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<br />~ <br />~ <br />I <br /> <br />S <br />t <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />i- '":J <br />., <br /> <br />C\> <br />..:::;':';'.. \( r;' <br />" 1:-'\\- <br />C' ..5~ - ./~, <br />(\ ': ''.) <br />"", ','~"~ <br />,~I~) .',\ <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br />-,-~' <br />" <br />'" <br /> <br />~: <br /> <br />EIC8fptS From 1_ RmAH C.... <br /> <br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes. <br /> <br />If anyperson-liable 10 pay any tax negleCtS Of refuse$. to pay <br />the same after demaoo. the amount (Including any interest. <br />at1c:Utional amoun1, adttition to lax. or assessable penauy, <br />togethel' With any costs thal may amue in add100n -ttlereto) <br />shall D8:a4lerr.~tMr,oUbe United Stales-upon all propei1y <br />and rightS to~..whtIber rea! t)f personal, belonging to <br />such parson.. <br /> <br />Sec. 6322. Period Of Lien. <br /> <br />Urness anomer date is:~ fIXed by taw, the lfer! int. <br />pQSed by section 6321 Wij a(ise at iiw_iime the.asses5ffi6fl1 <br />is made and shatl contirrue IiTttit the ilabidty lot !he amotInl So <br />assessed (or it j>Jdgment against the taxpayer arising Ou! of <br />such liability) Is satisfied Of tlOOJmeS unenlocte;atrle by reason <br />of iaps8 of time. <br /> <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority <br /> <br />Against Certain Persons. <br /> <br />lal Purcll...... HaidIfs 01 S....riIy Int....t.. <br />M,cbanic', lIenorl. And Judgment lItn <br />Cradilofs.-T!le ijefl 1lT'.poseC by section 6J2\ Shall nul be <br />valid as agamst any purchasef, ~ o! a sec.uttl'; inttHe~t. <br />mecfW\lc'S lienor, Oi IUclgment lien crooll,x tmtll rm',-lCe <br />thereoi ~ mee.'s the oj S.ubsecl)oo it) ;;o;\S <br />oeen til6d by tne Secrttary <br /> <br />Ihl _ Fllf Ctrtalo jnt_1I E... Though <br />Natk:e FIId. -Even IM..'9fl 1lOOCll of a her. ~ by -see <br />tion 6321 has been fifed, St.'LA"l her. s.l't4U no! :;os "\-ahd- <br />(f) _ "'" FIlIlg 1l8l1to: Fllfm,- <br />(1) P'.ate FO( FiUng,- The nota rBterreQ to b"1 StH} <br />section (al shall be ftieG-- <br />(A} Under Slate Laws,- <br />(t) R~ Pro$)efty.-!fl me case 01 !e.11 v;operty. ;n one <br />ol1it;e witNn t~Stalt! t()f the counl'~. or oI!\er Q0I/6Hl,OOXI' <br />tat~J' ;tS~tl'ttheia\"i5olsud\State <br />in ..hien the ptGp8rty s. to the lien is Sltual'8d: and <br />Iii) Pafsonal Property. -In me cast oj QeISGl\al j)fopotf' <br />tv, wtlethtr lCflQitHe or intangible, in Me Otht6 wtt/'nl1 tm: <br />Stili ($ t.COWlty, iJl QlJli( .gw.-~ ~~j. <br />as (lesiQnated by the iaws of SUCh State. in .nlCl1Ure pr0- <br />perty subject to tM lien i'S situated: or <br />(8) Wtth Clefk Of Otslfid Coun.-In the oftice of the <br />def\ nt lhe lkItad S1Itts dis1rict coort for the judidal diStnct <br />in""hlththeproperty5\!bttd.laiieniSsftuaieQ. l/Ithefteverth6 <br />Stall ha$ 1'lO1 by taw ~ one otfict which meets lhe <br />loqW""""" 01 subpotograpll(A); or <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />I" <br /> <br />JI <br />l. <br /> <br />~' <br />:T <br />;; <br /> <br /> <Z <br />'0 j <br />.. ~ <br />~ <br />~ l <br />::II <br />: <br />i a. <br />il ~ <br />'" !l. <br /> <br />z <br />o <br />- <br />n- <br />IP <br />2- <br />... <br />lit <br />)( <br />r- <br />iD <br />::J <br /> <br />(C) WMh Recorder 01 Deeds Of The District 01 <br />Columbia. -In the 'office of the Recorder. of Oeeds at the <br />Oistrit1.ot Cotumtlta. if the property subJect 10 IIle lIen.js <br />siluated in the Districl of Columbia. <br />(21 Situs Of Property Sublett To lien. -For purposes <br />of paragraphs (1) ana (4), property shan be d-eemeO to he <br />sffuated- <br />tAl Real Property.~in the case of real property. at rts <br />physical location; ar- <br />fS) Personal Property -In !he case of personal <br />property, whether langible or lIltangio!e, at the residence of <br />!'1e taxpayer at the time tM notice ot hen IS filed. <br />f.". jllJTjjGSes at-. paragraph (2){BL the residem;e oj a <br />tufj)(if<tiluit 01 ~,"iJ'Illrship shati fie deemeti to 00 ihe place ai <br />whith tM principal executive office of the OilSlllfiSS is located. <br />arid the ri:tsKi:en.