<br />r
<br />
<br />83- 006593
<br />
<br />(Open-End, To Secure Present ond Future Obligotions ond Advances)
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BYTHESE PRESENTS: Th.t Jack L. Denman and Gladys 1. Denman' husband and wife. if individuals.
<br />
<br />jointly-and&evefally, residing in Hall CountY'. ., and il a corporatiOn or other-business entjty~ with. Its
<br />prindpaj PlaCe-Of buSiness in County, _______, lhereinafter-rsferred to as "Mortgagor") In (:ooSidh.
<br />tion:-ofaltMortgagor'S.indebtedntSS, liabiftties, and obligatiOns to (",rimmp-r~i a-l N;lt:iona 1 Rank & TJJ.lst Company ,
<br />of Hall County, State of N@raska._ (.'Mortgagee")_ now exlsling or herea"er incUffed, arid other-wluable consldefiltton-,n-hand:pikl.
<br />does hereby sell aM convey unto Mortgagee lbe tonoWino aescnt1ed premises sHoaled in _--ID!..+J: ____ County and State ol-~ Nebraska
<br />to-wit
<br />Lot Twelve (12), Westroads Estates Fourth Subdivision, Hall County,Nebraska
<br />
<br />together \lWjth .aU m Ule figlll. title, and ulteres! 01 the MOtlQ49{Jf .11 said property now owned or tlereatteJ 1tiJiarM.aM ail bur!Oings, ImprovementS, and hxtures_ol any- type
<br />now Of hereafter plac.e<! Otl sa<d real oroperty and att easements. ;;g:rlts appurtenances, fents, royall!{'s_ o'~ antI gas rights and proflK waler, waler rigtlts, and water stock.
<br />aM ail ttxiures mr:N Of !'!erfJat1er a!!acheO Ie- the toregoil'lg Qe-s(:rit)ed properiy at! 01 wnH;::l1 !r;-e!ud!fiQ r"ri.Kf'.~\f!MS an{j 3tHl!ttons t/'lerelo, shalf be tleemed to IJe
<br /> and remain
<br />part 01 the orooeny cO''/e.Hffi by It'!!$: Mor1gage All 01 !he foreQOlf'lq prooetty Sfla'll be collectively neil;lnaHf:l f';,fe<red to as 1M Premises
<br />This mort~ 15. given to scctHe-a c.ert3in promissor~< nole C!aleo _ December 12, 1983 ;1'1 me OflnClpal ,::umo! ~bi~.t.-Y....Thousand
<br />.a.niL.na/..lllO.=~~_::'"::_~:':'.~.":".::-~~.=~_~:;:-_-_-"':".::-~-:a--'::C'C_~':"'::~-=.-:~.~:-~- Dona!s !s___ 3._~~o.QU.,O!L_J aqil Hl1eres! thereb-n according-Io ttle le-rms of
<br />sam note and anV aM "Ii eY1enSfO"S renewais., moolhcatm.-"\s. or svostllvMns ~nertHl1 ana each ano ever... deot haalh!y and obhgaliOn 01 every type ana- descriptiOfl'whiCh the
<br />Mortgagor may now- Of a.t any lzffIe flefearter owe 10 the MortQaQet wt".elllef 'Suet! \IeGt. ilJlnltTv Of on1ici{Mfl "-il'to' eXlsls or 1',l O' mav be Qlterl or mOlrHC! _ due or to
<br /> betome
<br />due. aDsoiute or Cfrf1.hl1gtnl, ;>-1i1T'..ary Of seconoa('~ hQu'Gdleii & IJflj!Q{.JIOaled Ot 19m! se\lfJaj t!-f !C'H':!~iHld se>-'t'raL at! such debt:; Ilabll!hes. itnd-otlJigauons all
<br /> collectiVelY
<br />hereenafter fetene~ 10 .IS Otlhg.ahOflS
<br />The lotal Qflnc-:o-al .:!ffiOunl, ill,elUsive Qf mter~st, 01 Ine- OolH}ltlOf1S mc~uomg -any juture ceots aOl.-.ance-s_ Habtilhes or OtthgatJOns, MllflClUdmg however any sums ad.
