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<br />I <br /> <br />83-1)06423 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />9. CODdeaInadoa. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or consequential. in connection with any <br />condemnation or Olba" taking of the Propeny, or part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid to Lender. <br />fn ,he event of a lolaltaking of the Property, lhc proceeds shall be applied 10 the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />with the excess, if any. paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial laking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust such proportion of the proceedli <br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of <br />taldDg bears 10 the fair market v.lue of the Propcny immediately prior to the d.,e of l.king. with lhe balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If'the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if. after notice by l.ender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />an award_or settle a claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is <br />mai1ed~ Lender is authorized to coUect and apply the proceeds. at Lender's option. either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property or to lhe sums secured by this Deed of Trust. . . . . <br />Unless--Lender and Borrower otherwi!iC agree in wrHing, any such application of proceeds to prmcipal shall not extend <br />01' postpone the due date of the monthly instaJlmems referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />such installments. <br />I'. BerrOWH Not Released. Extension of the time for payment or modificarion of amortization of the sums secured <br />oy this Deed of Trusr granted by Lender to any SlJccessor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release, in any manner, <br />the liability of the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be required to commence <br />_proceedings againsr such successor or refuse to extend time for rmyment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums <br />secured by this Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made by the original Borrowe.r ,and 8or~ower'5 successors in intere.'it. <br />11. FortJearawt:e by Lender Not . Waiver. Any forbearance by Lender in exerclsmg any right or remedy hereunder, or <br />otherwise afforded by applicable law, shalt not he a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy_ <br />The procurement of insurance or the payment of taxes or other ljens or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's <br />right to accelerate the- maturity of the indebtedness ,-sccur.ed by this Oeed of Trust. . . <br />12.. Rentedin (:umuJatiyt", AU remedies provided In thiS Deed of Trust are distmct and cumulative to any other nght <br />or remedy under this Deed of T.rust or afforded by law !Jr t"-quity, and may be exercL<;.ed concurrently, independently or <br />s'UCcesJively. <br />13. Sou........ ..... A...... Bo"nd: J"",, and ~vrnd I.lablllty: Captions. The covenanls and agreemen's herein <br />contained shalf bind, and the rights hereunder shaH inure w. the rt'spcctive successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, <br />subject to the provisions of paragraph 17 hereof. :A.H covenants and agr~men{s. of Borrower shall be joint and several. <br />The captions and headings of the paragraph! ('of thiS. Deed of Trust are tor convenience onl)" and are nol to be used to <br />interpret or deti:ne tbe provisions hereof. <br />14. Nodce... Except for any notice reqUired under Jpphcabk law 1.0 he_ gwen In ~nother .manner. tal any notice to <br />Borrower provided for in this Deed of Trust shaH be given by rnathng such notice hy cerutied mad addressed to Bllrrower at <br />the Property Address or at such other address as Borrower may dcslgnate hy notic<: 10 Lender as provjded herein, and <br />(b) any notice-to Lendc-r shaH be given by ceruli-ed mail. return receipt requeJ;.ted., to .Lender's address stat,ed herein or to <br />iuc.h other address i\-$ lender may designate by nQ-t!ct' to Borrowc-r as prov1ded herem. ."'ny notice provided for in this <br />Deed of Trust shajJ be deemed to been giv-en fO' Borrower or Lender when given in the manner de-signated herein. <br />15. UnUona lHed of TI1I'St: GOYf'mllll Law: Sevrnlbility. Thl!