<br />83-n06~H3
<br />
<br />C.....II,nR~l COH:" ':-.11:-', HNr(~WCr and Lender cn\'cnant ,iIId :lgree as foJf()\\...,:
<br />
<br />1. PaJment O'f Principal and Inh'rl"sl. Bnrro\'.I,.'r ,hall promptly pay ~-\-hcn dut.: lh~ pnncip;t1 Of ;lllJ llllcr~s.t un the
<br />mddHcdnt'':<:'o l.:Vah.'fli:("lt by Ihe N\lh:, prl~paymt;m and laic ..:harge~ :1."; prnvided in the Note. ,ll1d the principal of and intercsl
<br />on ;my Futme ,\dvan...-c-:. ...ecurcd hy thi... M(lrtg...lgc.
<br />
<br />2. Funds for Taxes and Insurance. Subject w applk.ablc Iii'\' or to a written w:iivcr by Lender. Borrower shaH --pay
<br />IIJ Ll~nder on the day monthty in'\laHments of prtllUp.tl :1nd mteres.t arc payahle under the Note.-until the Note' jfj;_ paid:ill full.
<br />a sum (herejn "Funds") t.:qual 10 one-twelfth ~-if !hl..' yearly tnxt:'i- and aSSCS-Sn1cms which may ;:ittatn priority oVer' this
<br />Mortgage~ Jnd ground rents I',n the' Property. if any, plus one.twe-Ifth of vearJy premium installment.s for hazard-insuranct;:,;
<br />plus ..me~lwelfth of yearty premium instaHments- for mortgage rnsuratlcc. if any_ all .as. reasonably estimated initially and ,ftOm
<br />time to !im~ h} Lender o-n th\: b~j~ of i.f~l>l.!:s~menu. ;lod hili;,; ;'in.1 r~asol1abtc estimates thereof,
<br />fhe Funds slulll he held in .l!1 Institution lh~ depos.its (II ;H,;cnunb I'd which arc insured or guaranteed hy a Federal or
<br />..tatc age~lcr t in.:luding'Lcndt:r It I_cndt~f I" ~I.JCh ~111 ln~tltulion}. {_coder \hall apply lhe Funds to pay said taXCS. assessments;
<br />m'lurancc- premiums and ground rents. l.!:oder m<.ty not ,'hargc lllf ~n holding and applying rhe Funds, .malyzing said account.
<br />nr verifYing and compH-ing said .:!ssC~!l.ments and biU5-. unles.s Lender pays Borrower ilUercst on the- Funds ilnd applicable 'aw
<br />pcrmils Lcndc-i In rnake ,",uch a charge. Borrower and Lender may ;lgrcc in writing at the- runc '()f executi_on of-- this
<br />\1oH';<tge thaI :n!crc'~t dl the Fun_d~ ..hall he p-ajd to BorroweL ~tnd t1nk).~ ~uch agreeme.nt is mtlde or applicable law
<br />f'cqum:s ~uch int-en.:.\t to he pauj~ L~~nder .,h.dl ncH he required t(J p.l}' Bt:~rr"wt':i any interest or earnings on the Funds:, Lender
<br />..,h.li.i give w Bnrrower_ \.\!tholit ch:.lr~..c. ,In .lfH1u,,1 ;l\:clJw,ting' ('It !he Ftlnd\ "flowing crcdjrs jtod dcbits to the Funds and-the
<br />pl.lrpn\c h)f Whi.:h c,lch {h:nit in the hmd:'\ Wih In;Hk fhe h~nds are pledged as additional :security for fhe sums secured
<br />hy thi~ \1;)ngilgc-
<br />.If the amount ,.! the Funds held by l..-CnJ.~L t(tgclhcr \."'Hh Ihe IUlUrc monthly installments of Funds payable- prior- to
