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<br />83- 005927
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<br />Lender', written agreement or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amollnt' disbursed by Lender pllrsuant to this paragraph 7, withintere.t thereon, shall become additional
<br />indebted"".. of Borrower secured by this Mortgage, Unless Borrower and Lender agtell to othertet'tn. of payment,such
<br />amoun.t. .haUhe payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment tbereof, and.hallbear interest from the
<br />date ofdi.llu,...""...t at the rate payable from time to time on ,0Ul.tanding principal under the Noteunless.payment.of
<br />in_ at such rate would be contrary to applicable law. in which event sucb amountssball bear interest attbehigbest'rate
<br />permisslbk under applicable law, Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any. expe_,ortlike
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />8. 11lII'<<fIon. Lender may make or cause to he made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, p"Ovided
<br />that Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable CaUse therefor related to Lender's
<br />intereot in the Property.
<br />9,C~. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or consequential, in connectionwitb any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned
<br />and .hallbe paid to Lender.
<br />In tbe event ofa total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall he applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage,
<br />with the eXCess.. if any, paid to Borrower. Tn the event of a partial-taking of the-Pmpcrty.-uotess-"Qorrower-.atld;-lender-
<br />otherwise agree in writing. there shall be applied to the snms secured by tbi. Mortgage .uchproportion .of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to Ihatproportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortg"l!e immediately prior 'to the date,of
<br />taklllll bearsta tbe fair marlcet "allle of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking. with the balance of the' proceeds
<br />paid tnBorrower.
<br />If rhe Property is ahandoned by Borrower, or if, after nolite by Lender ta Borro_r that the condemnoNlffersto'make
<br />an award Of oett!e . claim for damages. Borrower fails ta respond to I.ender within 30 days after the date ,such ,noticei.
<br />mailed. Lender is authorized to coll."t and apply the proceeds. ar Lender'. option, ..therto restoration or'repair."ftbe
<br />Property or to ,be sums """"red bv tm. MortllB!!".
<br />Utt.lcts Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in v.-Titing. any such application m proceeds to principal shaJl not extend
<br />or poupone the doe date of the monthly installments referred 10 in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />'Ouch installments.
<br />'e. Borrower Not Released. Extension of the time for payment or modification {'If amortization of the sums secured
<br />by thiii. Mcmgage granted by Lender to any SUCCe5.iior in interc'St of Borrower shalt not operate to release. in any manner.
<br />the habUiry of the original Borrower and Borrower'.; succes.sors In interest. Lender ~hall not be required to commence
<br />proceedings iig"inst such SU(XC"iSOr Dr refuse to extend ome for pavment t")T otherwise modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this Mortpgc by reuon (\f any demand made by the original Borrower and Borrower's slIccessors in interest.
<br />11. F~ by lfltder Not. Waivet'o Any fClrhearance tly J coder in exercisin~ an\' right or remedy hereunder. or
<br />otherwise afforded hy upphcahtt' la\\'. 'ihail not be: a waiver flf (Ir f'rcclude the c.xerClse of any such right or remedy.
<br />The pt'OCuremenl of insurance or the payment of raxe~ or other tien:"; ()f charges hy Lender ..hall not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />righllo aCi.,'Clerntc the mawrit\' of the Irnkh,edM'\~ "C.;.'urco by thi.. ,,".t(1rt!i!ujle
<br />12. RemetHa Cunudafin~ At! remedies prf1vtded in lhh. MOrl~agc are Jistind and cumulative to any other right or
<br />remedy under thiS Mortgage t)r afforded o\.' hno, r.,r i:"\iUltV, and may he e,Nt;i:'''.~tJ con=:urrently. independent~y or successively.
<br />13. SK<<tMn and ""_ Bound,; Joml and Se-"<t'ral Uablllfy: Captions. The \.:o\'cnants and agreements herein
<br />e-Otu.aine-d \hall hind. and the rights hereunder ..hall mure tn. the re\pectPd,' ~ucC~S-'!oOf<i and a-s.signs of Lender and Bt>rrower.
<br />subJect to the pw\'kiom. {)f paragraph 17 hereof- .\H l;o\"cnanU anti ,l~rCt.'menl'S of Borrower shaH he joint and several.
<br />The captton!:\' .mll head!oS~ of the pa!1\(l.raph... of this Mortgage art.' fnr t:orlVenlNH:C only and are n.:H 10 be lISed to
<br />tnterpret or defi~ the Pfi;,vtSlonli, heret"lf.
