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<br />I" <br /> <br />(J) t1!OIlI!l IUlUJ '0 lb due dale the annuaJ I1h)ftsa~e II1S111Jlkt' premium IH order 10 provIue such holde'f <br />with funds 10 pay such premiulIl to the Scucla:ry llf Housing and Urb;1n DCy'~lopmcnt pursuant 10 the <br />Nalionallloosing Au, as: am('uded, Jnd applicable RegulatlollS tht~cundcc ur <br /> <br />(fJ <br />(J.) <br />\ <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />(II) If and so long as said nole of evell date and tbis IOSlrulOent arc held by Ibe Secrelary of Housing and <br />Urban Uevdopment. J monthly charge /inli,'u of Q t1JOTlgagt' msuranc{' premium) which shall be- in -an <br />amount equal 10 one.twelfth (1/12) of ,,,,c.half (l/~) per centum of the average oUlSlanding.balance <br />due on the note compu-lt:d without t~ktng Into 3t:Count delinquencies o-r prep3ymcnts: <br />{h) A sum equal tt'llhe groun4- rena. if :my. next due, plus ihc,prenuums thaI will nexl become-due 3nd p_ayable on <br />policies of flit' and othcr hazard insurance covcrinf:- IlIl.' lTlort~~tf.C'd P!OPfIly. plus (3.XCS and assessments ne~l.du(.. <br />On the mortgaged property {all as eSlllnl1led by Ii" M"rt~l1gcc} less aU '''II1S already paId rherefor divided by the <br />numhef of mQllths to dJ-pse before one month pllor to the date when such ground rents. _prtmiums.,-taxes, and <br />.3ues.smcnts Will become delinquent. such sums 10 be helJ by Mortgagee In lrus.t 10 pay ;.3id ~round rcnts~' pre. <br />TnlumS, taxes and sredJ.l a~sessmCnls.. -and <br />(e) AH payments menuoncd 10 the two preceding subscctwns of this par:tEtr:Jph and all paymerns 10 be made- under- <br />the note ,"culed herel>y ,hall he added logether. .nd the agpegate amountlllereof shall be paid by the Mortgagor <br />e3ch month in J smgJe p::ymcnl to be Jpplicd by the Mortgagee 10 the following items in the order stt-'forth:- <br /> <br />~, <br />C' <br />(jJ. . <br />C;::l. <br />c.o. <br />~' <br /> <br />O} premlum dtargcs unJer the ..;ontract of inS-IHaf!CC with lhe ScctC'IUY of Housing. and Uroan Developmenl. <br />or monthly chargt' (PI iH'"1J o( mortgag~ itHutall('C prl!miumf a~ the CUt. may be: <br />((I) i.tound H'nlS. Uxes.. assess;ne-nts. fur .and nlh~j' hai.Jrd insuranCe premIUms:; <br />! IJI) mttre'St on ill!' note s.C1.2iHed hereby; -;md <br />(IV) j!lh1fti.