<br />83- 006009
<br />
<br />and, without demand. shalf be immadlalnly aua and oayablp. by Trustor ;;md ~I'!all
<br />bear lntere.,! at the maximum allowable legal rate; provided. however. !hel at Il'le
<br />option of Beneficiary or Trustee such sums may be added to the pr!nclpat balance
<br />ot any Indebtedntt5S secured hereby and ,hall 00IH tnil' :same !illerest as such
<br />Indebtedness and ShaH tie payable 'atab!y (lver the remaining i.;mn t"'arpo,
<br />
<br />10. Asst;n",."t of R.nb. Benel!cll:lf'{ shall have the righi, power and 8\11horlty
<br />dutlng the continuance J01 this Trust De9d to coHe(:llhe renl$,ISSu""s and profits at
<br />the Property and of any ptlfsonal property located thereon with Of without laking
<br />possession of the procerly alleeletf hereby, and Trustor ht'!reo>; ab'oh"lely end
<br />uneorKllUooaU)' 113s1gns .'lit such rents, Issues and p!ohlS to Beneficiary.
<br />Bef'teflClary, flOwe...er. hereby consents to 1M Trwstor's COllection iilnd rt!lel"l:!on of
<br />such rents, is-sues and Drofits liS thtty accrlJe ana b9come payabl€, so long as
<br />Trustor Is nOI, al !luch limes, 1(1 defaul! with r!!"1;.pec! to payme!'lt Of any
<br />Indebfedness secured hereby or in tho! ~rlotmanee 01 Ilny agreement hereunder
<br />Upon any suchdele.urt, BenefiCiary may at any time. elther ill person. by ag~nt, or by
<br />a teeeJver to be appointed by a court. without notice and wllhou1 rega'~ to the
<br />adequacy of any SElCurtty 10r the jm:lebted!1-955 hereby secured, (a) ante' IJpon and
<br />taXe possession of the Property or il/'ly part thereof. and in its own name sue lor cy.
<br />otherwise collect such renlS, I"ues and profi!s_ if'icludlng Ihose past due -and
<br />unpeld, and apply the same, !es.~ c051:,; "'''0 expenses of oper21tw'" and r.oUectlon,
<br />Including: reasool!lble attorney fees. upon !l'ny indebledness sucureo hereby. and in
<br />such order 8lJ 8en~ticjary may determine, !bi oor!orm 5.1ich acts f;<f fl:lpalt or
<br />prolectlon as may be nee.ssar>, or proper 10 conserve Ihe value Of 1Poll Pro-pet1y: leI
<br />188M Ihe Sllme Of any part th",reollar sllch fental, lerm, and upon such cunditions
<br />as Its Judoemetlt milY dictate, Unless TruSIOr ana l3eneliciiilry agr...'" (llhR'Wi~ ,11
<br />writing. any application of rems Issties or p'ofils to fH"I" 1'1debll!ll"IISSS s(Ocur~
<br />hereby shall not edend Of oo:';tpohe the due dlll!e 01 the Inslalime'1t paymenls as
<br />provIded in saki promissory note or ol'la"oe l!'Ie a'110unt o! S.lIch mslallments The
<br />entering uj:lo" arn:llaJd'lg p~sesslo" 01 !h~ p,ope~'i, It';", tDileClion of SUCh t<lr11s,
<br />Issues and prallls. and IMllpplicalion thereof as. ~lor8sald. shllll not W!lI'IU 0' cure
<br />any default or ,.,ollee o! delau!! !'\~Hl\HIC:!1-f cr !n"",IJrlale an,' aei dom~ purS\lanl l~'
<br />such notice_ Trustor also a~lgns 10 BI!M~fICI.t')l, itS (urlhef s.ecumy IOf the
<br />performance cl ll)e otlllg8tlO!1!J so&c\lfeCf heleny an p,,,,oaH:i '",NS and .ail morlles
<br />whfch may have bei!!n or "")ty hereaf1er lre ,h~jJOS-!led wflh gala Trustor DY any jesse~
<br />at trte Prop&f1\', 10 s$-Cure 1l1e pa\,m~"l 0' a..y ":1:'1, J"<l df'tau!l '" ,he
<br />p,rformance of any o! l!'le pr;?\lI$fOt'\S herE!'Q! Trustor >lo!ee!! !o:;
<br />aM:l deposits to the BenefiCiary Delivery C;T w"!ten "'ot';.::!! lr>e 8enfff'ela.y-s
<br />ellerelse 01 tl'1e flghls (;,snle<!I'HHt;!lf) b ....1'1 ten""l <xC,jPV"H~ sail:! ;J:ll'r11<ses S!;;Gil
<br />be sufllcJ&/1! Ie (~ulte 1!aid teolinl lD oay SiU!! ranI 1<:1 tht' 8!'flt'hc:arv ,j(ltl! tun"'!)'
