<br />I
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<br />83- OU6488
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<br />9. Cou.mnatio.~ The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection wit~ any
<br />condemnation or other takiog of the Propeny. or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid to Lender, .
<br />In the event ofa tQtallaking of lhe Property. the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by thIS Deed of Trust.
<br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. in the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Bo~rower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing... there shaH be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trost such proportlo!l of the proceeds
<br />.as is- equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately priOr to the date of
<br />taking bears to the fair market value of ~he Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower. or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed. Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds. at Lender's option. either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property or to the .um, secured by tbis Deed of Trust, , ,
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proc~ds to prmcIpal shan not extend
<br />or postpone the due date o[ the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such installments.
<br />10..: Borrower Not Released. Extension of the time (or payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this Deed of Trmt granted by Lender to any successor in interesl o~ Borrower shalt not operate to relea,sc, in any manner,
<br />the liability of the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in mterest. Lender shall not be required to commence
<br />proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of. t~e sums
<br />secured bv this Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made by the originai Borrower and Borrower's successors In mterest.
<br />11. ~Forbeat'aate by Lender Not a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising: any right or re~y hereunder, or
<br />otherwis:c afforded by applicable law, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the ex.erClse of any such nght or remedy.
<br />The procurement of insurance or the payment of taxes or other ii~ns or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to accelerate the marunty of the indebtedness secured hy thiS Deed of Trusl. . ' .
<br />12. Remedies CilDlulstive. ..-\Ii remedies nn.l\'ldcd In thiS Deed of Trust are distlOct and cumulative to any other nght
<br />or remedy under this Deed of Trust or afford~ by law or equity. and may be exercised concurrently. independently or
<br />successively. .
<br />13. SUttfSlOl'S and A... Bound; Joint an~ ~vtral Liability;. Captions, The cove~ants and agreements herem
<br />contained shall hind. and the nghts here-under ~hall mure W, Ihe respectIve successors and assIgns of Lend.e~ and Borrower.
<br />subject 10 the provisions of paragraph 17 hereof All covenants and agreements of Borrower shall be Jomt and several.
<br />Tlte captions and headings of the paragraptl~ of thl.s Deed of Trust are tor convenience only and 3re not to he used to
<br />interpret or define the provisions hereof
<br />14. Notke. Excem tor any notice reqUired under applicable Jaw IQ he. given In another manner. (a) any notice 10
<br />Borrower provided for In thIS Deed of Trust .shaH be gIven by mailing ~uch notice by. (ertified mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Property Address or at such other address, as Borrower may tlt::slgnate by notice to render as provided her~in, and
<br />(b.l any notice to. Lender shall be giVen hy certified mail. return receIpt requesled, to Lender's address stated herem or to
<br />such other addreu as. Lender may destgnate by notice to Borrower as provided herein. ,Any notice provided for in t~is
<br />Deed of Trust shall be deemed to ha.ve been given 1(1 Borrower, i.lr Lender when gl,\<,cn III the :nanner, designated herem.
<br />15. Llllifonn Dftd_ of TnISI; (;onrniftR I...~,; Snr.nbiUty, nil"; form (:f deed 01 (rmt l:ombmes uniform .covenants for
<br />natIOnal use and non~untfOm1 covtnants with limited V:anatlOm. by ;unsdicllOn to constItute a uniform secunty instrument
<br />covering real propcny. +l11i1 Deed or Trust ~haH he governed hy the law 01 the ll.!'risdic.tlon 10 which the Property is located.
<br />In 1he event that any prov(~lOn or c1aus.e oi IhiS Deed .."t Trust or the Note:- conflicts with applicable law, such conflict shall
<br />nol affect other provisions 01 thiS Deed of TruM or the Note WhlCh can be given effect wuhout the cCIOftictiog provision,
<br />and 10 this end the provisions ('It the Deed of Tru~t and the Note ;lre declared w he severable.
<br />16~ Borrowft's Copy. Borrower shaH be Htrnl\hed 1.1 <.~onformcd ~'llp)" of {hI: Note and of this Deed 01 Trust ::II the time
<br />of execution or after recordauon hcreoi.
<br />17. TnIaIfa of the Property: AMUmption. If aU \',1' any part of the Property or an ~nterest therein IS sold or transferred
<br />by' Borrower without Lender'~ p-nor written ~-oment. cxdudmg \ 3" the- creation of a hen or encumbrance s~bordinate to
<br />{his Deed of Trust, {b} the creatlon ot a purchas.c !11:t,mev M':CUfll~' Ifllerest for household .appliances. i'~) a transter by devisc.
