<br />
<br />
<br />THl~INDBNTUJIE' ..... this . 14th .. . day of ---.Decf'Il1bpr
<br />
<br />of Hall County. NebnIska. ...non_or S . and Home Fed<nll SavinllS and Loan Aswci.tion ofGrandlsIandi acorpo,anon
<br />or,ganited'-and existing-under the laws of the United States of America witb its princtpal office and place of business at Grand 'J~, Nebtiis~ as
<br />-
<br />
<br />WITNESSETH: Th.u.idmon_ S . for and in consideration ofthe.um of 1W0 THOUSAND FIVE. HUNDRED
<br />
<br />THIRTY FIVE DOLLARS AND 50/100 -------------------------"',. nn1lars.(~. 2.535"50 J.
<br />
<br />the r=ipt ofwbid1 i>heuby .cknowleds<d,do by 'h= prost.., mon...cand w~7~'S7;r:::.r-+ "l'dassigns;.
<br />
<br />f.........alllhefollowingd..mbed real"".",. ,i,..,cd in IheCounlyof .. H~ll t ..~..:.~~~
<br />and Sta"k of Nebraska. to-",-it:
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />Together with all heatm&. air coDiiitioning. lighting, and plumbing equ.ipmool and fixtures. including SCl1:letl5, awnings, storm windows and
<br />dooR. and -window ehades or blinds. used on or to. _connection with said propeny-, whethe,r the same are now located l)n said property or herea ftt'r
<br />plaaod theroots.
<br />
<br />TO }{A VE AND TO HOLD THE SAME. togethm" with. a!! and ~ingulAr the Wnements. hereditp,::umttt and appurtenances l,ht1rt.>Unto be.
<br />longing, or in anyw_ appertairUna, ioftver. and WllTT1U1t the utle to the !!Iame< Said mOTpgor _,5._ hereby ('O"'lU1ilnt __ ___ with said
<br />~ that _.___."J heY_...___ ,~.r..~ "'" , at flu! delIvery henoL the lawful owner. $_ ()f the preml.'oes above conveyed and de~c-riood.
<br />Met ~_ .. ~ ~ed of .. good and i.ndefeuible e-JRa1.e of inheritan<:e therem, free and clear of aU encumbrances, IInd that ---t- hey __ will
<br />wtl'1'aftt aDd deiead the utJe the:rew fore-vel' -.gainst. lhe dllim~ and domands of aU ~sons whomsoever.
<br />PR()VIDED AL W ^ YS. and thio instnuoont LS ..""ut<<! and d.liv...d '" secure ,b, pay men' of ,b. surn ur ......IWQ.. II:lillLSAliO......__..
<br />II Vh!!!1l'![)~~[)J~I.RIy ..FI VJD()l.LARS. AI'l[) 50{10Q -- --- -- -- ::::- [lol1.rsl$ .... .?>~~ ..,~Q___.._...._ ,.
<br />with.intenet. thenoft~ ~ wn.h. $uch chargw and ad'VlUlces .8 may be- due Ilnd payable to said mort~ under the It'nns and condittons
<br />of t.btt Pft,lIaiaIory note or *Yen date herewith and ~urwi he~y. executed by said mortj.!'a,gor ..s_~ I.-i'l 8aid mort~. payable as exp-res.wd
<br />in said now. and to eecure the perfonnuce of .u the t.emns and conditioM contained tht'-l"Qln. The ~rms of said note art' hereby incorpti-_'8too
<br />nom.. by this -.-.
<br />
<br />h is \he ~ aDd.......... of the part.iea hereto that. thY mortp.ge shall al80 ~Qre any future advaocml made t.tI Mid mortgagorS___
<br />by qid. ~~ and any and all ~ t.n addition t() l,ht amount ahovt! $tated which said mortgagors. or any of them. may owe to
<br />said~. ho'Mt"IW evideftOlld. wbsther by now, book account or otherw~" Th~ mortf{age shall remain in full fort-e and t'fft'Cl het-wf1m
<br />the parties befeto and their Mira. per:I!OQll.I ~tatives, ~ and lUlSign$, until aU amount$, secured benmndtlr. including futurt.
<br />__. .... paid in Iull....u. in-.
<br />
<br />The moncacor..5........- he:ritby usip __,__ to ujd RlOI'tpeee all rents; and ino,)me- .aruting at an)' and aU time8 from said property and
<br />hereby aut.horiae Mid ~ or its e.pnt. at its option. upon default. to take- t:harge of said property and (o11eet all rents and income
<br />u..&om aad-apply the-.....-to the payment ollnWest-~ principel, imturaoctl premiums. lues. assessments. repairs. or improvl'ffi('ntl>
<br />_",IMp__ia__COlllIitim.or...___orpaymenta provided far hereioor in the note b...by ...ured. This
<br />relit auipJaeDt thall COlI:timae in force ww1 the unpaid ba1aMe of saKi note is fully paid, The tak.ing: of -pos.&efl$ion hereunder shall in no munn('r
<br />~ or ntard Mid .mort.p;pe in I..M_ coIJection or Mid sums by foreclosure or otherwise.
<br />
<br />"l"he f:aIlUr.of t.be ~ th auerI. aD)' of ita rights hereunder- at any time shall not be construed 11$ a waiver of its right to assert'- tht~
<br />__ ~ I!II(IlIf timt.,..ud to insiA upon and enforce s.lrtrt c:QftI~ with all t.be terms and provisioM of said note and of this mo~.ge.
<br />
<br />If uiil ~S :thai c.a.... to be pe.id to Mid mon.....u.he entire amot1nt due it heteund.~r. and under the terms and provisions
<br />of-JIIIid ~"""MCUl"IId. laeludina future -.civances. Md any _ex~ or renewals the.Nt)f in accordance with the l,i.rms Illnd ()rovi$iool5
<br />
<br />....,.....ur__.li___C<lIDI>b<....u.aIItboprov..ioasoluid note and of this mongol!". ,hen ,'- p"""""s shalf be void;
<br />..............._..__.-8'Iect., &DdMicl~.ballbeentitlld l.O the ~$)I)n of aU of Mid property, and may~ at its option.
<br />....... """'*'........._........ ~ ... __ thmtty Ie be immedial.ely due and poyAbIe. and _y fo...._ tlus """"'llll-
<br />..........., __....... to _ iIe.riebl, Appttdaoorlem wolwd.
<br />
<br />". ......... -.a'" ~.,... ad .Wi eaure U) r.be heaafit of lhe heirs. uet.'UUJf'8, .d.minisU'atAU'l!I, tIou<<:elSOfl!; .nd: "Q-~ of ltl\1
<br />~..---,
<br />
<br />IH WI1'ND8 WHSItR()P. _.)4........$... ....e.. ~ "" ...... the.ir. h.U<i $....... ,he day aU<i y..r. nnt' st"".
<br />
<br />writ&oIo. .... O. / LJ-.1r
<br />~,bt~_:...~
<br />
<br />~.._.. .., &... ~~~.>..\:ill.. \
<br />"mENJ':'~STA1FOilff ~'U"'~o....
<br />
<br />...."....-..-..~..~<_,.~--"r~..~______,~_.u~=~......,....,~,__,_,_. ","'c." .,~_." ~"-"'---<".- ~.._~
<br />