<br />I
<br />
<br />MO~TGAGE
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />and"Bartl~a~,~RtiSe,,€ll~;
<br />
<br />(!lewn "~~~~~lt~~X,
<br />(li;,reln'''M()it~''):
<br />
<br />c ; ~"
<br />
<br />- - ,
<br />M(j~orisiiidebllidtoM()rtlagee'ln thepriti!iipaisum of $17.5 . 000.00
<br />
<br />propMtylocatedin
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />
<br />An undivided one-half (,) interest in and to the South Halfof,the
<br />Southeast Quarter (S,SEl) and the East Half of the Southeast Quarter
<br />of the Southwest Quarter (E,SEiswil, both Section 'lWenty.-thre..(23};,
<br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P .11,.,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska, containing eighty-two (82) acres, more or
<br />less, and excluding certain property conveyed therefrom by. prior
<br />
<br />Together with all buildings. improvoments. fixtures. streets, alleys. passageways, easements. rights, privileges and
<br />oppune_located thereon or in anywise pertaining thereto. .ndth. rents issues and profits. reversions and remainders
<br />thereof; including, but not limited to. heating and """ling equipment and such personal property that is attached to the
<br />i1npnmlments so.as to constitute. fixture; all of which. including repla.:"ments and additions thereto, is hereby, declamd
<br />lobe a part of the real eslate secured by the lien of this Mortga~ and all of the foregoing beingreferredtoheroAAu'lh"
<br />"Property",
<br />
<br />Mortgagor further convenanls and agrees. with Mortgog.... as tallows:
<br />
<br />1. PaymeDi. To pay the indebtedness and th.. inte""'t thereon .s provided in this Mortg.ge and the Note,
<br />
<br />2. Tille. Moltflllior is the owner of the Property. has the nght and authority to mortgage the Property, and
<br />wanantstlultthe lien created bl!reby is. filSt anU prior hen on thl' Property, ex...pt as m.y otherwise be set forth herein,
<br />
<br />o The Property is subject to a Mortgage whNein ~..,--
<br />
<br />is tIw MOrtp&ee, ~ at II(lok ._._ . Page .. of the Mort~.ge Records of
<br />Nebrulra, whleh M~ is a lien prior to the lien e....t..d hereby.
<br />
<br />o Other priOf liens Of encumhranC\';S: _.,., '" _..'
<br />
<br />County,
<br />
<br />
<br />3. 'l'lox-. .Aaoes&menllk To. pay. when du.. .Illaxes, speci.l.......m.nts and aU other charges .gainst the Property
<br />and, upclI\. wtitten de_d by. Moj:\pgee, to add to the paym.nts required under the Note secured h.reby. such amount as
<br />_y besuf'llclellt to ~ the Mortga&ee to pay such taxes, ......m.nts or other charges asth.y be!>ome du.,
<br />
<br />4. l~ To lwep thtl improv..ments now or hereafter located on the real eslate described herein insure<!
<br />.~...~. by firoand SUcbothtlr huanis... Mortgagee may require. In.mounts and with comp.nies ."""plable to the
<br />~"allll w,I~ lQliapayable !Q.tlwMortpgee. ..[0.' case..o( 1050 .ul1der ;suc~, Pl'lic;es the, Mort.gag~ "..uth9rizedto
<br />~.. ~.."i!l4~.,itlltsdisCre~, Jl.l1 ~ms, tbl!reunder .t.lts sole "pilon, .atlthorl~d to. .itl\e,~p!llY \be
<br />~.~ ,tllt!~!!!I~\be Property .Of..upontbe, Indebted..... secured hereby. but. payments hereunder shall con,
<br />~"~~;~~,hete\Jy",,,Hidi~full'
<br />
<br />FotT....and ltlaI.tran""'. Notwithslal1dlng.nythi~ containe<lln paragraplul3 aDd 4 hereof to the
<br />~Jlllr to the ,~.t tbl!tiJneofpaying tbe monthly. installm."nts of principal and interest,
<br />~y~,.l\I!i~PlS.~ i!lQl...n~p",mium&. and ground reotl;(lf any) Whichmayattolna
<br />.' ..." .iii1"~bl1 esijm,t:tedfron1tllUl! to rim" hytM M"rlP,at'e.Tba amounts so wd sblUbe
<br />~t in~ ~'Pllll.dtot!lepaym.nt. of th.. lle."'" In respect to which such .mOtlllllwa",.
<br />.~;~~.beftltlJldi>t,,,,,,p\adgeid..adcllliollll,,,,",,ritytor\b.lndeb~securedbY this
<br />~N'~~tbl!~tof.""dell~ncy.bet1!ll!enlbe"'tual~, __...~ i~~
<br />~tuul.the~lai!l!"undefwl\JllnlQdajI$IIter dem,t:ndil made upon Mor\NOrrequestlnl
<br />
<br />..~ll't.Ji~;'l"';~Ynopair,~ ort<!bulld any bulldinl\'l or Implo~"meJ.b now or
<br />tJt' . tli!l.~~fl!!ll\~tiM..4_r.witllout wOlite,and fre.trQmm~ulr:'s ut
<br />,~,~,~,.~to 1Mb,81Uer Of p;mnil. any nl\~ toel<ilot. nut todlmill'
<br />".,~;;$)'~O\';~I<;In,",~;and 10 CQmpiy witll. all ",quire"",'" Qf law with
<br />