<br />r
<br />
<br />'4
<br />
<br />t~c_ sums fc~_urcd' by' this' ~~,eu of Trust shall continllc unimpaired. Upon -sll~h payment and ,i;ure-by ,Jjor~o~er: :lh~~-,'-.DCcd})f
<br />Trust !loti the obUgailons secured_'hereby shull rcftlain ~n 'full f(lr~c 'and_ encet as if ~o .acccleriltlOn'_ ~ad':,oc~ur(~d_:..:_ ::
<br />20~ AssiRnme~t of- Ren.s; ~ppoinlment,-of Ilec'eh'eri l.en,der in :Possession;- ^:s- 'audili~lOul,:sccurjtY-_1lc_r~hn~er;'-8{jrr<i\t,:'c-r
<br />~c,~_eby_ assig,ns_ to:, ~.c~dcr the _~ents :of-thc_',Propefty,_ provided thttt -~H(}rr~WCF shall:' prjor-_~o _a_~cc!~~~~i,O~l~p~der)?:ara ~
<br />hereof ()r a~i.lnd(iOmeOl of.l~c' Property_>. hAve the -nght _-to c,ollcct ,'and' Tcta_in such_ '(coh- ._IS' t~_~Y,::be~ome-:-utl4r_'-,;.iI'f
<br />Upon-acceleration under l?:aragTa~h :-1 R hereo~ or. _~b3-~ndorJmcnt .of the_ PTOP~~lY.' Lender~ ~'
<br />j~didallr- ~pp<)'i,ttcd rcc~_i_vcr, ~hal_!_ be cnlitle,d-to cnler 'upo,n. takcJ)oss_cssi~n ot and:'m3nagc~:the-'__~,r9~r~'Y':,~~t()6'___, -'_ _- ,,_''_;c,_ :"
<br />rents of IheProperty includingthoscpasl due.. All rents eollectcdby'f.cndcr or thcreceiversWallbe.applied"fiJ'i;tt<r:pafitJeril
<br />of-the .costs of managemc~t. of the' ProperlY and. collcc_l-ion~ of' rcnt~.' including~ btH>m~t:limjle_~" to! -rc'ceivc(':s-"'fees,;:,e':p'~C_nll,u)1)\
<br />on rc_cciver"s bon~s -and, ,reasonable attotnc'y's. fees, and then to'the slims secured -h~; .this'-, Deed of --Tr~st. J,cn~c~;-'afl~",,;:lrC_
<br />rcc~ivt~T shaHbc liable'to ~ccount;only for .those rent!i actually'received. _. _" _ -- ,', _ _ _ _ __ _ _- :_"':'-c,"_-o-_-,:_','_', ,,::'_ ,,:_/\;"::.-..-':~;:
<br />2L _~u~ure ~dvances~ _ Upon request of Borrower, len~er, at Lcnd,er's optl'or,,-p~ior".t<~_ full rec'()nv~y~n~~c:-o.(;',ttif:J~i~_Pet(y
<br />by'Tnlstcc 10 Borrower, may. make, Future 'Advances- to' Borrower.- Such:, Futlfre-'Adv:a."ccs,- \Vith_::in't~~e$J/,lhttt~~:~-;:-'sff?'!ti,hc:--,
<br />sccvrcd bY:t~~s Deed, of Trust when evidenced-by promissory notcs"stating,'lhat:s3id:"9tes are"secured'-h~,t~~Y'.":'j'\(n~),':~,i,~'e',!i,hull'>
<br />the-p'rincipal-,amount-of the ind~btcdness secured ?y this Deed of Trust, not---includ,l~'g-'s~ms Qd\lance,~"m:_-;r(;~(lrtf~'n.(~c::_~~'~t1.'N,~t,b
<br />10 protect the ,ecurity of this need of Trust, exceed the original amm,nt of the N"leplus USS49X~QQ.'90.,c;- .
<br />2,2. Reco..veyance. Upon payment of <}II sums secllrcd- by this_ Dec(f_'gf'Trust" le_nd~r's~,aU ,~:q~le,'S!:;-Tr:l_IJtC;~~-\~l:J~_~~,~':Jl:t;~>;.-.
<br />the Property and ,shalt surrender this Deed' of Trust and all n~)tes eviden_cing in-dcbt~dnf.:s~-,:sec~l~ed -h9.,'-th~s"'~:~~~~J~_f_;"~r-lJsr'
<br />to Trustee-, Trtlsree--shall reconvey the -Property without warr-anty and- without- cha'rge to,:,thc'<pcrson,"-or','por.Sllns,"-'"fc.g:-iU)
<br />entitled thereto. Such person or persons shall pay all costs of recordation, if any. __ _ _ _" _, _ : ,_.' -, : - _ :'
<br />.23~ Substillite Trustee,. Lender. at Lender's ,option. may from time to- time--remov~ -T~ustce'~~d:_'-~lppoint.-H s\.~cte~~or
<br />trustee to- any Trustee appointed hereunder by an IOstrumcnl recorded in the -county in whit;h this- Dced"9f..:T"ls.t_.-i,.s;rec~~r~cd.
<br />Without conveyance of the Properly, the ~uccessor trustee ~hall succeed to all the' title-, power and- duties "l:onfehe:chup.m
<br />the Trustee herein and by- applicable law.
<br />24. Request for Notices. Borrower requests that copies uf the notice of default and 'notice of sale 'b,~, serif'- fa ,Borrgwer's
<br />address which is the Property Address.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Borrower has executed this Deed of Trust.
<br />
<br />.!.,a,l:r:'Y. ~ii.r.l.&QIJ. ~!lJ'l.t.oDl .!;lolJleJ'l.,. .J;IJQ ,. . . . . . . . .
<br />-Borrower
<br />
<br />
<br />.-Borrower
<br />
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA.. . . . . .. .. HALL . County ss:
<br />On this. . . .~~. . . . .day of. : : : ~~:.. 1 ~ .. before me. the undersigned. a Notary Public
<br />duly commissioned and qualified for said county, personally came. .Lar.ry. E... .Carlson.,. .P.r.esident. .of. . . . .
<br />Lar.r.y . Carlson. Custom .Homes.. .Ine. , . a. Nebr.asl<a. .c,or.PQration . . . . . . . . . .. to mc known to be lhc
<br />identical person(lI) whose name(x) are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution
<br />thereof to be. . . his. . . . . . voluntary act and deed.
<br />Witness my hand and notarial seal at. . Gral1d . I~;l?-n.d . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..... in said county. the
<br />date aforesaid.
<br />
<br />,My Commission expires: 11M /85"'
<br />
<br />---.......-
<br />_"ROSE
<br />1Ir.... &p.blt, 1.
<br />
<br />.~~~.'I'~. f}....- .... ..........
<br />.....~q-~ose
<br />
<br />
<br />To TRUSTEE:
<br />
<br />The undersigned is the holder of the note or nole, secured by thIS Deed of Trust. Said note or notes. together
<br />with all other indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust, hllve been paid in full. You are hereby directed 10 cancel
<br />said note or notes and this Deed of Trust, which are delivered hereby, and to reconvey. without warranty. all the
<br />estate now held by you under this Deed of TrusI to the person or persons legally entitled Ihereto.
<br />
<br />Dale:.
<br />
<br />/()~
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<br />e::,
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