<br />vant80 for tt".e Orm-echon of 1M' Preffil-S-eS Of the Morlgaqee -5- ,nle;e~l1herem snail "O! exceeo lh€ ~tJm Ii! S_i_MY_ 'Ih@3i.g..rLq__~Il4-n.QLl.QO-------
<br />===-==-==::-_::.=.::=-=-::.=_===-=---==--._=-:::::..-:_:::-_":.-:"~_-:-O:J!lar5 i $_ .Q.Q I. QQ.Q_."QQ prOV!oeo, Mwe\!ef that nOlnmg contained hetem shall,coostilUte
<br />a cornmrtmerl] 10 make aQOU/OOa1 O( tt;l;Jfe leans ,F .1-dV.tntes many JmO;;fll
<br />
<br />TrIe Mor!Qo!90f r;eretrv warraM-:; !r.<!l il :s let" O'o'Ir~r ii tl'1~ m0!1g3Qe"J real DH:mefl',' n'Jlll Wi!' dt,~t';;f! i'1€' !\tIe a-q.aHlSf aH (,j,wnams whQmSiJevt:f and It rehll(]Ulshes
<br /> alt
<br />ngN$ ot nome.SledC In Sola prelTl!!te.s ,,::0 ::;y"tnaot<s ilr;D aGrees. ....,!l'I l1'H~ '.hYIQ,lgee d~ lOaQw~
<br />, To pay wne, Cull al~ taJles hens ;UOQmtn1~ (:1/ ,lS<;:bS.JTIefl'''i v.thch rr'lJ,.- tl" lawll/!;v dSSl'S<;€'<! :)~<l:""r tt!f i;'eml<;€S dr'l(! tr;e rental (h,HQ6S tlOO!l any leaseS
<br /> assIgned
<br />as aOO!1lC-l".Al serunh ,or 1:1'\/S M\Y>1'JdQt:
<br />'2 To 1f'l$Uf-e iI"{J ~~ m-')1J,W th~ P'l!mlstS. aM (.\l!1J!( HTiOlOY"emtfll'$ n-QVrr Of' i)r 'WhICh ml:l\o' I,ere,,!l<!' hi' lil3.ced 0(1 'J.a!l1 hemlse~, tc me- SdllstaC!lOfI 01 Ihe
<br /> Mon9agee
<br />Anv pO-H.cy ev~-oenCi1-1g such !r.sur.itl'lCt sl'Iai! be e-noof~ ","'J!!'\-,~ m{)ff~ Io.-Ss. Pdy,a.tll~ c!aiJse, JDP!Q~ tl'.. ",nr. !'lIJYOI 01 Mlltlpagee JI1C Cep{l,slleQ wlllllhe Mor1gagee
<br /> ano
<br />witn afl~ iosS ttleftvnoe, to m': PJyitlfe m ~or1qa~ Al !IW ~l;ll'(\fI ')1 the MGI1Qa-gee- ~um;; 5.0 rer.eived 0) \~o'!i,1J9.ee 01 Motlgago1 f~lav tJ('! useo 10 pay for recor.sUuChon
<br /> ot
<br />l~ t3e5!fOVtiJ Pltffi'-se!t _ Of jf f\Ql !':.Ojpc-H'O mol., a~ tl':~ OOHnn 01 !he Yal10:3gef ~ aoph(l:d 1(\ O,wmp.nlot <H''i 'Jthq.;I!(jfl<; mallJreO 01 llnrnalu(!~a secured by lnis
<br /> Mongage
<br />3 70 keep Jjl tn.hi(hl'logs OCCuO~ ar;-d m QOOl1 'f:DiiJI .loa 10 f~:,aio !1Qr.1 ltoe <:ommrS:;10n ot an, de!'- (,I ,'e""')',;: \lp/TIQlitron OJ Wlp31ffTIenl althe Premises nollo cuI
<br /> or
<br />remfM.':, 01 veHrnt :0 oe CiJI JF remcved ;i1l'; *'00<1 or tJ.."ltlet 1!;:!!'1l SJJt!:!iI! pr<.roert'-i' iil1Q not to CWf","llr1 O' lJ~;~J'~ :lH'; W,lS!e or Imoalfm{Jn! oi itle V,jlue