~:Hrnn of In: prlnclpat of s.Jtu nOl(' <br />Any ;Jcfl\:lcncy 1Il the amoul1l \If any ~uch .tggn."giite ftlUlHhJy pa)'menf 1llJH. unle-ss m~d~_ good by the- _Mort" <br />fOt-fWr !"nOI to the due da-:t:> of rile next s.uch p::tYIHClll. lllliUHulC 3n e\-ent tlf default undcf tius mortgage. The <br />Mot1g;.J;g<< rn.:ty cu-Ih:(; .1 "bit dl~rg('''' :w: Iv -exceto lilt;! ~l'nt> (4wl for doHaf (oS I) uf e-ach {laymen-t mOle <br />lh.a..n flltt'rn (1;\.' t:~n-s 11-' llne-an to cuover the ('xUa expense atvulvt'"d jij h.lndhng delinquent paymtnts. <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />:L That if th.. wtnl of th~ pii)ft'lN\t~ mad... b)' UtI' _\1Hrtl!ilf!ot under I fd of par~raph 2 preci'ding shall excped <br />(111'" l1Jt'Wut't1 of pa}"flH'ol~ anuaJI)' mad.' by the M-oriIPt}:Pf1 for rfO-unJ H'ot..;. tal:t"s and as~ssm'-"nLo; ur insurance pre~ <br />mlUR't"'-. a~ Uu> ca.''''" ma) b~.. ,"'uch cxce5.~. if the lcr,.-lO 1'So cunene J{ ,hi' OptHX1 o( th~ MortR,agor. .shaH be credised b) <br />dw "'.H(~A~("(' on "HUbSf'qul'nl p:1~t'l'I('nl.!l; lo hfl" made by tht. \h'rtr.-a~hf. Of rdund..d to th(' \torlgagor. If. how('\,cr. lhe <br />",,,,,thh pOlmrnt' m;uk tw Ihe 1.I.,...~allot under {f,j of l''' 2 precnh<lll .hall not be sufficienl ro pay ground <br />rt"ftt, UU,f'!'l and .:.,.s(>s.,~m("nt;,;; or in!'!lfanCl. pr~rn,um"', J-o;. OW LU,"'!" ma\' fI(', "-"hr'n th,. saint" ~hall be-com~ due' and pay' <br />ab-if', Hu'n lhp- \1t'trtgagof ~h3.H po.a,- 1u !he- \lor1;::l~-f'\' any ~mounl IH'n....~al) hl malu' up Ill(' deficient')'. on or beCon" <br />thf' dai(. \to'h(J-p p&)'m.l'nt of "ttJi-h ~rfJund rt'nts. t.;u.f'~. a:-<.':1-(~~~m-('nl"" M u\_'"-urantt" pr':'MtumS shall b(lo dut', If at any <br />tlm..- thp "ort,..,or fi-hllH tendN to thf' ,\1~Ht~:t~f'-~. In an'orda.n('(' VoJLh lh(> pronsions of Uu.- nohll secun"d ht!robYt <br />futl pa~'f3Nlt of tht> ,mtlO:' IOrlt.bH~Unr-""'" f('pu'_...enI{'d t!H'n'b~'. tlU' \ljJHga~-t'(. :-.hall. in ('umputjn~ tfw amount or such <br />mdebtedness, -neJu w (he .'Cl~i.)tm~ \Jf tht" MottgagN all payr.1C'f1ts fli,\dt'" undN the pftJ\"'Stons of In) of p;lra~raph 2 <br />h.....,,1 -hieh th.. \lort~Al!"" h>~ no' t..'<"om.. obItRa'..d It) P"~ '0 'h,. ""notary olllou5'<lll and Urban D<,vclo!""elll <br />.a.n-d a.1Y ba.lw(c i'f't'lUllntn-i: If\ UH,~ fund~ .;J(cumulatNi tJfldt~f piO\t"'hm~ of (f,) Qf pJ.ra~raph 2 hNC'uf. If theft' <br />;:ohiB lw a tit.buH undt" of th. pm\fSlt)ll~ u( UH,S mort~;ii:f' r~'~uhHlr. In :a pubiir salt. of th,. pr(-'tni~('-s. covered <br />h..r..u~, '" tf tilf \"on!!,,)!".. .cq"""& ,h"ltr"p"rl~' O,hN"'''.. .ftN d,.roult. tiI.. llof\/(aj!.... shall applv.,t the Ii...,. of <br />tht' ("Uftlnll"n(:"t,.tnf>ftl of such prorf't"dtnA:!\., or at \he time thC' pro-p--rrty I~ oihl'rwl~t. acquired, the b~u.. .' Lhl'o remain- <br />H't on funds- s' undN rId of p.n.r;raph 2: prpcNhn~, as a ('u'un tlj!~m~f tilt. amount of ytinripal then <br />ft'm3Htinr. unpaid und~r ~aid nott'. and ",h1ii propNh JdJu~t afi~ p~l~mf"n{_~ Y\.hich ~hali h:n-p lJet.>n made undt'1' fa] <br />uf p;ltitf:uph ~. <br />4 That tht Mort$J:l:i-,r ""Iii P:t-,,- ltf0Und ftnB L1'(e-~. J~\n\mt'nt\ 4-:11Cf r~l(":.. ;Hlt! other rovcrnmeo[al or mUnicipal <br />..h.;ugti. ttn<'!