<br />I
<br />
<br />83- 006306
<br />
<br />6. If he fail&to pay any sum or keep any covenant provided for in this mortgage, the Mortgape, at
<br />ita option, may pay or perform the same, and all expenditures sornade shall be added to the principal sum
<br />owiDg.on theaoove note, shall be secured hereby, audshallbear interest until paid atthe"ra~'proyided
<br />for in the principalindebtedness." . "
<br />
<br />7. Upon request of the llIortgagee, Morlgagorshallexeeute and deliver a supplementainote.ornotes
<br />for fhe. sum or sums advanced by Mortgagee for thelllteration. modernization, or improvement'made"at
<br />the MoligagQ1"a request; or for maintenance of said premises, or fOr taxe!! or assessments against: the
<br />same,and for' any other purposeeJsewhere authorized hereunder. Said note or, notes shalt be/secured
<br />hereb,y.Olu, parity with and as fully liS if the advance evidenced thereby. Were. included in the note first
<br />deseribedabove, Said supplemental note or notes shall bear interest at the rate provided for in, the, prin-
<br />cipalindebtedness and shall be payable iu approximate!y equal monthly payments for suchperiod'1i$ may
<br />be agreed upon by the .Mortgagee and Mortgagor. Failing to agree on the maturity, the whole of iMsum
<br />or sums so advan"ed shall be due and payable thirty (:30) days after demand by the Mortgagee, . In no
<br />event shall the maturity ;>xtend beyond the ultimate maturity or the note first described above.
<br />
<br />S. He herebi' assigns. transfers and sets over to the Mortgagee, to be applied toward the payment of
<br />the note and all sums secured hereby in ease of a default in the performance of any of tbetermsatitloondl-
<br />Hons of this mortgage or the said note. all the rents, revenues and income to be derived from the mOl1r-
<br />gaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness sballremain unpaid; and the Mortgagee
<br />shall have power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of renting t.he ssme and col-
<br />l~tingthe rents, revenues and income, and it may payout of said incomes allneeessSlT commissions and
<br />expenses incurred in l'CHtlT;g and managing the same and of collecting rentals therefrom; the balance
<br />remaining, if any, to be appii~'<l toward the disdlarge of said mortgage indebtedness.
<br />
<br />9. He will continuously maintain hazard insurance, of such tj-pe or types and amounts as Mortgagee
<br />m..<iy from tinlp. to time rf'f!U1 I"e. on the improw~ments now or hereafter on said premises and except when
<br />payment for an !;ueh rm,miums has th"l'etofore h;>en made under (0) of paragraph 2 hereof,willpay
<br />promptly when due anypn'miums thl'l'efor. Upon default th,.rNlf. Mortgagl'e may pay the same. All
<br />Irh'lurAnCe shAll be cat'l'j,.,,! in companies apllroy",i by thl' ,'IIortgaw.'" and the ~lOlicieg and r,.newals thereof
<br />shall be ht'ldbl'lheM()l.tJ:'agt;t. and h,1\'1' attadwd ther(.to !05.~ payable dauses in fa\'or ,)f and in form
<br />ac^,optable ;to\. ": .1~~lifo"i'l\t of loss Mortgal!'t,r will lP\,p immediate no tie;> by mail to the Mort.
<br />glllP"', whQ.n J>f~.:ff;tot made promptly "y MOl'tKagor, and I.'aeh insurance company cml-
<br />eC'i'ned 1S here ')7 'i~'fl h,11Uakt'! paympnt for ~urh lOM dirt'dly to the i\lortgagee instead
<br />uf to ih.e 'Mortgag-oJ' .<-iIHi the ;\lm.tgag-ee juint1,\\ .'inti the Insur3-nt"t~ prm,'t~t.:dfi. or any part thereof.
<br />Inn}' be applied br the MortgaR(~ ~lt jL'i nption t'itht~r to thE.. n~d"tlction of the indd)tpdnp~ hereby secured
<br />vI' to th" l"('storation 01' repair of tilt' prop('rty namaged. In e\'ent of foredosore of this mortgag,., or other
<br />tt'Rn.s'fe-.r of title to tht..~ mo-rtA'nged property in ('xtin;ruishment of the iH{kbt(~-drH?-ss secun~d hereby, aU
<br />right.. title 1}.nd intert'~t nf fIlt? .Mortgagor ~n and to any ius.uranee polieit'3 then In force shaH pass to the
<br />plu'e-h.aaer or grantt:xL
<br />
<br />10.- As additional and 'o'~Hateral Sf."'eurity t(.r the pa:rm(>,nt ()f the notl' dt:~"{Tdwd. ;l.nd al! sHnlS tu become
<br />due nnder t.his nlo.l...tgng~, the .Mortgagor henl-by H-&':iigns to the )lortgag{~~,' aU k'a~e lH)JHl~WS, profits, reV(-l-
<br />nw.~ i'-oya.iti.es.. tights.. ~nH..i Htht.'r lk-Iwrlts acc.ruin~ to the MOl"tg8go1' u.ud{n~ au).' aud n.H oil (lIltJ "< 1{~Ji.ses
<br />_t\ow~ or during tne life- uf this .rnortg-age, t'Xf;,~~utb;-! on Raid pn__>mis€-a" with th(.l; right to n~e{ve uI.d receipt
<br />for .t}-~ $lUl1e M-ud apply tp-.At.m to ~j.d jnde-btt.-dnes~ H$ \1;o-('>U h-eiore as. afte.r dtd'uult in the ('onditions (of this
<br />1-Dt1-_rtgage. fInd !h~-. ~-IongHRt'l~," may tit.>n-UUHt. :~Hlf: fur and YetXiV,:'r Hny sUt'h payments when due aud pay-
<br />abh\ hut shaH uot bt' ft."quir,'d ::;-0 to do. This ll,,S.sij(nnwnt is- to t.erminate wld bccom{~ nuH and void upon
<br />release of this mQl'tgalt<'.
