<br />83- 005904
<br />
<br />(Open-End, To Secure Present ond Future Obligations and Advonces)
<br />
<br />KIlOWAllMEH BVTHESEPllESENTS: That _~L2..!l!i Mar lane Byer 1 y ,;flndividuals,
<br />iOfntly anclseveIafly, resfc1ing in U A.1 1 County, ~x..as....~A..-__, and 1I a corporation or other business entity, with Its
<br />~ ptace of busiM$S in COunty, _____.__.__, (I'I&r61nafter referred to as "Mortgagor") in considera'
<br />_<lfallMortgigOr'sl_tedness, __ iIlldObligalions." SQ!!lJl1~~cial_1!atio!t,,_! Bank &. Trust Co.
<br />at --B.a..Ll-_ Coonty. State oj Nebraska ~_ {"Mort~.,)_ now el(isflng or herealtef Incurred. and other valuabt8'consldefatlon ifl hand paid,
<br />dOeS ~tby sell and C1)(Ivey unto Mortgagee the tOflowmg descnbed preffifses SltualM m _ ___.J:L9_1_1_________ C<iun1y and State ot Neb r ask a
<br />...wIt
<br />
<br />The North Half of the Northeast Quarter (N~NE~) of Section Twenty Eight
<br />(281, Township Twelve (12) North, Range Nine (9) West of the Sixth P.M.
<br />Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />fogetfler with dilm ttle f1qnt {;t-te ;ffi(llf\te~t >Of the Mortqagot m '...lid p:ope-rty now owned Of Mr~fl~f :G(J'Nl.'~ afie al: OUltomgs_ imprnv~mt'!nts dod t~xttJres of any type
<br />~ Of nefea~r ;FX-t'(! 01'! s.P(! ft"l .G!'"QO(!'Ily a-rt(j "'_i easemer:l'~ t'Qh!S. JPpurHH'>-.111te5 lenls 'G)'.all\('~ 00i ;;':10 gas !lghlS and prOfl!.S wiiler, wafer rights. an(l
<br /> water stoe-I<.
<br />and all fi):t!J~ Mti 1)( ~.ere.a-1't.e~ anachtti to 1M ICf!{tVir;-Q ~(~,t~tj D!o-';Jei1y ;r: nl ....~'I(~ 'l1c!u\lmq tt>f',.I,;p'''Fl5- aM a(lOlho~s !iierelo snali tie oeemw 10 be and
<br /> r8ma."
<br />part o11he m~Otrt" CD'..~rtO :Oy :"'(s. M"ft9a-~ ;1;1 Gl lhe '{;;lJ~;.'o"n9 prQ:pl:!fly Sh.aH r..e (;o!l~--C:I\{e~V l",e-Hj'l\~H~f r!:~e'[ed '0 J~ tn't" Prefo'li5eS
<br />
<br />T~s mcrt~ge i"S Qwtfl Ie stf-.:re J ;::-ertadl l),(}miS'\-t.1l\' ;"HJ!e qalec E_xb_,~J;. :i, t _ A (2, [lot? ~ A'! 1M pnnCi;.\;01 ,,:;m 0\ 9.__Il~._ .__'H.!l..l!_d.;: .~.fl----E_e ve
<br /> n t y
<br />