<br />Ihe du-c daH,'!. of (~I~C", .i.'i.'-"':3-)o,fnCIll:>-i. ms,Ufan.:.;l.' pn'nuuOl:. and ground rents, shaH exceed the amount required 10 pay said t.axes~
<br />as.~cS$m-tn[", lO';.llf.mi.:C pn:mlilIlh <:tnd >.:((HJnu rcnt\ ;i:-- thl;j Ldl dllC. ~tJ..:h c\c.css s.haU oo~ ;i[ Borrower's option, either
<br />promptly fer-aiJ to Ror~o:.\cr nr ...Tedlled w H,;rmlAcr \In 111011lhJy lil"l;J.llll1.cnt"i pf funds. If .he amount of the _Funds
<br />hdd by Lender "hail not. be -,",u-tllcienr h' pay L1\l~S_ assc~"menrs, in'\HLllh:.'l' prcmmms. and ground rents as they faU due,
<br />Borrower ')haH pay w LClldt.~r :ill) dl1hl\UH ncce-"",uv 10 tn;)t.;e up the Jdl<':fl"l1cy -.....ithin JO Jays !fom Ihe date notice is mailed
<br />hy Lendef [(1 BN,-("l.\...t.'r rl'~uc-.:.un~~ payn<c!lt lhcr~~-:\.j
<br />Upon p.n-m,:m !n tull PI all ;,tim~ "c,,;ured 1-1\ Ihl" \--111rt~;I_gC. ! t;!ld"-'l ..,lull! promptly r~tund In Borro1.\<er any Funds
<br />held hy L.;ndcL II ia1der pMa!;mph h her....,J! !h.(' Pfi1pCn'i. :'i "I\-ld :.H lh~~ Pr~lrCn\ h otherwi...t: act.{HJfl'd by Lender. Lender
<br />-"ha.il ..,ppiy, liD l.-!l>:f thun llllm~di:-i(dy ~lfhJr 1.' !h.: '.J.k ,'j lh~ PWyCr1\ ,-1f ~b dcqmslllt'o by L.:ndl.':r, ,my Funds held by
<br />J.endct ,l! the Lllk' dJ ilpphcHioil ~l"" d dL'uJ1 .1~,Wl~1 lb..." :>.dm... <"cCUl'cd hy li)l~ l\lortgag~
<br />3. r\pptk'adon Hi Pa)i'mel1ts. Ln-k.." .1pph..:-ablc b.w pH\"'l\k-~ (Ith('f\\-N;.... ~dl payments re(~I\'cd by Ltnder unJer the
<br />"lOll; ~;nd paTdg-mph~ 1 .:inO '2 h-er~(\t ':\h;di he- .l.pphed 0\' L~nJ,,~r nr\1 II' I'{ ;-imoums payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />;wder paragr:.lp-h ~ hereof, then w HH~lt':o.! p;!');lh~e on jhe :--dlt_ th(,H 1,' i"lftl1i.'lpal oi lht: NPiC. ;i.nd then In ifHercst and
<br />prHKipa.l on ..In,. Fwun: _.-\d\'an\.."1::;"~
<br />4. Chaf1tc~; Lifit.\:. Bn!n.}\~'-er ~i1";IH :~.j\ d; : l '~."'-',I~lL':lh ,'nd ,,!t>'-'f ,inrcn_ fint:... d!hi ~fl1plhl1H~n., ;j!tnhutablc to
<br />the pf()pert\ \\hidi may ,;H;Hf\" J.\-1;,-,nt~ ,;'1-'12': ~ "" \11l1l);.JjI't.'. .~~l-ij k",.I\....htlld p;nftH:nt;-. "I groond rentS, If any, in the manner
<br />provuieJ u!Hkr ra-ragrapn 2. ht'f{,O! ,If. _1 ;1,'tl ~\,liJ :1\ "'ut':h 1;1.</>:,,'L 11'.- HUfh)\\t-r mal.,lIl~: paym~nL v,hen d\l\~, ,j!f\~Cliy to the
<br />par~ IhCf\':('t. n'\..;WfllU:~.r ...h;lli Pi\JOlpti\ !llfJ1i-,.!) I ;...ndt:f' _,dill.,(),:....... vi .ltnOtlfiL.. Ju.c tinder ltus paf;lgraph, JnJ lllthe e\'ent
<br />U-urr;:""'H~r \h;1il mal~' p~Pd;H~;lt JI,..~d~' Bn",'''\ '!"in P!,\llliH1\ Phil 11' J -:nd%:f i('L'dph t:vld-cn~~n~ \lu.-h paymenl'\.
