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<br />
<br />E~F"""I_~_C""
<br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes.
<br />
<br />it any person l\able \0 pay any la~ ,~lS Of r~!~s~ ro pay
<br />me same after uemamL me amount im<;ludtnfl an, mte!ll'S:
<br />aOOttiOnal amooflt_ aodrtlon 10 tal:_ Of J:SS,tSSdtill} PE!1l<l~I)
<br />loget" -wrtn -afiJ c-osts l;;at- may OY..,t;rua in ac11lilOl'! T~ero-l
<br />srutil be. _;n favor Ol tne Uru!OO SUW5 ti;.>..-'m all ~
<br />;tOO n~tJ lU ~Y. wMf\ef ~f;~! \3, f-.1<"S01',J1 ::tl;\nglng. to
<br />:;l,lCfl pe-rson
<br />
<br />Sec. 6322. PeriO<! Of Lien.
<br />
<br />. ~bj~:: ~~i~::;:~;~ ti<~ o. ,~<\
<br />is rr.al1t aild snaJ! \,'1)1'lt,f'_Ut UliW !:-,~ :'.:.bj"ty 1')' ;r,e S'n<,t-J<1: <
<br />
<br />;<<,,... :.t~;::..;Vt'- .}'\:'"'1q
<br />
<br />-'J1!'wse
<br />
<br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority
<br />
<br />Against Certain Persons.
<br />
<br />[ill Purciwett. Hokltrs Of SUurity I"t,,.st&.
<br />Mechanic's U...n, And Judgment lien
<br />CflditofS>-H~ litltl mlOO~ P'i' ~tl:;(m 1;,32, ~!\...,,~ ;:-'.11 t.....
<br />"aiid as .H't,t ilr.~ ~!t'-!'Iast<f t,~",>..'1 !€J't~t
<br />'lleC1I<irnc's :lern)! If :;~a~, "H~ "';'0,:0: '"~-'"
<br />lhef~ wn.cl1 f~lS tfle <aq\>"t1!!f!len!S '0' ~;,"'k{h):' '",,"
<br />~!IleC:)V \ll~ Sec;eur-t
<br />
<br />0, _ For C.rtaio lot...." hili lllDulll'
<br />NoIb Fitd.-t~IT ;rlOt.~h tloHct {.>l" ';f'.'~ ,q;:.a;m! ()~< ~&:
<br />;:!,\l\ o....12~ !li,6. ::~, rlied. s:;:.::n 'jt:~. ~:1.:;i l1ol:; . 'Kl"
<br />,', _ For Fillflg NoliCt: Form,-
<br />n Platt' ~.z "!'!'.{l . ~he i,,-~l'C-t ,."ll!i:eo .
<br />s.tt-lt>jf;\<li h~'--
<br />:A, W<<{ ldn
<br />~t) Rea: f'o~~,t)' \"'t ...:..;~ ot (?<iI, ~'f;:;ue'rv
<br />Q{tlCiJ-w.itnfl (roE Sl~l~ ~'" :t;~ ;:_"'J"t~
<br />'f3f5ldXlM$liInj
<br />"l ~'fllCl'l {<Ie pr~11v ,,, ll'te ,it"1 ;;, :',11",.it~: J'1\)
<br />Iii) ilf!rs.,na, P;Qpl':tt~
<br />:), w~ iil\~,,' ;ilt4J19;C'\'_ ,il ;,);l~o!j,~ ,,,,It,,', Flt'
<br />St.att\U' Ula~. Ui umec QCIIitl:l'~llentoU~\i1SICI1J.
