<br />(Payment Cap)
<br />
<br />83- u06121
<br />
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />THIS ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER is made this ....15th.. day of ....,......Novs:nber................, 19.&3...,
<br />and is incorporated into and shall be deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage, Deed of Trust, or Deed 10 Secure
<br />Debt (the "Security Instrument") of the same date given by the undersigned (the "Borrower") to secure Borrower's
<br />Adjustable Rate Note to ,........,."...,..."..,',...,..".%m:i,Q:r..,~gg~,..Jlli;"..."......"...........,....................................,...
<br />..... (the "Lender") of the same date (the "Nole") and covering the
<br />property described in Ihe Security Instrument and located at:
<br />
<br />..,...........,2.~.~1..~;i9:g~..,p.J..!'l~...-::.,~ ,:I:.?;I,~,..,~....@~Ql.
<br />[Property Address]
<br />
<br />The Note contains provisions allowing for changes in the interest rate every
<br />year. If the interest rate incr_ses, the Borrower's monthly paymerits will be
<br />higher. If the interest rate decreases, the Borrower's monthly payments wifl be
<br />lower. The Borrower also may be able to limit monthly payment increase.- to
<br />71/z% each year.
<br />
<br />ADDITIONAL COVl-:NANTS. In addition 10 the (."o\'enants and agreements made in the Security Instrument,
<br />Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows;
<br />
<br />
<br />The Note provides for an initial interest rate of.. 11. 4 . .....0/,., Secllon 4 of the Note provides for changes in the interest
<br />rate and the monthly payments. as follows:
<br />(A) Cbange Dales
<br />The intercsl rate I will pay may change on the first day of... . ~ClIl.t,lClIY... ........"........ 19.".~,S...".. and on that day
<br />l'\:c:ry l:!lh month Ihcn:afrer. Eal'h datenn whil~h my IIller('st rail' could change is called a "Change Date."
<br />(8) The Index
<br />He-ginnmg with tht." fir-it Change D:Hl". my 1IIh:n..~1 ralc will he hasl"d nil an Index. The "Index" is the weekly average
<br />yield on United States Treasury sn'unllL"S ;,uJ.rustl.'fJ III a l'OH~lall( tlmtunly of I year, as made available by the FederaJ
<br />Rc:serve Board, The most recent Index. figure avatlable itS nr the Oith,' 45 days before each Change Date i~ calJed the
<br />"Current index."
<br />If the Inde. is no longer ,wailablc. the Note Holder WIll choose a new II1de. whIch is based upon comparable
<br />information. The Note Holder wiH give me nmice ofthi~ choice,
<br />10 Calculalion of Changes
<br />1 ~fofeeach Change Date,the ~Ok' Holder Will cakulalL' my I1C'W inl~rest rate by adding ...J,~,9..... percentage points
<br />(.......~'n.....i?:~) 10 (he Curren I Index, fhe N~)IC Hnkkr willlhen round the result of this addition to the nearest one-eighth
<br />of one pen:eruage poun (O.! 25<}c'). This rounded amoutl( \\-111 bt: my flew lIl(ercst rate until the next Change Date,
<br />The Note Holder wiJllhen determine Ihe anhJUlll of the monthly paymCnI lhat would be sufficient to repay th~
<br />ul1pald pril1t:lpal balan\.'e (If ffi)' Joan I am c.\pc.."\:Icd Itl tlWt;' on the- Change Date in full on the maturity date at my new
<br />inurest rate in substanually l~uai paymelll~. The result t1f thIS .:akulallon IS called the "Full Payment Amount", and it
<br />will be the new ;1nllluHl i,)fmy mOllthly paiBlent ul1lt.'~s Il..'"ht~)sC the amt)Unl pennHleu by Sc'"lion 4(D) below.