<br />
<br />!Jo:rro\\er ..h;.1:Il p10mpr!y ; ro."l....,. ,t'..,l,~:r~}.,.',"~,',,',.:, :,..:.',.~),:,~,')~,",',c!,', ,',h~, t:,}j,_~':.:)'r"~:'<"r")~r~~'~~,l'rl.~)dt ~~.:
<br />,eqwrcd h~ d,;,;-ch,-,.-~l' ,Il.}' ~.h.!'- ,,,. H<':~cH"'~.l ~iUU .i!-~tc.',' _, _: .-L . ~ "~ ......_ -.. ",
<br />,>uo.:n hen In il m~HHH~r ;\,,:;~('piahh: ~i_' t ...'ildcr. ,,; 'J",!! ~!l ",,' 1-..J L_!i/_il" ", '! \,L_h h, ,,~' deI.;:n,j nl),lr"i;tH....nt O{ :-,uch !tt:n In,
<br />legal pnli:~'\.-'-dll1g, YI,hl;;h IIp-t.'Ltiot'' L' l_~l...'~'i?!lt !t'.: t~nt. '~C-lll.:P! 1.<:1 ,-I' !lHh.',LH~' u! !he Prnp~n} ,,~ .lIn Po, 'lcreot.
<br />Ili I'a-lard Ifl..urnfu."~ \iv'o',," h.til ">'\ ,/--,. "m ,-' fwrl.:,1i!l:r V)..'':l~d nil the Pi-;')rH.~:l' ,(Is-tired
<br />"gaH~~ It)-~S t'Y fIn.', ;L!l;'HJ-., t~~..-'j:lI.f~~i" ~~;l~:;!l1-'~t~~. ;-~;f~l;,n:;:~~~~\":\.h~';'" ,,,,h ,-':h...'l hal-Md', _l'-, J ,-"ntl-:r lHa~ rC411lrc
<br />..illd!n sn;;h ,1llH..'imIS ,o,d 1 ~~ri,',.Pi.n I 1..';,<.1"::1 'lU~ :...'.,j,...;;. 1.-':lhhT "lull nul n:...;tilft' thaI !h\.' alllnnnt 01
<br />~u~h ..:uvcraJ;l; c\;.......t.J lh..t! .inl'_',!1\l ,'! :'-'\-\.') "t:t: i,-Lll!:t.._'ll <~~\:rc',i ~-\ 1GI" ~h1Hl.:at!I..'
<br />["he m'!~Jfarh:t: ,,;:;rn-t=! Fhhl-d1:!-:: ;hc ,"~'-;!.1':'"\.< ijbtt.'~.\ !,-, .!ppnl\.lll,~' i l,:ndcr; pr()\!ded.
<br />that :'.u('h appr(lv.ii ,,-hall !1,l-\ be \:'-lit;;'l"-\) '';,.It':\ 'ilhiH,:ld .11 Hh,ll.\iht,' rh)li~"H,'':> 'h;di h(' P:lld III lh-.; manner
<br />pro-vtd~i,t under p,lnigriiph -: h<.:n',)l <'i ;"t;- J !,.1",Q.'r makifl~_ r;l;\'ilH:nL ,,,h.:n dw..' drrectly 10 the
<br />wsur-ance carner.
<br />All i-n!)uran\,'i..' I'(l!!i..:IC\ ,H1~j i(..'";h.\\.~h W\.'H:~" L' ! l:'1.i ~,h.l11 i:l~;',d,,: .' "LllhL'irJ nwngag:.:
<br />dawe:n t.:l\'\"l~ \'f ~f!-U !It !dHn ,~~..;r.:pi.ihk_' , ,._ j;':;:1t ie' ,11d :lh" f'""h(!~." ,j hi r~"n'.:~"~lh thef(:()t,
<br />:"\nd Borrower ,h,tli rnomptf\' ~"fn~"h \;. L;:nd~. \...' :.C",.\.::l'!'~ ,1: \'.\1.1 r'~~nl\[im. 11\ lhc 1~\i:IH .)1 lo~~.
