<br />
<br />J? 0824361-2
<br />/\e-~-;;
<br />83-006022
<br />83-n04387
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />Deed of Trust to be rerecorcled,
<br />correction made on the Adjustable~'Ri.'d~l'oJ",'.'"
<br />
<br />""
<br />
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST is ma<k Ihis, , , , ' . . . ~?~}l, .. . . . . . . . . , . .day of ' . .4QguH. . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .
<br />19; 11.3., among the Trustor,. . . . . ,J!'r?!'\~ .~: . \-I!,~!,o.n. .'!l!'!. ,J!l!'!'. -'<'. . ~!,~!,!>p". .l)'!!!1:>~\l9. ;ipA.w.H'i'. .. . . . .
<br />..... .... ....' ........................... . (herein "Borrower"),.. ,9"!"!"!',r:,,i.'!~.~!'9!,~'1.l: .l!'!Y1..!l&.s..
<br />....... .... .~~j3. ~?,a.T! A~~,,!'~!i.t.i'<~l!............,......,..... . (herein "Trustee"). and Ihe Beneficiary,
<br />. 9~;t:c:i;,!~. ~~~!,.r~l . ~,,!:'~~!;1.s. ,~ .~!'. A8;s,o.C. ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., a corporation organized arid
<br />existinlpmder the laws of. . . . . . !'l~.br.a.sk~ . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ....'. whose address is. . . . ' . . . . . . .. . ..
<br />. Zl20,S,Qutb, 7Zr>Jt .s.ueet.. illllAh.a.. .m::. . l'>lll.2A . . . . . . . . . . ' . ' . .. . . . . . (herein "Lender").
<br />
<br />BoRROWti_, in consideralion of lheindebtednes, herein reciled and the trust herein created, irrevo<:ably grants
<br />and conveys 10 Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, lhe following described property located in the Counly of
<br />..... ..... .l;l"n...........,.... .. ..SlateofNebraska;
<br />
<br />Lot five (S), lllock One 0), rinslde Estates Second
<br />SubdIvision, located In the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of
<br />the ~ortheast Quarter (NE l/4) of Section Thirty-flve (35),
<br />Township Elev~n (11) North, Range Ten (10) Weat of the 6th
<br />l' .M. Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />which has lhe addms <.>t. 3~40. Gr}lhaw.A",,!,ue. ,G~,!nd Id....nd. .Neb.rC'.s.~" .~1l801.,
<br />
<br />ls,tl"4'et!
<br />(herem "Property Addre....) .
<br />
<br />Jelly}
<br />
<br />t~ and t.~ CQO;l
<br />TOGEtHE-= with aU (he unprovt:ln.;nh now Of hertaiter \.'r;::('tl:J on the profXrty, ~-md all ca~emcnb, nghh.
<br />~, renu (subjea ho...ver to Ihe rights and authorities It"en herein to Lender 10 oolk'<."\ and apply su.:h
<br />fOAls), royalties. mineral, oil and ga;. right;. and prolil5, water. waler rights, and water stock, and all fixlures now or
<br />bcmlfU:r attacllcd 10 lbe properlY, all of which. including replacements and additions thereto, shall be deemed 10 be
<br />lUlll.fI!main "pan of the properly c,wcrw by th" Deed of Tru,l; and all of the forcgolllg. together wIlh ;aId property
<br />(Ofd,Cleasehold e>1llIC if this Deed 01 Trust is 011 a leasehold) a~ herem rdeered to as lhe "Property";
<br />
<br />To.$f.<:lIu tolendel (a) the lCpay1Jleut of the indebtedne.. cvi<:Jcnced by Botro....er.s nOle dal..-.l. A"lWat, .l.8, 198)
<br />...".."" .(bucin .'Note"). in the princlpaJsum of.nn~ f[VI:; J'i~9~I$A)'I.Q .<!()4 ()W.1.O,I~,.
<br />. . . . . '. . , . . ., ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dollar>, wilh mlcrest Ihen'on, providing for monthly Il1slallmenl;
<br />oI~l.nd i~. \Wlth theba.lan<< <.>t lhe indebtednCM, ,loot sOQlIer paid, due and payable 00.
<br />.., ., . .;~lltl;,~~. . ,~, .1Q):;!'. .. ....." ." Ihe p",mem 1'( all other sum" wllh Intcrestlbcreon. advan.:ed
<br />iIt~ ~.illlto prot~ 1!1i; ...'<:urity oIlhis Det.'tI ol Trusl; and the per1ormaru.:e of Ihe coHnatH, and
<br />~_of~ bcntin.<:on~ed;and fb.) 1M rep"Y'/!lOnl of any future adval1""s, wllh I1Ilor"" \110"'011. ",..d...
<br />\~~~by. Lca.tcr ~t to pua~ 21 MK<:>f (h<:r~'" "Fulur~ Ad\'al"'c~")
<br />
<br />l.J
<br />
<br />~ ~~ lbI.tBom>IIW<:r IS lawfully ,.,i;ed of lhe ",I<lle helcby CQllwy'cd and ha, the righl \0 grant and
<br />....ve;Ytlk~1. I.lWIM ""11)' l$u_umberw. and thaI Borro,"er will wanant "nd dc!end gell,.",l!y Ill"
<br />tltklOri!e .~.pmM.u cla4m and ~nds> subj<:C11<> "n, dedalllll"n~. e"...meDls or re>lnd",n, !i,te" In "
<br />...... \'l!l' _~ l<> ~ in any litle i"....""""l'ol"'y i"W!in~ l.".lder', "H<""'I III Ihe P"'lXIt)
<br />
<br />......".1...~ 1_'ti'~"~1lUIIlIlllf,,, 1liIJ.......rt
<br />
<br />5Af ~~ """~~
<br />