<br />noUce
<br />
<br />11. L....~. Wlthln 10 dlllYs aUer a-amanil. TruSlar llnalJ furnll\l1 ro Tlu5.lee
<br />. schedUle certilfed 10 be in..~. i1ttnlrH) !ortn all leillses 01 ~PflCEl' In !!;e j'vsl
<br />Property then In otftect. ineluOlng, In !!lilC:' case. Inti "ame (II !he le~;anlS and
<br />OCCUPAnt&. II descrlpllon 01 1he apace occupled by suc-!'l lan.aflt 8.1"lO occucam. !~
<br />rental payable tor such !Wace and Stich olher informallu" IHHi d'JCUlT!liH1ts ....ill":
<br />respect to 'ucl'llesMs and tl:lNlocie!l as the T'!".slfte may H"Qu~51
<br />
<br />WIthout the prior ..ntl"n CCt'lS&fll C't fn.lsl__ TruSlor ~,'1all nOI, ".ree!!) 01
<br />Indirectly, wilh rMpOellO ilflY lease ot ~paCflj Irt lne Gil'$cnDfld praml!lElS. ...-holfler
<br />such te.c:M is now ("If ~re.tter In e);stI!HKe, !al acc~pl 0' 06-,-,T>ll any pUtDavmef1l
<br />dlacount or advance rent paYiill:lIe Il1ereuI10&r: (D) ca:'!ceJ 0' termlnale 11\11 S.iH'r<ll. 0'
<br />lIce~t any cancellation. 10fminSIIOfl or -.unern1er !"\tl'Wl. N [;.I;'!n'1 ....,y 0.6111 Ie
<br />occufwhich woukJootllle the ~ ttJe-reul1Oar 10 18.mlnale ()f canca: Ultl sa"""': (('I
<br />amend or modify ttlo same a-o lI$ Ie> :.cUCf. the 16rm n'l!llool It'" lllnllJl payable
<br />ttler.una.r, or to chanll& Jlf1Y ltme-.llllll P'O'Y'1!l;Or':" 1I'<&ro'" C,}"'lilP\!KI. ({.!) I'o'af\l~ i!Ilny
<br /><H>faul1 tner&uMOf ()f tIIeil1;rl ltl$f\l'OI, {OIl Q,vII ..flY (\):'l-!!lfr"1 1t1l.'"'''' [)> 3l!t.',<:>v!li
<br />1t*""nOef 01' tOlk. any other acU~n Jr; co.nnl!OGIIO!l H"e~jjI."'II>_ 0' ...<It> a ,t>~_
<br />Thereundef, whlct'l would haye the effecl oj trI'!P!lIf'r>g !t>!l V!l!U" ':.>' i~~~o' ~ ."t<!!reM
<br />thefeufldc!N". Qf1ltoe Property sul>jtt::t lh6relO, Of ci irn"."fng !hcl iX1$lhOfl or ll'\\eI6:S1
<br />of l!le Tru$tee 0' Benollciary: (" ill $ft{i. !l$!;lgn, (liftQl,It' ".,.-mgl'l~ Qf olhurw:'U!