<br />as ~;)y tne ldws. tit S;;{:l1 SI;l;tlJ'. ,~, "'''i1y,tt':~ ~'(Q
<br />OOW s;~,IIO lhe M>1l i:i ~;bJ.itW_ ,.I'
<br />\i)\ Wirt'l Cleft\, m O!'!tnct CWt1 -. it, t~ 0~\\C~ ;n~
<br />Cittk.. Qi tM UrvttlO S;am dNJll)Ct Cl.\o,iU lor:ne jUQI';;I.a\ ;::'lSPfl.:,\
<br />III wmr.n ttle j;lfOptrt~ $tIQfdCt to hItn IS siWltlJ. l!l'ntmevt! triO
<br />$" has '* by law Qesl$lNlI'J one office wftlCl'l mefis 1~
<br />IlSQiMements. of s.utOatagc.&ptl (At t.,
<br />
<br />I
<br />
<br />oy
<br />)
<br />
<br />Entered as Document No.
<br />
<br />183=~. ~l
<br />
<br />z I Numeri _ .
<br />g, 1_2_3_4_
<br />nS ,TE OF NE"RAS'KA)
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<br />
<br />,C) W~th HEiGllfGef Ot Oeeds O! Tl're Dlstr~ (II
<br />CtJ:iuml)t,il, -in fhe ,offICe of U;e Ream2ef of Deeds 01 the
<br />O.V$tnc.t Qf CiJlumnoa. 11 the pr-openy subjec.t la the !ign is
<br />sll\latl;a ;r, the DiStrict 0: CQiurnOta
<br />Sitl.ls Or P'opert,. Sub!ect To U<lO --Fo. purposes
<br />"Jt ~rJ{lraphs ;1) 3!ll r4.:, prcpe.r!y Sh.i!)j rn:ll~tlmed lObe
<br />'O';1ualed-
<br />jA, M<;li!.1 ?loperty.-ln 1M case o' real p!c-perty .3t Its
<br />D:<v'iI(J: jDtallOO,
<br />~8\ P!!rSi}r,a1
<br />,1'o~e'l~'.
<br />'~e l.:..(pa~er ill tr1e
<br />f.Cf DurpQSes 01 wragrao-n i::';f8} 'es,deIJ!;c IJf ,1
<br />:;rpora!'Ci"J Cf partr~r,;htp stl'.H toe dee;t~G to N' 1M oidce at
<br />'<',:-.1Ch 1!\:'- .cr'~'c:;~; ".'~;CJli<e ;:j;I(" of 'f't' tI;:<;H\/;,,<; ,,, ,ncatea
<br />p;:; :~.~ 'd';:t~f'~,<, :c',:: ,"-'1.'<11111 N'\tt311 'e~,a,,(lC2 I;: WMlOul
<br />r.;1 ~~J!es ~t' :,ee 'iKl C ,i,; Lk;lml 01
<br />';}hJ.r:.t,:,1
<br />
<br />
<br />i "ym lJ-,? 1':>l~ ylQ ':ut~~e'1! <1' 1'1'" fW;ICf i1,jH~!'O
<br />, ,tlsec:'<:-1' , . ~., ::,nJ~,~{jCNi I.;', S~t:f"l~~..:W,
<br />~ '<)!:(,e ~r;i:': t:!" 'id,:Q ,;C':"...lln~la!1Cl!~fl dr~ f,j~\'t Dt;J\'l~'!)11
<br />'-li 'Hl;lr(Y;~ t'~f O'
<br />
<br />
<br />(;1 !.!ES \~'~!Hln-.
