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<br />83';;';"006343
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<br />9.. ~......... The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or consequential, in connection with any
<br /><:ODdemnaliooor other takillg of the Property, or part lhereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and sbIIl be. paid 10 Lender,
<br />In lhe event of a loW taking of tbe Property, Ihe proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust,
<br />with the excess, if any, paid to. Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise a..... in writinll. there sball be applied to the sums secured by Ihis Deed of Trusl sucb proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion which the amounl of tbe sums secured by tbis Deed of Trust immediately prior to the dale of
<br />takin,bears to the fair mlll'ket value of the Property immedialely prior 10 the date of taking, wilh Ibe balance of the proceeds
<br />paid .10. Borrower.
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender 10 Borrower thallhe condemnor offers to make
<br />all. award or lCltlea claim for damages. Borrower fail. 10 respond 10 Lender within 30 days .fter the date such notice is
<br />mailed, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds. at Lender's option, either 10 restoration or repair of the
<br />Property or 10 the sums secured by Ibis Deed of Trusl.
<br />Unlas. Lender and BolTOWer otherwise agree in wriling. any such application of proceeds to principal sh.U not eXlend
<br />or poctponc the due date of the mOll.thly ill.stallmell.t. referred to in paragraph. I and 2 hereof or cbange the amount of
<br />.uch inltallmenll.
<br />.e. BOnoWet' Not........ Extension of the time for payment. or modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this Deed ()f Trust granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to retea.se. in any manner,
<br />the liability of the originai Borrower and Borrower's 'SUCcesron Iii jfi~. Lender shed! not be required to commence
<br />p~3nas against such successor or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modif)' amortization of the- sums
<br />secUl'ed by this Deed of Tf'U!t by reason of' any demand made hy the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />It. F",","-. by (.0_ NoI a WaI..r. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising lUIy right onemedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwise a!forded by .pplicable law. .ball not be . waiver of or preclude the exercise of all.Y .uch rigbl or remedy.
<br />The procuremen:t of insurance or the payment of wes or other hens or cbarges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />righl to accelerale lhe maturity of the indebtedneas secured by thi, Deed of Trust.
<br />u. R_ C~.. All remedies provided ;n .hi. Deed of Trust are distinct an<l cumulative to any olher righl
<br />or remedy under Ibis Deed of TrusI or a/lorded by law or equity. and may be exercised concurrently, independell.t1y or
<br />.uccasively. ,
<br />13. ~ _ Aaoipa Botmd; Joint """ So.."" LlabiUty; Captio.... The covenants and agreements herein
<br />contained shaH bind, and the right! hereunder sbaH inure to, the respective successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower.
<br />subject to the pro\'i3iom of paragraph f7 hereoL An covenants ~nd agreements of Borrower shall be joint and several.
<br />The captions and headinp of the paragraphs of th15 Deed of Trust ure for convenience only and are not to he used to
<br />ill.lerpret or delloe the provisioD.s hereof.
<br />14. Notice. Except for any notiee requned under ~ppJicable law to be given In anotMr- ,manner. (a) any notice to
<br />ll<>rrower provided for in thi> Deed 01 Trust .hall be given by m.i1ing such notice by cenilled mad addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Property Address or at such other address .a..\ Borfi,wcr may designate by notice to Lender as provided herein, and
<br />(h) any llOlice to Lender !hall be given by certified mail, return receipt requested, to Lender's addre.. ..ated herein or to
<br />fJum other address u Lcodier may desipate by nOlice to Borrower as provided herein. Any notice provided for in this
<br />Deed of Tnul shan be deemed to have he.en itven to Borrower ot Lender when given in rhe manner designated herein.
<br />15. U....... 0HtI of TI1IIC; Conr", taW'; Se.enbiHty. This form of d~d of trust combines unifonn covenants for
<br />national use and non.un.-iform covenants with limited "anatlons by Jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security instrument
<br />coveriag real propertYo This Deed of TfU-Sf shall be go\'erned hy Jhe l\'Iw of the Jurisdiction in which the Property is located,
<br />In the C'Yent that any proviSion ~t dauw: of (hi$ Dcerl of TruM or the Note ..;onflicts wuh a~phcable: law. such conRiet shall
<br />not uJlect otbeT provta~. of thlSi Deed ()f Ti'1l1t or the Note which t-:-an be given effect Without the conflictmg provision.
<br />3nd t<llhis end the provosioos 01 the Deed of Trust .nd ,he Note are declared to be .evernhle.
