<br />83- 006327
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<br />U~n-lJRM- COVrr-;"NT~. }j,lffowcr and Lender t:nvc-nant and agr~e lis .follows:
<br />J. Puy"\e-nt of Principal and tntcrt.~. Borrower shall promprly pay when due the princip;d of alld H}[CrCS[ IJIl the
<br />jndebl~dm:~... ~\,jdenc~d by the Note, prcpaymcnI and late charges ;1:'1 rrovlded in the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances :-;ecured by this MOrtgilgC.
<br />2. Fund!i far Taxes- and -Insurance. Subject In applkablc law or to a wriHen waiver by Lender. Borrower shaH pay
<br />to Lemler OJ.} the dilY momhly in..uliimenrs-or-prlncjpal :Ind interest arc payable under the-Note. unl'illhe Note. ts, paid-in-fu!!.
<br />.1 sum iherein "Funus~'r '~quaJ. to one-twelfth of- the yeouly taxes and as.ses.''iments which may attain priority OVCl:" this
<br />1\'f"ortpge. and grodn-d rents on-the"Properry. if- any, plus <,ne-twelfth of yearly l,remium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />ptus, i,)ne~tweJfth of yearlYcpremium installments for mortgage insllrance, if a.ny. aU as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />time to time'by Lender on the. basis of a~-smcnt.s and bills and reaso.nable estimates theteof.
<br />The Ftlflds. shall he held 1n an inslitution Ihe- deposil!i or ac-courH-s of which are insured or guaranteed by a, Federal or
<br />S1:a:C jgen-cy {including 'Lender if lender j' \u~'h an institution,. Lender shall apply fhe Funds to pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />IO$unutcc premiums and'ground rents, Lender may not charge lor so holding and applying the Funds. analyzing said account,
<br />or verifying ;.md compiling'said asscssment\: and bi1ls. unless lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permil$ Lender. tn make such a. charge. Bo-rrower and Lender ma~ agree in writing at' the tjme hI execudon' ot..this
<br />Mortgage rh':lt lI'ltcrcst on the Funds. ClhaU he paid to Borrower. ~lOd unlc~5 'Such ltgreement is made or applicable law
<br />require.t;. such Intac-S't to be pajd,. I.cnder ~haH not he required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings o~ the Funds', lender
<br />'.ihaU give to Borrower, without charge. ,10 annual accounting of the F\lnd~ ...howing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />pllrpo\.t' for wh!th t~;tch dehr1 tll The Funds wax maue. The Funds Jrc pledged as i!dditional security for the sums secured
<br />hy thj~ ~1ongagc. . -
<br />If the. amount of the Fund.s. held by Lender. together with the Juwre monthly installments. of Furids payahle'prior to
<br />rhe due datc!'i of taxes. a~ssmcm~, msurance premiums ~nd ground rents, shall exceed the amount' re.quired ro pay said taxes~
<br />asses..~ments. msuran~e premiums -and grollnd rcnt\ ;1$ thc~' fail due. ;:.lIch t.:xce..\.s s.hall be, at Borrower's option. either
<br />promprly rep~id to BorrO\ver or credited to Borrower on monthly im..tallmcnts of Fund" If [he amount of the Funds
<br />held hy Lender shaH not be sufficient to pay [aXes, .:lssc!i5menls, in~ur~illcc premiums and ground rents as they fall due.
<br />Borrow~r :ohaH pay to Lcnd~r .10Y amount necessary to make up rhe dcticienc'; within 50 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Lender to Borro-wer requesting pa'ymcnt Ihercnf
<br />Upon payment III fulJ t-,f all .sums secured by tins Mongag~, I.ender :ohall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held by LlinJec If wldcr p.aragnph t~; herco! rhi: Property IS "old ur the Property IS otherwl~ acqUIred by Lender, Lender
<br />shall ~ppjy, no later than unmedi:Hcl}' prior 10 !he ...ak nf the Property or its ;1cqUlsiuon by Lender, any Funds held by
<br />Lender at the l1mc of application ;1.') a crcJil against the sum", :'o-CCllfCd by lhi~ Mortgage.