<br />14. Notb. Except k\f an)' OOU(~ reqtnfi:.J under apr~lk~1bk J.a)L- w be given 10 aOQ[ner manner, {a) any notice to
<br />8orrl-,wcr pro...ided for m (hi<;; Mortgage ~h.:iH !"\It ~i\len h~ tt'HliHng ...w.:-h llottct" ~v I.:~rtitied mail addre~,<d h~ Borrower at
<br />the Property Addre-;.s t."r l'U ;ouch ~1{her ;:lddre.... .no B~~I'H-.\l,Cf m<tY de:>tgnate b)' notice w Lender as provided herein, and
<br />(b) an) lliHi\;(." It) Lender shall ~ gIven b) CCflt1kJ m~d. rt:lllrn rr:":":lflf fNJUC~h:..\t It\ Leu{~r\ addre5-'\ stated herein or to
<br />'iuch ;,)ther a~,.<...A. <<~~..atf: hy m'uce t{. E1NCi1wer 11:', p-rtwid("d hercH', \ny notice pr0'Vidcd for in this
<br />Mortg4ge sh - , 'I~ to I:ldf'n.JWCf ,'I I t'tu.1er ~ h~1l gJ\;cn in the manner dC'si~nated herein.
<br />IS. lJAItota, ~ _ IA; Se-\'e...WUh, 1 two i'lfm ~~l m{\rt~l.'tftc \:(\-mbines uniform l.:pven;mt\ for Il<ttl("'oal
<br />U~ and nvn~Uqi.rd1-\ -'&cd \ll1fia.li.ms, j:,~ IHfl...d,,,:oIH'fl I,' I.'I.'lIlSIIl;IIt:- a uniform se(llPty instrument covering
<br />fC'Ai propeny_ 11m, Mortgage- shaH he g1.nerned b\ the Li1o\ vi the' jUn\dlChon m whkh th~ Properly i\ j(\\"'uted_ In the
<br />~vent that iiny prVYIJ.I1JU l)t dau~ (,r lhis \-tf!ftgagl.' ~'! the '\;dlt' l.dltlii.l\ ..~ilh apphcabh: laW. :\.\h;h .:nnOict ,hall ntlt affect
<br />other pn.Wt"hJn~ of lhl_' MongaiC (\f the SOh: ....hh.:h ,-'"n he ~,~tn ("rIt".:.'{ ",irhot!! the ~'0nlllctin~ provi'iion, and W this
<br />C'od lhe PH","\o'I$...lont. ()f fhe Mortgage an,,! the '~ih.~ ;t"" ,,It..'l;1.ncd k he ,-<,vel lthlc
<br />t'-. 'Bot-r9wc.r'fli COP}~ Borrower .,hall be' hl!'lH\hed ;: ,--~'nL 'J (Pin- tIt the SOh~ ,lnd (If thi... Mortgage at the time
<br />~'<f e;\'t\.;ullQn l'f .ntet r~ofdation hele-tlt
<br />17~ Trwasfer of the Propert,..; AS1iUmpbon, 11 ali I'r "'ll~ flal! \)1 ine P((lpt'fl~' ,)I" ;m lfltc,rcSJ lhcrcm i.. S\)1d or tf8m.rerr~d
<br />by Borro\.\-cr Without Lender's rrH)f \"Tin~ll ,:l\n"cB1. ,"".;ludm~ I,ll the ..:rl:'ation (If a lit'll {'f en-.:umbran.;e subt)rdmate to
<br />thi~ Mortgaae. {hi the: ..;Tt:'atwJ) (If a pur~ha~ Ilhmq ",e..;unl:- l1lh.=n:_!'.j fnr hOLl~eh()Jd appham:-es. (d it transfer hy devise.
<br />i.:iescent or by ,-"'pc.riJ;uon of ia\N upon th<' Jcath d .1 JOInt len.int (11' /',t.l i ~n ,t If '1,_ lOliflll.duhi -nlHalll of l~nuJ : nrL H ht'JI1
<br />1rr1 . . '-a u .... h., r 1...., f LcnJe.t ma}, at Lenuer\. (1pttOO, ded~,*r'\: :lH the 'ilim... se-(lHed by {his ~'1Qrt8age 10 he
<br />ImmeJiately due Ofnd payabl-e. Lender s.haU have v. .JIved ~u.;h \Jpri\m 1\.1 :t1.'i.:.c!C'I'.i.[C ~f. prior 10 i.he ~alc or transfer. LenJer
<br />and the ~ h..1 whom the: Pn.~.fty h. ttl be ~)jd <")f Ifl10lit't:rred rea..;:n agreement lTl wflling rhat the credit pf qh.:h pcrs0n
<br />i'i utidactory to Lender and thAt the intere-'tl p..yable (10 tht' sun\'!. ~ured b)' this Mortgage ...hall be at su..:h rale as l.ender
<br />i~t ft#.qUeil If I ende-r bti wilived the op.l.H."ln ti) a.::.cdcrale pr-v...id.ed In th!~ parag.raph 17. and if BNwwer"s $U(Cc'Ssor in
<br />1~ has exccu(ed. a written assumption i.\gfcemem a~-cepted in \\riling hy Lender, LenJer ..haH rdeast: Borrower from ..tll
<br />oblig"''''''. under tbi. Morra.,e and the No'e.
