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<br />Sec. 5321 Lien For r axes
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<br />
<br />11.11 t~~en~d . as ~ocumenl No.
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<br />t . i 8~~~,.~6 q,,~
<br />I .i.c.:.>.I.. ........~,.~l];;',....'...t:=......
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<br />':ogtm',,?r "",m ,zf'->i C(;~s T~j Tta-~ a;;.tnw it! ~<fm
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<br />
<br />':" l~ :;'1"illtr:l
<br />
<br />Sec_ 6322. Penoo Of Lien.
<br />
<br />
<br />';~~ n.~!?~t' J;;~ ~~~;~ ~~::~".:w ~~;
<br />~_'j"1:~"';i<.€ {;r;~~" 1M' ~ r;;.. ~,,~ i11<,'X''1, ~
<br />~;f$l:r,'"'.~~eli$.lnc}:.JtQf
<br />~~ U.""€rlfu-'tl'..i!~ '}, <!!aso!1
<br />
<br />Sec fi323 Validity ano P'lUf!!vilgams!
<br />'~;;na'G Persons.
<br />~s, lleIlIn III s-ny hIterau.
<br />Moduait'. u-s, Aod .luigIaIIIt tilIII Cniibn -
<br />
<br />
<br />.\~i ,';;i}-~:;.!!1 v.- 5ef.:..~\,,1 f<-' ''^'-'" !.15 \~):.U ll'> ff~;;s'~
<br />.n'. ;:'i:.l_~ '~.,!nlf' ~!'~J.;~i' < i!,r!!:!i:. :ni';':ti!f~~': s
<br />:,'f'd"u ,,,~'8(;j }\'t.,~i""
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<br />"' 1'1__ f1ll
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<br />IWI far FiIiIg fiItQ: Fa. ..
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<br />ean. i<IlnIls EvlIll
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<br />".~ 'C'\!.~~l ~;~<_~ c' J
<br />::~":'*,J '*~'II,1""i:~
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<br />~liupmf, ~hti :an~ Q \\~ ;'1 ',;n~
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<br />:.:J~\llSli.iI1_', e,-;, je;.q1f!~1 ti". ,N! ~ :;t S\i::t: ::~\l'tll
<br />~-ll :':11' >"~1{~' -><.'Ot9Cl f,' '''':' ;'fIn .~ $,t:JSt~'::l
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<br />'d'WWI ~~ ~h iJtit1lo.'1 ;.C....,,1 ,~C~'Ul.," 1~ (~l 0!
<br />r-~ ,-i.~ 5-Uttu CilW~ rou!1 ~\lI 'r~ h1;oaj ~ <':\ W!'l<!;h
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<br />'~luHl$ III
<br />!<r:~ .,,;~
<br />
<br />""'1~~0!nm.0!'""'_O!CuhJmIJia,.Iit'
<br />'tw. c1ff;C-E:}t th\! M@e-nrdef"of Deedsaft!'~ OlStrittot Columbta, It
<br />!h~ Oinptf'l'( Sl.It>!6a to ,)Ie him il; sfrUllted in me, Thstrit1 of
<br />u.aumma.
<br />iii$irus Of P>-overrv $utl:1eG1 10 Ltao. -Fm:_IWflKI$DS of
<br />j'.iwdWaDl'oS ~ Hand (4t. OrDGaly shall be d$ffiP...d !l! be siruated .
<br />;AiRealPr~rty,_ :i1 "'l8-~oi ff.ill.Wopeny,_il\lS
<br />~lutatJOO:or
<br />!9l~ai ?!'~ . In ;h{' ~3W 0; personei ji!GP8l't';,
<br />whln.~ {alll}lilie or_~, at the:midenea"tJt'the
<br />'(t.,paw at!~ Time the nnr.cl! oj /100 is filed
<br />;:G' p.:t1J!.lS\'!;S oj ~ra9f80h llt tal, 1M n50ence 01 II ttHpufetlon
<br />"]!~r~s!~bt,d!remetIIDbe1J1E-placeetwblttttNl
<br />:-"mopa!. 1l...!Cti!M! trl'r.t"l!1 ---'- "'." l1usmm IS locatvd, and tha
<br />.l!~ al 1I1a~ wtlUse"lmence IS wnhOl.'I 1h9 tiMed
<br />.:ilams Siaiii bl! Ottm8ll10 tt!! l!\ It"lll Dlstntt ot COlumbia
<br />:1; ~nfl1l !he fc,rm &'!u txmrenl .;if me Ili1llCe
<br />'~lmOO S'.ltm!l.."tlM Jai 5baIi be palSCflt-au ll) thi!
<br />Sf)l;:lalat'i i1otll;2 shall, h$ 'f-altd !lDtwltnstarnMg an,!,
<br />"!J.!l_l ;\r;J\i1.SfO!l;:;t i..w.: :~n:i'fIQ Wjl f!;l'm 0; content of 11
<br />
<br />RtfiIiIIg Of Nota. .
