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<br />I" <br /> <br />83':;"006420 <br /> <br />FOR THE PURI'OSE OF SECURING: <br /> <br />la) The payment of. indebtedness evidenced by Trustor's note of even date herewith in the principal sum of <br />TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND AND NO 100- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Dollars <br />($ , . - - - - - -), together with interest at the rate or rates provided therein, (herein, together <br />with any anctall "newol., modifications, andexteO$ions thereof, referred to nthe "Note") both principal and <br />interest on the Note being payallle in accordance with the terms set forth therein, reference to which Is hereby <br />made. the final. payment of principal and interest, If not sooner paid and if no renewals, modiflcations.or extensions <br />are made-, dueand payable on Januarv 1. 2004 <br /> <br />(bl The performance of each agreement and covenant of TrustO< herein contained; and <br /> <br />icl The payment of any sum or .uma of money with interest thereon which may be hereafter paid or advanced <br />under the terms of this Deed of Trust. <br /> <br />TO PROTECT THE SECURITY OF THIS DEED OF TRUST, TRUSTOR HEREBY COVENANTS AND <br />AGREES AS FOLLOWS: <br /> <br />1. Payment of Principal and In_t. Trustor shaH Promptly pay when due the principal of and Interest <br />on the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, and all other charges and fees as provided in the Note, and the principal <br />of and interest on any Future Advances secured by this Deed of Trust. <br /> <br />2. Wwranty of Title. Trunor is lawfuliy seized and possessed of good and indefeasible title and estate <br />to the Property hereby conveyed and has the right 10 grant and convey the Property; the Property is free and clear <br />of all liens .nd encumbrances except liens now of record; and Trustor will w.""nt and defend the title to the <br />Propeny ....nst all claims and demands. <br /> <br />3. ~ and Compliance With laws. Tnut<< shall keel> the Property In good repair and condition <br />and shall not_it _te or pennit impairment or _I"",!ion of tha Property and shall comply with the pro- <br />visiom of any '- if this Deed of Trust is on a leaMhoId. No improvement now or hereaftarerected upon the <br />Property sIllIII be -ahenld. .....- or demoliohed without the Prior writte.. consent of Beneficiary. Trustor shall <br />comply with all 1_. Ofdi~ regulat;om. ~, conditions and restrictions affacting the Property and not <br />commit. JUffer or permil any """ to be done in or upon the Property in violation of any law, ordinance, regulation, <br />~t.. condition or restriction. Truotor shail complete or rettore Promptly and in good workmanlike manner <br />any i_t on the Property which may be d...-.agad or destroyed and pay. when due. all claims for labor <br />porformed and materialS furOl1hed thefef<<e and for any alteralion. thefeof. <br /> <br />4~ tnsuranc:e~ Tru$tor. fit its expena~ will maintain With il\SUrors approved. by 8enefjciary~ insurance with <br />respect to ~""""""'ts and penonal prof:lOfty, <:cmtitu!ing the Property,againn Iou by fire, lightning, tor- <br />nac:Io. and other perils and huards c.....-ed by standard extended coverage endonement, in an amount e'~ "0 at <br />1_ one ""ndrad patCOnt of the full reolacament ..lue thereof and insurance againn such other hazards and .., such <br />amGWlU U. il customarily carried by owners &net <n>entort of similar properties or as Beneficiary may require for its <br />~on. Trustor will comply with such other requirements .s B_ficiart may from tima to time request fo< the <br />proteCtioo. by insur-anca of me interests of the respective Pltti"~ All insurance policies maintained punuant to this <br />Oftd of Trust shall NInO! Trusttl< and B~iciary a. insureds. .. thair respectiva intureIU may a_. and provide <br />that thlIre sIllIII be no cancellation or modification without no I... than 15 dayt Prior written notification to Trustee <br />.nil a-tlt:i1llY. In the _ any pOl~ -"'* i. not r_ed on or before 15 day. Prior to Its expiration date, <br />T",,_ or Beneficiary may prOCUr1l such insurance in ac:con:lance with the PrO'liliOOl of paragraph 7 hereof. Trustor <br />lhaU dtIlver to Beneficiary the original policies of imurance and '_all t_f or memo copies of such policies <br />and renewaI4 ther...t. Failure to furnish such insurlOCOl by TrutlOr, or renewal. II required hereunder shall. .t the <br />option of !leMf'lCilllY, constitu1e a dflsIuJt. <br /> <br />5. T_, 'Isu...J,_lU and Olarges, Trust<< shall pay all taxes, suessments and other charges, inciuding, <br />without IInritlltion, fines _ impositions lIttribotmle to the Property, and leasehold paymants or ground rents, If <br />any, before the _ becootl. dtIinquent. Truotor shall promptly fumi1h to llIlneficiary all notices of amount> due <br />undlIr 1ftis J*agraph; _ in the event Trustor shall milke Plyment directly. Trustor shall promptly furnish to <br />Beneficiwy '**Pts ...idencing such _ Trustor shall PlY all1llXes and .-menu which may be levied upon <br />ilIInefieiery's ~ herein or upon \!lis 0Hd of Trust without reglI(d to any law that may be enacted Imposing <br />__ of 1M wIlole or tNly Plrt thelwfupon the 8eMficiary. <br /> <br />6. AdI!!lloNI U- and ProtectiGnof a-tlciery's Security, Truotor shall make aU pa_u of interest <br />and.~. _ prymonu of Illy other oIlatvn. f_ and ex_ contraeted 10 be paid to any eXisting lien <br />htoIdeJs orpriorlleneflciar........... any prior<ll!ed of lrUIt...~.before the date they are dell_tand <br />~ __ ancI~1Ily and allotlMrl~ claims or cb8f\1OS wIlicll may jeopardize the security granted <br />~ If T_ feils-lCI Milke any such. _t or pem.rm anv of the _to and Jllt_ts con- <br />.....cfn...OMd of TNSt.; or lnllly.priorrnortvall&ordlledof trust.. or if any action or proceeding is commenced <br />wlIidI......,~-aen.~.'u.-ln.the Property, indudinv, but not limited to, eminent <Iomain pro- <br />~ ot ~i"""'vlng.~. or if Trustor folia to Ply Trustor', deOts geMrally ..they beccmll due. <br />""~,.t Btneficiwy', option and without ~ to or demand upon TrUstOr and without releMing <br />T_~--..r~~,tMY nllIke such--. ditbursesucll sums and tllke weh lI:tiollas i. <br />".....,., lfl.f"OfllOl.IIIMflclllIY', m__ lndudlng, but not IIMihd to, dltbunllrnent of r..sonabI..ttor....y', Ins, <br />~ ~con_ 01' _iN of illY _bunce, ~ or lien. and enlrV upon the Property to <br />....... ........ 1ft... _ 1llel T""tor ....I fan to _. 1_lllnc" 01' to Ply taxes. _nls. or .ny other <br /> <br />l'Ilgo 2 on <br /> <br />".. 1183 <br />