<br />16. 8orro~ C-opy~ BotnJlN-et .hail be ttlrl1i-_~d a o::-onrormed (Opy 01' the Note and of this Deed of Trll~t at the time
<br />01 exe<:utioo or after reconlItion hen:ol'.
<br />17" TnMfer- of dIe~;~, If aB ()f an)'_ pan -of the Property or an interest therein i!i sold or transferred
<br />by Borrowet- without laJdcr s prior wtitten ,CQll.iCn~. c-.'~citidtog ~ a} the creation of a hen Of encumbrance subnrdinale to
<br />this Deed of Trusl~ (b) the creation of a pul"ChaK ~' ~curjty Inte-rest for houaehold appJianC:e!i. (c) ;it tran,.-F-..... hy devise.
<br />JC$CCD1 or by operation of law upon the: death of a ~Oint tenant or ! d I !he grant of any lea.\ehoid intere$l of three -' ..-JfS or less
<br />ttOt-emu>>inin, an optian to purchut-" Leoder may. at Lrndc:r.~ option. declare aU the surns 3CCured by thb. Oee-d -of Trust to be
<br />immutiatdy dtJe and pay.hf~" LeJ:I<kr shaH have \lo-;ii'o'ed .!locn OptlOft io accelerate if, prior to the sale or tran$fcr~ Lender
<br />,llOO the pef$Olt 10 whom the Propen-)' is to be ~d or tra.nt,ferred rCII<=h ag:r<<me-Ol !n wfltin$ that the credit of such person
<br />i-s satisf&CtOf}' to Lender and: thar the interes-t pa~':lble on the li.Ullh $lX:ured hy th!i [)ee(l of Trust shall be at such rate as
<br />l..c-nder- shall request. If Lendet' h-u ...ai-oed the- CphQn h,) tto:cknue- provH.ied in this. paragraph 17, and if Borrower's successor
<br />:n interest -tuas c:-xccut-a1 a written ..umpuan agreement a~'plcd III wruln-g hy Lender, Lender shall release Borrower from
<br />all obliaatiom under 1m. Deed 01 T"", and the Note.
<br />if Lender extTCfses, such option to accelerate, Lender shaH mati Borrower nOlke of accc!uation in -accordance with
<br />parqraph 14 hereof, Such not:k-e ,han provu.!e a peFk.'l(j of not ku than 30 -days from the- mue- the notice is mailed within
<br />which Borrower RUl)' pay t.hc sums d<<.larcd dU(!, If Borrower tails. fo pay such ~um5 pr,io-r to the expiration of such period,
<br />l..ender may. Without funhcr notice Of demand 00 Borr-ow-e-r. in"'ol~ any remedie~ permuted by paragraph t 8: hereof.
<br />NON...l)N-ui:oaw ("~NANT5 Borrower and Lender funner co,vmant and agree as follows:
<br />18, "~'R_. E....pt.. ......-,.1" _...... 17 he_I. upon ."",,,w.r's bre...h 01 any co..nanl or
<br />__ of ~ ill. 'his [lftd of T....... iacln4lne "'" co'.naals 10 pay ..hen d"" any....... ",",ured by 1m. Deed
<br />of T...... l.otMIu prinr to a<<dHatlo" man mail ~ to Bono..'" "" pro.lded In ~ 14 hereof spe<!lfylng; (1) Ih.
<br />.........; (11 "'" _ nquln!d to c".. __ b~ (31 a dlot.. _ ""'" tha.. 30 daY" from the date .he notk. is mailed '0
<br />--......, by ..- _.Is ......... _ be cUftt!; _ (4) !hat ton.... ,.. cu.. s""h breach on or befnre the dal. .peclr.ed
<br />i" ,he ftoIlee JMy rCHlt In accdenlloa of "'" ..._ -..red by Ibis I)eed of T...... and sale..f Ih. Property. Tlte Dotke
<br />.... f_ W- IIorrnwff of "'" ritlh1 tu ",imt1M atltr .n-d....._ _ lh. riCh' to orin!: a court action 10 \Wert
<br />lhe --...., of . del_ ... 0' _ def_ of Borrow.r 10 accd.ratlon and saI.. If Ih. breach is Dol cured
<br />... or .......the .dale spr:dIed In the -..e. 1..-. at Le-.', option ....y dtda", all of lbe ....... secured by this [)oed
<br />nf T...... to he ~ dtoe_,.,.- willlou1 t.._ de...- and may Inok.l.... po_r of.. and aoy other r....ed~
<br />.............. by &JItIIloaI* u. l-coder fillall be .ntided lD colle<.. on ,............ .MIs and e.pemes i...,..<Ted In p..rsuln~ lh.
