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<br />83-,j)Q6025 <br /> <br />(1) mnnth pri....r '1"' it.c till.. rl'llh.. th. o!IlnnrHl,1 ft'Inrts?8" i~~"r:ilAjf pl'ftpqj'YJR iR sHier 18 "fA ide lud, J,older <br />,o<it" f'tadG ,~ pQr IN. prWRiYIR ts ttla iillsntaps' of WewsiRg IIRY llrBIft Qe eiO'''''fflt 15 tl,e <br />N.iiaftallle.u!l,ifl~ .\el, 8).1-- znd., ~ ~ "'~' Q 11~: ~ fh.J <br /> <br />(j)~ <br /> <br />~ If Qn.... '1"1IAng ..~ ~"".~ n^;. n.f AUAn 'it..,. ..~...I fplr iAitr"AWAt llW R.hl ur tRB fB8r8ta~ 01 H8tl3ifllg lintl. <br />Uf~IA ~.J'il"AttRt. 8 JR9R&hh, akiar. O":Iieu fJJ~ g ,"8 tg.Mg.e i NU1'MGG f1 'tPltiliHJft hick sRall Be iA an <br />lfllOOAt 'ttllal t'l ~R' RuJftR O!I:J)-gf aRB haif (I/J) ,af eeRn,," Bf tke 8 Nsge 8liUtllfldh.! bll14fu:e <br />fill! Sf! \As ASh 89"""",,11 Ill.Rewr t8kiRg IRte ltlleBtll1t d6liJu-1t1ffu:in ef f!JfEJHl: n.zrH3. <br />A sum equal to the ground renls, if any, nexl due. plus Ihe premiums thaI will nexl become due and payable on <br />policies of fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property, plus taxes and assessments next due <br />on the mortgaged properly (all as eSllinated by rhe MorrgaKeelless all sums already paid therefor divided by the <br />number of months to elapse before one month prior to the- dale when suth ground rents, premIUms, taxes and <br />assessments will become delinquent. sllch sums to be held by Mortgagee in trust to pay said ground rents; pre. <br />miums, taxes and special assessments: and <br />A.I1 payments mentioned in the two preceding suhsections of this paragraph and all payments to be made under <br />the note sccured hereby shall be added togelher, and the awegate amounllhereof shall be paid by the Mortgagor <br />each month in a single payment to be applied by the Mortgagee to the following items in the order set forth: <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />(B) po <br /> <br />tiQ <br /> <br />J... f)l) ground rents. taxes. assessments, fire and other hazard insurance premlUms; <br />~ (~) interest on the note secured hereby; and <br />JIC (ptt) amortization of the pnnClpalllf said note. <br />Any defiCiency in the amount of any such .aggregate monthly payment shall. unless made good by the Mort- <br />gagor prior to the due date of the next such payment, (unstitute an event of default under this mortgage. The <br />Mortgagee may (oUeer a "laie charge" not to exceed four cenls (4jt') for each dollar ($ I) of each payment more <br />than fifteen (IS) da.ys il' arrears to cover the extra expense involved in handling delinquent payments. <br /> <br />r.....""';........ ..~...".:g- ..... ~ rr l~" "9AU'} '1 "~f inPlfafo1tllt "jth tHI! Eel!rcttlp) of Ilotu.jl.~ .....d U. 6ili~ O',.7l,.1,...p....,:,.lt, <br />'''( IAQRtWr ~h~Tf#.liJLJ.ieJ.t.cJlmo".1~d inff'""1'Qr-ft p'f:8~iI4',,/, as the ea3e ...3) ee~ <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />~. That if the lOud of !he payments mad.. by th,' \lortgagor under (bl of paragraph ~ preceding shall ex"eed <br />the amount of payments actuaily made by th(' \Ion.gagee for ground rents, taxes and a85eS5ment..~ or insurance pre. <br />miums, as the case may be, such excess, if lhe loon is currenr, ar !he option of rhe Mortgagor, shall be credired b) <br />the \Iorrgagee on sub"';quent paymenls tu be made by' the \lortgagor, or refunded to Ihe \Iortgagor. If, however, the <br />monthly payments made by the Morrgagor under (hi of paragraph 1 preceding shall not be sufficient to pay ground <br />rent. taxes and as8essmt.