<br />3. Apptkation of Payments. Unlej,\ J.ppllcahlc fa\\! pfllvH.les oth(:n~ ISC. all payments received by Lender uDuer the
<br />Note and paragraphs I and:! herCl}f shall be <tppited by Lender fi~t In paymem (II amounts payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />under paragraph :2 he.reoL then {O lntcn'.:'q payahlc (1[1 the ;-..Jnte. tht"n II' lh~ prin{;lp,ill {If the ~otc, and then to interest and
<br />pnnclp'aJ on ,Jny Future Advance-s.
<br />4. Charges.; LH-m:, Bf'ITU.....C! :,>hall p;n ,iiI i,,\\.--, :"~l'<:''''l1l,':ll." .!Ild <'llwr ~.h,llgL'S, fJll\"~ ,lnd impositions attributable to
<br />[he Property which may ::tHain ~l pril1rity lIver IIw'r \IMtga~l~. .\IId It:l.\...t'I1,Hd r;\~'ml"nb IH' ground renls. if any, in the manner
<br />provided under paragraph 2. hCf\.~Of l.\r. ,: ran p.wJ ill "l.h:h mil.il!1Cf. hy BiJrr\lW~1' mal.:lIlj; payment. ,,,hen due. directly 10 the
<br />p.ayee !here.of. Borrower !'hal! promp!l\: 1 UHli"h Il' Lender J,li !1uU(cS llt ;trHlH:nls Jue undc.f rillS par:tbraph, and in Ihe event
<br />Born)\vcr "hall make payment JH\.~I.'li\. B~)rf(h\.<.,'( "h"i! pl\\nqHh I\!lnl,h ill l.~ndt;r ,l.'I.:t:lpl-.. l~\'ldcn\:lOg "uch payments.
<br />HOfiower 'ShaH pn1-mptiy LhM.'h:Jl'g~ ilny lIen \lhll.'b h;IS rl'l;\nt~ ,;\\;f !h!~ \tong.1gc: prtH'ldi:d. lb.!! BOlfl,)\\,('[ ...h.dl not he
<br />.reqUITed tv Ja.ch<.tq;e ..lOY ~uch hen 'len h~ng ;fi! IhHr.~".~';1 ...hall .li':I'I.'" Tn ~~ ll!m~ t.l !hl' pitymt:nl pI' lhe nhli!!l.ltIon ~ccurcd hy
<br />such hen III J. manner acctpt~lblc ii' L,,;ndcL ,'! .,h'-lll 1'1 ~t\t~J Lillh \..',!lll<.:...[ '.Ii=.:h 1!~.\! h, l'! ,lclend ell!l.1rt:.:-mcnt 01 such lien m,
<br />leg-al pl\1Ct."1.'-dil1g~ whu.:h ')rcr;Ht~ to p-n.','ent the ,,'nt..'h:Ulll:Hl ,If !hl.-' hi::; lorfCllur,: ,--,f tht, Pn:1peny l'f ;my pan rhereof.
<br />5. Haunllnsuratli..t'. B('!-nnwer "hail b..:c-p tI,e unpr\l\.l~illl.:nr. (l,W. r\l.,llng ,II' hCfl.:J.(tcr ....ll..'>.:ICd on the I 'rlY In:.ured
<br />.against jO~\i hv fire. ha.ean.h: llk"ludcd \\-Hhm the term '(\It.~nl.kd .md '>(h.h l\lhel' h.!1.ards a.. Lcude may reqUIre
<br />and in suo;h iilm(}IlIlU <tnJ h.'f Sih:!; J~rl;)do;;b tender nL1\ ;t"IUH~'. rh:ll ! ..:ndn ,hilll nOI n:q!luc Ih~H lhe .1InOllllt ,)f
<br />'Such coverage t::u:ced that .'\t1WmH d ,,:~)\-a~g~ r":i.J.wr.;J j" l'~l~ lh,' "lm" "~'<..lln'd h nw, ?\-lof!!!,t~e
<br />The Insurance ~J.fner providing the Ui"'\H~mi.'I.' .~.h:dl h: '.rH\:.l."1l in' Bl1iTn,,,.'r -.ubj(.'d ", ,IP-proV.t/ by 1. ender: provided.