-. (.."f tn:1;wsJ{h"n~. h:u \4tw:b fHO\'u.H1!l hai nut pan madi7 ht'rctf1~{tlrt" and 111 Jdauh IllerC'uf lhe Mortga~et may <br />pol\-' tnc- :\iUP(; llM Ihal \he ~-h'rt~"gor ..djJ pttHnr-:1, dth....C1 the t\IIlCi.~i tt,>((,llH\ thcldm to the Motlg.JJC'c <br />f, IlK" Mor.1l;3't."\f "W1H pa) aH fnn Olo-h.d~ ma~' he- !cYltd llf/('itt ~h(' MOff!!a,t'c', mlcrc\1 In 'kml te-al (5latt and im-pnl\'C'- <br />menu, 31\d ~,t\K'b m.ll be k",'~d upon thn mOHgaiC' or the debl \c'Ulcd hcreb)' (hUl Oldy to lh(" t;.ltnt Ihal such IS nol prohIbit- <br />ed h~.- h\lit Jnd Qnf)' to the': tAtcnt that i.\Kh .....tU net 1t".3k-c tht\ lo.;m U\tUlOU\~, but e:.:duding .any meODle toU.. SUle or Federal. <br />lm"o~td -on MoltP:llJet, 4nd file the l~ffki.3.t fCCtipt th,lwlng S-l.Kh payment With the Mortgagee, UfKln violation of this under. <br />~a"tn~,_\.lt tf the MOl'1'ltt;C){ I! rrdubucu h)' ",n} lJ,w no\O: m hUt3JH:r c\t"\fmg rr-(~m fl3'r'ing the whole or :lny portion of tht <tfort- <br />utd tau~. (l-f upon the- rtnd-cTln~ of any (;'lUft dtCft'(' pr-oiubHIO' (he pa.yrncnt by the Mnrl,~&o-r or an)' ~u,h t~xcs. or if such law <br />or dect.. I"'" Ides lhat .n,. ,moun' 1(. PiltJ by the MonS,,"r ,hall h. <<edlled on the mortgag. debl, the Mongas.e shall ha'e <br />thr ught t6 "'If nln-tt)" days. 'Ii. nlUn ni;llKc h) the ()Wnu of the mortgaged prcntl\C\. reqUilins the payment of the mortgage- <br />.lebt. If ,w:h notlee be 8lven. the \,ud <lebt ,holi become due.p.,oble and "ollewble.. the e'l'iration of said ninety da~' <br />!> Thal.hould h. f"ill<lPO" .n~ 'urn or keel' '''l'covena''lpro,iJed for In this '-h'nga,e, then lhe Mortgagee. al,ts 01" <br />tt<on, ma, :-.oy O/f perlorm ,Ilt .od.n expenditures ". mod. ,hall be add.d to the pnneipal sum owing on the above note. <br />-..Mlll>e ,e..ored herebr. ..,,, .hall be... ,orere,lal the rate set forth m the satd Mte, unul paid. <br />, Thal he hereby amp.. Iran.fers and ..ti o'.r to the Mortg.gee, Ii' be ,pplled toward lhe poyment of the !lOte .nd ali <br />'i-Um1 ~-curcd htfCby In c~ue u! a ddauJ: in tht puforman<< or ;in)' of ltlt' terms and condltion~ of thiS Mortgage- or th~ ~aid <br />n(!U. aU 1M rent!. re\'('nu_t$ and income Hj- be dctTV~d (rom tht' mortga!l:cd rremat'~ dunng ~uch tlmC' as the mortgage indc:bttd? <br />M'-' ..1uJ:l r~-main unpald; and the M~1tl-p,<<(' s'h:t1! h.av'( power 10 appoin1. ao)' agent or B;:-tms il may dtlirt (or the purpose of <br />!epaJtm-l said J"ft1tn$ti and ot tenu-n, 1M samt and coikcung the lcnn-. [cvcnut:'\. and income, and II may pay -out of said in. <br />~(,,",f"S aU t.'l.pttt_1-e-\ -of Itpakmg 5.i1id rrcmjses and nCC:CSSl3f-:: cummlssloo1 and c"' incurred tn ttnun(l3nd managing the <br />~am~.and ttt