~1tg Of imsuran('(~ premiums. a..o.; the ('ase may be. 'o\hen the ~ame ~hall become due and pay- <br />able, !hen th.. \lortgll!lM shall pay to the \lurtgag.... :my amount necessary to muke up lhe deficiency. nn or before <br />the date when pa)'ment of ~u('h ground rPnls. ta..xe~. a..."iSeSHments or tnsuranl'e premiums shall be due. If at any <br />time the \Iortg~r shall tendN 10 the \lortllagee, in at:rordance "ith the provisiuns of the nole secured hereby, <br />full paymenl of the enlire indebtedness repn'sented Ihereby, th,' \lortg~ee ,hall, in cumputing the amount of such <br />indebledness, credit to the ,.ccount of [he Mortgagor all ~Q,,,,,,..l,, .......1. ..<od" .1" !',,';',w> vf ,,,; "f ~Q....,,"t'h 1 <br />b...:a.'I::..t ,"I.ll h dlt~ unn.Kag"p n:L~ lUll r'iP4 nlnu n.n...~ ~ l. I _'"'-"_.,_....~lvuolu~ ..lid lJ~l'_1 uevelopmetll <br />*"'" any balance remtlinin~ in the Cunds accumulated under the prnvlsionti of (J/) of parug....aph 2: herl"OL If then' <br />shaH bti a defa.ult under any IJf th~ prnvbioRs uf thi~ mor4o!a~e resulting in a public ~ah~ of the- pn~mi::;e~ covered <br />hereby, or if dte \Iortgag"" acquires the property otherwise after default. the Mortg~"e shall apply. at Ihe lime of <br />the commencement of ~u(':h prt}t'~di"g;-i, lOr- :It the hm(' iht~ prol)('riy i...; I)thf~rwi~(~ ~l.t'f1uir.:d. r~~ balance lh{m r(~m;lin <br />ing in the funds accumulated under fa) of ra.ra~raph 1 pfl~f.~t~in~l a~ a crt'dit ~ain~t the amount of principal then <br />remaining unpaid tmd"f said nOle, a.,,1 'h~il p'.p.r1, ..oIj~tl """ ,"","t"t j hith A,.II lI.n I..... .,,~de m,dc. , ,,! <br />af pllf"ll.,,,,,k 2, <br />4. That the Mortp,of wilt pay ground rents, taxes, assessmenb. water rates. and other governmental or mUnicipal <br />charges, fine-s.. or impositions, for whkh pro\,lsi...ln ha~ not been made hereinbefore. and in defauh thereof the Mortgagee may <br />pay the same: and thatrhe Murtgagor will promptly deliver Ihe ufficialrecelpts the,.!." to the MOllgagee. <br />5. 1be Mortgagor will pay ;:s.1Ili.tAfS which may be levied upon the Mortgagee's interest in said reai estate and lrnprovc. <br />menlS. and which may be levied upon this mortgage '" the debl secured hereby (but unly to Ihe extent that such is nut prohibit- <br />ed by law and only to the extent that \u.;;h will nol mak~ this loan Us.urioU~). but excluding any income lax. Stale Uf Federal. <br />imposed on MortgagtJe. ant..! ~di tHe the official re'crlpl sno","'ing sUl.:h pa~JmeO( wit.h (he Mongagte. Upon violatiun uf this under~ <br />taking, or if tbe Mortl!l3gor is prohibited by any law now or hereafter existing from paying the whole urany portion of Ihe afore- <br />said ta"'es.~ or upon the relkiering of any Cuurt decree prohibiting the paymem by the Mortgagor or any such ta,\es. or if such law <br />or decree provides that any' ..mount '\0 paid by the Mortgagor shall be credited un lhe mortgage debt. the Mortgagee ,hall have <br />the right to give ninoty days' written notic~ t(lthe owner of the murtgaged preml~es. requiring the pa~'meO( of [he mortgage <br />deb!. If ,uch not;"e be 81,"n, the said debt ,hall be<t>me Jue. pay"ble and collecllble at the e.piration of ,aid ninelY day'. <br />b, That should he fail to pay ~Il)' sum or keep anycov~nan[ provided for in this Mortgage, then the Mortgagee. at ih vp- <br />tion, may pay or perform the Slime. and aU expenditure) .so made o;.haIl be added to the principal ~urn owing un the above note. <br />shall be secured herebv, and shall hear interest allhe rate ,.1 forth in the ,aid note, until paid. <br />7. That be hereby assigns, lransfe!