeP\mcllaball bo)llliclto ~.ancllllllllllullClt.......-u is modror <br />