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<br />83__ i)uS061l <br /> <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />Lender's written agreement or applicable la"., Borrower shall, pay lbe amount"f all~ort8;ll!C.illSurancln're!l'i1lIl1A,i';thc <br />manner provided under paragraph '2 hereof, . ' .'C . .." ...:; <br />Any amounts disbuned by Lenilcr pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thel'eO!>.. shaJlhccOnjeasl4i\fflll~ <br />indeb.tedness of Borrower secu~ by,this Mortgage. Uniess Borrower and. Lender a~ _~o_ o~t_:.te~ ,Q{.J:l~Y~t.\-,:~~b <br />lUII<!UBtsshall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requcsti!\g: paymenUhereof,all<hhllILbear;,frOl'''thc <br />date of disbursementatth.. rate payable .from lime to time on oUlSl.ndlngprincipaJ.lInder' <br />m!ereSt4t such ralc wouldooi:Ontrary to applicable law, inwhiell ~ent sneli lUtWU11lSshall.~ interest:at 1~;J.Ii&W;.~ <br />permissible under applie.ble law, NOlhing eont.ined in Ihis p.ragraph 7 sh.1I require LenderloillOunuw~ott8!te <br />anyactioo hereunder. ... .. .., ,. ....... .. ,.". <br />8,. Ilaope<floa. Lender maym.keor cause to be made reasonable enlriesupoo'aod lnspcetiOllSoMlIe'Pidpilf\Y,Prp.'!iidCd' <br />thlltLendershaR give Borrowcrnotiee prior 10 any such inspectioo specifyingre.sonablecause lherefor.relat~'lo.Letidei"s <br />interest in the Property. <br />~,. c-Jemnado., The proceeds of any .ward or claim for damages. direct or con....uenliaJ,in connlOCtionwith.:.ny <br />coodemn.tionorother takiogofthe Propef\Y, orp.rt thereof, or for conveyanceinlieuofcondemoation,.rehereby:~ <br />.ndshall be paid to Lender, . . '.' <br />lotheevent of. total taJcing of the Prnpeny, the proceed. sh.lI be .ppliedto the sumssecuredbyAhis.Mortgage; <br />with the exc.... if any. to Borrower, In the event of . partial taking of.theProperty;,unl_'Borrower',and,'.Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, rhere shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage suehproportioo'ofthepl'QCee(ls <br />as is equalto. that proportion. which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortg.geimmediately,prior to' the clale,of <br />talting bearno the fair market value of the Property immedi.telyprior to the d.te oflaking. with. the bnI.nce of the.ptO<:eeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If the Propeny is abandoned by Borrower. or if. .fter notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemtloroffers,{O :trialte <br />an awarder senle a claim for dam.ges. Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days aftertlfe clate,suclt':IIotice is <br />mailed, Lender is .uthoriud to colle<:t and .pply the proceeds, at Lender's option, either 10 resroration.or'l'lOp1lirc.ofthe <br />Property or to the sums secured by this Mongage. <br />Unless Lender and BOrTOwer otherwise agree in writing. -any such application of proceed, to principal shall not extend <br />or postpone the due date of the monthly installments referred to in 1 .nd 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />such installments. <br />10. Borrower Nor Released. Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization of th~ sums ,secured <br />by this Mortgage g..mted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release. -iri any manner. <br />the liability of the original Borrower and Borrower's- successors in interest. Lender shall not be required to commence <br />proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums <br />secured by this Mortgage by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. <br />11. Forbearauce by Leader Not a Waiver. ..'\ny forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or <br />otherwise afforded by applicable law. shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy. <br />The procurement of insurance or the payment of ta.'tOes or other liens or charges by lender shaH not be a waiver of Lender's <br />right to acceierate the maturity of the indebtedn~s ~cured by thi;;; Mortgage. <br />11. Remedies Cumula....e. AU remedies provided in this ~1ortgage are distinct and cumulative to any other right or <br />remedy under this Mortgage or afforded hv law or equity, and may he ~l(erciscd concurrently. independently or successively. <br />13, ud A...n. Bound; Jnint and Several I.labUlty; Capllons, The covenants .nd .greements herein <br />contained shall hind, i.nd the rights hereunder shail inure to, the rec;pectivc successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower. <br />subject to the provisions of paragraph 17 hereof. :0\11 covenants and agreements of Borrower .shaH be joint and several. <br />The captions and headings of the paragrdph~ of this Mortgage 3fe fnr C'_''lri'...:niencc only and are not to be used to <br />interpret or- define the provisions hereof. <br />14.. Notke-. Except for any noti~ required under applicable la~' to be given in another manner. (a) any notice to <br />Borrower provided for in rhis Mortgage shaH be given by mailing ,>uch notice by certified mail addressed to Borrower at <br />the Propeny Address or at such other addr~s as Borrower may designate by notice to Lender 3S provided herein. and <br />(b) any notice to lender shall he given by (;C'rtified mail. return receipt requested. to Lender's addres..ll stated herein or to <br />such other address as Lender may designate by notice to Borrower as provided herei_~. J\ny, ,notice 'prov-~' for in this <br />Mortgage shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or I,cnder when given "~n ,;fu~, QlAt)Der\desigftMtit ~,~reinl <br />15. Uniform P.fOd:&~; GOl'~minc uw: MverabDitYK Thh form of mortga$e co~es unitorm-tcoven~Ult$_JOt national <br />use and non-uniform covenants \'\-'ich limited variati~m$ by jHn~dl-ctjon In constit~Jt~_,::a' uniform secUritY --ih$frum~nt covering <br />real property. This Mortgage shall be governed hy the law ()J. the jurisdiction- J,n, which - the Property is located, In the <br />event thaI any provl5-ion or daus.e of this Mongage or the 'NOle ('('ntlicts with <Ipplicable law. such conflict shall not affect <br />other provisions of this M(")rtgage or the ~ote which .::an be given effect without the conflicting provision. and to this <br />end the provisions of lhe Mortgage and the Nme are dt.'1.~lared to be severable. <br />1'- Bonowe-r.s Copy. Borrower shaH be furnished it conform~d copy of the Note and of this Mortgage at the time <br />of execution or after recordation hereof. <br />17. Traasfer of tile Property; Assumption. ff all (If any Pdrt l'f lhe Property or an interest therein is sold or transferred <br />\\ by Borrower without Lender's prior written ('oosen.l,. ~xc1uding (ill the creation of a lien or encumbrance subordinate to \: ~'>."', <br />~ this Mortgage, (b) the creallon of a purchase money security interest for household appliances. (c) a trao~fer by devise. ~ ~ <br />~- descent or by operation of Jaw Up<.-lO the death of a J~\lnt tenanl or' 11 tAt) jf f'T af fl'. 'Hloal'lrhl i hnnt sf dUllll rllflnJ ~r hfi& ~"'\.r'"" <br />-~ r In ij'~i'n. I r i-} h. 10 '~fThli1J Lender may. at Lender'" l)ption, declare all the sums secured hy this Mortgage to be ~~.T'-~ <br />!\~ . immediately due and payable. Lender shaH have "-'aived s,uch optWil fO accelerate if. p~ior to the ~aIe or transfer, Lender' ~ <br />,-,.,j, and the person to whom Ihe Property h~ to be ~old or transferred reach agreement in Writing that the credit of such person ~) <br />_ i.s satisfactory to Lender and thai tbe: interest payable on the 5um:-; $CI;ured by this Mortgage shall be at Stich rate as Lender <br />JC: $baU request If Lender has waived the option to accelerare provided in this paragraph 17. and if Borrower's successor in <br />; intefOSt has -executed a wrinen assumption agreement accepted in writing by Lender. Lender shall release Borrower from all <br />obligations under tbis Mortllage and the Note. <br />If lender e:x.ercm:s such option to accelerate, Lender ~hall mail Borrower notic.e of acceleration in accordance with <br />pat'all"apn 14 hereof. Such notice shall provide a period of not less than 30 days from the date the notice is mailed within <br />wb;ch Borrower may pay the: SUID'S declared due, If fail..; tv pay si.i~h <.;ums prior to the cxpiralion l'[ such perioJ, <br />tender rna)'~ without further notice or demand on Borrower. invoke allY remedies permitted by paragraph t 8 h~reof. <br /> <br />NOM~UN1POkM CoVEl'iANTS, Borrower ilmi Lender further coven::mt ;:\Od agree as foltows: <br />.1. ACft1eradoa; Remedlts. Eaupt as provided in paragrapb 11 hereof. lIpon Borrower's breach of an)' covenant or <br />..-... of .........e~ ilt _ Mortpae, includinc the eo"enant. 10 pay wbe" due any sums secured by thio Mortgage, <br />I....... ,... 10 ~ IloaII mooiI notice 10 Borrower as provided in P""'Kraph 14 hereof spedlyinc: (I) Ihe b",aeh; <br />a) IIoe 1Idloa. .......10 eure..... bruclll (3) a date. not Ieso I..... 30 days from the date tile noIIee Is mailed 10 Borrower, <br />IIJ wtolck$llda"-h _ he elUltCl; aDd (4) lhaI f.nure 10 cure sucb breach on nr before the dale spe<:i/ied i" lbe nolke <br />.., ..... ill K~ of lite ....... _ured by IhI< MorfC1lIle, hy Judklal pro<eedine aDd sale of lite Properly. <br />1'Ite 1liICk4....1WilI<< lnf_ Borro.....'" !he rlPl 10 rd.nsIate alter .<<eltnotlon ."d lhe righl to _rt In the fnreclnoure <br />~ .. _~ '" a lief'"'" or any other <tel..... of Borrower 10 aceoleratlo.. and fnred......... If the _b <br />III _ """" ... ... ......... the date .,..aIled "' the _lee, tender at l.nder's oplioll may declare all of the sums secured by <br />_~ Iv IIc ~ .... uti po.yabk wldaeut fUrlber ~ and .....y lu"",_ by Judklal proceed1nc. Lender <br />......1Ic ....... Iv ....u..rt In ~ procndlna all e"pense. '" lored..."re, lnd......, but not limited to. euotJ; 01 docu__f)' <br />~....... -' Illlot """""' <br />19. ~'.... tD a....... Notwdl1.standlug Ltm;ku'!j ;l~\:e-h:fAUon ot the "'Un-Hi sel.:urtd fly thh, Mo,ri@agl!'. <br />~fQ'wct -"U havo- the- r~t to hi,,~ any rH.'~cmjni5- ~,.un hy Lender f{) cnfOf"C thlli- M(\rtg~gc disc0otllHl-C-d &1 an; Ittu(' <br />