<br />I
<br />
<br />83--006202
<br />
<br />Ll'lHkr';o, \\ Li.~ fl ,lgrc,.;-mcnt or ,tppli4."lhlc law. Horrowcr sh~1I PllY the amount of all TnOl1gagl: in"t1rt1llcc premium.; ill the
<br />manna pw\;,idc,l under paragraph :2 hereof,
<br />Any amO!l~lt-s disnllfsed by Lender pUf"l1ilnt In- this paragraph 7, whh interest thereon. shall become addit~O'ool
<br />il1lk'h!cdnl,.'"'' of Hnrf()wcr ~&:cllrcd hy lhis M'or!.g;:lg~. I rille,s B()rn)wcr and Lender agree t~} other terms of .pa"ymei:d;-s,u.ch
<br />amounts "hall he payahk nptlll n~Hice from Lender to Bornw,,'C'1' rcquco.:.ting payment thereof. and sh{IH be"ar InJcr~S:t:-fr~il1::~h~
<br />dale of di~hl!r"icmcnt ill the rate payable from time t(\ lime on DutsTanding principal under the' Note unless: paym~nf.Qf
<br />interest -M such rMe wouJd. be C{lntrary 10 applicable biW, in v.hich event snch amounts shall bear intetest at 'the" high~s(iate:
<br />permiss.ible unda applicable law. Nnthing contained in this paragraph 7 shalf require Lender to incur any 'expense"o'r..~take
<br />;my action hl~rctlnder,
<br />8~ _ InspecJion. Lender niay make or cause to he: made reasonahle cntrie" tipon mid i~spectjons of the_ Jiroperfy;--provid~d
<br />Ihat Lemler <,h~llt give Borrower notTce prior fn any stich inspection '\pccifying reasonable call~c therefor rdat~d to Lender's
<br />inlerest in the Property_
<br />9. Condemnatj()il. The prClc<.:eds of any il\".;lrd (\r claim for damages. direct or comequentiaL -in 'cOrincctii?n,-with any
<br />\.:ondcmnatinn or other laking of the Property, ('-r part thereof. (lr for con',,'cyancc in lieu of condemnation, arc hcrcehy assign.ed
<br />and ,.hall he I'H\id 10 Lender.
<br />Tn the event of a tntal lakin!! nf the Pn1perty, the prol.:ccds "hall he applied to the sums secured -by this' Mo-i1gage~'
<br />\\ ith lhe C\C~~"" if any, p;lid I.' RI'rrpwcr. In the <.::VCI1T of :1 parti.:'tl t,-tking of the Property. unfess ~orrower and- !:.en<fer
<br />.}!hcrwio;c ~tgrct.~ in writin!!. then.~ ~h~11I he appHed to Ihe <;lITIlS "iCCllfl"d by thi.;; Mortgage SllCh proportion of t'hc'--proceeds
<br />:-!'i i... c\.ftJ"rh\ that p~\'r(lrtjnn which !he amount of The <;ums "ccured hy thi" l\-fortgagc im'mediately .prior' to the-date'of
<br />laking l'lC"r" 10 th~ fair mark('t ..-altlc pf the Pn\perrv immediately prior to the (.!:i(e of laking: with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid In B0rr,,-wer.
<br />Jf the' Property i<; ;~h~lIld(1nt'd hy Bl1rrnwer. ..lr jf. after notke hy Lender to Borrower that the condemrio-r-nft'ers- to_make
<br />;In award nr ...ctth.' a claim for d~!mJ!!e-", Borrm\'er fail... to rC'ipond to [coder within 30 days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed, Lender j.. authMilcd to ('(lllcet Hnd apply !ne proceeds, at l.ender'" option. either tfl restoration or repair of 'the-
<br />ProperlY (~r h~ the ...HIll\. "~I,:lln.~d hv thi", Mnrl1;age
<br />Unk"... lender ;lnd Borr\lwcr NhCf\\''''l' agrc;;o in wrirll1t!. any such application of proc~ed~ to principal shall not extend
<br />or P\l\lPll11C' thl-'" due d;ll~ ,}f the: mClllthly insl"lIml~nts rderled to in paragraph... 1 and 2 hereof m change the amount of
<br />...llCh mstalirnent<.:
<br />16, "fIorrmn'r '\ot Releasfit. EXfcn,inn of the lime: for ra\'m~nt pr n10ditkmiol1 of amortization of the sums secured
<br />hy this. Mnr[~apc granted hy Lender hl any stlc..:cs~\)r In intt'rc'>[ \If BlllTower shall m){ 0:.'erate to release. in any manner.