<br /> 01 me securlly: to cootm-
<br />uOliSly priC-ht! iiPCfQYOO ~hQOS 01 iar;mrtq on s.ald p.@'ml~-S Ie tHe\-1')nl l!Ii;!SlOf! aM 1M ~pftafl {1! r;c~-iOus .a1\1 tlam-3gmg weerts._ anO 10 O~e5i;!'Ne tr'!f! j..rll1i'J; of
<br /> ffle SOli
<br />4. r<'iJ~ air (Hon!",; a'1c awares OJyaffie' ~s dilT'~es OJ cetr'~wttOJ1 ~t'l; the !-dlo.m-~ oj !llle!o (jf ;:J{)s<;.e~~mn [;! ::F to' ljamdQe!() <In" twrl'on 01 the Pre;rw,; ~ 1>,;
<br /> reilson of
<br />.inyCOOdemll-31tOfl, ~nem o-y<it;!1_ (~t1q-!! Gl gr<ta&_ or ot~r pfOC~Itl,g snarl al ll'l.t 1)l)tll:m Gll!W_ MonCG\yte be Daft! to loe Mnrlqal,)ee and such mo!lt!"fS and awards are
<br />tlef&by as'Slgneo..O MO!1f,j.aget il.M lfJOgmen! tfler-e'or sr;J.1! be lj:,'\I~f~ 'f. fa",ol u~ MOftgJget! _ anO wt;efl jUHC! ~r:a;j De IJ-seo JIlls uptlOfl toward lhe Dilymen! 01 1M
<br /> ubhgallOfls
<br />SecUf80 nefMl-; m 'Such order Q-r jTldn~f as. M,crt\)a9t!t im:y d~51re 0' Oi'termn1l'_ 0-' :\.f1;l!i t1e u~ a! Its aolton lor tH'fmet\! Of laxes', ,3SS6.{ttit'~tS fe~,~jr,rO(i)ft\er
<br /> imms-IOf tfle
<br />pay~t <;if W\.-t>>(-"l !f';!5 Ml')ttg-age:s W4fl- a5 5:~U~~rl;' w~:~! t~ e,aflW;!)f.- 1M/; {1ut! G! M!. ,in(l m '>;.lC-h -Q;{jt>! 01 mJfmel jJ$ M'Of1gagel? may d"ttJmme -aM ;&l\Y amQtJl'H
<br /> 1101 :1.0
<br />usee sl\ali be reieas..""O Dy tne.Mor!~ ~c!1'!tf UOf!g~~ '),Jcn ~POllCdhGn r;i It')t!--dSt- snJII na! tuft'!}f ~{$f""e any oetaul! or flJfeci'Osure prOC~11l9S In thtevtlnl Mortgagee
<br />deems ,1 ntees.'$iiV l-;} appe.if !)t anSW-f H! t:tmoemr.ai1'),":: tl(;1\fJ'1 t;(lM!f1l: i)f pnv:;~m9 MCiftg.agQf s.llat! p." Jil \eQai f1jl;tH!,,~ III corH'!8C-t!t)\'Hhtttewttty-:~ntludlti9~1
<br /> not 11m-
<br />Itet1 to-.rtror~ ~eM<lrc ~rt (\.l')IS anc tint!! s.3 w;a ':.u;;I'll!~pe!'l~es, .....:m mte!est 31 tne rAte o.i ,l?_.~ q. :,ween! shall bt :jQueO to l~l!: OtlhQ.1i;Of\; seCured heftOY
<br /> In
<br />$>i\:t! I'f",an~ 01 'G;Off -a-s ~~ "'3\' at-we 0< CtW~"flf: !";a~!o~ 1M t~1~;lt of me hen Cleated n~(etrv JS J oar: tltreV! i!na 01 t!s DIIO'II'{
<br />~ Tna! m mt l!~nt MOft~ tali,; lC N'f w~tn UlJe Arl't' 1.h:.~';i 'l'inlal f."'''IQ$S uoon otf'ly !t;tYH ;ts.~..li,}r\eii as d:OOll!Qnal S&Cutlll;' tar 1111$ MO/1Q3ge. liens. iuagtne_nls..
