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<br />83- lJ05907
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<br />See L 22.569
<br />L 24,165
<br />
<br />KNOWAI..I..MfNBYTlIESfPRESI'NTS:Tt"u CIHford D. Garringer and Gwendolyn A. Garringer, each in
<br />
<br />r.is and her 010II1 rigt\1: and as spouse of each other, Mort_, whether one or mo....in ronsideratlon of the """of
<br />FilteenThollsanO. ,llDd. roI1QO::-::-:-::----------------::::::::==:::::=::.::=--::::-:=_======_ . . .OOLLARS
<br />$.:Ja~ li) _id mortmor bv The I':q<<tlat>k-- Building. and toan A~'lCiahml of Grand Island, N.t:br.ulca~ Mortgagee, upon 150 shares of.stOct of
<br />..oJ ASSOClAT10N. C<rlif"",', No I 24,165 . <10 l...,.by gr.mt. OOJW<y ami mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the followintl
<br />dn:c:;ribed n::al Ntatt' , ~ha{.ed H'l fbiJ Cnun~\i. !'\i/"'bt-.ulu.-
<br />
<br />L()t Sixte'en (16) I Blcx;k 'nux~ (3),
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<br />Jlll dl1(.1 Huston. 5 AdeH t_ic~n to the
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<br />'-.:uy or c;ranc Island. Hall C'bunty, Nebraska.
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