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<br />r <br /> <br />,.,.,_.,~'-.- <br /> <br />83- 1105902 <br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />FHA #321-097491-203 <br /> <br />~t:~-10rm is U$~ecti;:-l <br /> <br />with mortgages insur~d under the <br />one. to .fOUf-familY provis_ioO$ of <br />the National Hou-sing Act. <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />THIS MORTGAGE. maJe anJ e.xe<uleJ ,hi, 14th Javof October <br />1983 . byundbe,ween Qui nn C. Roush and Wanda' G. Roush, Husband and Wife <br /> <br />,A.D: <br /> <br /> <br />of the CQunty (If <br />the Mortl1"gor. and <br /> <br />Ha 11 . and Stale of Nebraska. parry of lhe first pan. hereinafter called <br />The First National Bank of Grand Island, Grand Island,Nebraska , <br /> <br />a c(!fpor~ti()fl org;,mi7.ed and exi.qing 'Jndcr tht': la'h {If Nebraska <br />parry of the second parI. hcreitlafter t:atled (he !\1ottgagCC'. <br /> <br />WITNESSETH: That !be ",,<I MOrlgag,". for and iu con,ider"lion of the sum of Thi rty Si X Thousand <br />One Hundred. and no/ 100----------------------------1),'11"15 IS 36,100.00 ). paid by the Morl' <br />gdgee. the receipt nf w"hlt:h IS herehv ~H.:knowledgcd. n;\-,_ Grarued and Sold and hy these presonts does Grant. Bar- <br />gam. S....1L ClJn\.'~y an,j Contirm unt~). tihe Mong-;lgec, il\ ':.\ucces-snr.s and ,15signs, forever, the foflowing-descdbed <br />real estal~, ~ilUatcd 10 the Count\. of Ha I ,and.State <br />~)f Nebr:1ska, to \\-it: . <br /> <br />THE EAST TWENTY FIVE AND FIVE TENTHS (E25.5) <br />FEET OF LOT SIX (6) AND THE WEST TWENTY THREE <br />AND FIVE TENTHS (W23.5) FEET OF LOT SEVEN (7), <br />OF BUENAVISTA SUBDIVISION TO THE CITY OF <br />GRAND ISLAND. HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />nf the Sixth Prim:ip~i.! \icndl;HL ~',lnl;lHwl).{ III <br />men! ,:,un-'eY: <br /> <br />,l-:rt'.., ;J((t.lrdin~ to Govern- <br /> <br />TO HAVE ..\NO.TO HOLD the fH':!~il\C'! ,I-t-...... ~ll;"...l..iJht.:d, \. l\11 ,ill lilt.' ,1PI'UI kn,lm:c... Iht'rt,'\J.lllo belunging and including <br />ail heatln(!.~ plumbin,g ~tnd iiilthnnt: thlufC" .H\d e"-i~llrIHCrH nU'-\ iil h\,[~,il!t'! .1t1:;..:hed II) l.r w,ed ill":iH\ll~uion wilh said. real estate <br />,~;Hn :he Mortg~g{~. an-J h1 ih :-li....:C"!"t.h ;."J .,~...;j.:n-~, (,1ii..'Vt.^f '1 h~' ii.,'p;-c,(nh ;;;. ..;i;~l i.:;,1~-;:n~;iit:, with. the- MOriga~ <br />gee, thai In(' \h'\rt~nt:or h:l'. ~n-;:.d ri~h! 11' ,,;;:Ii ant: ....drl\t''lr -"',llJ f'rt'1Ph{'~, they ,tl'l' ht:'t: frnf1') l.'Jll,'utllhr;ln(t~; <JnJ that Ihe <br />Mfl-rtg~t'-lr WI!! ~'an ~nl and lk'f~nJ lhl..' "':I!i'a: ,l!;'ltn:-;j lhc Ll\\.h!~ '- Llilll"l ,d ,di V4( '-01'1'. \\.'htlni'>Hl: 'o'er; MId the ~;liJ Mnrtg~lg~\f here- <br />by retinqui~ht:) J;H ago\'- ul hr.m(:qedJ. ,tnd .iH marIlal righh, nth,," Itl tn', \11 III ctjUHy, ,I\ld ,111 tHher ~ontiogcnt interests of the <br />Murtgagor m and to the t\bt~\;t'>-Lh:;',-'flhc:--J pfClw"e"o lhe ll\ICli\!