> and sets "ver [0 the Mongagee, 10 be applied toward the payment of the note and "II <br />sums. _'CCured bereb)"' in cast of a defaull In t~ ~rrorman-(.:e or any of the terms and conditIons of tht~ Mortgage or the ~ald <br />note. all the rents.. revenues and be derived from the mortgaged premises Juring ~uch rime as the mongage indt:blc:d~ <br />n<<s shall remain unpaid: and lbe Mortgagee shall have power to appoinl any agent or agents it may de,ire for the purpo,e of <br />repairilJ& said prellliscs and of renting the same and collecting the rent~~ re\'cnu-es and income.. and it may payout ur said in- <br />comes aU e;q>e:n~5 of-repairing ~id premisc:\ and nel,;(ssar~ c()mmi~siQns and ex.pen-!oe~ inl..:urrcJ in renting ,lnd man;jgln~ [he <br />same and of caUceting rentals. therdrom: the halanL:e remaining. if any, to be applied fowurd the Ji~charl!::c t}f ";lid nlUr!g~I~~ <br />indebtedoess. <br />8. That he wiD keep the impru~emem!t now e_'4lsting or hereafter cre~ted on lhe mungugeu pmpe:ny. in..urcd a.. m~l~- ht..... <br />required from lime to [lme hy the ~iortgag-e.e. against Joss hy tire arnl other hazards. casualut:'.. and {,,'I.)f1l1ngel1~ie~ in ..u.::h <br />-amoulUS and for sueh p<:ri-ods as may be reqUired by the Mortgagee and will pay promptly, \\'ht:n due, premIUm" i1n ,th,:h <br />insuranc-e provis-ion tor paym~nt of which ha) nul bee,ft made herelnhefore, All in~uran{;e :-h(IJJ be ~arrted lf1 t:omp~lI11C" ap~ <br />prDVed n)' the Mortgagee. and the policies and renc\\aJs thereof shaH he held hy t,he: Mortg'::lgt:t' anJ..i ha\c art~dl~d theic-w li}~,'" <br />pa.yabk- dauscs in r~v-or- of anq in form a;.;ceptahfe [0 the Mongagee. In t;:\-C:Ol of h_}S... Mortgag.or \\lU givt: immedHtle ntllicf h~ <br />mail to the Mortgagt:e. ",no ma) m;ak.e ph>>.l! of h.h\ if nut made promptly ~y \-tougagur, ;lnd \.';h.:n in\urani.:c .:omp;IlIY I.:t}fi. <br />et:rne6 is herehy authori,l(:1.1 ~md directeu 10 mC;lke payment (or ~u,h luss- din:i.:t!y to the M(lrt~."gct: In~h"'-ad llf til the ,\:Iurtg~lgi)( <br />and the Mon~c jointly. afld the in~urance proceciJs.. or any patt thcnwf. ffiJ.) he applied hj' the .\it.)rlgagee;.it ih iJpUOll cHht.'"f <br />to f~,re-dU:Ctton ~lf the: indebtedne-!i~ bertby :sccuf~d Ji to the re~tvratiun Of n~pa)r of the: property J.imaged, 1n '1;:\0 l~rtf of tl~rt.'dll- <br />'!.UTe of rhh m(lfl~ ()t o-ttleJ uan,f-er of title to the mortgaged prop<::r1~' In i'\rin&ui'! of the inJcolcJncn ...c(:Uf1.':J hcrcb, . <br />.tf ft$ht. litM- lind iot~rc"t_uf fhe M(}.rr~gor in ;J.tid hJ ~my in..urance pi.)lidt:s then 1ft hH..:e 7>h.l!i p;p~", h) the rur~h; L': p:::r;ll1h:e <br />~t Thit! as additiQnal and colbteral ,,--(,(urn.,.-' fOf lhe p.tym~nt of the flt.>lc d-e_\.~n~J, and ;t11 ;.um... tv r.c'-'ome UUt' LHh..1t:r Itn, <br />~fb.)f{_~~ t.he MMtwg-or hcrcho/ ~~"if;l:n\ to the Mvrt~'c aU Jlrotit~. TeYet~ues. w)-~jh-c<i. fl_~hh and t'>'l'netu.. ,H,:I.:ftH!l.': lit lht" <br />.\.kJrtp#<U' under ao)" ;~fid ,~H tlll ;utd i,':a, i~&"'t:) tHl !'i~lid pfCmbC'Ii. '<\'.rh the nunt -to (\;""TI-\.-e ~mtS r-C\..'Clpl f~lr th..: "~HUt Mt<,i ,tpph- <br />lntm 'tt-l- 'tatd lnJttne\tne"J;. <1\ v.df ~t-urc .l\ atl.:r dd~!uh In the ((~n!ilt,uth (t-f th-t'.;. In:t~ftl:Wi?(", ,md lh-t:.' ,'\tortu.i,gee H\:iV!;H\J. '<tilt <br />tOt an~ r(-.c~J\.:(:t ;tn)' ",u;'::,h. r;i;~ men!,,, '.1, ben uti< ;~nd r"'y~bk-. nut ~h~}H n"ll M rc:q,1Hr~d "0 \\'; d0 nw. .I~'ij!nmt"n! 1,:< h\ h.'l inii>.Ht" <br />i~~ hre-.;Qmt' -mill ~ \ Ufk.m fet.t~'-4'C' \,It thIS ah!H~e, <br /> <br />;}-~',,;;q _1 ."c_!; <br />