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<br />I" <br /> <br /> <br />83-- 006096 <br /> <br /> <br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />THIS INDENTURE, <Dade thia~4l!:L__._.___._. day of __Nov~~__ <br />HERBERtW. ~OESER ANQ.Jl\NI.I~._~-,_BOESER_L.H.!J~~ANDAND utFE <br /> <br />of Ha 11 County. Nebraska. as mortgagor ~_. and Ho~ Federal Savinls and LQan Association of Grand ISta:n_d..-a,~tpotatioh <br />organized and existing unde1- tht laws of the United States of Affi"'...rica v.ith its principal office and place-of bwiness at Grand- Islan(l;- Ntbraska.:as <br />mongagee; <br />WITNESS!,.... That,.;d mortgagor _L_. for and io consideration of the sum of FOURTEEN. THOUSAND FOUR . HUNDRED <br />TWENTY DOLLARS AND 1'101100 -:-__--------------------------- ()ollars(S 14.420.00 <br /> <br />the receipt pf which is hereby ad.nowlcdacd, do ___ by these presmts mortgag.e -~nd warrant un~o said mo-rt~ee. its. successors and-assiim~ <br /> <br />forever, aU the following described real ~at.e. situattd in the County of .---HalL <br />and State of Nebraska. to-wit: " <br /> <br />lOT TWENTY TWO (22) IN BLOCK "B". IN "PARK-VIEW SUBDIVISION" <br />QUARTER (Nn,) OF SECTION 29, ,l\ND THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NI~l;,) OF SECTION 28, ALLIN <br />TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (11), NORTH, RANGE NINE (9) WEST OF THE SIXTH P.M. <br /> <br />f!O'!~'t; <br /> <br />Together with aU heating. air contiitaoning, lightU1~, and plumbing equipment and fixtures. mcluding screens, Hwnings. storm windows and <br />dOON. and window :shades or blinds. used on or to connectlon wit.h ~8id property, whether the- ~ame an> now located on said property or hereafter <br />placed thereon. <br /> <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME. together wlt.h all and !!ingular the ienement.s. h~ltament.s and appurtenances thereunto he. <br />longing, or in anywi5e appertaining, forever, and wa.fmnl lh€l' title to the l';8mt!. Said morgagorS_ hereby covenant with S<" <br />rD{}rtgagee thal the y_. a.r€-- , 8tlhe delivery heroof. the lawful owner S of the premises above conveyed and dt~s(:rihed, <br />~_ seaed of a good and indefeuJble esl.t\te of inheritance lh4!'rein. frt:"e and d~ of all encumbrances. and thaL__t he Y--. will <br />warrant and defend the title thereto forever against the claims and demands of aU ptlrsoos whomsoever <br />PROVIDED ALWAYS. ""d this instru",ent isex..,uwd ""d dohvered to .<<ure the paymeot of the sum of FOURIEEtLIHQUS/lliD <br />---E(lU1LHUNOREnTWENIi' DOUARS-.AUD NO/lOO.-.~~.""~""'""-~."- !Joilara ;$14,.420.00. . . I. <br />with intel"8St thereon, topther with .such chargea and advances as ma)' be due- and payable to said mort.gag~ under t.he temls ilnd conditions <br />of the promissory noLe of even date herewit.h and set'uft-(i hereby. execuled by said morlgogor _ _$ to said mortKElgOO, payabli\ 6S express~d <br />in said note. and to- eeeure the periomuu:u::e of aU the terms and conditifJns contained therein. The tenus of said now are hereby incorporatt.d <br />herein by this nderence. <br /> <br />It is the int.eation and agreement. of the pattKl8 bttret.o t.hat this mortgage 8hall also secure any future advances made to said morlgugor .m~ <br />by :ulid mort.gagee, and any and aU indebtedne!:is in addition to the amount abo....e Slated whjdl said mortgagors, or any of theln. may owe to <br />said~. however e,,'idenced. wbether by note. book account or (ltherwiSa. This mdrtg~~ shaH remain i.n fuU force and effect ht'lWlNn <br />the l~ hwet.o and their heirs. personal I'$presenu.tive-,,'i. sUC'CCS&>tS and 8ssign~. untilllll umounl.s secured hereunder. including futun' <br />advances, are paid in fuC .-itb lnl.erest. <br /> <br />The mortgagor .--S..._ hereby assign , ._.__ lo said mongagee all rents and income ansing lit ao)' and aU times from said prol~rty and <br />hereby autluJriu! hid 11lOrtga&ee or its agent, at its option. upon default, to take eharg,= of said property and collect all rents and inconw <br />therehom. and apply the .same to the payment of interest. principal. insuranre premiums. tax.e-s. assessment.s. n~pairs or improvmlwnts <br />nec:ena.ry to keep qid property in tenantable condition. or to other charges or paYl):leQt.,s provided (or be~i.n or in the ~lote hcrt~by ~ured. ThiS <br />nm.t as~t abaU (OD.~ in fOKe unul the unpaid balance of said nott':ts fun)' paid. Th~ takmg of possession hereunder shall in no manlwr <br />prevent 01' re1.lUd said mortgape in the. collection of said sums by foreclosure or otherwise. <br /> <br />The faihlre of the mort.p&ee to assert any of ils rights hereunder at an)' time shall not be construed as a waiver of its right t-O assert the- <br />same at any later time. "nd to insist upon and enfoft;e strk"t l-"OmpHance with aU the u'rtm> and prO'o'lsions of said no~ and of this mortgagt! <br /> <br />1f said rJian&:a&ot...S shaD cause to be paid w.said t:ntire amoUnt due it he-reunder. sod under lht.~ tt'rms and provisions <br />of said bOte benby secured. including future Itdval1Cil$. and any or renewals thel"l.'oi in accordum::t" wit.h the terms lJJ'uJ proVisions <br /> <br />u..of~ __ if Aid. rJian&:a&ot _. -S~ s~ comply with eU the provisions (If 8i!.id noW and of t.his mortgagl!-. Loon these prill1:t.'Ot.'i shaU he vUld: <br />~to.NlIaiD-Jaful1 fOIQ,andeftetL. ~aaidroortga,gee-sbH be.entitled to the possessK.lO of all of 8llid proptrty. and IUllY. at. its option. <br />dw.!ue the ""..of Mid. note aJKl aD. ~ repteSellt-e9 the-teby to be immediately due and payabl.... Rnd may foroclo:w lhi~ nXH.tgag;~~ <br />"" toP ."y .u.. local Il<:_ 14 protect ib\ rig\lt. Appn.iaement waivod. <br /> <br /> <br />ilP~~::=.~~~iF~3::"::: <br /> <br />. l .~. .1./ <br /> <br />Ul U tl1l <br /> <br />I H 11H <br /> <br />~T-X U1'7 7i"-11-:1~~ <br />