<br />~_..F..i..U"e._.___Thou.san.d__ nol.~QQ - ~ ~ - -:"_':':'" - - -- -,,- -- -[)I:;(idl~ '$, l7 5~, 000",- c'H.l imeres! thereon <!ccordmg!o!heI8(msol
<br />~ ooltafln dOV -aM ",:; 1!'3f~l'cS.~S 'tfl,t;ff.l'S :"'v(hk~,~~ CI r,v::>r;,J!i!J!!or,s !i1-p'reo! tli,.c 1"iftt) il'1f.l eyef", 'J;:\:! iJd-t)illly.aM ob1rqatt(i1"l oj ev~'f !ype 3nd
<br /> oescnptlon which rile
<br />MGrt9dQlX -mil' l'>--J14 .vI 31 .'in, ~lme fIoMui1e! ;)We to t~ MoniJa~ whtmer <;'.;(f! oeol ;~d{t.lht~ ii' "',\w,- e;:~~IS [\; ;<; I}J mJ'y De d'rer.: 01 ltlilirert due or fO- beCome
<br />Out!._ a~tf- 0' (~:'iW'9f1fll ~)r,l'Y>--af'y w 'iK"ll11ddf't ;;-a'U~..a~~ Cf u~bGl.i;C;j1ea (t)'t1t <'f!v-e!a: (V antl 5t'..er;t' ,W StiCh O-f'mS- -j,jQlllll"-5 ,jnl otH;g.1!ions all
<br /> coileC:1lvely
<br />tltr~tw rtff:~r~ ;J) a~ Cl-tl;>Q~hCf}~
<br />
<br />The. toli! pr,nt:nil' ~'1"!l)lJ-M e-~!u-sr.:t rr !"!e-r~5r at H'f: Otl:!iQitt;Cr1S ~,.,(i~C1f!~ df"i'. 1;"Uf~ lJetJ-!s J~..antf':; HJ,!},llf;e" Of ~)O-llQaN:ms not mcludmg nowe...er
<br /> any- sums ad-
<br />vancea lor HIt: prm:Wi::Y; o~ tN> PI~rr<ts!~ 0; t~e Y:Oftq.aoee ~; oNtrtSl 'ht'..~,;'\ ~,;'ld,i n.:;' e:tc~ lt1t' 5J.n~ (.! TWQ_._ iiu..n..d.I:~.9.~._f ].,.,.fJ;'..Y_-T.hQ...YlLa n d
<br /> ~ n d
<br />.___llD._..LJ_(U:L__":".~.~~_-=-_~_= ~_~, ";_---:- ~,:':':' ,~,,"':':_~_ ~.::"--=_-{;-"j,i;trS :S 2. 5 Q ., Q 0 O~, Q 0 ' ptO'Oli]eo nOWeTer t!"\J, nmh'ng cont,tllled herem stlatfc-onstltufe
<br />a C;')fflml~t t<} mail__f: aattl-tffif:~ ,~ ~l<~v[e 'C'!f'~ c, .yJ,a"'.c.~-s .i'1';' Jj'flOvf1;
<br />
<br />~!'ti; MOfl~\I':!l ~e'e!J'o' Wl!o,:f;r,t" !~.;t~ ,1:~ !~ l}""I1~r C' lr_f.r '!te;~~-c ~e-~j ;::,'C{'€!!~ !:"!a! '! ....<i, l1.;f"..." "~f ~Ifjf Jq.aI'lSI ai. O;:\J.t!niHit,; \'IIr)(Yr\,>oeve'
<br /> ~f1J II rell!1Q\Jlsnes all
<br />j,ums P1 n~{9.a ;(j 'M.IO P~t'm:s;;-;; ,t!;il {'O><1!"r\a!lI'S 1M ~-gq~'$ VI<-t1' :~ M-?HGaqil'€ '(~:!o....,
<br />
<br />t T!J NO! wilrtn C<,.IE- >in ~<.;..L~ -.-1'1>'> i~1'!"~r'l~ ,i<;.,~ss~M<; .'I1'Cr> :'tV.. m' '~.'i<.:'v a< Se$:.f!i _!~j'-"il ~"-e :':-:-"!ti~t'<. ,;,(j P\f 'f'I!21 Lt:~rQes l.!o-on
