<br />
<br />I"
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<br />;~ ~ --. I~>
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<br />
<br />~ ftvIIl11l1I1IaIllMM Cede
<br />See, 6321 Lien Fur Taxes,
<br />
<br />I! any [!flf1JJti ~ rn !)a) ~,'l~ l~l Pegt&<5 0> .~~ 1li
<br />i)tiV !htl' ~!l 3ii!-l' [I_~.Mtt, :rJJ aIT'DUrtl \Wltidlrl(; ;!t"y l1;t.-
<br />em, aGlillOOa! (lmt}iJM. aool'oon 'D ur( JI 6~ c-enaltY.
<br />!~ witn i!~ wm !til -";c8y acate In a-OOtttoo TherstCl-
<br />~ hi a !I!lll' If', ta'4V ot-Wl U~ed 5tBiils iJ~, ffif Pf~
<br />i!fIlJ ngr.ts :0 ~, ~ r9!t ~r ~S>.:.~4&l, ~
<br />:oSoJct1oerscn - - - -
<br />
<br />See, 6322, Penod Of Lien.
<br />
<br />Jnreu i!fk.'t'l9! OOle'jS ~ hll'li b-..- ~~. ;nt fif!.,~
<br />mpo...c-ed b..- set'JOn E321 snai: llltSf 31 !Nl ;;(!Hl rht ~~S~mi!nl
<br />.& ITt#.Ui 'lH4 mall 't';mi~~f ",""if,! !t:-e ~~,i' !;<1 !~;!! 1i:T\Qu\"1t ~,I
<br />~!lS5OO 1m a hJ\.'gme;..: ii.-i ta~l."i;1l1 '}'lStn\) 'n! ~>1
<br />S\~\,~.'j,ss.al~ '"f.,fr;r~;;;tr1'''a$OIl
<br />l1fi~,-l!M'~
<br />
<br />See, 6321 Validity and PriOrity Agamst
<br />Certam Persons
<br />".:-~ ~~~~
<br />
<br />1h~ i;oo 1:n~ t>v ~;uan Rl1! ~l'.oo ':['l !:If ,,~ as ~
<br />;\,...>ll1'3l;ffl. hj~J. :J' .; '\<!l:,...'fl!'i ''1!m~t )1'lfCt\ifl;C ~
<br />:}! :L<rnr-~, 4,,1' ;,..j;!{)1 "n.' "%~ 'l'lerW ....t!M,'.!>
<br />i'U!\r,s 1;\<\ r~e;nl:l"l!$ :;' \.).<"o&"!c.;oo d }-',1.$ ;:'Il!f! l-Jlffi h~
<br />;~;f. Sa<;re~'Sr~
<br />
<br />l'mIaiIII for CIIUiR .... [,.
<br />
<br />n.p NIIi:e FiIIt - _. " ,~,
<br />:~ t)'j ~ 5321 1':,-* :,~; roe;,; s,~ :'1", t>l:'
<br />,....
<br />
<br />Ie !'lira Ftr fiiIIltfta: fn. -
<br />
<br />in PI8o!. f;-.:- ~\q. . ~ not'te .lti~Het; :c ,n ~
<br />'iilt'tl!lf!\3ili1'lliiil}etiloo
<br />tAt L~ s.~. l4ws
<br />hlf1tet ~~ :~ ,,"Soli ()J I~ pn:lCi'tt". :'1 one
<br />(It!u wm'ltn ~l!l! $18te \o! me ,\""u-, l<' )1..1'$ ifi~MlBfltb!
