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<br />I <br /> <br />83-0(!5996 <br /> <br />MORTGAGE AND CONSTRUCTION SECURITY AGRm1ENT <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO, L 24,166 <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY mFSE PRFSENTS: That \"/illiam J. Landis and Margaret Ann Landis, each in his <br /> <br />and her Oiffi right and as spouse of each other, Mortgagor,whethcroneormon:,inconsidedtionofthesumof <br />~ l:Iuncl=, Pt"lrty-nipp 'I'hr>I,,,;,nn Ff"ll1r Hl1nnren ;,nd No/IOQ-- 1lOll.ARS <br />loaned to said mortgagor by The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebmka, Mortgagee, upon 149 shares of _ of <br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 24,166 ' do bereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the follOwing <br />described real estate. situated in Hall County. Nebcaik.a: <br /> <br />A tract of land lying in the Wl;NE~ of Section 9, TllN, R10Vl of the 6th P.M., Hall COUnty, <br />Nebraska, IIDre particularly described as follows: <br /> <br />Ccmnencing at the NE corner of Section 9, thence West 1,295.68 feet on the North line of <br />said section to the point of begirming, thenc.e South 33.0 feet, thence sOOOO'OO"W. 1,290.45 <br />feet, thence n890ll'48"W. 658.34 feet, thence NOoOO'OO"E. 1,290.45 feet, thence North <br />33.0 feet, thence South 89011'48"8.658.34 feet to the point of beginning, said tract <br />containing 20.0 acres IIDre or less, of which 0.5 acre IIDre or less is county road right- <br />of -way. <br /> <br />together with aU the tenements, heredilamcn1~ and Jppur1('nan'-'C$ Ih~fl~U1H() hclongmg. indudm~ attached Ooor coverings. ail window screens, <br />window shades., blinds, $torm wlUdo~. awnmg1. heatthg, air l.:Ondllionmg. and piumbffi$ and waler equipment and accessories thereto, pumps.sto~ <br />refrigerators. and other fixture:s and eqU1pOlent now ur ht'feJfter attached In t\( used m cuttncctloR with said rt':iI estate. <br />And whereiS the salt! n'tOH~or h"5 ;tl."'e..t .iuli does heH~by a.grC'e Ihal the motlgagm shall and will pay aU taxes and a$Sessments levied or <br />assessed upon S3Jd premuc:s 3nd upon thi), nklft~~t' .tnd the bond St-'4,:urcd Ihelt~'by befate the- same ihall bet."OffiC delinquent; (0 furnish approved <br />insurlln(.'e upon the build,'"p nn s;ud pre-nu$t"s situated III the 'Sum ~)f S 149,400. 00 payable 1O said .AS..')(X1ATION and to deliver to said <br />ASSQl.....ATION the pohcl('-$. tor uK! mSUl3nre; and oul [0 l-'tHnoul I,){ penn!t .:m)' waste on Of ..bout SJild ptemtses~ <br />In Ca$c of default In the pc=tfurmancc ~)f any of the t~lln$ and CUnd!t!oH"!l t}f this. mortgage nr the bond secured hereby, the mortgagee shall, <br />on demand, be entitlc-rl to iUHfK"lh;uc pO-SSCSSI\.lll of lilt:' mHrt~ged rrem~$ and the mortgagor hereby auigns. transfers and sets uver to the <br />mortgagee aU Ih~ rents. :evenue~ and inwmc ({) be liCHve:tl from the fll'.Jflg.;\gcJ pr~nusc-" dming such tmlt: as Ihe mortgage indebtedness shall remain <br />WlpOlid; ami the mort~ wli ha...e tht" ptlWCT (0 appomt any ~"eflt or J.~CIi~~ II may deslH: rOT Ule purpose of repainng $aid prcnldcs and renting <br />the same and rulk-c-hng the." tcnts, reveOlJC$. ,,-nd mconK, :tnt.l It may payout O! S3iU income all CXp"'l5eS of repairing said premise. and necessary <br />GOmnlls5.l0m. and expell'SCs lflcurrW lh TI:ntu~ ;tnd lttimattU\~ the same and tli t:.oH('dUl~ 1t"IlUJs therdwl\1; the balance remaining, if IBY. to be <br />applied towuo lhi;:" dl:!odulr,ltC I)f ~;,iUJ mutlg~};" todebtedne\S, Ihe-5&,' rq!.flh of th<- :llOIt~~<< may be cxerci3td at any tune during the existence ofsuth <br />debutl, me$pCctiw of ally ttmpl..ll:uy W;.lIver of [he- '-llllC <br />Thc~ Pl~nt.s., ht.)'Wc~t. 3ft' UP-lll !h~ CHnJ.ilt\\l'. fha! If the !ooud Mutt~!tol s.haU llq>s.'f '5.:ud Juan no or before the n'Uttwlty of said slwes- by <br />plyment; pay mu-nlhly In ~Id A...'\..'iOClATtO:\! ot tOt "Ul11 s.