<br /> ;111,' ie-il5f!'i. aSSIgned
<br />it'S, iOO~l'rQ!'!,-.1j %<<~N".- :-tt' tr.tt Mor!~~
<br />
<br />7 l~ ,,,,&'l.'1! G-:m ,,~ ,~;,,~t1C H>.-r f>'e"'~~r~ "",~ )J"-t[ .i"'"li-~0\.,~.:t!"!s '1...1<1< tH"" ;,r ~"",t: '1"'h I'W-lf;:"?' ",.1" ;>QU!ij Cl' <,.,1';; "'~'!\rSt5 1"1e "dlista(tion
<br /> pllhe Mor!Qagee
<br />Af\.'; pi)~KT C-ru:i!l:f!011-\! !';.l{.fl m~..!gnrt ')!\,tl' bf' ~.oo("t'O .!J'l~"j :).'ti'at.'{' "i.i:.lSf .lOCl'(l>;NJ :J-t 'I "j,~l -::~ \("I!ga;;lt't: iH;{1 f.lep.'JSlfwJ With It'tl;
<br /> Mortgagee ana
<br />WI!t! i!:>.y 'O-~~ !~tev~at!' 10;- ~ t),ilo'at-->!' f" tJ(,n€i~~ .\: 'f--? "\f;b)f' U01'lQa~ ',-f"S- -Sic 1t'{;e;-..~t~ ~, 'Ir;";J.q!:'!' 'J' ~,:;-n~a-Q{:r '\'M~ b~ USl:'\1lo :JaV 101
<br /> reconstfuc!lOO 01
<br />me ~tlayffi nrf!f!',*~$_ 2, ,! 1;"11 ",(') JV;;J~ ""-;d. ,:1 ;~f ~1W');." -,t 1~,~ ~,;l!O.t~ r~ _-iPi!l'e'i' ,l'1 lHym1""! Q' J"! .;;)hqJ11;Jll~ "'_M,,llet: 0' ;jJ';1"<d!ljlec ;ie-curM
<br /> 0.. thiS MQrtgage
<br />
<br />:I 10 ~~ !~l C>..Fid;~"" '](-':\J~u.(!{i oil"'C ~t"; -~,.~>C '~p.&~' ,l!'d ~t 'E'~.!t,~ ~"r: !)",~ l;}>~!'f\'~'j.';X, (l' .)p) ,~r'" (,I '-",>T)-tld' c.e-mOl;l'Q!i !fr;/.k:Nmtnl o! the
<br /> Pmn'1\Sf5 n(lll-o cut Of
<br />r~, ,)1 ~~~ l(? be f'it W remo-..1'O ,,'if .~"', ~lt'<':Ot. li~l S4r-C.-Ul O~~:, J'~;J 'l,)n(l t:Ml!'!bl G' ;.:'''::l-r .l'-~ ''"''':if!' ')f 'rT\pJvmi!'flll)! tl1i! "a:Utl Oi me _~unly
<br /> 10 conlm.
<br />lrw:.l~' ~a<,t'l!:e .i;){:m.\'>'t'd ~~~~ ,! :J:!'-";~1 ')': 'i4)f! j7."~~", 1'; t}f~{!! ~~;.Wl i!f'J;ll';i! 'iPtM!.l 0' 'W"ifX,~ ,F,Q d;:!m~'''g w~S ,~f'C to :YtlSefV" Ihl' fl""lIl!,
<br /> t)! Ine S(>>l
<br />
<br />" !!\.l~ d:,"l~y ,ne ,i....tIO':. ~-n:t'_lf""', ~..,qt'':ll}( C01":'~~~>or~ 'Df 1r-~t,t.l\WQ;;j i,!i@ 1;;J ~ :W~\~~~I-;:)l'<(:l c-- 1\1: O,!-tT:,I\"Jf !,~ d!'} :';0',(011~! :!'tt> PI~ITl'se':i
<br /> OJ re4:S0n 01
<br />any t~~11Oh ~'!"~l ..;~.a>t'< t:F,ar~ '1< ~:.. 7- U'!~ r.'OC-e$21NJ s.r-oa.ti i~ tr-t ~liQo" C! lne ~,)1!lj,1,>#~ t~ lJiHl1 10 lJ'l.!!- ~~"t\Q..\\it!e J'IO ~t1tr: 11l:)!le~.~ aM ,iwafO!i
<br /> ar~
