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<br />m.L.. <br /> <br />-';:;';::~::Ji~'~21'" <br /> <br />',,':, <br /> <br />~" <br /> <br />83.-.,0061:9'4 <br />ADDITIONAL TERMS <br /> <br /> <br />'.. ' ~ <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />PREPAYMENTANDACCRU~OF THE FINANCE CIlARGE: Ev~~8h I do'~ have topay more titan tlte regular scheduled';""'thly p.~h,,1 hAvethe,. <br />right tOLiiM ~ whole amount owing to uIOU in full at any tirrie or in part from time to time. lfthe lending institution or bank that buys my contract computes me.finB.nCe <br /> <br />fi':::.~g.,~l1em~~~~n~ bllf: \e::~~:::'~d,a;:~I~-n;:~I,o~~o~~:.~~~Ito:;;~i=recOgnize thatan necessary ad'ustmenttomy 'ota/ <br />m e.timates based on the aSsumption tha, you will receive each of the payments'exactly on its dUe dale: and I knOw that _will be' <br />~s:'it'E~1;;re~~~~~~t~l=el~~:;'~~':.)T',::::~':::,t'~';"~=~~~"in":C:~".ri~~/f;~-r..lJ~.:rOfin.p <br />fiJl1lIedon !be,scheduled dates and amounts of my monthly paymen' and not on !be .ct~ dates and amounts .nf the prepayments that I pay to yon' I knOw that._ <br /><UlesilthailJI.OQwillll\>lbemade. <br />IMPORT.ANT NOTICE ABOUT WARRANTIES: ... .. ... . .... ..... ... .., <br /> <br />BI...w.::D~'::E~~O~E:E::Rwg8t:~Mpe~~~R~:~~~~~~~:::E~h"L::LE~::tl!e~~~:'. <br /> <br />NI$fIESBUYER WITH A SEPARATEWRmEN LIMITED WARRANTY QRSERVlCE COItITRAC'I" MADE BYSEL- <br />LEROtUTSOWNBEHALF (WHICH. IF MADE. ACCOMPANIES THIS CONTRACT). . -. .' <br /> <br />(h) I hAve read. in dewl, the separate "LIMITED WARRANTY" which accompanieS this contract. It explains the conditions iiDdcircums~in wbi~h tM~ <br />ufadjJredpmducts will be repaired or replaced.. I take notice of the limitatious on the warranty, and 1 particularlY recognize that any lmpliedw8nlllllj\"wliiChlipp/iesOti>lbe <br />g,~.J_asts.enl~aslongasd1e~tyorservicecontract. _ _ _ ,,_ _ ," _~ _' _ _' , _,-,' <br />sPEcIJ\IA)RDER GOODS: I knOw that you hAve measured my house and its openiugs so th.t you can make the products to lit. my partiqularhoiise.itakenotieelliii'u,. <br />gI)Od$.Iba,....,.ll18IlIlfactured fo~ my specific housej>robablywill not litany other houses, and undllr sucb conditions,! knOw thaU ClIIUIQf!_l1his~ntract:81anytime <br />iiftet~periOdoftime given tome, byl.w, ill wpicbtocancel. Aflerthat legni periOd of time, IlmdffthatI havetlteoblig.tion to pay you itiftl!Ithe~'o~....~ ....... <br />OBUGA nONS PERTAINING TOM\' REM. ESTATE: I. I promise '0 keep my hpuse in g;!oo rePair and to keep i.t insured fOr at I~i W1f.o(itsrepIaOement ~al~ <br />by hoylng-aJ;..., and extended.coverageinsurancejl<ilicy. The insurance company must be approved by you, and the policy mus' hAve. beneficiarY clause. wlllcll;says'1ha! <br />you are to-be paid if there is_aJoss_ The ins~ce company UiUSl a~ that it will nol CJlI1Cel my policy without ftfst_ teU~ng -yo~:_l.aulhori;~ theI~urance"~,.19~Y <br />you dire<:t1y (or any loss. You can chooselouse this insurance payment to either repay any amonnts I owe you or to repair my house. 2.J also promisethat.lwiUDotallOw <br />~1~;~: :~=Y~;~J:~k~o~~ ~:i~~~~~b~~S::~~ia; ~~~~: ~n:s:::e~~~=:~=~i=s':tth~~:~~ <br />pc:rmission. 