<br />
<br />II, He shullnol ".munit ',I' permit waste; and shaH mmmain the Prol"'l.t)' in 'I" good condition as at
<br />pre~nt, reasollnul... wear and H'ar ,')(C>'pted. Fpon any faihll'li> to so maintain, Mortgagee, "t its option,
<br />mar eau&e }'f:lUiOnabk, rnnint(<n~-lnt...e \\'ol'k to be ~~rfnmled at the cost of l\fQl'tgngor. An)' nmounts paid
<br />therefor by M<'r!gag,,,,, slmB t",ar tI1te.reat at the rate lll'ovided for in the pnndpaJ ;lldebt,.dn,'ss, shall
<br />tlwr..upoll 1">e1lllle t\ part "f lhe indebb:,dncss s;>cured by this instrument, ramb!, and on a parity with all
<br />other indebtedness Sl'Cul1:'<llJl'reby, and shail be payable thiny (:5Q) days aftel' demand.
<br />
<br />12. 1fthe premises, or any part therwf. be "undemned under the power of ,-minent domain. or
<br />lW:juit-edfQr Ii public U""', the damagea awarded, the procc>eds for the taking of. 01' the consideration for
<br />such lW:jui..~ition, to lIlt' "xt<mt of the fun amount of the r;>mnining unpaid indebtedness M'cUI'ed bv this
<br />nl(>rtgage, ,1T her"by assigne;! I" the Mortgagee, and shall be paid f(lJ.thwith to said Mortgagee: to be
<br />appll<!<lon llC\,ouut of the bst maturinll' mstnllments flf su"h indebtedness.
<br />
<br />13. If the .\!m'lg'\gor fail" to make IAny payments when due, or to <,onfnrm to and comply with any
<br />(.f the cQluJitiuns 01' ag...,,:.ments contained in this llIortgage. or the noh's which it secures, then the
<br />,,-aUI'll prin~J.pal sum and acaU<:G interest shall at ollCe be<:om.. due and payable, at the eft'Ction of the
<br />Mo~; alld thi. mortgage may thereupon be foredos<.'<l immediately for the whol" of the indebted-
<br />He&'! hii'XlWY s~'Ut','d, iad'HUng: the C(,st (if extentlingthe abstract ofOUl> from the dat,~ of this ll1al't~
<br />~ tv theUnw vf <:mnmeuemg snch suit, a reasonable attorne).'5 fee, and any sums paid by th" VdQrallS
<br />.I!.1:bnm~t.t.l>ti<lnoll al'Cvllllt of the gMtlUlt.!' or insurallC<' of the indehtedn".s "<,cllred r",n'b\', all of which
<br />shldl.oo i:!roluded in the de<creeof foredosore. .
<br />
<br />.1... ,UUwi~Clll! Jlee.IU;ed hereby 00 gUlirllnk""j HI' 'u$UI'('d 'miler Title ;,8, V",t''<1 Blah', (;l)<1",
<br />~'l'~...Il:d.~laLkmal_<!d.tlwreunderll:lldin"lt...,t on the datehell.'Of shall gnwm therighta, duties
<br />nlld:liabm~,o(U;e pa~heh!to, 11M ll.1l>' pro....i;giQll$ of this or otlH'r instrum"lIt~ l'xecut,.d in ('OIUll'CtiOll
<br />w(~., i~~. w~ m i_WIil!tlmt with.lUUd. Title or i(/lgulatiollll ar.. hereby nm(!lldt:>ll to
<br />e'>ll'if~"
<br />
<br />nm.~Jlta ifflrt!jn~tailled 1\hil1J. bind. 11M thelmretlt5andad\'lUl.~ shaH ilwrl' [n. th"
<br />
<br />,,/~, - __ _-:,' i~,~':
<br />
<br />
<br />