<br />....... fII'O"Wed ko I" ~1" !ndtodloII. but _ Iimiltd 10. ......-. al1om.y'. f....
<br />if tiIe-,.,..,. of __.. ~ T~ .DiiP m..'UtG .. nmK:t' of daHI. iii Ui:b ('~ i:~ 'W!!.~h fht Property t)r "'(lm-e-
<br />pm"""'" .1<><MeoI..........IIalI....... nf_ _In !be_ p.....,rIbed by appIi<ablelaw to Borrow... aod 10 lhe
<br />-....... ~ loy .......,.....Iaw. M"'" ,he """" 01 _" li_ os may be r"luired by applkabie law. Tru51te oball
<br />p""" - of...... the ...- ...... in !be .........". p.....,r\bed by llppIicabl. I.... Tnutre. wl'b6nt demand on
<br />..........., oIoaII_the "-"r 111 poolIIk...-..... to the kit""'" bidder ., ,he 11_ and pi.... and undtr lhe lor.... d..lJloa..d
<br />... the....... of...... _ .... __ par<dI...... In _. ....... as T1_... _y delrrmlae, Tl1JS1re _yo pool_ .. of all
<br />.............. "'.tloo........,.. by pafolk _KC_ .. the 11_ """ .pia<< of alO)' pn.lousIy Kl<eduled .we. [.rnder or
<br />~ ..........,.......lhe~.. ...,....
<br />U-...... nf~. nf the prbb!d.'~ .. deliver to tlle porcha5ot- Trust..'s deed ronveyill/! lbe Property
<br />.......- neUI&. ... the ~'. deed sIIIlIIlbe prlmafaelt ...__ or the truth or tbe ._ made IbrnoIn. Trust..
<br />iiloalt1fHb'.. .. .._............ .., I........... in. .lIoor..............dtr. (al to all -..hIe """'" and e."""",,,, ..,. lhe _, _In,. bllt
<br />.... Jlloilkol.... ~.$ foeonf_ _llsaa.\,> of ......,. -lInN _ price, -..hIeattomey'. f... and """'" nf IItIr rvicleua.;
<br />thlli>............... _1IillDte4nfn-. _lei the _.lfany, 10 tbe ponon 01' ptnl...ltplly enllded _0.
<br />l" ~ IIll!Itt to.......... Notw,.Ih<tandiog Lender'. a.....lerntion 01 .be ...m, "",,,red by thi. Deed or Tru,..
<br />~--"- the ....... It..... any pr<><<oediogs begun by I.ende.r to enf"fl." thi, Deed 01 1'r"'1 di",ontinued at
<br />OW" prim." *.., ~ier "'_If orO! lhe 1\:.lt tlaybef""'lhC ",Ie of the Property l",rsuanl tn ,he po""" "r ..Ie ..onttun.d
<br />i..tlsll.OotecIof.ftW '" bi;etllty of. .j,tdjJmenl enf"""", thi, Deed. tlf Trmt.l: lalllorro_. pay, lender all .um. which would
<br />bethftWC.......tbJo DCellol.Tn..., tM N_ .nd _..,culing ,.,"'".. Ad.at1Cfl. if any. had "u ...Cel.....hOO occurred:
<br />'lIi__"- .1lbiwKheil.>I any utbercovenants or'l!'-""of ~t contained In Ihu o..d 01 TruM:
<br />t...t........)o._...... ""...~ . ...olf~. ... ..... .pertOl!ll.... _.... .. tm!<l..l>:Y L.....det. alld Tr........ in enl",clOg the co,..:n3nts and >gr..me. nt> ,,(
<br />~.~in Ibis Deed.ofT_.and in''''''t'Ci''i Londet.. andT.us...,', _.... os pmwled." pa"'If"ph tg
<br />""-1< ~ llbt......limlt.ed M,__ "'lorney.' I~ and {d.ll!or",""'rrok.. "",h aC\'OD .. 1.""00 ""1' ..""",.N,.
<br />r~ U,'t- ~ -f'" 'IN tiut- of tbit -1Jeed -gf T~_, t~'$ i,rrtere!l.t m ,the Pr~"y and 8<~row"t"'!i: ($I~#ahi.~.fj hI p-oiy
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