<br />n.r~ -n~gN'G It; V;iYt;;~ .1r~ ,,,,l}~n:~\' \nr'~1o; st<j'-l- ~ t'mtt'~ '''"', iJ~ '" _V(ltiQ~ .1'11{i w~r; p.,hG ~"\..;; Dr 1i5tC :' ,:~, 'J{,t,1)fJ 1('W3~11 !11'! ;),;,','"lNH 0-1
<br /> !!'Ie Ollli9'ltlOOS
<br />~~~ t\t'fe{,,' <f!- ~"t-il O!'~ Qi' ~n~ h \fGrt~ ''''"l. ~lWt~'./'I ~la~'lf:' '7-' ':.-11,11' Mt \'~.I1 ,1<; IJO!;% It!! p~'f'!'!'ie"1 01 'dn;~ J";.S~~'i.mefll~ 'e;JJ,rs W Oltlef l1ems
<br /> 1m 1M
<br />~! {!' ..~":.n 1!>1~ M:J(!~ *- 'J,.fft'..Ii:;' ~-tir,h- fI)-~'~' l:-'~ '>.i"lW' ot I~~ ,.~,~ 1)1 ""Tf! a:\e ,r. ~'J-t~ cHat,. ttf ""'-.fI1rIt" d~ ~orl-gJ.4~ "-\1';' ~!t!J;'J1>t1t ,lno
<br /> any am(i~nl not S(j
<br />used s~ 00 f~~ t-f N VQrt~ tiJ i~,,* fot"k't~Y $-i.i;:~ ,m"'R4'~ f'. it-l#<4';;11 ~".i;> fH;:-t '_,jJit' I)' ...,.i-<.t'i ~'"'l &.:<1;h..I:;Jf lW!K'~~.\!.lt ptOC~Q){\q:;. ii' 1M 1!venl
<br /> Mortoagee
<br />~ If rnt;b'$.i:f)" ,t;o #O.';~l 1'1" .,f!...~ 'r. -c~.5t#:!f'.)<.:~ r,~n,,;;;"-, P-'~tt'OF1Y ~ij"i}Jg-c;:.! ~t'..l~' P<lY 41J! i~; tt.~fi:>Jee. ,ri (~iru'\i"('_l1C" !!';e!fl'Wl!n HTcludmg
<br /> bul1101 hm,
<br />
<br />rteO W ~~ '~otM '.:0>-....-( C'J~;t:} =''i1uf!.,: 50 p.j~ ~AF': !l't~"'~.!t~ Wli:r. ,r'''e'!t:'ii <li!~ !-al'l! 9l ,'~q;fl:n! $n-ijl> tItl..u-09:l,: to t!'it GN!iJJhQf1S sec\ltetl hereby
<br /> In
<br />~JCfl ~ (11 ,-"~e .is M!J.<~G!~ ma'f ~-;~~ \.>' ~f:-''n~ r_ue:>>; :'"'t' ~e,,~q ;;:---1 11;1' ~'t;H~A!<<l tmrw): It~;;.t ~.l,6rl t\f;reJ}I.ill(J 0111:. P"!):lt"
<br />
<br />:, T~ "~!~ (l-,,~l -';lJt'~ laK~!~ ~~ *-n.r,< '1\;t' -cJ;"f ,,,"us '~"U1 tf'l"~~...",,,DO/' ii!,,~ lum ~$~r<tO J5, .d~flQl"'.3l S&uPlV fQf Hli'i: Mort.g.age hens, ;uOQ!'llefllS Of
<br />~~ iA*!~H) ,j,i~h~ ~M~ lilt ~t-.""'~ 2:1 ~,j.I~ .,: '\'\1-,~LV ,t)\t;f J;'!i ~ 4" ~1e.~10l' pr~. U-M!~ ma, tnJ:t\t S!.i\:-~ paVmt!nl OJ OlwtOe ~uc.h msurance
<br />~ ~ jfnQonHS; W:-:.C :r~~ ~tc_.f ~trtw~ ;)oj'; c/ !-r-;t: ""'''n ~~1-t'''':'> '}l:!:{<,irlX~ J',t~.j!-~ Jut \1'\'; t;A..~\jt .rl'~..,.,~), ,f1~\1 <;h.;t!i ~iF if1t(l!e~1 d-l!ne Iille-
<br /> of percent
<br />pItf ~<mum: -'n,iff< <if1C 4I ~~ ~~ H'!t t#1)I'~;ee ~t:> ':\,.,.r(1'! p.~nt!!e-m
<br />