\ form of deed of trust combines uniform covenants for <br />-national use and non-uniiorm covenants with limited vrmatlom. hy ;uflsdiction to conslitute a uniform security instrument <br />,overing real pr-openy. This (leed of Trmt shaH he gove'rned hy lhe l,IW (If the JUflsdiction in which the Property is located. <br />In the event that any provision or daUk of fha. need 01 Trust or the Note conflicts with applic-uble law, such conflict shall <br />not aflec~ Nht:r provtslon~ of this Deed of Trust or the Note which can be given effect without the conflicting provision, <br />and to thiS end the provis.som 01 lhe- Deed 01 Trwt and the Sote declared to be s-cverable, <br />16. Borrower~s Copy. Borrower shaH he furOI..hcU a <.:onformc-d \.-{lfty of the Note and of this Deed 01 Trust at the time <br />of execution Qf after r-ecordauon hereof. <br />17. TntDlfu of the Property; A.umpdoD. If an Pt ;-my t~rI of the Property (.J an interest therem is sold or transferred <br />hy Borrower wilOOut Lender's prior written con\cnl, e,\duding \ a) the_ \~reati\'ln uf a. lien or encumbrance subordinate to <br />this Dt"ed 01 "Trust, i,h} the cRation of a purchase m{)n~y security ~ntercst tor househo-I-d apphances. (e) atransfer by devise. <br />descent or hy (,.)peratiOn of law uJX>>l the death of a jf!!n! Tenant ilr I d i the grant of any leaf.ChoId intcrC!){ of three- years or less <br />-not c-ootainin.s an option to purchase, Lender may, ,It Lender"'. optH'lrl, ,Jedare <tli the $.ums ~ufed hv Ihis Deed of Trust to he <br />Immediately due and pay&bk:~ Lender s.luil h:lvt" Will....e-d such (\ptlOll 10 a.:ce-le-ratc if, prior to !he sale or transfer, Lender <br />>100 the penon 10 'A'nom the Pn)ptrty is. H~ be sold lit trJ.nderrcd reach agreemenr In writing that [be cred~1 . ',uch person <br />is satidat:tory tt) Lend~r and thai tM- interest pil)'#bie (1" [he ~um~ \ccureJ hy IhlS- Deed oi Trust ~hall he:} such ratc as <br />Lend<< stull request. If L-c-nder hu Wlilved the optj\)f) to aL':-celerate proVided in this p3ragraph 17, and if Bm'rower's s.ucceuor <br />in mlerClt has executed a written aaumplton agreement accepted In wnhng by Lender. Lender .'~hall release Borrower from <br />aU ubUptions under lhis Deed ot' Trusf and the Note <br />If Lender exueises .su<:h option to ilccdentfe, I.e-ndcr ,h;11l mail Borrower notice (If acceleration in accordance with <br />(lamlEaph 14 hef'eOt. Such notice: shall pn.wld..: a perKxi ,)t !lot h~i.\ than 30 days from the dale- the notice is malted within <br />which- Borrower may pay the sums ~i3-red due. If B-onuwer L.uh 10 P.);'I' ~uch sums. prior to the expiration of such perkxt, <br />Lender may, Without funher nrnic-c: or demand ..1011 8t)rnnll.'er, Jnvokt.' any remedies permitted by paragraph 18 hereof. <br /> <br />NON~l1NIFOltM COVES...NTS. Borrower .and- Lender lunheT ~ovennnt and agree as foJlo-ws: <br /> <br />18. Act'deration; Rrfllfllift,. EI.<<-pt u pro"idflI in pancfllPh 17 h~lTOf, upon Bon-owrr's brearb of any t'_ovenaat or <br />WlI'1l"eMU1 of BorroWfl' in lhis IHfll of Tnm~ iadud:i... tit.. C-O"'ifttanlS t-C) pay when due any sums secured b)' this l>eed <br />of T......I..aoder prio<.o ~ _ mall t..Ilor........... p.....ided in ...r-cnopb 14 hnrof specifying: (I) Ihr <br />bnwIo: (211br ""liae ~ 10 <"... web Ion",,": \Jl . dat.. not 1_ 'han J& days from Ih. date Ih. notk. Is malted 10 <br />............ by ",lIkb "Kb bnto<h most be ,.......: a.... (41 .ha. failure I.. <u... su<h Ion..h un 0< befo... Ih. date s"",ilied <br />in I'" _ _y ....... Ie ""~ 011.... "".... ...,urod hy this Deed of Tn... ..... saI. of lb. Property. The notic. <br />.... ,_ inf_ Borro.... of Ihr ricbt 10 r.in_ .ft.r lKeel....lino ..... lhe rlab' '0 Mill! . co"rt a.don to asoert <br />the ftOft-e-~ of -. tlelau" Of any other dc.ofease of Bunow-~,- t-O acct"lenl1ioA and ale. If the brfo;atob is not ~ured <br />........ W..... llor date _l6ed in Ibr _, under .t (.......r'. option may d<<l.... aU of Ihr sums secured by this Deed <br />of TI'Mt ... ... _lately _ and plty_ ..itho... furtl><r d.mand a.... may in.ok. II>< po...r of ... ...d ....y ...her remedies <br />penIIiUed by ......- law. ........ _ be ....illed to coli... olI rr__ r..... ...4 incurrm In P....aiOR lb. <br />...-.tIoto ......ioIed in I.... par1IIC<:8pb Ill, iadlMlinll. but ..... limited tu. r__ attomey's f.... <br />If Ibr po_ of .. if iavoked, T....... ..... "",ord . noln of d.faalt In .aeh c...."ly in ..hleb Ihe Proper!)' or rome <br />part Ibeft4f ili _lAM!_ _ rap;.. of ....... _ in Ihe m..._ prronibed by appIlrable law 10 Borrower and I" thr <br />........ ~ pnKriIIed by .........1.... .~fler Ih.l_ of surb time as may I>< ""Iaired by applleable law. Tr""'.. shall <br />C.::=" - of .. to .... persons a.... in thr _AM< .......ribed by .pp1le_ la... TIUSlre, ..i1l1GaI detlW1d on <br />. -... ... Property at pllbfie a...lino 10 lbe hiahrst bidder at .hr time ..... pix< and onder the 1<1"" de.;glUll.d <br />ill ... _ of .. Ia ow ... more """,,Is a.... In s_ order as Trust.. may d.termiM. Tru........y .....1_ sale of all <br />.... ..,. par<<! of tbc Property by pllbfie _...._ at tl>< ti.... and pIare of ...y prev"""'y ",bedalrd sale. tender or <br />I~ ...... _, ......-- tbe P_rty 111 ....y sale. <br />lJpoa ~ sf ,.,_ of Ibrpri.... bid. Tnm... ..... delh.. '0 II>< p_b_r Trustee'. dred co""Yin!: lhe P....perty <br />...w. ..........- Ialbr T.......", ....... ..... be prima fad. .._co of Ihr trutb of the __ made lhe_. Trus.... <br />......."., Ibr ___ of Ibr _ in .... f""""'" fl"ler. (., to all ......._ eosts and ..pe_ of 'be .... iaeludiOR. bat <br />_.....10, T_'o'_aI: _.......t__.. _'.;._._ ..'1- of Ihrll"__ prie.. re_naIlk Ollomey's fees and ~..f <br />~r'" , lit) to .. - _urod by tbls Deed of T......: and It) .h. ......... if ."y, I.. .h. penon or pe........ entitled <br /> <br />tt-.. .................... to R-d:adue-. Notwitmtanding l...e-nder'(, acce.len.1l1Qtl of the "Hm~ 'i-eCurcd by thIS Deed of Tru!>1. <br /> ,han Rave t~ riJbt to have aOl proceetlinp h<-gun by Lender 10 t:"nfo-rc-c lhis Deed of Tr-u~t dillContinued at <br />;!Jay ~tme prior to tbte- e.arli<< l!t VC$:ur of 0, the fifth d.y bcfOf~ the' "3,~ of the Pr(,pN1Y pur_want to {he power (If ~ale i."ont:uned <br />u!tthitOecdO{Trul1~lfhJ)e-mryuf a jud.ment 4.'!-nforcu'\8 th~ ~-d uf Tr\Jst IL ia) Borrow(':f' pays l--ender aU :i.Urn~ whIch WOllld <br />~~ then d_ >>ndcr tnn. t)ecd of Tf'it1t. the N-nte and nf~e,. ~l!nng Futuro Adv;lO(..'t'."_ If any, had no .tcct:leution (l(:o(urn:tf: <br />(bl ~~r- cuRt; .n bteat;hcI: of any Pthc_f C!l\,t'niu,h nt agreement( lJf n~")ffOWef' l'()f!{amed m ltu~ r~~ed ~lf Tr\.lM: <br />((;1 ~r parf .n re4~bie ir,-pe~ wcufreO t.vr Lender ilnd Trt1!te-c m ~nfO-r-ein!t the ",'nven.:mts imd itJ,;,reemem:~ of <br />8vr~ CQOtl:,meu .tD 1hl~ Ot:ed of TrY\t It.lld In enh:tfein, Lender', and Trll'\.fce\ rl:'oWdtr.$ .\l1t pn:n-'tded 10 pan.#f3ph ll'l: <br />htftof~ IDCiUdJf~.. but not fHl\ttc4 H.J. fe-lk$.DAbk: attorney" ttc\; !tOO i.d~ Bon-ower take!> ..och ac't'i'o-n ;;t.'i Lc_nder ma, re~l\(~n~;hl\' <br />r~ft tv- .QUttli tbat the- lma \'1f f-hi'l llwt.i'l'if Tru'U, f ,(-nder"s mtctc'it t;1 (he- f'n:~pC't'I'! ,;,lfld R~'l-rnw-"-et.'i. ohHt!tathwl hi pay <br /> <br />L <br />