<br /> Of
<br />assusmNI'ts tawtu!t~. asws!>t'C a;aH'<;;l lht PtN*se:5 '-'1 l;!'lS to ~",'fH4,fllt1:,Uf,jnre- J!i ntrelnbelOl'e- PI~lded_ ttolt9aget' f!ld, r:;J~,e ,>.;(Jl payment Of p-tOVlQe such lfr..\utaoce.
<br />aM the a!llO!inH~1 PolK! n'1~~QI: Sfi.lt [jf(;ume,j o.lrt Of the Ot~19.:i{lOn., ~u!ea I\f'-,wy O-ut all(! oay.wit Imrtledldletv, <iM shaH neat jtJlele~1 -at me rale of __~~.~_o. pttrcent
<br />pel ~OOijm !tvtn bno .at th-t t1me !he Mortgageemaile$S..Kripumenl
<br />& T ~t if! tne- ~f Mortg.l~ :Jt{iI.!'t:s. t1I tl\t pav!~1 0\ Afly {If lnt Oi,}l~g.ahor,f, Of oj an. mlere...l fht!rf'(lf'l. .:1! trl~ !m~ wluw ltJe $JJM shJIl be dve, Of wllh respetllo
<br /> any
<br />C-MAlnt Of ~ htn"~L thf."t allht op!!Cr'! or Y~l~ lrlf. enUre fJbi~hOn~ Se<;UHiO ~en~ny Shalllot1nWI!h tlKo<<'t' Que and paYilOIe antllhtl Mortgagee may 1m.
<br />I'flICbItely lQfKW ~5 Mortgagt I)' p-u-tsof: ..ny othtr chIa!~aDle: ~l ;~~., !II thf! t\'tf\1 of an~ iittlon by ~Of!p.lgee 10: enlDfce COllectrQf\ 01 afly 01 the ObhgatlOflS mured
<br />Nrftby, ttt.e Uortqi9Of ~ that ;:!'If eJ.oonse: IOCll.1cliog ..tllOllt !J\nttatl()r'l auO!l"ltV$- lMS;tOO C1)Sls lJ1(jJHect In C:{)I'\nechOtllhNtwltfi Of ,f!cuuet1 to procure Of ,Ilene
<br /> .In
<br />-ibsttid of hUe $N41. wften !1\CUUe4] 1)1 w.oO ~~ MortQaQM f:\tl(omf d pJrt al Hit! UtlltyaliOOS s<<ureO ne:fWY ana snail De p.l;,j 0)' Mortgagor I09fltt\1lr with all 01 the- laxable
<br />tO$t$ 01 t.~ .-cllOO
<br />7 I J\Jt m tn. ~ 1nY a<;.~ lS- Clt'luQfU !(: IQl'KlOU UhS M0f19aoe \()f ai1 0: il-fly {loa,t !.if tfie OOI\QahOM seture<f r\etetly Itlll MOI'1OAoee snail be enllllea to ImmeOlJle
<br />~ of 1ht mon~ cremsti" 0100 t!lf' C()l.tr~ IY a Judge t~t'Qt It, \I,l{;o1t)Cf1: rr,J~ .lpptltffl ana the MortoaQUt hfH'll:tIy t:Qn$t!l'lt~ Hi 1M .appolntmenl of a re<:"I~ to talil.e:
<br />~ M SIlO Pf~ ft; ~t illl'Cl rKe<"Vt lel~ls and p'OhlS ansmr;: lhe!tttOlTi_ ar-O trQlTl any n~.,.s $tl colftC1W, to pay tax~, prtNJoe-msuram:e_ m.'tke needed ft.