<br />6 f~! If'!~~l v~~~~ 'j; !f't;M"Jf~ni t~ ~f-<tG-1 !,l't~().;\""~1.,,)r,'i ill 'J;!a~IHt~H!;!.t!~rOOft, at i~~\tU!E"wheft 1!1~ ~,)mf:' \>lUnt)t;Jve_ ot wIlh respect 10 any
<br />~t 01 '~1~ h:\tfl!i\i.'~ ~~ 41 \". .,;,ptilUl'\ i:1 ~~~ :N': f!n~i1't Vill;~~n~ St<:'\,!.ft(! !ltflW''; :itl.Atl tQtH~""'iih t+.<.ome ~~t aM OdyaDle ,*...tJ m~ Mo.r1049f:t' may 1m'
<br />~ ~lOSt th<1 Uott~ l't<" OOq;~ '*"i:) -,j!Mol ri...4<\.i.n~ ~'- ftMtOy \~, ll'\f t'o't-N l)f .f!) ~ {IV MOIl9J~ 1-Ql!nI01CI! coileUi-lYI oj any 01 tne ObttgahOOS ~lJfed
<br />'*t&y t~ Wort~ WM$ ttlll "n, t.~ 4l(t..,Gs,ng: Wf(~ .~~ MtOtn.tvl INS ~ C-O$tl> ~UH\!!O In ';!)f;!1-&!i(iO th(>!1twlHl Qf ll'l(;UHe6 Ie O!ocule Of ek.lenc an
<br />*",M;! of bUt $.ftIi.l ...ft:tor. tnc.inti) or \)4tO OJ M--Ofi~ :In:-omt ~ Wf11}111'l~ O!)~hCfl~ ~ujea At!'ltJ[l\' oiflQ 'i'11.ii11 tit DJuJ by M<'Jrt\fll:\lOI' IQQelh8f wllh all olll'le
<br /> tax,,abte
<br />-,""""",\0<lIl
<br />
<br />1 IN! it\!tlt: t4f't Jfi'; iOmr; \$ t},l,~ W. IYf<<~ tr..~ Jioton~ lOt a!' w IV" Oo:tfl ~ tt\{ on:~'S 5eti.<tto tle(1tDy tM A,lOflQIlI1" shall Of OfIhlltG to tmmed'illt:
<br />~:<!J! ~~t~ ""r~rn:W1o oi-nc '!t';it ..'Ot;!t l}! a 1.\.>11j)t t~~!1';. ~-J-Utl(m_ <:t\$~ ~1 and 1M MOfll)iQOl' MI'i))- t;,\..'!1$1tr,l~ IV-!~ lQpol-Nmer>> 01 a receive! 1.o1akll
<br />~ of ~ ~ \'(; ~t..'lC 1~l1ttVf t~t:i.m4 ftl'~\$ .lf~ !~terorn Ml'O Iro:'Ti -,l?;y !f'~~.'itO coHe(l-ec to l,}il'f ioiJ;e5 pfCh'\~e Insural'ltt, make neeoea r..
<br />~-to ~~ lM P:<~ 1."'..c !~( J,!\y at_~ e'~tU(e-!l .;,dt'4)flltll1!J:)' !h~ .~(.vt <i,lie <ip;)4y .iF,,- ~um retnacll>U'IQ aM:l:t tt,o! Daymt:nl o' 5lH:,t': .luthQl'll80 ex
<br />~~ooothot~
<br />
<br />s: T~ ~f~ ~ GfWf oct "Drt9fQft iij; t",...t.lW "n'J ot 13 I~~ Of ~~\I~.S ~ I;') :l'1~"J,~ ",poo i,{,!(1 ptrtiJlrr-,.af\(.~ Qt 4n.., ('u"enant,~ 1)1 ~gJ~r,IS 1)1 MilflQt100l ten-tilt\.
<br />to ~ tM ~~ sr-~ ~ bit ton1ihuK is ,\ .~ (l( ~ f~e."nfIf\{ 0( ~;o.itg4--1$ 'J~ UCf1~ 0: <'Qn.! 1): !~y O! MOI1~gee UlftMloetllt'l :)f O<lSfKI upoll <lny of t~
<br />*_. ;>>Ori~, ~~~. l::~''';s >11 lr'lS$ MM!y.tgot Of it!y f~!\jfe ~-.PJ;H'5.