<br />the liablli[y of the prigin:ll Borrower and Borro\\:t.'r'" "ilh':L:l.:"<;t1r~ In intcrest I.\..'nder "hall not he required to commence
<br />p-roc-ccJing-s againq "'!Kh <'i.lcces;,;or {If rdu"ie Tn eXTC'nd Time fnr r:l,.m\..'llt or nthC'rwi~~ modify anlortizarion of the slims
<br />"'CCllrt.'J h,' lhis !\-h1ngaec fw rca,,(\O llr _wy dt.'ll1Jnd made h-~ the original Bnrnw.'cr and Al'rrowcr's Sllcccs!\ors in interest.
<br />ft. 'Forbearanc~ h\' I.e-nder 1'\'ot n WaiH'f. '\n\' f,)fhearalh:t.' hv i l'nder in L'\crcis.ifH! a11\' right or remedY hereunder, or
<br />nlhcrwi~(' ;lIforJcd by ~-;prli,'ahh.: Jaw, ~!Ld! fld he :1 w~iY('r ,II ,If prcdude the l'\cr~is'c .of ~my stich righr or remedy.
<br />The procurement "f illl\llran.-.:l.: or thl' p;lnncnl I~i ld'\l'.., (lr \'lh,:1" lien'! Ill' ",'har~t.''' hy ! ender ..,hall not Ol.':1 .....aiver of Lender's
<br />ri!-:ht tn ~h.."\:d('r;\IC tht.' rn;\fllri". ,If rh,' "li.khtcdlW~' ...t....:,,::<-I !n l!U... \l,\rll';te..:
<br />" 12. R~medie:lii CUlJ1ulutin'. ,\H 1L'1l1l'dll...... pI,'\ i.k'''' ] lj,:~ \l(,rt~.l!.!~. ;'m: dl...tind ;lIld ;.;ml1ulati\'t: to any "ther right or
<br />rt.'mcdy 1IlHkr thi" Mc'rrf.:~q,!~ ,II a!h)rt.k'd t-,' !:I\" ,\f c'luin _Hhl m,l\ I,\-' c\n..:I~_,,'d "..\I1("\lrn:nll\', ind~pcndcnflY or <;:lIcccssively,
<br />13. Su{'(,C'.."Ut"l and ..\s.siJ:n.. B'lund: Joinl and Se\ l'raJ f .hlhilil.': Caption~. .rh.: ,,'!l\ t.'nants. dnd agn..~~ments herein
<br />l.:onrained ~hall bind, and the ri:..:hh ht'r\:undcr 'dull illllrL' 1(1 Ih~ rl",pl'l:II\/..' "O\-....l."-;l'r" and a.....,ign' t)f [endcr and Borrower.
<br />...object h) lhi..' p[{lvisiom nf [lill.t<;:raph )-; hcr..:,l! -\li (\,lv!..'Il.I11b .w,1 d~rCl'rnt'nh ,'I Rorr\~wl:f \h,dJ be j,)jfH and se....eral.