<br />dt$poe.e 01. Of encumb&r. i!~ !nlet"t !n 1111)' Sl;cfl !e."..:r ;on" r8nl$. <SW" or wofll"
<br />Issuing or arising l!'le!'lI.mClel"
<br />
<br />12. Condemnatioft.ll \!tlf.llC aily pil,rl o11i'\@?nJ'Pllrty "l1rl" Dtt 1"'i\~1"I '" (:wrnJe-mnat,.:>r'
<br />pl'ClC-.dings, by ,jQht of e"l'li~1 demaln 01 s.,mll,u a.;;l;oo, ~T SOil" tJtt ~,)lU Ul'hjtH
<br />tt\real of c~n"\ll)f\. i111 IlWlllil3s, (jam~&. anG ;:'l;K"'lOI:;~ ..,OJ n611;01- ,1:;;~IQfH:l<.l
<br />and snall ~ POlId 10 e.rntlldaty ""hop SfI.<lli 1\Pf.';y ~"c~ ",.....H,S ,j,,'''.....''~ _n<J
<br />
<br />~~~~:: :~~~o:~'!~ ~~~;;~u:~~;~:~.I~,~j:~ii~I~~:~(':! :~'~ ,::'t~:; :~:
<br />
<br />remaining pall .:II I". Trll~1 Pr~y 10 'I:!i tOf~ G-O!"t,j'llon '!ouOSttlN;iliijo- \Q tl'e
<br />e:l(tenl that the U~ may t>.olIfeasitllft .!'talk" il.i!I ,(} c;).n:lt\f!uTe,l. c,;;o"'~P!&t@ .trod \.!S..ttl~
<br />unit.
<br />
<br />13. F~ AdMJtceL Upon 'eQvost O! 1111sto<_ 88n&hCla",. ii.! Bttn..IIChlry li Oiltion.
<br />pliO! to lec~y~nce at !r>& P~~'t \i:) l~ 7,--.;~tOf, 'I'Hlt mj,M. !,"I'if.. ""u..al'';~-5 t,'
<br />tne Trust()l, Such fut.mt ..,....1>(;;_. '^"t/\ !nlfll.i'H ll"l~reor> ~~,al' l;>$ Se.:..ItK) t'f !l1'$
<br />TNSt DMd ",/\en ..ll1efK;$\.l b-., pfomi5$,O!) ","lli!lO *l.."n~ !1'1.\ "".'.1 "('\~:; 'F"
<br />lNCUfed l'llN~y. nru.;d1Ki thaI .H n.;:, .''N:! l:Il',a,~ U'II;' "OC"l",~ p;"~,,,,.., '"r"ro;
<br />~.l'IOM, noOt !J1Ch.id~ng sums lIC..;l;H"::e,J Ie- ;J"<;ltt>.;l Ihl' ~"(.,,,,~y_ <ltc.,-"1 "no
<br />l1~ed ~cenl ~100'J ot It>e on~,n;;llf ;:'lmc~t41! .r"'.).....,!!> I;e..,,'~ h-".H,b~
<br />
<br />1.. RefMcNM ClilfftU"thta. AI; 1lJf1l4JQ!e:'i P'v"'lllOl.1 ," 1l'IS ':"'10,;1>1 ,)~ ,i't; Cd.:;n.:1 i:H'<.1
<br />-CWNiiatl~ toanyQthltr rlgt\! Or !WlfloKly uT!O~ It\IS j"..l$: ~eU o-r ;il!tOtrj.a b'r :l!IW ,;W
<br />equity, arid m.., I>>hefCl..oCvN;ufl.nl'~ ':'(ltrpwn(l<)1l11.;.)1 s"';:CollO\Ii$i"tlJ',
<br />
<br />1~. ~ ~ S....l..iD'i" o-tll""ll 0.. ~IU~:Uf il'l 11\.. ""~'~\liInf OIIllf1~
<br />l~ --=~r., ~~1 ()of I" It'. Pftfl,);'rn"nco Of liIO) _g:f_n-If!nt hlWlIklndllil
<br />e.n.f~ may dt<llal. sll sum.. $Kytlild '>er$tlj imlTl$i)ilill.ly i:l~ lind l-...~a(}l$ 0)