<br />subl2MsKJnI, iI$ ~... by mt iIWS o! $I.l(f\ Sm.. l!'l
<br />'M1Idl h p'-opertv~ 10 r'lr; Iiltn '!' Sfl\ltttd, aNi
<br />~~t~ i'rwerty rb.e,~ ,;1 t'lVlt:lflal
<br />~, ~ ;~ U! 'ml~. ,'~ i!>1i cttlt8
<br />~ttleS~'(lI'~t~ty,Q'I'~QlN1t~
<br />~;, ~ ~l~ t>y \tltI ~ oj.~ $;31',
<br />i!'\ ~ ~'- pt<JCeft'f ~ ;0' tht ~ ($ s"t:JBtid:
<br />0.:
<br />1St _ eltrl or Olsmci Court ;n me ()ffitt ll,i L"lf; DfIl'I ::Ii
<br />:NJ tlM.eu SmG dItimtt .~<Mi Itlf ;!'!f ~... ~ ~ wt!dl
<br />the pr'~ ~ Kl* 1$ $m,llv.~. ~ me SISti! has
<br />1'!etbvti~OJ!i;;ffIt::t~mIlM$ttIe~emtl\tS
<br />
<br />L
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<br />
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<br />o! sutlparagrapn !A!; or
<br />1€I__Of_!lfTilo_0f_:, In-.
<br />thp. dtif-l! (lllt,e RecOfOOr -of Omm 311M Orstrict of Columbia. i!
<br />'/fie ~ su__ ro the !ten is situated-tn the Oistntt of
<br />CnilJmbitJ
<br />'2!S.1!,i!: ill Prope-lty SubteC1 Tn- uen. fOC-Pf.UllOS8S of
<br />oar9qtapns Hi ano j.41, plDflfMl'v shiW be deemed 10 bt situated .
<br />W~Prnperty_ i-n,me_caseol real propeny,_allts
<br />"""""-,,,
<br />!81~ PrGoerty, " In ths case of p&rSOn8l propsny,
<br />~_,.........IlllIJngII;&''',he_oltl1e
<br />HlXii8V9f at the woo the noOCll {I11t9!'l is hlad
<br />!'OfpilfpOSfl!of~!2j!Btll1et8SlOem:8ot8rorporlHion
<br />OJ lMrnlfSblp: ~ ~'l\ ba me ~ wt.~\ttte'
<br />pMClr.8l IIX11CUtlVi! office 01 me buslne3s is loaned, lInd the
<br />r~e 01 a t3,wavet wt10se fOOl~ IS Wllhoullhllllnitt!'d
<br />S!sti!Ssl'iellbertitJmedlO D9if11tltlhst!'1C'! olCoiumbla
<br />(:it fmm Thf! mrm !.lrId c-omem 01 the rlOtlce
<br />.Hter;en .(i sutm!l!:ftOfl la! "" bl! prescnhed bV 1M
<br />)etfll'1if'Y "onca W8'l tJe \.'aiId nc~ any
<br />;\tN!( oro'o'l.$lOr. u1 !i.\W l8Q<If\ltoQ the 101m l)I enman! of 11
<br />;('1:D! [)~ h.rn '
<br />
<br />",i Rtfiin& Of Notice. - Fm t:;UI~ 01 this
<br />
<br />>io'\.,n,r:
<br />
<br />\; s...t ~ - lmift:i fl(;1\Ct nl ~M 1$ rllilleO ~"!
<br />.~!! c~ ;,;rISWIDOO ;." ~\iV8g!'aph ill durulg lhe rMUlted
<br />'lliN';y CiWOG. SlJdl flQt!C!' (If !IlW WlI be tl881td as tIl8d OIl the
<br />1-3H!itll'\IlAlIdl.ITlSfll-edill'l~d:anctWlthSilbS9tllunlllla~
<br />'t'\'l'l(lrf1tllJnot$11dlI9filislgPll'rll'Jli1
<br />~l PIleI F. fill. - A rwUC8 01 htl:1 rellled
<br />"""li 11>. ._,...oIiIftlt,..,....... be_.."", ,
<br />:_N ot
<br />,. SUC:l \1'(l\JQl olllil/1 ~ 'eflilio;n 1M othr.a III w!'Ilch me
<br />fii:i;f'-;m.lt<<i1!:tif<WM~.,,;)lJ
<br />\~llf\ It:e- case o! 1UI propet1V, me fat! of refiWlQ IS
<br />ioYtl8flHl lIOO rttOtdltd ifllll111'1liD;10m. e:xtent f9Q\llad by
<br />.:;.;.lb$oc1JOOlfi\4t_
<br />is! l!)ltil'fCil$ill'iwtuc:h.~duy$Clf~IIl0n0rlOlh8.dalB
<br />~j . leHinQ Iii nobte 01 11M Ut\det SiJbIJ8rIOttDh IN. the
<br />~mr,- racaV9d Wfttren Infur~l !In the maMtlI'
<br />ptesa~ !!'; iegulstJOllS r.l&!tid b)' ltIe Stc1at8fy!
