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<br />I <br /> <br /> <br />83......D063lo/ <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Lender's written agreement or applicable law. Borrower sbaH pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounls disbursed by Lender pursuanl lo this paragraph 7. with inle""t thereon, shall become addilional <br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage, Unless Borrower and Lender agree to olher terms of payment, such <br />amounts.ball repayable upon notice from Lender to Borrowet requesling payment lhereof. and shall bear interest from the <br />date Of disbursement at the rate payable from time'to time on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of <br />interest at-such ride wruld'be contrary to applicable law. in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate <br />pennillSibleunder appliCllble law, Nolhing contained in lhis paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or lake <br />any aclion hereunder. <br />~.-_ filspectioa.. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries llpon and inspections of the ,Property. provided <br />that Lernier-shatl sive Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's <br />inlerest in the Prol'erty. <br />9. CondemnadoIL. The proceeds. of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential. in connection with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Property. {'If part thereof. or for conveyance in tieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned <br />and shall he I'aid to Lender. <br />In the event of a total taking of lhe Property. lhe proceeds shall be applied to lhe sums secured by this Mortgage, <br />with the excess.- if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property. unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shaH he applied to the sums. secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />a-s i!li equal to that proportion which the amount of the sum~ ,,-ocured hy this Mortgage immediately prior to tbe date of <br />taking hean to the fair marker. value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking. with the balance of the proceeds- <br />paid 10 Borrower. <br />If tbe Property is abandoned hy Rorrower. or if. after notice hy Lender 10 B{'}rrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />an award or $ettle a claim for damages. Borrower faib to respond to Lender within .30 days after the_ date such notice is <br />mailed. lender i.. authorized to collect and apply the proceeds, ut Lender's option. either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property or to the ~um~ ~ecured hy this Mort!l"age <br />Unlen I,cnder and Borrower nthe-TV:iw agree in writing, ~my !tuch application of proceed~ to principal shall not ex.tend <br />(If postpone the due da,tc {\f the monthly installment-s referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />such installments. <br />10. BOrrower Not Rdeased. ExteMi-nn of the time fOf payment or modific,atlon of 3mortization ()f the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage granted by Lender to any SUCC-CSSN 111 l1f Borrower 5h311 not operate t(''l release. in any manner. <br />too liability of the I.'lriginal Borrower ;lOd HorH'Iwer', $H~t'Cs.illrs in interest. Lender ~haH not he required to commence <br />proceedings 3g:aiMt .\uch 'liUt."Ccswr Of refuse [0 extend time fOf payment t1[ othCN-rise modify amortizatlon of the- sums <br />'ieC-ured by this Mongage by reawn of ;jOY demand made hv the nri~inal Borrower ~H1d Borrower's Sllcces,,'iOrs in interest. <br />11. F~ by I.ender Not a Wai\'~r. Any forbearance- hy Lender in anY right or remedy hereunder, or <br />(yrherwise afforded by applicable law, "hllll nor he it Wat\'C'f of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy, <br />The procuremenf of insurance 0r rhe payment t\f Hlx'CS mother !lens nr charges hv I.ender "haH not be a waiver of Lender's <br />right to accelerate the maturity (\f the 1I1dehtedne"~ 'ieCUfl'J hy thj~ ~h'lrtg.age. <br />12.. Rell'ledits- Ca....."f'. ;\H rcmediC-..'\: provided in thi~ ~h'rtp:lge arc distinct ,lOd .:.'umulati\'e to ;my other right or <br />remedy under lhis Mortgage- or affofd~d hy !al,l..'- -\'f equity, <Ind m~y he e\crci>;cd "xlflcurrently. independently' or $lIcccs.sively, <br />13. SIlCftS5OI5 and Aqns Bound: Joint and s.e'\'..raJ IJabRity; Captions. 'The covenants and 3greement~ herein <br />contained shall bind. and the right,-, hereu~r shaH inure to, the rc~rective succeSSQrs and ass.ip:ns of Lender nnd Borrower. <br />subject to the provisions of paragraph 17 hereot' .'\11 cov~nanu and .:il:~rccments. of Borro'.\'e~f shall be joint and ~everal. <br />The captions and headings -of the rarl:lgr~\ph, <~f this Mortgage are for ~:onvemcn,e ,-,tlly and arC' nt)t to he, used to <br />Interpret or define the pro\'t~ron'-' hereof. <br />14_ Notice. Except for any notJe,c required under {~ppjka"k };lW w he given In anothe-r manner. la) any notice to <br />'8omlwer provided for in thi.. Mortgage shaH be !pvt.n hy rnaiHoR \Udl notice- by ccrt<fied mail ;Iddrer.