<br />~ 10 Tru&t.. of .rIU." 64t(;ll.l.IlOn 01 a_fall;; n~ Trl,liSlH sh.H ha.1i H'lOJ
<br />powel" of ~ of tn. Proo-trt)' IIl\>G It s.ao.lll;~ir.ri deail.lItM p,-~)' to bli! :ton1. )1
<br />&ha11~' with TN$1" Ihlli Truat ~ Ili"li:l all PI.l){nlU<:Wi flolM. ~Ni \:lye'Jn'l4!nI5
<br />~ng ppe;f\dltuln ""urltd" t>ef.-b-!" -1'14 eh4l; u.,li"lfi !O 'TN!IH. << ....fHlero
<br />notICe of l)6f.w-t at\O a<<l>Qn 10 ~ l~ ~l~ 10 G;t ll-OiQ. Ii!"l.Q ltle r~~l&6 n~
<br />b.tln ahan~...... 8; ~mii..r ko"/;& ,n tr>e form ,eqUII&O t:~ ..*. ",,1".;(';,\ ~~,iH ~ duly
<br />KledfOfr~b)'Tf\:I"I",
<br />
<br />la} Ah<< tM ~.. Of .,,;;otl tl~ '" mfly toe 1&.::;..lr&;.1 Oi ~... loHo",mw :n. ,~orjJ
<br />atkln of..td notl(;. 0/ Ge1.~lt. ;ana nOlle. af \leil;"l! 8f'.J nOHCfi vi ~jii ha~;n\jj
<br />boeon Dfv*l.S rfIqUirec b~ ta...-, 1'r\O.I... 4l":!!"!O\ll OOlI',and un Trustor, !I!l.U i6-i1
<br />the Proparty on t"- ()&ta and al tnf. Hf1I4.nd ;;>41(;& d.,G;lVfli.tea I~ I>am r.otlc@ ~l
<br />..-. at publk ..,cliW1 10 the tlig!lul b,l~. tn. ;;,In;hu~ pri,;al pll)'ab!.. ,"
<br />lawful ~ or lh. !J11[t.-:l SI.III. at !l>;'! ["fie 0' _!!-a'oIl 1'1'1\1 ~rlg;r, ;;0"d"cU"~
<br />the f&Ie ~)'. 101 any CilUIIl. !'I. a-ee:!',$. tr~,poa!J,,-n, p>."I~lp(;nl!> tl'W> :!Ii,}'@ Horr, (;fn..
<br />'o.tkM unUl It &hIlil b& complellKl ,JI;M. ';; It''''lllJ !l.J.>~1) caM!. notic6 of PC$tPQf1ff
<br />ment Ilh6I1 fM gl'f~ hy l)lJbj,c 1:l&c~.Uon tr.r.vl tt-, $....C~ ~n.;'J-r. &{ :.hl; Wn..,;
<br />and pi.... last ~nted l~ 1M $a.~ pn}v~dl4". )! It'le !late i.$ ~00!ilpo~ rOt
<br />Iono- fntn It} ClJ) ~oM lno da~ d4&i-gfl&l.a 1'1 \l'lO no-.iCe vi U>t1, 1-'Qt:Ctl
<br />t~ shall M gtqn lJ'\ the hmCI manner.~ t~ t\!igm., notl:;-e cl $....~
<br />
<br />T~.. ah&IllIt.dGute aM :);eH,..... !{1 to. ~f\U.ti! h!l!, Deto::I ';:Or"~fI')'l~ li"ol
<br />~ ~d, Out wllncut an)" ~f\I w ....nVll)', ~-"Pi";lj" or H'l.Jpl~. r~
<br />~ IA t~ o..d Of afIT milH...~ ot l.cta aha,l to& c.?flc.h'$lVtl "roof (:l' l/ltl
<br />h'\llhi.,lMU- thtaf~! An.y ~~. '''I.'I\id.m" 8t>neIIC,lil). mOIls O\,:ltr~6 <II !,r>..