<br />Toe .:ap{loH\ <Jod heading' (l{ :h.: p~lLI::.r'lph... III !hl" \1,)r!lla~\' iHt' f.'r C'(l!w('nj~-n('e Illll\' ;Ind ;11'(' not to he ll"ed 10
<br />IOterrr~l i,lr dcon\? the pr,'Vi...hlfb ht>n:;lf
<br />14. i':otke. E:\..:ept fe'f an~ !l\lll....... ,.-...'~.Jlnf\'J und..:r ,q\l'lil."lhli.' LI\C 1\_1 bt' ill annthcl" manner. (n) :Iny n0tice to
<br />H,}rw\\,-er phl\,ided ((\1" In ihi... \h~Il~.ig.L "hall h: :':I\t..'!] h\ nl,nfi:~.~ "uc.h nt.'lJI.:l..' u~rlirll'd m..lll addrcs<;~d lO Borrower at
<br />lh(: Prop~t1y .o\ddre"" ,~r .Ii ..u....h \lth('[ ,ldJf~'-" .,-. B,q[tl\\cJ" nL,\ dl"I~n.llL' b\ :li.lli(1..' 1,\ lender .IS provided herein, and
<br />(hI all)' 111)ti...:t.' ~;) Ll-nd",!" 'iluli ~ ~j'l:n h '.-Llf'li,',! ;11_1'/' !,--'I\i;~1 !"':~t..';'" fl'l.ju,>lcd. 1,\ I cn\kr'~ adJress stated herein or to
<br />"uch nlncr ;JddrL....s ;1'> l.(,lH_h.~r Ill.!'. lk..l~fl,llC h i"d~~'l' t.' Ikn,'\\\'t' .1\ pn\\ llkd ht'rt.'ln \n\' nutkc pnwldcd fpr in this
<br />~.1orlgagc sh..,J! he dl"'L'il1l'd to h;l\.: r't~"'n ~1\ei1 !n B()rn'\\..;r l'r I ~'ndl.'f \\hen ~:\;.:n in the manner designated hL'rein.
<br />15. Unifurm ;\1m1Ragc; Gu..eminu: Lan; S"-"Hfahilit.\. I'h,,, !.'m. 1'1 n1Of!!,'.1~'-' U1!11binl'''' uniform ((,\,clH,nl" fnr national
<br />use and lhln-Ullif{\rm I..'(\\-en;:tnh '.'Ith limi[l'd \dll.ltl.Hh h\ ":i:"kll!'Jl ld ,,-',,'!),...11l1ill..'.-1 undnrlll "'\..'l.:urIlY il1strurH\.'nt covering
<br />real propenv, rhi" \h'lng:l!:!i.' "kin i"-l...' ~,\\ocl"llcd hv lhe L.\\ ,,1' fl1\..' iuri<..dl,-'f1l1n m \\ hi<:h [hl' Property 1<; l[leated. In the
<br />event that any pr\\\'I-:.ion l"r ...'Ltl!'>\..' ,'I lhh .\h1r1~;t~~ ,'r the '..lIe ~'llll11i"':h \\ ilh ~lppll...'ahk law, such conliiel shall not affect
<br />other pro\lsit)n<, uf thi, 'ton~,l!!(, ,1r I !It.' ~('1h.' \,"hl~h C:dll n,,' t?j\-~n ,:11;..\:1 "iill\)llt the t:"nllt("ting pnwi"ion, and to this
<br />end the pfl)\"is.j\'1n:<; ..\f the \tc'rl!!ag~ ~lld tth.' 'd...:- ;\f"':- di..'d,11CJ !(\ bl' \('\"\:'r,lhl('.
<br />16. Borro\\'er's COP)', Bon"'\ll,.'f ..,hall be fllnll"hl..'d :\ ...:,mf.-r111Cd u:'pv \1f rhe Note and of IhJ' \fnngagc at the time
<br />of excl;ution or after re..~{lrdation her~~li..
<br />17. Transfer of tb~ Propert~.~ A!lsumplion. JI .Ill ,'r .t1l~ run ,\i thtc Pwp(:rtv (,r :ll) interest therein i, ..old or transferred
<br />hy Borww!.'!' withllut l.l'nder':> prior wriltl'n l-nn...CllL l'\\""luding 1.Ii th(' lrc.lIiotl ;"1' ;) lien (If cncumhratll'c subordinate to
<br />this Mortg~\gc, (hl the .:reatl('\fl c,f ;j pur...h,j'>c nh)nC~ 'l',,:url{~ IlHl'r~q ror ht)tlsehold aJ'lpliance~, tel <l transfer by devise,
<br />descent or by operation of Lm upl'n the dealh ~Ii ;1 jt111li lcnam t1r ( 1, l)U jrnnt :J'f 11\:- I )Illuh :-1121 itHJFIUit (>f ~hrJ J ~'lliHO @f 191Hi
<br />"~I n!l1-1i'l' 3- lR uri J tJ Y' rUilllfJf1, Lender 01;:\)'. ;H I ender'" l'ptil.)n, declare all the sum':.' o;;ecured hI' lhlS Mongage to be
<br />Immediately due and paya.ble, Lender shall ha\c ',~,u'd;;d ~uch nptiL)i1 ill ac-('eleraiC if. prior fl.) the ~ale \,r transfer. Lender
<br />and the pt:rson to whom (he Property i:-; w !)e so!J or transkrr..'d reaJ,:h ~lgreemenl in writing that the crcJit of such person
<br />is s<llisfacrory l() Lcm.h:r and that (he interc~1 payabk ('11 th~ 'l,llnh s~curcd hy this Murt~wge 'ihall he at Slh.:h rate as Lender
<br />shaH request. H Lender has waived the l'pIlon fel .1cccler,1tL' pn..1\'idcd in thi~ paragraph 17, anJ if 8,'rrower's successor in
<br />.nterest has executed a -written as.sumptlOn agreement ac\:cpH:d in writing by LenJcr.. LenJcr shall rcka~c BOffO\\'Cr from all
<br />obligatio-ns under tbis Mortgage and the Note.