<br />g j~mC.u.t~~'IfI.!f\t~QlM'JofUW!~tl)A$-Q[ !fl,Y.5e~pl~l ~ Yort9iQM~an,kt!f; lfJiJgmenl tal; ms-utal'\(.tl_ tC'st, Ofe-;\~, s.atCl
<br />~$-~~ tht(}ft~, .~~lM ILIIOOtt i~ o.ve ,l;"'-O-pi-yible-_ W tf)tiilClO$t-!)O~COiJI11ot Su(;/'l SP&~hc- ~iulf!Of s\..'-th O()i!galKm!'il~reill
<br />~ Ift;.'i Wrtf! iOr-K1O$We ll'"~ may tie l\MIantJ 1M ~ oescnbtG ~t<<l M'\lf be $Oi;lJ 'SUDf-eC.l to ~ht ;J-n-patd vtJ!;g.!iO!\S l\t!tebl' ~\ltttl ana ttll50 UOftg;lQf: snatt
<br />~ii.j~~4,Rf~~~Wli~~-;;~
<br />lO' ~ ~ NIO ~_to 1M ~ Ml t'tgI'Il blNt ;ft~'ti.t ..ffl1~M:II'\ MoO to ren.($..1OO i)f-o-tftS O! ~f>e ~-9I'f!lses a-r:iJ dOt-S ;j:H!~!) fO MOfIOi9H ail
<br />....t'tIe~Q!)iliCt__...~. .ntttn(l!: (;!'.iI, JnOdofi~ t.Ior!~WtOi..l<<1 MlOf~tOf aMre:fllr. "'{)l1~Q\V l1-lflKtsa!ilenanl\ 10 pay rentauflOf
<br />., ~ _10 ~ n. Wtm d thtl A~ 1~ ~1$l: lNI Qbl:iglbOftS -ire hiJiy caW Thlt .;'1,~ 5h.1li not ~ ~at-l'"'. llMo'S100!;JUiI !S- made In 1ht
<br />_ ....... __ot."".....~ '" ,,.. ""'-
<br />,~ >>..-J*1ct.~..lt~Ot t$01~ f!lfP.-W '#rtJUt4't~,QlI!lt Mtlf1~. ll'ltt~l<<l~;'fI,fV Al t~Qpt1(w.Gl' theM"W"t~OIu.cI'.il<<1
<br />~_...._Illt_ ___..,.._.....~. ,n ""~_ 6."" 101 "",11""_
<br />
<br />l
<br />
<br />~l r___~~..j{wifl(ltWe4il'i-.sJI'W~"!:IOt~.tm~' (t.;:tiU No.ne_
<br />
<br />~1. 14 _ ~ ~ ~, lIti$';OliH Nl4 ua-. .,!~~ Ct)(!1if(lt I;t ~~ r,1Q!1_~ ~ o!~~ 1!-,.''IO;",11,*' !r,e p-,'$--'>t~h Wl p('Ilm.;'\ *-. Prem>U$ 10 be en
<br />~'..,...,~. ~~Ny it t.tm1~ !-~<<t (jK~ftlil~~ ttl twt'nffi.d:~Ul'f 01.>(1 J,N;! oo,,'a:Mt.~.r s;;;<Cf;, ~tf'\.t 11\;'.; U\J'!tl)llgtm.t'i bW t"
<br />_ <Ill "" _.. ""W_, .... ) '" ... "'''''-
<br />
<br />1<4 _ t,.lf _~,_w ~. ~ ~~,~ ~_ t~ ~~",t'~ j;K{>>o'tJ,Mn Vi,~ tlf ~ ~~.-.f(i~ j'ilfJ'. n* 1€'~wr,,-l'1\i prl;l'o'~,,~U<h.;nO ?,,*f).ill1(j""
<br />_...-.Oi....~
<br />{-I.;.a<<F~'~
<br />