<br />_.
<br />
<br />1bi ~ 1.U$1-M HlI$< P'W'$~&'m Ie I~ pow... N!:(~,'. m. 'tfloi.lile J1'l1a\H ltppit it>~
<br />~ o~ tt'4 ..~ Ie paym<<n! 01 1M ~!. 1m':; \hp.na-e" 01 "'d;C'll<!ng !~
<br />
<br />=t~~1J.~':: ~ l~~~ ~I~~~ ~~~ :;1:":1\;:!>~:-~;~~
<br />~ ~iIm" 11'1 ~'.Q~.ph\~ljl"> 1~ ~~. MiI~'4Id
<br />\li:l AftItf ~tt1\9 tiwltemf; ~diW lfi lWbpatag.l-.pt: 11>i il T..... >>\1lI '.$ tl~ 1',""1.'. {t'
<br />t~ jj.W~ c(lW1 itftd: Qt-,,* I>>lriil ~I h,.'jK;i04<;f'l& .1\d 1iO~ :1 !tl& _f. lIS jNr.l,.l"":
<br />~~l:t! ~~l" ~p.roc""', 01 uJ.f; ~;....ti Q4l ilJ)W.f ,f' :~c)n}~, l;!!ft~
<br />10 thept~tut_
<br />
<br />i~ ~of "'r,"~,. .:,t 1>U1It ~~,;,.;:;".,..,.1 T51 ~-..;:".~ "<-1" ""HI, 1'-\;{1"> ,.1., <lr..:J ,-,'
<br />&II:"fWY~tl~"""",
<br />
<br />f>:!l ~1I.""",-.. 1'*'. !WK->,/J~ ~~i't
<br />
<br />(-'i# n..""""~~', ~;"~f l{.,t...~!'t~...-- ''IIV*\1~ jijl,n<!,!'#1 !rO.H'j,-,
<br />
<br />I
<br />
<br />16_ Dutle, .nd ObKg.t1on, of Tru.t... Is] The duties and obligations 01 1fual~
<br />at)aH be determined solely by tM express provisIons of the Trulll Deed find Trustee-
<br />shall not be Ile.blf) excepl for the perlormanCfl of :such duties and obligatIons sa are
<br />spac!flcalty sal lorth herein, and f'lQ Implied ccvenanttl or obllgaUons ~haJI be
<br />lmpos.ed upon Trusttte; (bi No provision of Ihls Trust Deed shaH require Trustee to
<br />e.l;pend Or rl!k hl~ own fund'J. or otherwise Incur any financial obligation In the
<br />perfo,mance Of any of Its duties her&under, or In the exerolse of any of its right or
<br />powen, II It shllll halle grounds lor believIng that the repayment of such funda-or
<br />adequatll- IndemnIty agalnsl soch rfak or UatllHty Is nol reasonabty asaurecHo It; (c)
<br />Trustee may r-onsult with counsel of his. own choosing- and the advice of such
<br />counsel ,htlll be full and complele authorization and protectton fn the """eel of
<br />any action laKen Of suHar8d by it h,::,!reunder In good talth and rellance_ the-term; (dl
<br />Trust86 shall not ba liable for 1I0y action laken by him In Q'ood ta1th and
<br />believetl by him 10 be lluthorlted or within the dlecretlon -Of- fights of powef'8
<br />conferred upon It by Ihle Trust Deed.
<br />
<br />17, Addl1ton.1 Security Instnnnenb. Trustor, silts expense, will execute and deliver
<br />to tne Trustee, promptly upon demana. such security Inslruments .. may'be
<br />r8qulfed by Trbstee. in lorm and substance- aatlsfllctoljlO Trultee, Covering any of
<br />the Property conI/eyed by thIs- Tf'usl Dead, whIch -seCurity instruments ahall be
<br />addtllol'lBl securIty tor Trustor'l!. faithful performance ot all of the term. covenants
<br />and conditiorltl of this Trust Oso!d, Ihe promissory nolea &eeurlid he,.by;-and any
<br />other securIty Instrumants e1(~l.rted In connection with this traneer:tlon, Such
<br />Inslruments shaH be recOI'ded Ot flied, arid re.-reeorded .IId reWed. at Truator".