5. If! do not insure my house or ~l my other obligations to my real estate, ~ you can do it for me if you want (but you do not have_to). If_you-do pay any <br />of these obligations for me, I agree to pay you back on demand plus inle~t at the highest lawful contraCt rate of interest. Until I pay you back. these amounts will be added <br />!o my debt to you which is secured by my real estate and bouse. I know that if you decide to buy insurance for me that you do not have to obtain any homeowner or liability <br />IDSursnce~ <br />SALEUFMY HOU~: I promise~to sell ,lease or ghe my house to anyone until I have fuily repaid my debt to you. <br />DEF AlJL T: 1 will be in defauI'underthis contract if: <br />1. I don't make a payment when due; or <br />2. I break: any promise I made to you in this contract; or <br />3. Something clsehappens which causes you to believe in good faith that I do not intend to pay you us promised; or <br />4. I default on any obligations for which 1 am using my bome as collateral; or ' <br />S. Something happens to my house which threatens your iights. if any. in it. <br /> <br />IF I AM IN DEFAULT:] understand that you have the right to foreclose the Mortgage I have given to you and have my house sold to repay any amounts I-oWe you if I <br />am in default under this,contract. Before my house is sold. you will do everything that the law requires. If you hire an attorney to assist you to sell my house. or ,to sue me. <br />Of. to protect Ynur~1S, 1_ to pay you for your reasonable attorney.' fees and for other related expense. such as cnun costs. title searches and money you expended <br />to protect my house-. Jf-youareallowed to collect such amounts by law. <br />OTHER RlGB;rS:-Wecan cboose not to enforce any of the rights under this contract as often as we want without losing them. Or. we can deJay enfOrcing any of the rights <br />without losing them. We can also use any rigbts now or in the future given to us by law. <br />DELAYS: I know that you will use your best effons to install the products I am purchasing on my house, but I also understand that in some situations you may -CD:COUDtct <br />Oeu.ys that are caused by strikes. weather conditions. delays you have in obtaining materials. or for other reasons that are beyond your control. I unilerstand that you ~ <br />not be liable for.neh del.ys. . <br />iumITRATlON, Iflhavea~,orclaim.with you concerning the quantity, quality or performance oftlte products, I underslall<l that ml'.di. "PUle may be SUbmilled. to <br />Aad..lt1ed aeeordinJ\to the mediation-arbitrat>on prognun ,bat may bave developed lD my comm'nllt?'. 1 .lso knoW th.t any deCISIon made hY'an arhItrator(s) would be en- ' <br />~in the co~ havmgjurisdictionover me and you. - . <br />SALVAGE vALUE; J"know that the windows, woodwork. and other m.terials tltat to be removed hy you for this install.tion have NO value. When you re- <br />~ve tbem~ you canhave them for whatever purpose you want. <br />SPEcIAL ~A TIONS, Due to the unique~ of some of the products that you sell, 1 understand that in special situation. th.t rour Regional Office may hAve to review <br />and accepI... .th...'s.Contracl.. 1 ,also understand..... that thIS sale ,!".CUrTed m my home andlbat you and 1 I\l&Y nOt hA.. ve h.d all the correct lRfnrmati.'.on impot:tant to this <br /> tr.ansaction <br />~ourfinge<tlps; I gtve you my consent tocomct anyobvlOllSelrOfS that may occurred when the blank& in this contract were completed... '. <br />INV AUDt'I\9~.lfauy provision of this_I viol_the l.w and isunenfnn:eable. there," of the con,,",,' will be valid. If any pall ofthl. conlraCl t<quirei <br />~~~Iawpenaita;thenyouwiU ouly have the righttocollect from_thli_ofin_,which thel.w a!lowsyou tocol1ect, <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />L <br />