<br />If Lender exercise" such option to aC":e-leratc. I Crider ~h;til mAil BNfowcr n(HKC "f J.:...:c1cnulOn in a..x:ordan-.:c ",i!h
<br />PM....raph 14 hereof. ~j~~_}blt}tr~O'iid~_ J. period or O,,){ le~." lhan :~o day.. from the dine the notkc i, mailed withm
<br />\lfiuch Borrower m~.y P..b_~,~~,~c4:' Ower Lill" h.' pay ~lkh ..t1ms. pm't It"' the ('\piralil)n pf <'ul.'h p~nod.
<br />l.em:kr tlUi)'. w.tbmtt fiUtherJlQti~ ~ o~r, iflvolc .iny n:medlC"-s permlttcJ h~ paragraph 1 R hereof.
<br />
<br />Nox~U1't'{Poa.M c~~~'-ioirowec- an~f' ~ furthe" l;1"'-o;:.fl.llli <tnJ .j.gre~ (t" hlHows
<br />JI.. _A.~~i~'" Ex<<,... provided ia pantCJap.l\ 17 h~reof. upon BOl'm\\iu's bttillt<'h, of any co\'en.ant ur
<br />....... 81 8DrrowN in taa "'tQf1ple., kK-lud:iaa the COH~.Utol1oo tel pit)' WhC'D due .n., 'IlUtW; s<<urt.d b)' Ihis J\.tortgage.
<br />luoIao pdilt to ~... ....u ~c 10 Botro..<< .. pro.i<U4 in "",..raph 14 hCffOr .p<r<ifyina: (II tho breach:
<br />11) u.. adIoto......... to ""'" _II .......,,; (1( . dal... nul ... thaa 3llllay. r....... .M dato tM noIk. is _lied to Bo.........
<br />10) ....... _ '"-iIt _ Ioe nn4; ..... (4( tlnlt f....., to cure ....,.. _'b "A or bef..... the dllltl .pcdliod In tho nolin-
<br />.... .....Ia lK"""'-" "f the ....... _.M b) lit;' "'__', ,......-1._.. hy jlHii<ia1 Pro<eedillll and ""'" of tb. Pruporty.
<br />t100 ~ 1IosIII.r.-W...... _........ of I"" r'lPltn _tal. .fler ae,'.knttion and tho rilIbl I" ....rt in tb. ,....d....",
<br />......... 1M ~~t' of . dd:avh eN' ..0)' OlMt -dcf-ettH of Bonuwtf to 8(;(.'d.,atioll and for"(ldos-ut~~ If tM b.f'ea4.'b
<br />10 .... """" ... ... W- lIoe ...... opodfitd 1ft lit<. ootko. I~"" .t bndu', ..ptiott IU8)' dtcla<o 1011 nf the ....... ..,..red by
<br />l1oIo ~ ... Ioe i-.llaolel) ..... "'"' ....J..bIo without f..rther <Iom_ _ _, fo"",~ b, judidill p"",.odina. I .ndor
<br />.w Ioe 0IIliIW '" eollo<1la -"_...... all "IM'- 01 f....,--.. ...d........ bY! not limited tn. ""'Is of oo<'......ot"')
<br />..,w.o..:.. alioottIkt< _ IIde <-"'"
<br />f9. ................ to.......~ N~Jfwith~f~ndH~~ l,end~f\~ $';':....d4:'~';dlnH .A lh(' "nllh ~~''':\lred by Int~ Ml.\flg:il!f"C
<br />tIof'tfi)'Wt;t- ~ h..~l'; tt. f~ tn h~);.~ ~u.t). p-n:X:~~H~$!; he4tlJ_1} b'} Lt'1*1 h' ~n.h)h.'t' th~.. \lnrij{Oit.'1i:>: Jhl.:-I.'OtlfHil.:'d .;(1 !.1m lm;-(;
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