<br />wncvrl\l!\Q i t:ft8nOlll1l ;t.e thPB)'ef's f~, II a no~
<br />~A :Wt'h ~ * aisu bled III ijCWdelu with ~on jf! in
<br />Pe Sur.:ti!ll wtWl: :wclll~ IS <<atl'l1
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />Entered as Document No,
<br />
<br />! <)
<br />i
<br />
<br />83-o066j)J6
<br />\"''''''.,~
<br />..,..r.x.rJ -
<br />Gr~1ti}f,
<br />NnmericaJ -7? (5/ .:
<br />1_ 2~.3_.4i;;l/"j
<br />
<br />S~,\TE Of f<cS:;AS'U) ,SS
<br />
<br />,COUii_J--'f {) r" :!~:!_:_~~,,;^_ ,;._~~:~,.'~\>':,;'c
<br />
<br />A11I~Itf,
<br />-~"'r;-. - __co, _', _>~
<br />
<br />'~.<"."l
<br />.~-~.""<'" -
<br />, ~ -', -
<br />
<br />(I
<br />'}.-;'';,(''''.' .
<br />#' Rt'I~,'r!;: flEf~S '
<br />
<br />'nv~Ui>W.'.~~'~~"
<br />iAlthe _il8OOd!fl9ing311 d.yuI\er1ilee>WoJioo'
<br />~~"':::::::::Wi1ll"':'~m:f~':c
<br />.ft".tl1e,_,..tl1e pnlCtldiog'ioqOOd..oIIIltipOlitllffor',
<br />stidlnoUceofm .
<br />See, 6325: Release Of lisif Or' I1iscliarge
<br />Of Propany.
<br />I~ IIIiIaI Of u.. - subjor:t to such "Ilulo-
<br />0"'" " the S_ may 1lI- the Somlaiy.stloII
<br />..... ",_oOIl1li_.flll1i lien imp""" wi1fl.,_.to
<br />ftny internal ravenuel8X not later then 30 days alter the-day on
<br />wil.cI1
<br />ililiabllily SatisbOO Of UnanJorceable. . The S8CflItary
<br />ftn\1<l mal the it&biliry for the amount as:sesnO, togelher with all
<br />Interes1 III rllSDeCt tllefent. has been fully satisfied Of 1m
<br />tKfromfIlegalty unenron:sable; or
<br />QI Bond Aet:8tned. . There is furnGhed to the Secretlll'y and
<br />!!f;CIIJltOO by him & bond lhat is conditioned upon me payment of
<br />rile amotll11 MS8SS8d la~ with all interest in respect
<br />!heUIOf. Wlthm the time presctib9d by law Imcludtng any
<br />U:dl!1lSlOll (If suctl time!' and lhel IS Jfl acalfdance with such
<br />'!:1qUlfements ,elating to terms, condnioos.ll/lIt IDem of Ins bond
<br />antI SUftltl8.S IhQreoo, as may be sp&... ., ~~ such ragulations,
<br />
<br />See, 6103. Confidentiality and ~isclosure
<br />of Returns and Return Information,
<br />~I IIiIr:Ian at CIIlIin IlItums l11li R8bn
<br />IalInuliII Fer Tn ~ I'urplIIII. -
<br />
<br />fn O1sdosure of amount 01 oumandlog Hen. Ii a IlOUct af
<br />1Ian i\as been l~ed pursuant 1(1 rectioo 63231fl, the llffiount of !he
<br />""""""obi;ga1loo_by,..;,IienIlllljil>.........'"
<br />any p8fSOO wtIo fu~ ~~0!'1 written, ewtente 'that It!
<br />I\8a If ngm lit the .~"' subject ttl such JiQt'l 01 mleods 10
<br />obUMnartqhtIOWj)fQJl6ftV.,
<br />
<br />~
<br />
<br />~
<br />