<br />that :such apPw\,'3J "hall not be. li!U'Cl.buni.i.hl\' .,~lthhcld. \!i pr~'llWtm" (Ill m...w;lI\(~ P\)liCle:~ ~hal! nt' p~lld HI rhi.' manner
<br />provnierl under paragraph 2 hcreul ,)f. :1. li-.:>t p:ud in ,o..:h 1il<.i:nm:r fl\ H\Htl.'WCr makmg payment. when due, Jlrcctly to the
<br />iumrance carner.
<br />AU in~-uran;;~ pulii.:ICS ,md rctH:;.\~ds Ihen:ol ...h;;!! hI.: in :,,[,n ;,,,,',,,:.'PLlbk \(1 I uHler .Ill;:! ~hajj ilk'lude ;\ ~.Ia!ldard mortgage
<br />dause in favor \)( and ill (l)rm a;.;\.'.::p!.i~ie in Lt:llde.f. l.::nd..., -..tuil h;l\'-. the nghl hI hoid rhe Pi)IiOCCl .,nd rcnc\-\ab thereof,
<br />and Borrower ~h.di prornptly t~lrnrs.h h~ Lender aH f'-.'l1l".\-.11 ,h~!:;.C" ,wd .ill r':;':":lpIS \)f p~ld prt:fl1l1Hll'\ In the ('vent ui lo'i~.
<br />BOtN1wcr :!<.hLlH gl\'~ prompt !loth':,,' r..1 the Hl~lHdn...'~' ..'...rr;\:r ,I,ld L-:ndC:i. ll.:mkr ma) nuke prm,! pI kl'y.s It 11(\t made promptly
<br />by Borrower.
<br />Unless Lender and Born.l\\cr othCI"t'l.'ht:: :igre~ ill \\nling. Hhdl.l!\i.-C pm..;e-cd" shall hI:. .1ppln::d lU rc~toration \)r repair of
<br />the Property damaged. pnwldcd )lli.:h rl~h.'raW)n or f<?palf 1S C:l.:ll!lutllll.:ally lc~~\hk ,HId rhe' :..c..:urny of this Mongage IS
<br />nut tbo-reby impaired, If '\ou\:h rC:'i.wc..lJun or ft'P41! lS 11\'t c":t.m\\[m~.ilh !c;.l;sIHe tll' 11 the ">l:(.unt\' ,II lhl' Mortgage \l,;ould
<br />be impaired. the ms.urance pr(.~ceth ~haH be ~{ppheu 10 the ,>ums. ....t:-i.~urcti h~ Ihl:O> ~1ortgagc. wHh the c\cess. jf .HlY, paid
<br /><<0 Borrower, If the Property i'l.. .lbaudonc-d n-y B.,)fWw-er. (If 11 Horrower LId') ;,1 1~3ponJ lO L~'nder wnhin 30 days trom th~
<br />J.-afe notice is mauled by Lender h' Horrow~r rh.H the msurancc C-;Hrter '\.InCh. h' <,Cll!C .1 chum h1r IIhurance ~ndits. Lender
<br />IS aUlborizcd to coHeet and ;lppiy the jl\)Ularu.:t' p!'t.)c<<d~ .Jt Lender~s ,.lPl:on cllt:l'r to re:"wriiHon or repaIr 01 fhe Pro-pen)'
<br />or to the- SUIl}:$ ~ecured by [his; Mortgage.