<br />sxpense
<br />
<br />18.MI~I~.,
<br />
<br />{a) In the e-'o'ent any ona or mote of the provIsIons conTained In thIs TruSt Deed or
<br />the promissory note or IIny cU14r stteurUy Instrument OIYen In connectIOn with
<br />fhls tranucllOfl shall fa, any ,ea80n be held to be Jnvaltd, lll80al or
<br />Ufllmforceeble In any !~pect such Inv_lIdliy, illegality, or unenforcftblUty
<br />shall, at the option 01 Benefielary, n01 affect any other provision of this Trust
<br />Deed, but this TruSl 0Md shall be construed at If such Invalid. Illegal, or
<br />!Jmtf\tor~eablfl proYlSlon had nl'wer been ~n:taln-ed herein or therein.
<br />
<br />fO) This Tlu.st Deed :tha!! b+:I construed accordlf19 to the laws of the state ot
<br />Nebraska
<br />
<br />lcl This Trust D&aIi shall Inure 10 and bInd the helra, legatees. d8YlHeS,
<br />..dm!nhstratofS, executors, 5uccesso~ and ~lgna 01 the partin hereto.
<br />
<br />(01 Trulltor iJnail pay :ill taxell levied upon this-Trust Deed or the debt secured
<br />hereby. togelher With any other laxes or 8$Sesamenfa which may be levied
<br />">llllnst the Trustee or Beneficiary or lrn:lleglll holder ot I5li1d promlaaory nole
<br />on acco:.mt 01 Ihe Indebtedneasevidenced thereby.
<br />
<br />',l:'i Whenever used h.,~;n. the ST1lV....Jer numOtlir shall Include the plur.I, the
<br />SingUlar, tN! U:';6 01 any ge"der shall be applicable to..1I genders, end the term
<br />Beneficiary" Sh!!H i'\c!vde IIny payee ollne Indebtedness hereby secured or
<br />ar-:'f \'afI.4ii'lr t!'l~r!'l()f. whelt1er by opefalion ot law orotherwtse.
<br />
<br />
<br />11;1 SucCNM)!' TN..". BOfleliClilf)I may ltom time to time subs1ltute a aucceaaoror
<br />gUCCeS$ClfS to any Trusle&- nllmed herein or acting hflreunder 10 executa this Trullt
<br />D6e0_ UDOf' sueh 8DP-O!nlmenl and WIthout COf1Yeyance to the sucoeasor Truat_.
<br />:~ latUn 'hall be ve31ec 'NlIn all 11IIe. power:!, and dutIes conlerred. upon any
<br />~ r\J~t&t" f'tHD'" nij.med 01 acllng hereundsr. Each such aopolntment and
<br />:wtlelll....IK'n 5halJ t>e mad" Or wri\lOfl ,nalrument by BeneficIary. containing
<br />'~ferlt!'LC!l to lh,-!I r'u_"1 Deeo ano II:! place of record, which w~n recorded In the
<br />olflctt Of Ihe Attgletar ol 0aed8 ot lhe county or eounUes In whleh .ald propMty la
<br />~!tuilleod $hall be conctus!..-v PI'QO! ot Ploper appolnlmenl of the &l.lCcehOfTrust...
<br />The lor~inQ power 01 ;\ubsllluHon and the prOCfldure the,.tore ahall not be
<br />"'''ClllSi..-e of II't-& t'UWllr a~ pWCeQllre provided lor by law tor the $ubaUtutlon of .