~..::!hed HI the I:hmo ~\.'u'cd herehy u IOteJe~t And prlncipal on $aid loaD, on or before <br />the Twentieth Jay ~)f cKh ;uuJ r'f'C'Y mOfllh,lint,1 ~td !I..\;trl I~ iuUy P-iiIJ, pay' Ill! taxC's and a~:>.s",c-nI5 'evted agatnii said premises and on this MortPF <br />and the 8lmd )C(:utcd tht'lC'h)'. bell.He IkllnQucfl(.), tU.HHS.h apploW'd lOMuan>:c lJp".n the hutklmglO thcrcun to (he sum of$149, 400.00 _ payable <br />to Sl.lU ASSOCI A Tl0N: h':p.:l:) h~ sail.! :\..').\0('(.-\ nON upon Jt~TlI.:tIld aU n}' II paK.! 101 s.uch taxes, asseUtnenu ;tnd jflSW1lJ\i..'C with mlerest at <br />lhe rmxmlUOl leg;a.l fjn~ tl\CI~11l if\'Hl J.ale III p$:-JHelH .all (If wtlldl M\)lt~g.IH heu'by d~rt.'('~ to paY,I'Joelmit no wllsteon s.ajd premises~keep and comply <br />With aU the agrC<'nlt~n'~ anJ tllth.11t<<lflS ~li rile- ~)nJ Iln S 149 400. OQ thiS ~a~ 1:',1\'Cll by Ihe saul Mortgagor to Mid ASSOC;A TfON, and comply <br />wnh all the lC-4UlICUl::Uh \Jlthc: 1 onstlh.llklO and Ay,LaW5 ul lalJ AS-.o;OCIA nON. thcn lhca' presents Sohall become null and void,olherwlst they <br />shaU rClTllUn Ul full [VI\;t- aoJ Tlld) he h.)(cdtlScJ.l.l 10< uptlon 01 the s.J..d i\SStX'IAlION aftt'1 f.ululC fOf three munths to make any of said <br />payme,lIh 01 tx- thTl"C' mvnth!. Ul .1!ft:ais. 11l1l....lUltit ~ld munthl} pil)'rner\l-lo, ~\, io keep lUll! clHnply wllh the agn~ementft and conditions of $lid 8ond~ <br />and M()llga~)f i1gft'C'~ lo t'ulve ;t rC'(:t.'IVl'f .:Ippo...IHHt';j lutr,hwllh Ui sudl t"\ITl.""do\Ull' plv..-:eethngli-. <br />If thcfC' n. "n) dulU8C to ~)"l.\(,lshtp\.\llh( r~'al e-_slJfte mortgaged helem. by sale Ol ulherwue. then the cntue renwning indebtedneu hereby <br />$CCurW shall, st the uptt\M\ of T~ Equltab-k I:lUJldUlg lOJ lO;lll AUOCLatWfl of Grand ltland, NebfllSu, become immediately due and payable without <br />fWlhe-r notiCe, UN! the amount !('rn,ainUl~ due! bond. and ~ny other bond fOf any additional adVl.flCes made ther~undet, shaU. from the <br />date ot (:UfCUC: (l.f said optjon. bear mh::rC"S! <ll tht" ntilAUmun ~ rille, aod thB mvrt~ nay then be fureclosed to SlliJ"y the amount due on said <br />bond.and &fl)' other honJ IOf -addilk.1fu.lllii......n<<::s, tuge-thtl with all ~unn; p;tjd by ~,ud The Equitable Building and Loan Associallon of til'1.nd Illand. <br />NebrukJ. r(H inswilncc. lut's anJ :tSSCss.ment~, a.nd ~h$1.ractins e-xll:flYOtl ...hargcs. with mti:Hsi thelcon. from date of payment at the maximum <br />kp1 rale. <br />A.s pto~ i.n the: 8.lmd SC\:UHo.'J hcfcb~". ......tuk lhu. ll1ortgag(.. Icnwm lfl et1cd the mort~c mollY heceaftet advl.lll.:e itddilional sums to the <br />mak.C'f$ Hf qid Bond, theu .tS5.l:gn~ ~lf iUh.\ In mtClesio. wtll~h $unu s.h;tll he wlthm the iei:UIity of tlus rnortgage the same as. the fw,ds uriginaUy <br />~"-t.I thereby, the hH~1 atnounl 01 pnnCJp.a1 Je-hi J1-\ to e\..~d:it auy fune the- \Jfig.lnal anlOunt of rhi:s. mortgage <br /> <br /> <br />{late<! lh.. 8 th <br /> <br />Nova:nber <br /> <br />A \}. 1483 <br /> <br />sr ATE OF NElIII.ASKA, l .. <br />COUNTY or HAU. \ <br /> <br />On thIS <br /> <br />8th <br /> <br />day of <br /> <br />November <br /> <br />)1} 83 . before Irte, <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />Ih~ umlcr..g.n.ed. It NOlary IlubhG' tn lIind 1"01' ~ County, pe:nnnally came <br />Willian J. Landis .md Nargaret l\tm JAndis, "dch In his and her 0.-.11 right and 3$ spouse of <br />each o't.!\(~r, who ~'ln:; pelliunaUy known to <br /> <br />mr:' _0 he- the ~-nt~,'~t f"!'T1f.ltl B w-m~ !Q~ S at"'(~ &Hl.).ed \u !ht- ilbove HlxtrWl)(!!l1 ;i.... nmrtgtj;.tH B ltnd tJll~Y ~vcuJh' <br />kt-uvw--kdpd. tbt: .xi m:.rtnUllt'fit k> be ti~ir w,lh,mU.'y J,e{ ..nJ df:'eJ <br />W1'l'Nt"s..~ rrn. n,'NJ &tt<! N.()t.uJ$.-! SeAt the d;;H~' l:l;hHe~iil <br /> <br />Myr'''''''''''''''''r'mX~tv /f /1/'1 <br />r, ~.' =;:-~ ~ <br />,....u... <br /> <br />~'--1 <br />//... } <br />," I <br />t /;,,,.: <br />,">?,'(..JJ" <br /> <br />c:'r6 <br /> <br />') <br />/ <br /> <br />-(tJt/.fL, <br />N~~t.IT"- l"ubhr <br /> <br />-.fA-"'.J <br />