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<br /> <br />83...., 006595 <br /> <br />be ~by fedexallaw and law of dejul"isdic.t.1<n in lihich the Pr:opext:y is located. In the <br />el/II!!IU:. tJ:1at:. anyprov:l.sion ox.. cl.sua of t:he. Silcurlty . Insttunent: ox the lbtecoofl1d:s applicable <br />J.aIr,SilCb:<XlI1fliet; sb!i11 DOt affeet:.other provisions of thisSecud.tY Jiistnnentoxt:heNoteMrl.cl1 <br />CSI:I be given effect. w:l.tblut t:he.. confllcl:i1lg provision, and to this end the pxovisicas of thiS <br />Sill:ur.ttyJiistnnent lIIld t:he'Note axe declam:l to be fIeIlI!X8h1.e. <br />.lh TRANSFER OF THE pt{OPERTY; OR A BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN BORROWER. <br />\ti:tfl;l1lt.~ 1Tofthe 5ecurity lnstrtlDltlDtiS ~toread asfo1laws: <br />17. ~oft:he ~ ox aBeoeficlal IiIti>rest in 1lam:Jiier' If all oxanypatt of the <br />Pi:operl:yor an iotexesttberein is sold or.transfen'ed (or if ab;!oeficialinterest in ~~is <br />llClld or U-r......dmllldrt<M!x is not anatul'lll pexoon) witblutLellder"spt'ior.wrttte:1~; <br />tender~, at !aldex's opt1cn; declan! all theSIIIB secured by this Secud.tY T:iJSt:rIJIieotto"be; <br />i--i~tf'lydtle. and payable. !beier, this option shall mt be exereised by tender if exerciSe is <br />not>~ by Fedel:al.LaIiI. <br />If tender ~ S\d1 opt1cn to accelerate, tender shall maU llox'IoIex mtice of accelexat:1on:1n <br />ac:; ~ 14 het'eof. Suchnot:lce shall provide aperlod ofoot1ess thon 30 days <br />falart:hedat:e the oot1ce is 1lBiled. w:l.thin Mrl.cl1BonaermaypaytheSllllSdeclaJ:ed, dtle.Ifllomlioex <br />f81ls.topay such _prlor to the ""J'i....Hrn of S\d1 perlod, leDdexnay,witblutfurtherl1Oticeox <br />diD!IQd'cn llomlIier, imldce any nDldies pemitted by paxagt'lrfh 181exeof. <br />Ibtwiths~ a sale ox traosfer, ~r will. contiwe . oblJ8tted UDdex. the . Note . and this <br />Searlt:y Jiistnnent tnless tender lBsrelessed llomlioex in writing. <br />F. NO FU'l'URE ADVANCES <br />~ O:M!mnt 21 of the Security Jiistnnent (''futun! Advances") is deleted. <br />G.. LOAN CHARGES <br />If the loin secured by the Silcurlty Inst:l:UIleot: is subject toa law Mrl.cl1 sets III!Ildam loan cbaxses, <br />and that law is fD:Ja1:4r intexpr;eted so that the inteJ:l!St or other loan chaJ:8es collected or to be <br />aollet:tsd in ...,.,...Hnn with the loin exceed pemitted limits, then: (1) any such laanchaxse shall <br />bexeduced by the amt.nt ~ to redu:e the chaxge to the pemitted limits; and (2) any_ <br />alieady collected fma llomlIier Mrl.cl1 e>a::eeded pemitted l.Jmits will be refunded to Bo=-r. tender <br />may cblose. to IIIIke this xefUIXI by nWciIJg the principal awed UDdex the lbte OX by .1IBk1ng. a .dixect <br />~ to lloxroler. If a reftni reduces principal, tie redoctioo will be treated as a partial <br />pP!pIlJIBIt. UDdex the Note. <br />H. LEGISLATION <br />If, after t:he dat:e beJ:eof, eDIlCtml!Ilt: or ~....H rn . of app1.1cah1.e laws have the effect either of <br />~ the p:wisials of tie Note, tie Securlty InstnlDent or this Adjustable Pa)V&1l: Rider (other <br />tIBJ this ~ H) lDIIlforceahle acccmI.Dg to tImr tel1D8, or all or any part of the SImi Bel::tJ!:W <br />beJ:eby .wwonll_l.1.., as proy1ded in the Silcurlty InstnlDent and this Adjustable P'~, ..nt <br />R1der,.or of tliDdnl<Olrl~ the value of !aldex's securtty, then leJder, at leJder's optioo, may dao.can! <br />all ... secured by the Security Inst:%uEnt to Ie",ly due and payable. <br />IN wmIlSS \8lIII!(F. lloxroler !as -...uted this Adjustable Payment Rider. <br /> <br />/J /j '--/ ~ c.#/ <br />. //7 ,'~~_~ ""P" A."Crv</~ <br />Danny D. Lindell <br /> <br />(Seal) <br />-Bom:Iier <br /> <br />~\.,,""''-''''~ 1<. "1k,~,U~ <br />Sharon K. Lindell <br /> <br />(Seal) <br />-Boxrower <br /> <br />(Seal) <br />-Bom:Iier <br /> <br />(Sign 0r1gina1 My) <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />'l'MC-005 (qc) (l'a8e Z) <br />(llew 11/83) <br />