<br />descent or ~y opera[lon of jaw upon the dC31h of i.l jfHnt tl'mmt or t d) the grant of any leasehold intere~t, of three years or less
<br />not eo-ntainm811R option to purchase, Lender ma;:, .!t I ender\;. ;.,~pl1J.)n. dcdare aH the sums secured hy thiS Deed ot Trust 10 he
<br />Immedi:uely dUlC and payabk. L~nder .'shaH h.avt" waIved ~uch oplHm to accelerale If. prior 10 the !laic or transfer, Lender
<br />;,tnd the person to whom the Property l~ h) be ~,:)Id ...lr tr3;nsfcrrea reach agreemeOl, !n wri(in~ lhat the aedit o[ \\Kn penon
<br />11 SAtistaclQry to Lender and that the Hlterest P'tyable- on the \tJln~ ~ccufed ~y !hL't: Deed of rrusl ~hall he '" .ch rate a.!.
<br />Lender shall request. If Lend<< has w.ived the I...'ptlon to .\cc:dec.o:tC' prOVIded in this paragraph 17, iJnd if Borrow ~r\ successor
<br />in intCR::5t has executed a written usumpuon agreement accepted in wnting hy l.ender. Lender shaH rdense Borrower from
<br />all obligation!. under this Deed ~)f Trust and the Note
<br />If Lender -exercises such 0pttQn to ac-celerart'. 1 cnder 'ih:ll1 Illail HiiffOwer notice: of ~lcceleratlOn III Jccord.ance ,wilh
<br />paragraph 14 hereof. Such nohce shall prOVide .:t pcnOl.t 01 nnt k:s~ than JO days. from the date the notice I., mailed within
<br />whkh Bocrower may pay tbe s.usm declared Jue. Ii Borrowcr tub h) pa.... 'luch sums. prior to the c:xptration of such pcrind.
<br />Lender may. without (urther notice 0f demand '-:'0 Bnrn^lwcr. trwn~c an\' ft:medies permitted hy paragraph I R hereof.
<br />NON.UNlrOJlJ,,1 (O\'EN.>\Nis, Burrower .lnd l.ender !urther ((l'icnant and agree .lS'i follows:
<br />I a. At:aiet'atioft: R~~ l-.:xnpt ..., pro-.ided in paracraph 17 hu~of~ upon BorrO\lJ~r'8 breach of any t:ovtmwt or
<br />8IfteCM!lIt of Borrowt'r in filii 0Hd of 1'rusl. indudtnc tbe ('ot'f'nanu to p.Y wht'n due any !iURL" secured by th~ need
<br />of T.... Le.... prior It) a~ral"'ft shnIl mail not",. I" Borrow.r a. pro,'Wed in ptl"'llrapli 14 be..of .pedfyl"ll' II) lb.
<br />brada; (2) tu _lion ""IDind to t:Vft ~"d. bftlKh; \J} ." d.f'~ not less Iha.. 30 days from the date the notlce is tnajlfd to
<br />BonoWft'~ by whklt illdt btf'ltth mWlt hi' ,,~uft'd; .:usd C". th.. fdun to cure such brrach on or before the date specified
<br />in .he _ ....y ...lIlt in lK'Ulo",.1on of the ........ i<<uret! by Ih. l>eetl of Trust and ..Ie 01 th. Property. Tbe nolic.
<br />tdulII ftlrther iDf__ Borrower of t~ riahl to reinst:ak .tIff act'f:terafion and tM right 10 bring a court action to usert
<br />the ~~ of . defauk or aft)' ()dler def-eow of IkN'ro-wu to ac-cekration and sale. ff the breach is not cured
<br />oa ... befOH the _ ~ed in the notice. L..... lit Lencler', option may c1eda.. all 01 the sum, securet! by tbis Deed
<br />of T...... It) br j~ cbtc ami pa,.We ~itbout furth-er dnnand and may in",'okr tM power of sale and any ollieI' remedies
<br />penooIIletl by .......... la... Lencler shaI1 be entitled '0 roIIect all .._nable .os" and ..pe..... incu.....d in pursuiOl: tbe
<br />~ ......_ ill tllil............. 18. iDdudinc. bat not limited to. r.- an......y.. fees.
