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<br />I <br />83- 005902 <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, !he Mortgago"'1 ha ve <br />;rhtlVr written <br /> <br />h"-:-fC'unIO \et <br /> <br />their <br /> <br />hand(s) the day and year first <br /> <br /> <br />10 Th:ll the. Mor'lgag-or will keep the buildings upon saiu p.femise.s in good repair. <ind neither commit nor _permit waste <br />upon said land. nor suffer the said pr~mises to be used for any unlawful purpose. <br />I L ThaI i( the ptemise<, or any part thereor. be condemned under Ihe power of eminenl domain, or acquiredfoFap"blic <br />use, the dam~ges awarded, the proceeds forlhe taking of, or Ihe consideralion for such acquisition, 10 Ihe extent of Ihefull <br />amount of indebtednesupon Ihis morlgage .ndthe nOle which il is given to seCure remaining unpaid, areherebl'nssigned~ythe' <br />Morlgag<>r to the Mortgagee, and shall be paid forlhwith 10 said Morlgagee I,> be applied by the laller on accounlofc.theneltr <br />maturiAg inSf.allmenrs of such indebtedness, <br />12,Th< Mortgag", fuuher "grees Ihal should !hi, mortgage and Ihc nole ,ecured hereby nol be eligible f"t,iri' <br />,unmee under Ihe Nolional Housing Act within 60 days from Ihe dale hereof (wrillen slatementof any ollieer <br />of lhe Depaumenl of Housing and Urban Developm""t or authori7ed agenl of' Ih" Secretary of liousing';and'Urban' <br />Developmenl daled subsequenll" Ihe 60 days time from thed;lle of this mortgag",deCliniri~ll:lihsuresaid <br />not" and this mOflllage,being dee",,,d condusive p,o"r of s!lehineligibiliIY), Ihe Mortgagee or. holder "f. Ih. not"., <br />may. at llS- optiOll. dedar-e aU sums securred hereby hnmediatety due and payable, <br />13, Thai if the Mortgag.or fails to make any paymenfs of money. when the same become due. or faits-tO. confQrm--to--'and <br />comply with any .of th-e conditions or agreements t(tOH\ined in thi" mortgage. _Jr rhe note secure$-'-'_,th~n the:endre, princj~ <br />pal sum and accrued inlerest shall al once beco",e due and payable, at Ih"eleclion of Ihe Mortgagee;. and this m(jtl~.may <br />thereupon be forechJsed-immediafely for th(' whole of ~aid money. interest, monthly payments, costs, gro~nd.r.ents._ ta'x:e.s and <br />the cost of cXltnding the abstract ('Of title fr~ml the date of {hi;;. f~lan 10 Ihe rim~ of commencing such foredosure-suH;..and-a: -rea;.: <br />s-onabte anorneY'$ fee. all or which s.hall he induded in the \ft'cree of lfnredn'il!f{'": and the -cunrra_ct embodi-edln- this-rnorJg3ge <br />and the no-te sccureJ her(b-y. s.hall in all rt'_spec.:{s be g;,)vl'rnc-.!, \:(lOstrut,'d and adjudged by the- Jaws: of Nebraska, where- the <br />sam:- is m-adt. <br />The covenants herem i,;'omained shaH hind, :m,d the t~nef1ts and ~idl<~Hll~tgcs ~hatl insllfe t'l, the respectiveh_e:i~s. ex~cutor-s-.. <br />administrator.., successors and as.Slgn~ t.t the parttes hereto_ Whenc\>-cr u~cd. [he $trig1l1ar number shaH tncl-ude the plurat. the <br />plural ,he singular. and (h~ use of any gender ...hall be- apphcahle to all gender"" <br />The f,~re:gotng conditi-on" :l;!J and ;,:ingular. ~ing perf,)rnlt;t1 'l,...-ordinr to tht:'ir natural ;lOd legal import, this con_ve-yance <br />~hall be 'o'OIC and 'Saul prtmJ~t:s rek.l,ed;.H the e'pense of tht~ M;\r!~agnr: {'therwi~e to be and remain in full force and effect. <br /> <br />in pr-esence nr: <br /> <br />.~ b1 t <br />/J (' (C) <br />#i.-Lt~~\. ~L <br />v Qui nn C. Rousn <br />~/i?'//'f'f!u il,{) !rZ7/,;V'U <br />an G. OUS <br /> <br />{SEALl <br />[SEALl <br />[SEAL] <br />[SEAL] <br />[SEALI <br /> <br />STATE OF NUIRASKA, <br /> <br />COUNTY OF <br /> <br />HALL <br /> <br />On Ibis ,14th Ji\;e,f October ~PI'l83'.d,,"'m(, William L, Mcf.el~an <br />a Notary Pub 'tc :niiad!;>t ~.UlJt oi.lnl).p(!"'ll1,l;rY"'~lml' QUlnn "'. oush and <br />Wanda G, Roush. Husband and Wife <br /> <br />to be tht tdfn'i,,'~i ref~Ot\$ "'ta~..c n.lmt:"S <br />gam, if15Uumr-nliSS Mongagor , .aru] <br />CACCU:th.m ttKreof to N- <br /> <br />;:O-~ j')('f\l)n.ail~' to me known <br />:'t>";1"......,.~~.\.~;,,~~~,~r,(.t-rl.._ ar'e :111l,\cd h) (he aho....e and rore~ <br />~{...,. \,.~""i~ . r.. ,tcknowkdged the said instrument and the <br />-l~;-./ ,:.} _,..( \.,'h't 111l.H:-- ,H.:t ;\nJ deed. hl! ih~ purposes therein expressed, <br /> <br />d :S' f ", ,~S~~~~\~>N \ 1l ~ <br />In lifSlInl\l-n, whefeof, J h3~t' hcreufuk It\-) ~_)lJhtp byR <br />on the dB)' and 0;11<, tait abtY~-( wnlttfi ~ \.. ,~ ::~-<.'.;.:...;; <br />~ '~.~rJG;.2 >..' <:., <br />Je. <,._.:.... ~",'t- <br />'4!f Of ,,-.: <br /> <br /> <br />"'''' '",d ~b""k' <br /> <br />N~i:&~~~ . ~aff--- <br /> <br />tar y Public <br /> <br />ST ATI'. OF NEBRASKA <br /> <br />"'5 <br /> <br />File<! for w;,,,d thi. <br />at o'(ilX:k <br />feCQfde4 in !loot. <br />~. <>! <br /> <br />da)- l~f <br /> <br />A,D. I~ , <br />\-1.. ~Uld entered to Numerical lude);, and <br />1)( MOflgagc~. on <br /> <br />Register of Deed s <br /> <br />Hlli),9,:;H-4:IM !q-19~ <br />