<br />ffi)~I~Ol TrU$!MI$ In ,na pia."C6 of till! TnJ!JIIM
<br />
<br />20_ F~r.t\C<ii b)" 8~flcl.ry 1>1 Tru.t.. Not . W.lftf, Any fOtebearllnce by
<br />6@f1.f,ciary or irUSIH ,I: ,ntor,:,i!$lnc ilny d\1h! "r rllffi$dy he1twndet. 0' otherwise
<br />ll!lonJfId t1~ OIppJicao'e ;aw, ..'HIlt !Jot t!-e ill wluver Of or preclude the exercise ot any
<br />~~gl'll or fltl"f\edy h&rttutKhH_ U...&wI!lEt. tt\il waiver by Benellclary 01' Trustee of any
<br />,l",fAult ,d "'I.I/.j('r '-'l1der l/1fs T~<J~1 ~ shall not be dH-med to bfI a waiver of Any
<br />,"')lrwtr Ol!llmUar ,1ahu,it, !l\lt;stK::lJ~nUt occurr!nQ
<br />
<br />21 TI\Ullor Not R.....a-. E~llU18lon oIlhe- Hint' tor Ptiv~nt Of modlfll<aUcm or
<br />i;rrwrtllll!:(.<f1 vI the !j1.:'fI1I: !oft(::';''iltl by thl:s Tllf$1 ~ granted by BenefiCiaI)' 10 any
<br />:"Iucc.aaor in im.'8!l1 of Tru!lotor shali no-! o-pttrale to releslM, in any manner. the
<br />'lilDIH\y 01 I~ Oi'!g.nal T'~st(>t f,lf 111';510.-'$ $V<;;ceuor il1lnhm.at. 8eneflcltny shill!
<br />"ot !J.e fllfQ<.IIHKI It< ~'omm.H\';tl J)f(.'Caedinos lIQllinsl auen SllCC"80f or 'efuse to
<br />,;;.hl"i:l I,m;, IL" payflle'f\l or ,:;\l"ttlrl\;is" mOOlty Ilmorlllalton ollhB sums S6'Cut6(/ by
<br />\.'1,~ lnHI {)(,oo:;.~ tIHI.IiOf1 oi il"" dalf\and made O'f Ihe original Ttu8tOf and Tru~tor"
<br />SU(.C65sor5Hl iHI>t11l5[
<br />
<br />!2 o.l.uJt It 11';-11[;' "Ii!">." C~ .. G-I!:t..,m ;lH\Htr !l1I~ D&aO ot TrlJ31 or und6r an)' prior
<br />.n,lrtll"Q~. 1M!! B~1l1",rlCI~ly rlI;i. ....Ufi:! ~\-i.;h oofilUJl, and Ihe lWlO\Jola adyanctKI by,
<br />*'-'0 ,,1Mr "o,.t& ar-o ~),P(l"Ml-S o! Ih~ Oo;t!1l}ficllllry In curing SUch default, wl1h
<br />'nill,r,"SI -lIllNl ot'otaiJil f!!lIli> (:,)"Iilln;;.j il. !tat NOTe sec\.Irlt<l hereby from the time of
<br />11,,, ad~il:r-C6fi C~ (),,~.rr>ent:; $r,~,; t'6 "Ul~illi 10 lhe !nd~bledneaa He,H6(/ by this Ttusl
<br />~ ikf1\l f'flil_i' N\I ,;oiiu<;loo I1wa",r,d.H ill an\-' llme after Ine lime 01 such adyan-cell
<br />,i,p",_:;-m\tf1\S 1I1'-ct ~tI-lIl! t;>e dIHlf<Hi\" Ii) M sll'cur$d heff.ltlJ'.