<br />}3offl.1wt.'r "huH .f:n~ rr\~rnpi HoLd' t,' Ih..' ':bllUlh:l ~.,ln\..:' ,<'\,i I ;;1I,1<.."f i "':1h~,-' !j~.l.!-l..' P!'\;)~ \'1 i(l:.:li Ii !h){ 1l1:tOC prompth
<br />tty Borwwcr
<br />l.'nIcs.s 1 en.:k'r ;l!lJ Bl)fhl\\(l dht'-n'hC ,\~Jl~": \1.,11'i1~. l. .,,:;_11\,-,...- i''''...~~,~ch "h,~ii h~ _lppilCd. III fC,>\nf:..tth,HI i'1' rep;til' ot
<br />!he ProperlY JJ..tn3gt:d, pn,wH.h:d \u,-h !("'old',;[l,^1l l."( l~r,l~f ;:. 1....:;'~ll.111,....,l!~ .I.".i,;!l-)k ".jH.l we "~'-Ll!II\ (.t th!'i ~-1nngLlgc !"
<br />U(,,)f. thereby lrnll.llfC-d_ It ~u~h r\."~h)[,d;.;Hl rJr f(.'rUJt :~ ...."l'lh'Hl'.,\i!" J,'cl"lbit," ...~; H Ihc ~~.;;tHH' .,1 lhi"- :-'h\ngil~e wnul"':
<br />be impaucd, the lm.lif.:mcC .rr...l(ced~ ...h.t~l bt' .:pp!lCl! In :M,"' ...u~n\ "l.~.:..,j'\.'i,l ;,\ l.hh ~l"rtg.\.gc ~\ llh the ~\I.:C"). jf .\n~', pau..i
<br />to Bt.'lrrower. If the Propcrt\- t" .i~).lnJI.'nt'~l ~\\: H~)lJ,'wC"t. l'f " H\JfrI1\\.e-r ;,t')~ :,-, !~ironJ !;. I cndt:r \~;thnl 30 dau Horn the
<br />dale no-tlce IS m.tfreO /:'Iv Lender h1 Bo;rl"')wer th.j\ :h.: ~n;"wan.:(.' ~-.Ifncr ,)tkr,,- ,<, ...,.:nk .1 ;:!;Ill'l1 f,-Ir ~n..uran~:e hene-Ilb, L~nder
<br />." .uthonzea to :.:uHt..'"Ct' and 4~Y !he Hl~ur:.Hh.:;: V;,-'....Cf"l.1,\ ..t, L.:nu:;:r:, '--'pUUH l.:"l:hcr h:l Ic:5f,)r,Hlon ,.If repan 01 lh!;:' Property
<br />or [0 the sums ,,~(ured hy du:'J .Mongage:
<br />Unless Lender ;Jnd Borrower ~i~h-;:-f\'q....t' :~#r;:e if; \~ rlllnf:. ..11\\ ?;dd, ,lP-PJl<.:c,:!\)f! d rn\\-l.:eJs in pnHupJ.! "hail Ill)! ('\.{end
<br />or postpone !lle- due date 0: !h.c fil(H11hl)." m~wUment... n:ierretl :,1 11\ r'\~ragr.l.ph ,IIH!::: hcn:nJ chan!H~ !he alOount Of
<br />.s-Ut.:b iMtallments. it under paragraph j oS htn:of ~he Pf'T~n~ i\ J';;.Fur~'J. /-1\ LcnJ":f ,dl flghL Iltle and IHlt::n~S[ ,>! Borrnwer
<br />in and 10 ao}' In.\uran~e JX")hcies: and In ~nd 1,1 th~ pf\;ceeds !hCrenl resulnng rr,ln1 d.i.tn;tge- ~\, the Pr0pen\' pnor W the :-,li!e
<br />or a-cqwMhoo shaH pass to Lender h' IOC e.\H:nt .If the ,,1.lm~ ~.;t!n::d h~ ~hl'-, .\hHlg:ig~ H::H1lcJlale!\: pflOf hI ~ilch sate fir
<br />3cqtll$ttlon.