-licd Ie .....~.'.r.ower at <br />the Property Address. or at such other 3ddres\ a'i Borrower nUt\' dt.-~tgnate hy notice' to Lender as prov-ide-d ' :rein. and <br />(b) any notice to Lender J;;hall he gi\'cn by i..'eftifte-d mail. rctom rCt't'lpt H::que:5't-c.-d. i0 L:nder'~ addres.i stated herein or to <br />such other address as. Lender m:n: de-!i.i~nate h\' oOlkc !<l BNrf>WCr ;]5- pnwided herein. '\ny notice I"rQvidcd fOT in this <br />Mortgage shaH be _deemed hJ have bt~n g1\,'cn In florrnwef {If Ll;.' ,,"he_" gIven in the Manner designated h~rein, <br />15. Uniform !\-1ol'tl8Ct: Gove-f'Rio& Seo"~rabillt)'" Thi.. (\)rm llf IH-0rtgagc (ombjnes uniform ~oven:mt~ for national <br />use and non..uniform covenant" with iimitCl.i v.lriatipn$. by IHn~(b;tlon w constitute ~i uniform .'i.ecurity iOlitrume:nt (,'overing <br />rea! property. This- Mort~age ~half 'he- gO\fe-rn<<i h\' it.:-e law nr the iuri:o;diction in whkh The Property l~ located, In the <br />e''mt that any provision or dlluSC of thi.. Mt.t1,gage Pf !he NPIC: nmnict\ with applicable Jaw. such conf-lict ,,-hall not affect <br />other pfovision\ of thi'S. Mortgage ~\r lhe ~ntt which ..-an b.: f!ivcn effecf without the ('onilkring provili.ion, and to this <br />end tnc-- provision-!li ~'lf the Mortgage and the '-li).tC are declared h) he ,everahle_ <br />16-- lIonowfl-'s ('..opy. Borrower ,hall he furtw,-he'd ~l ,,:llfih)rnlW copy of the Note and f)f thi.. Mortgage at the time <br /> e.!\ecution (If aher r\Xl'lrdation here'fJl. <br />11. Tf'a:Glfer of the Ptopenyt Assumption. If lilt or allY pari (l! the- Pmpeny Uf an interest therein j<,; St1Jd or transferred <br />by Borrov."Cf' with~nH Lender's prior \1.trHtCI1 conse-nt. -ex.duding Ill) the {:reation of it lien or em.:umbrance subordlO.1te t-o <br />this Mo-ttg~, (b) the creation ,;)f <l. purchase rnone~ ~~urity Interest for household appliances, (c) a transfer hy devise. <br />descent or by Opefatltm of law upon the, death of a joint tcn~nt Of Cd' the grant of any leasehold. interest ('If three year.. or le"is <br />1.\O!- containing an. option to purchase. Lender- may. at Lender''\', (.)phon. dcdare all the \UOl"l. secured hy this Mortgage to be <br /> due- and -.,a)'able. Lender "halt have 'Waived :';1.1(11 opti('O tn accelerate if. priof to the :\.al~ N transfer, Lender <br />and the pe-non- fo whom the- ProperlY is 10 be- sold -or tran",ferrcd reach ug{cement in writing that the credit of such person <br />i~ latisiae-tory to Lender and that the imeml ray;}ble on the sums secured by this Mortgage shaH he at such rate as; Lender <br />mall request. If Lender has waived the opthm to al;;ceterate pro-vidw in this paragraph !7, and if Borrower's succes80r in <br />inteml has ex<<uted A \\-TitteQ assumption agreement accepttd io \',-riting hy Lender. I.t::nder shall rcleue BOfwwer from all <br />obIigalloos under tit.. Mortgage and the Note. <br />If L-ender exercises such -option to aCt.-clerat\.". Lender 'ih:1H mail Borrower notice of acce!eratit.."n i;) .'iccordam:c with <br />parqraph ]4 herwf. Sut-h notice snalt pr(Wtde: a period of n,ot less than JO days from ,he date the notice h mailed within <br />",,'bicb Bot_rower nUIY pay the sums declared du~,. rr Bonowa f;Jiis fO pay ~llch ...urns prior to the expimtlotl (~f ~uch -period, <br />l..entfet-may', without ,further notice or demand on Borrower, invoke any rcmcdio pt.~rmltted by paragraph I S hereof. <br /> <br />NoN:..UNt~M COVfL"lANTS. Bort~f and Lender further CO\'Ctwtlt and agree H~ h,lIows: <br />II. ~ h....... l';.,.~ b l'",yided In parlIllraplo 17 beRO!'. upon Dorrown', br_b of any eo........ or <br />~af ....._ 101 tills. Morlpg.. ineladi_ lhe ru.......t. I.. pay when. d... any ..._ s<<un:d by Ibis M<>l'Iplle, <br />(......."""'~.._............ 1I.._n.n .. pnnided In P",.....pIo 14 her<Vl' spedfylll1l' (i) tin bmtcb, <br />(%).................""__.. ~l {3).a ...... _ _Iba.. 30 ft,.. f....... the date the mailed I.. Borrower. <br />., ......8dl...............1IOM; nd(411ka!fllil_ to <I.", _II w--'b oa or ""faft! tho date sp.dlied ia tho <br />.........lrt""......altbo__~ by I" M..~ fllfodosu", by J""kial_...t11l1l aad.1de 0( tho Property. <br />'tliie,......... tibt.lf;......... W_ ..........""0( 1M rWU 10 "".....aIioa a"" lb. riPllo _t1 In lhe fure<1osut< <br />~__u\lilID~W af ll.1IofHhOf ....y ot.... ""f_ of .BarroW<<!' 10 ac<Clwlllon ...... fottdoliB"" If lhe ""'-b <br />1J_'~.""".""'lbo"'~ iIlt""....u.... t"'...... at L.nder', opt.... may dedare all of the........ _..n:d by' <br />_:~"",,~y'" ....tMlYllIIk >rittHIDI f......... ""....... ..... ""'Y f.."",~ IIy J""lelal <br />......... fllIlRt lit -e.,....,.... a1h~ 0( ,......._, ItKkMIlDa. b1lt .... 11mil" to. t..... of do<:.._otuy <br />..- .....-. <br />~:.....,..-_~ NOtw.itb14i~_tt\mkf~ 4,,~t'-tc~al~lfJ- (If the Nums_ 1OC~red hy th" Mortgi1Jt:. <br />~~- ~--~,.-"-- riFt t:9 mrvc ~U'ir_ fU"~.tttp ~\m by- L~-nderJt1 ~tJ~c(, eh~'S M-ortpgt:: dlS.('1JlI'tHutct1 ;)J any tune <br />