-:e of a ta;.:paYtH whose Hl5Klenct'l is WIthout <br />tne United States shall be 6eeme{j to be !!l the VIs-tdet 01 <br />CoIumtHa <br /> <br />iJi f'urm -- fhe torm dnd content oflhe nohce re~erred <br />lU III subsectIOn (al ~nall De prescflbtid b,' Hle Secretary <br />Suen not~e shaH oe \lalld fto!wllhslanomg any nlnfr prQ\%lon <br />(II ~aw !eqarrtll'l9 Ihe 101m Q( contelll ot il nohce at lIen <br /> <br />1,9) Rtfillng 01 Notice.-t'or purpos~ 01 nlls seclron- <br /> <br />Gvaerll Rule,-Uniess nO!H:e 0' lien \" <br />,!~ l~ fl\<:lIUlt:! preswoot1 m p,Hdgiil:ph (2i uul!1lg ih!: <br />reUUI!t'.11 rehimg penOO. suer. 110!!c.e of lH:n sn.1i1 be \(lulled as <br />:'lW 1X1 the date en w!,jch It IS ll!ed: im .lcc-mdal'1ce lI'I'itf1 <br />sutlsocttm If)) aller ihe eXplratlOn at stief'! reiihng penoo <br />\2i PIKe For Filing.-A notICe 01 !!en re!l(CIj <br />aunny :05 feQulroo reli\if19 ptrlOO S!! oe ettoclt'Jli Qlliy-- <br />lAi!! su..:r, notICe 01 Hen 1$ reWed In lhe ollice H1 whIch 1M <br />pl'1Cf rlOtK;e 01 lien W(iS I:ioo, and <br />(5t in anf case m wInCh 90 day~ m GlOre priGl to lhl! <br /> of a rehiHlg 01 notICe 01 hen '100ft subparagraph (AI, <br />lile Secrt1!ary rer:eiVe<l wnnen lIliDfin.3110n (,n me manner <br />pr~1OO!l1llIaguWiGj\$ISSUlH1l))' toe SewlWy, cooc.etn. <br />mg a c!lange 1II the laxpaye(s residence, i! a nolice 01 sucll <br />hen is also tiled 1Il atcQfdaf!ce with subS8\;Uon ill If! the <br />Slate In whICh ~ch resioenca IS lOCated. <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br /> <br />Entered as Document N~ <br /> <br />83"';;;;"(g0ltlJ! <br />;;:~:~~O~y:: 'c' <br />Numerica!; '. g. <br />1-._:_'~ 4.c:..& <br />STATE or : ".ASi\A) CIt'. <br />COUNTY'J' .,.,Ll )'' <br />.VI. <br />'83 HOU il MIO 1l9' <br /> <br />/-'7 r <br />'I ,.,' ~'. ~"...'.,;?', _~,.._ 1:~ '. - J.' <br />>..:~:~-"~..y" -- "'"'---.~~. <br />?~/ REG..GF fl~E::~ <br /> <br />(3) Requlred RoflUng Purlod.-In tn. case " any <br />notice of !fen,' the term"~feQUir8d.tetillniJ.1J$1Od~'. means.... <br />(A) thtI one-year., period."8fl(Ung:30 days..after'the'~.' <br />expiration of 6- years-atte(the date oHhtt'assessmem of the <br />lax. and <br />(8) the one-year perlod aMing with the expiratlon 016 <br />years after the 'closs' of' tile prtlCed'mg' required' reflllng <br />period !of sucll notiCfI'.m lien. <br /> <br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien Or Dis- <br /> <br />charge Of Property. <br /> <br />as{~~B ~:C~~~r ~~~~~~~:ts~ra~:,~.\;~,~~~:n: . <br /> <br />rertrtk:ate 01 release of any llfln Imposed with resped to an, <br />internal revenue la.>: not laler than 30 days alter the day on <br />whlch~ <br />III liability Satisfied Of Unenforceable, -The Secretary <br />lmds that the habllil, lor the amounl assessed, together wllh <br />aJi lOterest In r-espec! fhereof. has been fu!!y salis"lied or has <br />Det:Ome legally or <br />i2l Bon<i AGCtlpted.- There IS furnished to the <br />Secretary and accepted oy mm a bond that IS conoilioned <br />upon lhe payment of me amount assessed, together wilt! all <br />Interest m respect therooL Within lt1e lime prescribed by law <br />{iliClodrng any exleoSlOn ot such timej. aild lna! Is in accor- <br />'..1am.:e w;!h SilCh requirements relating 10 terms, cOfldiiMls. <br />ano form ot lile oond and sureties thereon, as may De: <br />s~cli!ll\1 hy such reguial10ns. <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and dis- <br /> <br />closure of returns and <br /> <br />return information. <br /> <br />{k} Disclosure of Certain Returns and <br />Return Information For Tn Administration <br />Purposes, - <br /> <br />(2) Uisc~slire 01 amOullt 01 QlJtsta~~g' hen.-if a <br />notice of ften nas been flied pursuaht 10 sectioo 0323iO. ttw <br />amount 01 !1lE: lIUlslandm!) Obligation secured oy such lien may <br />be disclOSed 10 allY person who furniS-hes satisfactory writlen <br />eVIdence lhdt he has a nght in the properlY sUb!ect 10 such <br />Ben {)( mlends 10 0I:l13in a fight in such proper1y <br /> <br />u <br /> <br />~ <br />