<br />If lender exercises ~tJch ol'[ion to accelerale. L~nd~r ....h.dl mail B(lrro~\\:r notH.:e of ;H.:Cder.alilln in aCi.:ordance with
<br />paragraph 1--1 hereof. Such notice shall provide :1 p..:riod (If f1\'1 ks:) than 30 day" from the date thc nolke is mailed within
<br />which Borrower may pay the sums. de.clared due. It BOrrtHi.l'r f.-llls. 10 pay Slll.:h "'\lms prior to the expiration of ~uch period.
<br />Lender may. without further nOlice or dCnHtnd on Bl,rrO\\cr. JllVOhe :m!' rt.'m;;-dies permitted by paragraph 18 hereof.
<br />
<br />NON.UNIFOIlM COVENANTS. Borrower Jnd Lender further cn\t~natll and aftrec a_,> follows:
<br />18. AccelenICion; RemediM.- Ex~ept as provided in parsJ:,raph 17 ber~oft upon Borwwee's breach of any co\'enant or
<br />~mml of Borrower in this !\tort&age) including Ihe con,nants to p8)' '\'then duc lJn~. sums secured by this ~fortgage~
<br />.....de. pri<\!' to ,",..1.1'111100 shall mallnotic. to Borro..... as p"Hid.d In para~raph 14 h....,of sp.dfying: (I) the breach:
<br />1;P Ihe..lloo ..,,""" 10 'lU'e such breach: (3) a dat.. nol Ie.. than 30 day.s frolll lh. dal. the nOlice t. mailed 10 Burro...er.
<br />hy which <AI.h brearh must be ,ured; and (4) that failu.e to .ure su.h b.each on or before lhe dale specified in the uoll..
<br />"'JIY <eSullln "..,...,...1100 of tbe sums se.ured hy th.. Mortga~e. foreel...ure hy judicial pr,,,,reding and sale of the Property.
<br />'n.e uoti<< sUIt fun_r inform, Borrower of the right If) rdnsbde after acce-l~fJlti()n and the nabt to assert In tile foredosure
<br />Prot~ ...,. n()~.istelK"t ur a default Dr any other -d~fense of BonoY':.er to acceleratiun and foreclosure. If the breach
<br />~ DOC- ttlftd on or Won the daft" spedfied in Ihe notice, l.ende; .1 tender's option nlUJ de-date aU of the sums secured by
<br />dlk Morta"*" to be fmmedlaMy due and payabk ...ithout further demand and may roreelOS<' hy judicial pro...dlng. tender
<br />.... be entfl:lH It) ~-d In ~uch -lU'ocecding all -f-1Ipt'iU6 of fondmure-. im'hidlng;- but nol lindt.e:d to. costs of dCleunt~ntaf)
<br />e-,,'kJeqt-~_~ ~mk .~ title t~porb.
<br />f9. -""0""-<<.' ~ Ii) Rdn$tate. Npl\'dlh\t~lmllng Ll,~ndl:f"\ ,t'.-:~~tt:tataln (II Iht' ',illlh :'\-C'.:ur~d 0\ lhi.. \.l\lHgilgl,'_
<br />IJoHf"f[.\,'C-r !l.h:an hnv(: th~ right ({. h:n,c ;;.n) Pf('l,.o~l;dlng;. tl\;'gun D} I cnd\:r fl' ..nfOl..... lhi'> \1"j !gi'l:': ,.Ji\~,llHIiHI,,-'d ,jl "w~ tinlc
<br />
<br />