<br />(t.. ~.uo..aDd ~~e of Propert:~:; l..easdttNds-; C-onoom_inium,,; Planned t:nit Ut.\"t'wpmenls. BorrOWl'-f
<br />sbalt keep the Propert). in good repair ;md w.U no! commit \-t:asle Of permit lnlpairmcflt or deterioration of the Pnl-peny
<br />and shail t\.wply \li'lth the provnions or >in)' feMe n' itw.. \torlgagc I;" L'l) <l k;r~ch(>-kL U ,h_!" \tc.r1!;<ige 1:5: "Hl ~t ,,,nJt in ~\
<br />c-ondomintum Df a planned uou develpp-mem, UOffi,1wcr ..hail pcrh..1rm ail t!l Horf('lwl:r's llbtljtatwns under the declaraHon
<br />or CO'\o~ Cfe~ung OF gl.wermng {he ~L,gdornlfHu.m M planned \;:11t d\.''''dvpmeuL lhe t'iy,lnw\ ~ind r\~gubJtioJl" of tht:
<br />>:::-OAdomi-nium or pUtUl6tj unit deveiopmem. .md (on~liHlent JOC\lmeIH\, If;t uJmloOltfiium or planned UIH( dc\-(,'iopmenl
<br />nder l~ ~ by Boffower and recorded h~hef wHh tntili ~ton!!age_ the co\'enanl'\ -,mG .tgee-em-eats ;."If ';l.lch rider
<br />$bdi be jR<<k~ Ulto-.iUtd man a.u\t:ud a.nd -s.\ipp-fcll1tmt the cu....enants. .in-J dgf~umcnls ~\i !hl'" .Morlgagt' as tt the dder
<br />we'" ~ 1"I'1,!lioJeot.
<br />7~ _ ~ ,of l.-IIlIIM'. SccuriI1. If B(H'ft"I'"iCf f;;llt~ t{) ,prflonn lhe:: ...:l.lVCD..luLS and. agn....~"mcfUs (:.mt.aincd in thv..
<br />~'''f or if ")" f:Jd.too df ptO\:tt!dins. 1" --.;ommem::,ed ~-,t1h:h mawriaHy :lih'i:t~- Lender"" Jl,tercsl _Ill lhe Property.
<br />i~, but not h-mil-ed to, t'lmHM!'nt tlOtlUufl. tn,sl.:,h'e-ucy, I..:ode enf(jr-cel'\l~nL or i;lfmng:t!ment'S ~'r r-roct.~din-g'$ ~lwolving a
<br />h$-aktliJlt ,'it \.~~ftnt.. Ihen Latd;::r lit Lcnder'~ ~'r1trm. Hpon nOllc'C l\l Borrower_ ma~;' 111ah \uch 3ppe-"f'''HI~e-':.. ~h'.lbufSC !).u~h
<br />'uu:m aft4 tAke:. ~h ~'t<<m as'll ~S'MU.", to prot't!i:t Le-nder''l Jftl-eht,M_. mChKhnlt, hUI nflt' !ilni(~d w. dl'~Uf"l'ement ni
<br />r~- il1:ktrftt'Y'\ -fGtffl a-OO c.nuy upon: too .Pt'opef'~-y 10 -m:.tk~ j~r..a,n, I: Lc_mkr !(,~H~n""l lnnagatlc h~"IH.U\te ;i".. "
<br />~,,--~~"'ffl. ;;! fti;~~ti _ t~ h'liUi I.;C~ b~ thl!ii Mntl-g-i1RC. U(1-(W','iot:.r ~h1U ray thlt rfenHum~ i-eqH~n:"l !(; maHH,HH "\;J-;..;h
<br />~WtQrit_m-;Ji; J,n dt~l ~H.;t1l .-vu;;;,:h J>HlW ",:t_ lIlt'- r.aqUl-ft:rfl:e!ll _fur ;"w;h W'Y.flram;:x:_ h'rn'!i:l^~t-t.~ if1, .",'-"_iH'tbnro;: ,\\,O! n,~rrnw::r'.. ,Hid
<br />
<br />