<br />Unlcn ,lender and Borrower dhtf'\\,j~~, agree HI wnung. ,my ~tld1 ..lpphC~'IH.m J.)f pnx:ceds 10 pl'Jflcipal ~hall not extend
<br />or pottpOnC ,he due date of the m.onthly instaltfnefH:-t r-derred hJ to para~raph-') ! ;md 2 herCiJt nf ~han~e th~ amount of
<br />sudt installments. ft. under paragraph 18 hereof the Property 1':0 ;H;:q-lUfcJ by Lender. ,t/l nglu, title and inlerc.st 01 Borrower
<br />in and to -All)' \nsu.nmcc po,jicies_ and in and to the proceeds [hertZ)l H.."Suiling t'rorn \.i~mage to the Pror-rty prior to the sale
<br />or acq-uiliuoo .shalt pass to Lender to the e.\ltem oi the ::,ums ~t:cur~{j hy thh J\hHtgage immediately pnor to -:-;uch salt: or
<br />acquis>tion.
<br />6. ~. IIlld MaiIIIeBalIce of Pl'OlJ"I1y, ,-"...hulds; Cunduminium'll Planned Unit Develup_nl>. Borrower
<br />-shalt keep the Property in good repair and shall not caronlit wa:o..lt or permit impairme.nt or deteriorati",'11 of the Property
<br />ao4 5bai1 comply with the' proYwoos of- un)! lease if lhl~ Monga&c I~ on .:t kas.t:lwid, If Ihls Mongaj{e: is t)n ,J unit. in a
<br />-coadomiDium Of a planned unit. de:vdoproent. Borrower ,hail perform aU of Borrower'.'!!. obligation,s under the declaration
<br />or, c~s creatlnt Of IOvcrning the condommium or ptanned uuit developmtnl, tht', by-laws. and re'gulations of the
<br />caodomintum or pJmood- unit deffi\lptnen-t. .,,"-d. Ctmstiluent Jocumenrs. If a condominium or planncq unit Jevelopment
<br />"'* ~~.by~.and ~ t"l~iler ".!II th..Mt>rlllage. the 't>venant. and agreement. of sueh flder
<br />>hall_~NC~itIl<lami$ball amcndand "'I'plemest the covefti,l)t. anti "lIt..men.. t>f th.. Mortgitlle a. .f the <ider
<br />-AIWi~.
<br />1;.._ ~,.._, .LMMr". .s......,~ Jf SQrro-wer fa-ib to pelf9nn the. covenant! .aut.! agreement$ l'Dntained in thi~
<br />~ -Of.lf ailf. ~ or pr~tt&_;~ -cornnreoced which mater-ially ~ttfect~ Lender's inlc~t in the, Pro~rty,
<br />lAdudt.o,Jt hut ~'Wt nmit~ to. eml~ '~:m. JtlJL\fvency, cod~ enron-'ement. {lr arrnn-Berneots or proceedings. invol\'tng a
<br />haAk~ 9.t.~~ then Lendm: Ilt Lender', ophott, upun oo-ttt.~ ill} Uorrower, hUt)' make such Appe.u(".i.m:e~. dISD\lf$C !iu,c-h
<br />~ __;~...~. ~ ~ 11l'. ~y to protect t.cnc1e:r"" 'intCfest". tndud1fll, hut fl(U 1-i1l\Htl'd to. dis.bursement of
<br />r~.'4l~~j. ....-:.1\.nd: .en!""" -u... tM. P~ny_ fO nu.kc -fe-V,iUfli, It t...eJ.ldcl' rc~uired f-l1(Hi.ga-g-t- 1'1Hif-ance tsS a
<br />~'~ ut. l'i).WRf tbfl Joan ~~ .t~y, thi.$, Mm1.&..", >>O.-ln)~-cr. shaH p1:.t)' dlt!: prculhint~ .r'C:qurr('-d 10 rnltinMif~ ~-U\..~h
<br />~-ftJgr~. in c,~l .HlftU :li~' tJJ:ttC u HM::' ft!<{t1~r-ttlllt?t. rOf 'j,Mh msura,nee {r;ftllfuat-C'iO ;n ;,';':;Q-rdnnt."'C With amTt'tv.~(.., ~n-o
<br />