<br />
<br />;;.;;ronses :;: thIS
<br />
<br />~,~~~,~ ~1- ~~::;-at0~e ;,:,;r, !~ij r~::~
<br />l'l'l;nq ~!tOO- ~u:1' ~Jtt 1)1 !;ell sI\lii llt ;ru!!ld as film! 00 lhe
<br />~l!l; ""'1 ...~ '1. IS I~ lit! i!:ttO!';Uln<~-e WIlli ~5tlctlnn llIl 1lnet
<br />'''t.f~-D''atilJilojsUCI'1{~~
<br />PtIs:t fir filii. - A notee. ,.of !il!{\ I ailioo
<br />~"'illIJ tnll ~~..'1r~ Itfll\flQ ~ ~biltlffttt:vJijftir
<br />,41 ,t
<br />:i'jC."i10!rt:ili)j~"'rs~!1illit"jl" the. QI1!ttl f!'! wl'ltCtlH'li
<br />
<br />~h:e :au [!f~_ ;~ 1!t\ l!I '1!llb!lQ lS
<br />~n!t!fii a.>d flKtllOOC ;n <}fl flOll:l lil tn, U1lW 19QUIt'ed Ir,'
<br />,,~~itlt4J:anc
<br />t\;' i~ ~f case 1fwtUc:h, !I}'Csyt (it more l)f1Of m me \'Iete
<br />ot !! f'~ of l'l6tfC1l M !Ilm unt'ItIr ~fIl91aph lAt the
<br />SEll'1!'t!f'!' 1~-Mltt&1.Lf11()1mallOfl iif' 1'W ma1lO8f
<br />?"wi!.l8\l r.~OOI1S ~ tly me Soc"1etat'fJ
<br />> o!iteml1lQ it (:.~angt JIi !M !1I~yet ~ I{!:SlQencl:l, I! a f1tltl(:t
<br />-j su--:n lW' is !lItO h~ 1!1 i1f.~orOlt1\Ct! Wllh S1Jtmoown 111m
<br />'~S~'~;!1 :,\o!l\ctl Sl.>ctl fi!Sf(1e!n tS itcaled
<br />
<br />L
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<br />L
<br />
<br />anv~~~~'~1;~~>~ol;
<br />~ 8~~s:::..~~..::ror;,.~:
<br />~:"==~wItII..:.~~;
<br />sud111Ol<1loftien. "
<br />Sec. 6325: R9Iease Of UenOFllIScMrge
<br />Of; Propen;t.
<br />"I R8IIat 01 Lien. - Sobie<t to sttt:h regula.
<br />liOnS as the: Secramy - may prescribe. thv Secretary shall
<br />:'m~'==:~:-: f.:1:' :=",:tm~
<br />whld!.
<br />iHLtabitJtv Sa_iisfied or ,1J~fu{ceable. The s~~
<br />h,dS ll>at tM lobili1y for tM ,"""",I' _. toga1!la! wnnoll
<br />'matest lf1 respect - tnmaf; 'h8s~ been luItv satisfied-' Of iIu-
<br />become IsgaIIv unenfom1able; eo
<br />!i1 8000 ActtQ:ttHi Thera IS IurnDhed to the Set18tary and
<br />31;Ceptlld !P, Mn a bond that is coodJtiotl8d upon the payment 01
<br />the amount assessed, 1098mB!" with all intlllllst m rasped
<br />,~erooi, wllhm the 1I/Til1 vrfl!tl1olld bv jaw hncluding any
<br />I.!:dens;on ol:>uch time;, ~ 11 IS ill 8wmlance WIth such
<br />!!qUifemtfltS !lllillfllJ 10 tlll'!' _, ClJIldltiOflS, snd lmm of the bond
<br />"l1ds.uretltStflernon.l:iimavbe~clfjettbvsuchreguleuons.
<br />
<br />Sec, 6103. Confidentiality and Disclosure
<br />of Returns and Return Information.
<br />'" IliIda.I of Caitlin Retnt lIIId RelIIn
<br />IAfanutiID ftr Tu ~ Purpasa. -
<br />
<br />;:J Ot$c!nsure u! amount 01 outstanding hen. It a notlOl of
<br />'lefl has 00in flied ptlI'want to SQC"JOO 6323ffi. the amount at the
<br />();,IlstillllMq obi!;ItIDn $OOJmi-O'f suct! hen may be disc!osedto
<br />i>:JV pB!"llOO wtm t~ $3um&CUlrV wrinen_ tvidenat thM he
<br />has . ngh1 in the DSDPWtY subjea tD SUCh ~en Of mlemb li.I
<br />otnall'l e nqht (fl such PiDatfty
<br />
<br />LJ
<br />
<br />.-J
<br />