<br />
<br />23_ OptitJtl to F~. Upon iN", ->:t:Ull1nCe ...I &:1Y del.ult h&reunder, BenefiCiary
<br />llhDH ('.<(ve Ihe 0~;!lol1lQ IO!lKk\!tllhIS TW!lt Deed m I~ mar\oer p(ol/ld8d by !I;W for
<br />1m. rOt(tGiO$Ur~ 01 ,"'o:tgi:lQ&t '.Jr, r..e.: prupu.rty
<br />
<br />2-1 Tn..tOt', Rl9ht., A.b$Wlt o.b~It Un!!l <lny aehwit irt the payment 01
<br />:-,\Hltl~,1tU:l~ r,(II~Oy ~Kj.jrad 01 unlil HIt! \:lr~ch 01 allY cO\fanant herein cOf'llalned,
<br />!rnI Tr\rslQl_ l1:> 'H"~<::;8"1l,,',~ Ilnd <IS~'l.ir.!l, Sll/ill pO~.Mi arl{;t enjoy ltle property. and
<br />r&C6t~e ~rH" f&"U 111M ;HoH18 mfHefrom, ()pon pa:rment 01 all $\Ims &$Cured by thIs
<br />Tn.l91 D~. Bf:!I'\<ifl;::l<lry shal1 16QUltSl Tru;jl~ to reconve'f 111~ prooerty and shall
<br />:';linen04l; t!'lls Tru$! ~ ~nv all "(1/,,$ ~~;dendng lnd&bte<lnes-s socurilld b., this
<br />1rl!.1 tffl.ed 10 Trti!>l~, "'uSh'!e bra,! ,\!,:';m~er 1h6 ~'rvpf;rt~ without w.rranlY and
<br />wl(l1o,kl ~n~r'i<;\! ,-j :.'1~ ;;""!l-l"lti '~'Qrl;1y fln\iH8d tI'1oli\(jJIo Th6 Grantee in any
<br />'..-.C<..,,,~,,~;;r,'_\.- ,.",,',- ;>i! Jt"-M_'jt.",a "". -n'i;! ..'",'!;On (" iJ"u!;C>Ilt; e",hl~d thereta,-. anQ
<br />1'"1lt '-llh;>ll!il!$ ''''~'e._A ,;1 >J"-; ;;...H"os .1' !1l.;lJJ lIllOlIJ btt cq.n(;!\iS!~6 proof of Itle
<br />""mt")'HH'l> t!,~'"c~ Sue" i"l,,'S0ro (., ~'*"h'['$ ~!t..il PCO)' aJi coslS Ol r~OHl1n\l, ,t .ny
<br />
<br />25_ ~.tltN1lt11r.. E--.t <.'1 1',...,1.,,-. '" I,"'~ U~\l,,1 ih& !ftr... l(l 3.;;;1 IIIHi! u$l.te is
<br />\!i!:1(j;~'rtfG_ '." CQlltrill<::lti~ ,.:' t,o ,.itr>~h;HHi:4_ lre,'!' tl'1", ",r.;J&l5\I1HotIod 101 an.,.' lttilllOr'l Qr
<br />!)~ ~nf 'lH,m,..j "':'.;lIS0"'..1J; 1!'c" t'J;':<<t' 1J~:"(;,p;dt ~um -anu a{:C!uec tnlefv.1ll Shjlti "I
<br />c,p.(..; t~\)m;; ,:,,!f 5'>;, ~'\Or..t"<:>,;.' 'I'>., ><11"JCl;'~"1 (If If\'lo Beniltic,er), failure 10 $llOlCiStl
<br />~r-'I~ <Jt'lt"01; !:A>'..."".. ~)' Ir""lOt", ), (;,,-, ..:; iIot.,<,...~ ~:al~ :0 0nl!! U1>1hl1\CQ ~;1.U i\01
<br />!A)"~t<:U\i!.. "'6i"~' ~,! Ina "oJ"! 1,;; >l,;,,'C,Sli tt'<lI :lam# In HIt' evenl 01 .Hly $\IO:SIlQlJef\1
<br />(l;1:nsi""
<br />
<br />~ Thi:ll~Ol\("lollll"~; c'H'''''''\:ll\llttj NI.A
<br />
<br />rulK''-J~1I<.1 Dr t"vt-i'-Jf I!\I.I..,
<br />
<br />M;;:",~",v .p':n.;iyIJi """it. ,,)co"
<br />
<br />t'>o]llar'l ",1''';: N~ 1(<< 'll";;,rC! "'*, ["'<!- A!!l1;'$le; (\1 L~.. a",j ,~."llijiooJ_ rOlio"".
<br />