c(lU~C'tina rtntaJs therC"fC'(:,,"~. the- b.uance tt"mlJ~n-in&. if 301_ 10 he applied lov.:ard the dl'ichargc of said mortgage- <br />"'<<bted...." <br />S, That he wdl -ketp tM- imprD\'tmems now e\i~Hn~ m hereafter ('ffeted on the mOfllt.lgcu properlY, irl:'\ured as may be <br />H'tfUltN from tunt H) hmt: by (he: MorlP8Ct ail3--m~l h_IiS by fife ~nd other h~larth. '-a!i.u3Itl~'" OJnd contin~cn(tc$ in \uch <br />.J:mQUAtt and IN such pcrl-(>;b 4l flUl): be rtquino_ ~-y 1M Mor-tjtagec ;-tnJ \VIii f~ay rC(lmruly, wh('o d\i(, Oiny prcmlums on ~uch <br />W""tiK~ rt~_nts.u)n fot p.t)'mtnt of wAich h;u. oot betn tnadt ht"ftmhdnft, :''\H in,uc3oC'C ,hall he carried In comp:m~e-s ap' <br />Pf{t>rW'b~.-Iht- MortPiCc aoo (he poh~!cs ilnd renewuh :J1crenf "lh;zU h-t: hdd h\' lht ~h)rlgagC'e Jnd hrl""t ,1HathC'd lhereto ji.1~s. <br />t'"'1~-'o.\hk ,-hnuC'l- in lav<<.of and in tf.rm ac\;ep:t-abk IU lh( M{)rlg.1i:Ct In {"v('ot of 10\\ MOfl):Jgm wli! ,.:iVl! unmcd1alc notil-e by <br />mat( !(\- t.nt 'Mr'tfp,rt. 'itdk1 at3\' tn:lllLe- prt)(,f \)( Iou it not made prompliy b.., MurtR::lgor. Ojod c3t.:h In'j.ur~wcc C\lmp~IOY cnn- <br />-\""('n~d fS kft'hl' llHt~i1Ci;l .ami dift(tfJ h) makt r::t)^mt-nf IV! m~.-h f,t>;, dif~~'n~. In lhe Mnrll!:Jjttt Hl-o;.lc:Hl \11 In the Mflftg.agnt <br />,4ffli-d.. Mt,:\41'.t" , and (he jn..uranee pro.cec:d1-. or any rart theret'!, mar ''It- .1ttr-11ed by rot Mortgagee ilt 1['1, optt-on (tthcr <br />Iti l~ rtd\a:tu).ft,o{ lhe tndt-ht-tdMH:-h(tcby ~tf;Urt-d ur to the rc-:ih)la.H-on or t-t'pa~r (,1! the!y damaf?;c'li_ In r-.enl of 10r(1;k1< <br />itne i,lf-mt,i fm)t1~ OJ' ~_~t~f trandft t,~{ tft!t to: the mn-rtnaJt:d ftwp-cny l!l Clf;n~lU~hmtn! of the mdchleJnt-~s \('(:U1('U herebv, <br />~_H "Sb4. hdt- and"mfcrus ~f fhf ,~hlft-P'Ut in .and to an}' H\,"!Jtanct r.d~.::'.~\- tMn Hl footer .\h~n r:i._.... ;hr- pUTch:J<;Ci t.1f ~ranlcc <br />iJ 1'~:3:;\ i:tW:ilt.\""K;JI-3.nd -{-oHaHH--,,1 \.t("~!f11Y jnt th.t payment of ih~ nnh: d("\(flned. ;Hl\i dJi sum" h.i h<':-(Ofla' dut unJer 1hi\ <br />tnM~; tht Mmt___.J*f hcfttr). ~~;'tJn, w lht' ~fdr-tlt,, aH rrldil\, ft~f.nU-(-\. htj.'.Jhu:,\, !1~ht'i .!i1-d ht'nr-fiH iH.TfllHlg H.1 th~ <br />-MM~f;1i"W' u-ndu Itn): ilnG an bd :I1nd-,~:\ ~(:a,s-t') Ob" MId pn:mi\n, ,."dl th: [lith!' to ft(tn-e ;'HHJ ft.'alpl fm lht "ame ;tfHj JJ:ppl}-' <br />fht.~-r1,Y 1>W- ntd't-b'-l"tdfit~:\ u: ,.,(_n hf,-f-m-t ~\ 6cfi:uk Ul the e~JuH:m~ A In!"; m,-)rtR~'l~e _ ;~nd ITlt Mnrlj.~,I~Ct: m;1\'- -lkrn3od. \Or <br />k,t ~1fJ;f 1t:;:'#"_t_f-:.n~ $-St:h ny-me-n_u. VfM-ll d#t ~uu! .PJll'ablc. but !th;.-tH fUH h(' f("i.JlllrtJ- fr-ll H. 1.1;, Hw. :'H'di:t>"m('l1-t i\ h' lrl"mil'l-.-'\!t <br />;;,-l1d ~{-I'.J-~ ~ ~<4 vt,~ -U"ifl- tf1t.~t-t of ibii mmt.ue: <br /> <br />H-UP-D::;l4_JM l~lJ'!jJ <br />