<br />
<br />, ,{i,;;:"fdJllt~ :/<'!h
<br />:':U.'5~~l,)r. ,! i ,,~'t'! lr-,!! l';.(;Ji!.,.;~'!hl0f :SUdl ,!'J;j"\~ i_>t'k){)
<br />PIKe for FHing.-,l, ~'m;(.~ 'j!l~ IlllliW
<br />t"~ :equ,rt'(! :f."hng pt'IlU'J ,n.Il' t'lJ e!f~l;.-f,
<br />
<br />
<br />.'0
<br />~\(ewl!:ll!Q Ii'l iegulalWrlS ISSUe:! :o~ lire 5ecrew~ I COl"lCem
<br />f"''l i! clvnqe Jf11M U"Pd,)'l!!f'S rllSlOOncft.11 Ii flOtlCe(l.l such
<br />".fl I~ 8}W 1;100 n ;!C(OI1;;.ilflCl: ..11m SlJU'j,jjt;lj()r, ,~; :1; lhe
<br />~~oItc ,n ..h;\.1'l ~1.Kf! 1f.S~ll;e 1$ klI.:-dled
<br />
<br />L
<br />
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<br />
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<br />
<br />nEG OF DtEf'S
<br />
<br />(3) Required RlfiDng Perltct-111 the case oj any
<br />nWte of 'liell, 111& term....requked retiltng pertod'~ means-
<br />(A) thtl vne-.year period.. ending - 3G days aft9r tile
<br />:;lxpi,aUon OJ' 6 yW5 attrr IIle date of tfie assessment o11he
<br />tax. aM
<br />iB} the one-YHat periOd endirlg with ltfe expiralkln of 6
<br />years after troe close 01 ihe prm:eoil1g required retiUng
<br />penoo 101 sucn notICe of hen
<br />
<br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien Or Dis"
<br />
<br />charge Of Property.
<br />
<br />".<:,
<br />
<br />(a:i Release Of Llan.-Subject 10 such requlaliolls
<br />as the Secret.~ri' may Pl1lStr"ibt. lhe Secretary sha!l Issue a
<br />,~rl!flt..ale 011!lleaS6 01 <in)' \len ll1'POS~d Wjtn respect 10 any
<br />"!!:,rl1~1 'r\1:f!ue ta\ ~~. later !!'lJll 3D Q?Vs alter Ire da'l on
<br />....'":\ch^
<br />; 1) LIJbrll!~ Sd!ISllev or Unt;1nfon:eaole -1 he St.'<:rClarl'
<br />~i"10S molt 1M 'liltl\!it\' 1::1' 1M amo\.ll'll assess.ed. fOl)etl1er wllh
<br />2,1 ';~terest l!l lUSDeC! ilH'1t1f)1 t\dS peen luH,' sal!sj,etJ o~ has
<br />".~c:)rne umlf~jof(:eaOle or
<br />.\cceptoo.-..1NlHI ,s !urnlstlea W !:<e
<br />t:)' I}ffl ~ Dona mal is COooltmneo
<br />Jmotml a,;ses~e(j< lOiJtllher w:1l1 a:t
<br />;f~t(!reSl if) !tlSpeCl1tWreol, ..,tll1m the lH11tl P.fI':SCfll)(I<l oylaw
<br />arl'll;'Xlen:;IJ}t1 ot l;;Jch lime), ano thallS:n "ceor.
<br />.:W11.'t sum feoU'lefl1~nls reialillq to terms. cDr1oihons
<br />1";) I(;!m of (lie iXlflQ ilm) :Sl;'t!tl6.'i lnereon, a~ miiy be
<br />5VtC11'eo by ~uc~ req.VI,H:iH\S
<br />
<br />Sec. 6103 Confidentiality and dis-
<br />closure 01 returns and
<br />return information.
<br />
<br />
<br />(I<.) Disclosure of Certain Returns and
<br />Return Intormation For Tax Administration
<br />PuflJDS8t. -
<br />
<br /><(! Disl$Soft! g: iffiO.unt at ootstafidllltj :i[lf] -,\ ,1
<br />"uh,;'I:! i)T ~~:l hd!l t;eenl-oi<1d plJISt!J,t1! !o s.ectlon bJ23nl Ult'
<br />dmQUlli Ollhe our~tiWwil~ Oti;(y,d!IOll :>t!'urV(j 0)' 5\.1<.,11 nl'll1 Indy
<br />De diSClOsed 10 any person wt!O tcmisfles satlS!3ctOfY wrItten
<br />(NIQi.!I1Ce lhat ne nas iI r'9ht ill thll property SuLlee: 10 stiCh
<br />'''If'l Itlh!!ld:s 10 votam ~ f\~fl! If'I ,,\Jell p-fo~fl~'
<br />
<br />u
<br />
<br />.-J
<br />