<br /><D) Borruwer's Righi lu Umiled Pa)'menl Amount
<br />LJnles..~ Sections -l-(F) and 4(G) bel.)\\" \1,-111 Jhlt permit me to do so, I may chool)e to limit the amou11l of my fl~W
<br />monthly payment t{)HUwHlg a Change Dale 10 the: amount I ha\.l.' ~en pa} ing multiplieu by Ihe number 1.075, This amount
<br />IS called the "LmUl<-d Paymenl Amoullt," If I rhoose the Limiled Payment Amount, I must give the Note Holder notire
<br />IntI am doing so at least IS days before my first new monthl)' pa)'menl js due,
<br />IE) Additions to :\Iy linpaid Principal Balanre
<br />Iff chtlOS( thl'lututt,>U Payment Amount, my momhly pa)l11e-nt 4..'ould bt~ Jess than the amount of the IIlterl."St portion
<br />ora lHlllllhly pa)'II1l'l\t \\hu:h Ihen w(luJd t'It.. s.ut1it.'j(,l1t Ii) h;ra~ fIl~ unpaid prindpal halarll'L: in full nnlhc malurity dale at
<br />"'l ('urrcnlllltcr"~t ral~ an suhstanllally clJual pa~ lU~nb. If 'tl, t';tt:h month lhat the: Linllh.'L1 Payment AnHlunt i~ less lhan
<br />the: inh:n..~t ["onion. the N\.)tl.' Holder will subfCal..'l the LUllIte:d Payment Amount from the anlt)unt of the inter~st portion
<br />and will add the differclh.',,' 10111)-" unpaid prll1c1pal balan,..I.'. Tht.' Note: Hol-dcr will also add inh:rc:st on the amount of this
<br />ditfercnct.' to my unpaid prin~lpal balance e~Kh munlh. Tht: inkTl.:-,t r;,ill' \H1 Ihc 11ltercst added 10 principal will be the r..tIc
<br />r~qum..d hy Sectl~,)n -l-(C) abll\'c.
<br /><101 Limit on Unpaid Principal Balance: Increas.:d Monthly Payment Amount
<br />M)' unpaid prm\:lpal b-alatKt' can Ile\'c.~r c:\~ec:d;1 OI;,nllllum am\.)UI1{ cyual Itl nile hundred twcllly-f1n: pcrrt'1l1 (125r;?(')
<br />of the prim:ipaf. amountl origin.;!lly borrowed. My pa) 1l1g. a LimilcJ Pa}mcm ArnoU1l1 ana any Change: Dale c\luld ~ausc
<br />m}> unpaid print:ipal kllance- III e-~~eed thai ma:\HllUIl1 anll)Unl. If so, on the dah:- that m~ pa)'mg a Limircd Payment
<br />Amounl WQl.~~d (.'3Use me to c,\l.:ced thai limit. I \.\iJllnslcad bcgm paYIng a new monthl) paymcnt ullllllhc nc.\t Change
<br />Dah~\ Tite new mouthly payment will be- In an ~f1WUnl \\ hi,,:h would he ~uttici('n( In rl"pay m) tncn unpaid priu,-'ipal balam'::
<br />In full on th.: tlUllunt) dale- at my current IfllcrcSI rail' III ~lIb...I;.lIlII;lll} t.:4uaJ p~t~ nh:nl~.
<br />((;) Required Full Payment Amount
<br />lkgilltHng wiJh Illc Ilrsl mnnthly pa}l1lt'lit <.lfh:r th,.. J;hl Cllang~ Datl', 1 will p.i) lht" l,"till Paymt:t11 Amuunl .1." nl)
<br />ilU~iltbl)" paym~ot,
<br />IH) Effec:th. !>ate of Chang...
<br />M,~' H~\\- intcH.'$l nlte WIU h<clHn~ dl(,,'~II\( l..'Ill.,'~h.-,h Chang\' Duh~ 1"""1 pa) the ;HHounl (.fmy Ih,'W rfh)Hthiy pa)tHC'lll
<br />be:ginnmg on tbe' flr~t nwnthh-- pa:;-m('1l1 Jull..' afll;"j' th(.' ('hang~ Dati: unol th~ alllount t.)f IH) m\)fl1hl) pay mt.'n t (:h,U1llt.'!\
<br />lljIilin,
<br />
<br />Al)JUSTAIU RArt ltOIA-l Y.., T-.wry lM.x (R)'-""91. 'omoly -0 8J. fHMA Uni!,..m '"".v....",
<br />