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<br />83- 006592
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<br />prior 10 elltry ofa judgmenlenforcing Ihis Mortgage if: (a) Borrower pays Lender all sums which would he Ihen due under
<br />IhisMortgage; IheNote and noles securing FutUre Advances, if any, had no acceleralion occurred; (b) Borrower cures all
<br />bfeaelresof anyothercovenanla or agreemenls of Borrower conlained in this Mortgage: (c) Borrower pays all reasonable
<br />expenses incurred by Lender ineoforcinglhecovenanls and agreements of Borrower conlained in Ihis Mortgage. and in
<br />~n8~Lettder'sremedies as provided in paragraph 18 hereof, including,. bulnollimiled 10, reasonable altorney'stees; and
<br />{dlBl:lfrl>werlakes such action as Lendermay reasonably require 10 assure. Ihal the lien of this Mortgage, Lender'sinterest
<br />inthd'i'l>J!erI:Y and Borrower's obligation 10 pay the sums securedbY.lhis Mortgage shall continue uRlmpaired;Upon such
<br />paYlU\'lltam'-"cureby. Borrowe'''lhis Mortgage and the obligations secured hereby shan remain in full force andetreet as if
<br />noac<:eleratlOn had QCCUned,
<br />20; ... ~ofRenlI;AppointmeRt of RO<:eiver;l.ender in POS5eOSion. As additional security hereunder, Borrower
<br />hereby~...igm toLen~therents of I"". "r vP<<tY. prov'dedlhat Borrower shall. prior to. acceleration under paragraph 18
<br />hereof or abandonment of the Properly, have lheright 10 collecl and relain such Tenls as Ihey becomeduean!l paYllble.
<br />Upon acceleration under paragraph 18 hereof or abandonment of Ihe Property, Lender. in person, by agent or by
<br />judiciallyapporntod receiver, shall beentilled 10 enler upon, lake posses.ion of and manage the Property .and 10 collect the
<br />ren!Sottbe Property, including Ihose past due. Alllents collecled by Lender or Ihereceiver shall be applied first to payment
<br />of-tbe--costs of-mm-agement of-tbe Property and coHee' ion of rents; induding.-but not limited to~ receiver's fees.- premiums on
<br />receiver's bonds and.reasonable aUorney~s- fees. .lOd then to the sums secured by this Mortgage.- Lender and the recei~/er
<br />shall he liable to account only forlhose renls aclually received. .
<br />21. _ _ FiIture-Ad:Y1tJKeS.. Upon request of Borrower. Lender. at Lender's option prior to release of -this Mortgage. may
<br />rrtake Future Advances to Borrower.- Such 'Filture Advanct$. with interest thereon. shall be secured by- this Mortgage when
<br />-e\---idenced-'by promissory OQtes statIng that said notes are secured here-by. Af no time shaH the principal am()Unt -of the
<br />indei)tedness-secured by ,t~is Mortgage. not in-duding sums adv~)..~ jn accordance herewith to protect the security of this
<br />Mortgage, exceed the ongmal amount of the Note plu, USS. ' . . Vl'l.E . . . . . . . ..
<br />22. Release. Upon payment of all sums secured by Ibis Morlgage. Lender shall discharge this Mortgage without
<br />charge to Borrower. Borrower shall pay all costs of recordation, if any.
<br />
<br />
<br />IN WtTNESS WHEREOF, Borrower bas executed. um.. MOl1f<lge, /, .,_
<br />/m....~.I. /. ' / / p/.'tJ, .^
<br />/' ".' ..,. /
<br />(//'/ ( ,{
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<br />/ ,Joho C. Aoderson _ -S.rrower
<br />/ i /).7 .,f. (( r? /( ...4
<br />>~(. ':;.H{~';-:rA~d~r;~ri ClJ.1.(f..~7.Y. :...;,~
<br />
<br />STATE OP NEBRASI(A.. , . , .
<br />
<br />... ,fjqJL,
<br />
<br />. . . County ss:
<br />
<br />00 this, . . . .1.5th . ., . " . . , day of. . December. , . . . .. 19,83., before me, tbe undersigned, a Notary Public
<br />duly COIDIIIissioned and qualified for sai!l county, personally came. . . John .C. .Aoders.o.n .and. M.i.c.he 11 e. E.. .
<br />, .. ~!IP.e"l'AQlh ,tll'$,b.a.llQ ,ij{lP. joI.i.fe. .. " . . . . ' , . . , . , . , , . .. ' . . . , . . , . . . . , . . . . . . ., 10 me k~'" to be tbe
<br />identical person(s) "'~ name .'ribed to Ihe foregoing instrument and acknowledged th. execution
<br />thereof to be, . , , t!l~.l,J': . . .. w. ~~~ deed . .
<br />date~ my hand and.~ oi#'.t:-1~~:'1:9r.iStld..1S.li:;)ehr.aska" "/,....lD slUd counly, tbe
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