<br />:w~wu of sale is invoked. TrUS1~ s.baU ,<<ard a IIOlk..,. of default in t'ach county in which the Property or some
<br />put is....- _ thalI lUll copies of ,,,,,b notice in lhe man_ prncrlbec1 by applicable la.. to Borrower and 10 lhe
<br />........ _ ~ by ~ In... Aft....he 1_ of ....b lime as may be required by applicable law. Trustee s"'lI
<br />iii... problk _ of Ale 10 the .......... _ in the .........r _ribed by applkahle la... Tnmee. witboat dem...d on
<br />..................the Propotty at plIIlIle .....tlon to lhe hiIl- bidcler at .he ti_ and pi.... and uncler .1Ie t.ons desij:nated
<br />in the _ of .. In ... .... ......., pu<rls and in ....h ....cIer as Trostee may delenolne. Trostee may postpone .ale 01 all
<br />or ..,. J08O""II of the I'ropetty' by pllhlic __"""....at at tile .ime .nd pIac. of any prevl<>usly ""betluled ""Ie. t..ncIer ur
<br />Le...... ........ may ,....,_ tile I'ropert)' .. any......
<br />lJpnn ~ of pay_ of tloe price bid, T....... .tudI deli-or to lb. p""'_' T....lee's deed conv.yinR .he Prnperty
<br />-. The reribh in the T.-...'. cIeetl shnIl he pri.... fade ..icIeme ullhe trutb 01 the ""em.n.. macle th.reln. Trosl..
<br />... ."., 1M ........... of the ..... In lhe folio..... onirr: la) to 011 ......nable <..... ami ..pe...... of the ..Ie. indudilltl. bol
<br />.......... ~ t.....'5 fe-n of ftOl ntoft ....._ ,1.--..,:":,,, __ ". ~ '1. of 1M lJ'ft8I ute pric~, reasooabl. anomey's ffft and cosb of
<br />llth>e..1tIooo<e; ,I>) ...aD_ _....... by tit.. Deed of T.....: ami Ie) the ........ If an,. to lb. penon ur penn...leg"'I)' .ntlll.d
<br />.-
<br />19~ ............... to RdMaate. Nt)twllh!lifllndmg Lcnder\ .ti:cderollmn 01 the sum.. 'lclo:'uH;d hv tht~ lked of 1 ru.....1,
<br />Borrower d\aU have: the right 10 h<lw an)' pn..lceedinai be-gUl\ by Lender t(1 .enfof\.~e this J.)eed of b.ust d1S\.~onljnucd .at
<br />4t1Y ~.me- prtor- (0 the -eadtcf io occut of (i) the firth day tlefofe the ,,aie, nf rhe Pro'peny p'ur5uant to the p,owe-r of sale \,'Ol'^ ,Hned
<br />Ull:htl'~Qt Trust Uf h-IJ entry of a judgmt',nf 1::f1fon::mg thi.. ~d of rru~t d: fa) Borro....er rD)~ t endcr aU ~ums \\'hwh would
<br />be theft -dw under Ilus.l:>e.d -oJ Tn~t. tht Note and note, ~urmg Future Advaru..--e!:i. 11' any, h:id no tt;c"derlHl.:lf) ()cl.'urtc.:d;
<br />(,bl kn.tW~ CUrM aU b-fCa:.c:~ of any O'l:h-e:r !,;-fw-ef'ut.nts. or .agreemetlh of B-orrl)~r \.'l"HHained 1ft: ttm. n~('d (It TrU~l:
<br />l-tJ Ikntoo.." ~y~ ..U t'~"WMbie C~PC:Me.~ IncuU,td by Lender ami TW1-tet: m enforcing the \'l)V('OlHtIs :Jnd itgn.'cments \~f
<br />8or~ (:~41med tft IhM ,Deed '-.tt Tnoo and ftl enhH"jng Leodcr''i and Ttu~tce'.. rcmedtes <1\ r~rov<<.kd 10 paragraph 11\
<br />~. mduwnc.. OOl tmt hmd.ed. to. ft.ilMHlabk auornC'y'~ t"~,, and id) florr'pwer {..lkc$ "ioch 'lx.'t!(m a,S 1 ,coder fn;lV fi';hlJo"ahlv
<br />feqtutt. h') ..:t'-ltt that the t~n of t.hit .Deed t;~f fru\-L j ,.-t'nd{:(:-. mU:.ftli In lflc f~tQpnH' ;Hld llllfmwer'... .JbhgaHnn 1>.) f'tl\'
<br />