<br />J)iIrs to \IN)I~S upot\ t!\e ~S8S, ana 1'lWl:e aroy ather ex:pefl(itlt;feS jt,;tnQf1l~ tly l~e (.'JUr1 ano aopiy any ~um r~mll19 al1ll'f !tie. tlaymef11 01 suel1 authOrized ex
<br />pooGil_"!lOft I""~_
<br />
<br />a T!'I.1t !aNw'i' -(Jt ~ o~ ~ lO 'lefCtH aoy uf Its ngfll$ Of tl'!IV~S ~r 1:) 'HSlSl u~'<Oft :;'.tnct pelf!)fJ1:l4fl(:f: 01 any c(l'{ellar.ls ;:II J91~1tnl'S 01 Mm-tg.1gor r::ontalfl-
<br />to-w this ~st\;4itnt'Wt( oe-t'Qftsnuooas...t wat\'1Jf of~ytfCtlJWemen! ()j' obitgatlOn of M<N'IQa9Ol Of f'9ntOf flWledj' oi MOI:t~cOOlaH'led fO or baSt(lllPOf\anyof tM
<br />temI$, p.-r~, dQl'Nmmts Of (-O\<"IIW'mi ut 1_ W-or1QJOt or iny Mure detauUi
<br />
<br />9 r~ m use oJ ~ in lt1e ~(ot In, 01 W Ob~ or!n -case- of Pi;yment oy Mortgagee m aftv lien luttgmenl lu., !!lsurantfJ_ {.os! Of exDeA5e. Sil(i
<br />~,lhift fWW: IN Qf~, wMout ~ tl\l wnoie ~s. due am! Nvante. 10- fOteci05l or. acwuf'll ('It WCf\ soeclhc def.IU!f lot ~uth ObIl1)atlOm as. Ife In
<br />~ ~ htfl, ~. ~ nwy be ftIO ana -the taN:! ~ he/.,Il'l IN) l)e sOia, SU~ to thf lJrtOaJi] Obl1gatlOfU neJebt;' s<<utetJ, .iM lOtS MCN'tgage shall
<br />_......lcr...,.__oI""'~
<br />
<br />'0 ~ lSSqtlanGOIINetS m'N~aft~, hUt mlt!fKt.l)f)Q dtl1nilOO!n aAG IptiIM-ls.ano profitS if, tne-PHWltSttS ana Qoes.1.&.S-lon to MOflgagee Iii
<br />.... 0<< the PttmtsI$ ftOW Of btl'uttaf 'AlGI. .tltten-I,lt oral'. ilflO does em(lOWtf 'W-rJttQi.Ql!e 10- tOI'iKl a:OO !~t IQf aH rents, M/,)f~9<!gl)( INoets all tenants to- DiY rent
<br /> dve or
<br />m-tJlCGmit-u-........_ The wm Gf lNt-awgmnent Ii l,ffltiithe ~ If' hIlly p,lfC ft'ttS-as~"\meft1 shall net beCome opei'at~ 1.I1~S Iltfilult is r"ade in thtl!
<br />_.__"",_ot""Y"ll>Oill>IlgaIiIl!ls"'lhii\lOfl_
<br />
<br />11 a"'DIA..tI!e~at.tt~orsoldft~tne E)tiOf .-1~eoNMtoft-ne Moftgagee. !N!~iOO\ r~;;'1y il! l~j)plIOf\O:t the Mor-IOJgue De~'to
<br />~.. .. .,.,.. -Md tM ...... may tie ~ is S$1 fOt'Ifl: ItJ. lW"OflPfts 6 and 7 {l1 !M MOft9<'Qt
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />'1, '-ft.__~"'*"iftdc_ot,*__mt:OC~r~*i\i~""", e~pt
<br />
<br />liQ.lllol.
<br />
<br />f). ~ __ ,.... ~ $Nit, 'l!l'Afa.t\ tht 1M*' ..~~ tClfl;sent ot i40'~, f'1O(1~ VI othffMU ~rtt-\lfT'.{;lt! It';(- f'l~st-! ,#r l;>f.'J'lt\flltw. P1ff1'1l;Sn 11) be f^
<br />~..W~. _~l'nly,-Il Mort... \-~ deC"'ftl.tAOb~ll(1-be ~ltJv-ttiMPoi)"~inni" "i\ii.t1 !r'rl!'t\~ Im\ M-Q!toagomaYbfl~
<br />_...._........- 6...,;.. ....ll~
<br />~4_ T~*~~.-.o1~..NId~c....-OfVfll!t,t_ V*"_wJ;l'l-pi.lWl$1OO \\-l:'...v():f~MtUt:~):e- l;\)inrr>e t~j':Hf;q~OO~;{\;I'\.~ ~tl4.'l sn4111l'\.!~QW,jf'f
<br />_lllO..-.; .. .... ........
<br />
<br />t'-Q'W_'~~'~~
<br />