-('ll b-c;n~ h' ,-'\'fH'\:\-' ht:r~h' ;1fl ,!ulc- Hlie, in fe~ simple, Indud. <br />ing i;J.ll nghh of h.)!il('~{-t:~~-J, ~'-HJ: ~\~he:::f tl~hh anJ lntcI(."'...t-..", "l"<lre",IHJ <br /> <br />PROVIDf D .\L\\:\ YS, ;:nJ 1I1('",-' PlPI;Hb ;;1'..: l.':'e,,:~Jjnl ,did d(';'.l'it:'li ~l{l, ;; Ih(.' 1,llh1,\lf\j4 \,,'PllthIiP\1\, III wit, <br /> <br />Tn-Ei Mortgd,go-t' aqr__ees tn i'd:f to lhB l-ht.'.qiHl""{" r.r pni{\}", th(~ l,>t'incip-"l sum uf Th; rty <br />Six Thousand One Hundred and no/100---------"d1"" ,,36,100.00 1. wiLh <br />interest from datf' Jt tilL" t""t.e q( 10.30% \."." u'nlum ( 10.30 \) per annllm <br />on the .balanCE! untiL 10-1-86 ... fInd th-Pl.....dtt.oc ,,~t lh\~ ratt:i '.)f Ten and. Three-Quarters <br />~:r ccnLul9 { 10 75 '0 ret- ;'l!1HU1!!, on the n.ap,-nd t><'tlanc.. \.wl i1 pf\id:, The said pri.ncipal and <br />interest shall 1';' pal'"ble at UH' olfic<' cot The Fif'st National Bank of Grand Island in <br />Grand Is land, Nebraska . Ot ,'it. ,',Hn~ \.')UH'l plan' ,.~,; t'h(> holder ot the note may <br />deaignAt" in writing. in ",,,nthly inHo!l,,'(ll1ts of Three Hundred Twenty Four and 90/100- <br />...---.......----Dollars (:$ 324.90 ), CCHUlllt..'HL',1nq Ofl thf:' fi-rst d\lY of December . <br />1983, And on the firs.t d~l.Y ~)f (:'dch month thet\?:afteI unt.l 10-1-86 ... and Three Hundred <br />Thirty Six and 46/100--------- DolL"s ($ 336.46 , ,,,,,,,,,,,,"d",! on the first day of <br />November, 1986 ... ar,d on the first d~'\y D[ e;.\ch montl1 ther-ea(ter until th...,. principal <br />and interest are full)' p.aid, except tha.t the f in..:ll of Pl'incip31 ,HH.! interest, if <br />not soonet" paid. shall be dut: M\d pa)'i.1hle on thE' fin~t. dc'tY of November, 2013 <br />all acccrdin'l to the terms of a certain p-rOillU;SOI.Y notl.:~ ot l.'\:cn date herewith executed liy <br />Ule !!laid Mort9aq-or. <br /> <br />The ~iongagt'r lfiQru(( mure fully ~(! pr,'!(';,;llhc \~;:l-lrHY \\t till... \1t}n].!A~;';, :;grccs. <br /> <br />1 ThaI he: win pay 1ne in-debtc\ines,.;, t~S bt:n:il1bd\!IC p"'''l...h...d. Pn\J!q'~~' 1">- !'f''':f\;CJ!<, r~i)- the dehf in \<:holt:~. tH in an <br />rin\wut (.qua! to j,.'on,.; Of ffi:;,Jr~ n.onthly r~') ;'n~nb ..;f\ ~h~ rrjiKjp~d th.ll. <\I'\.' Ii( \i .Jut.' ~ilj ll!t: n'.'il:. ,"11 the: tir<.,i d~\y lIt' ,HI} monih <br />p-ri\lr tv lllaturity: Pn.nhleJ, hmH"H:r. Tn;\! \\-rinen noli,':t, d .~ll Hlk~i.lll"'n 1.1 c ,-~'j d~l" ,u...h l'r;l.\k~.~r.; ,... gl\ I:il .il k~l~{ ttun}' UO; <br />day-s.pftQllll.prc..:paymeflL <br /> <br />2_ T~t. tote-Chef \\--ith. ..mJ in .'iJdlhon tv. lh-e monlh!}: p.~) menb "I pnlh.if'~d .:mD intt:rc.~l. p,j}'abk under Ihe term:!< 0f lh-\: <br />nQt( ~,-urt:d heteby. the Mortg!<=,g~lr wilt fJ4}- III the Mmt~agcc, \)n tile ll!'~.t d;tJ llf (',I..:n rnpoth ul1/illlll: !-"Utllh.1C i~, f lllly paid. the <br />fQl1<l".;!QI.ums; <br /> <br />(a.) AmQun.t syfflcicm. 10 pnlvX\.le the hnhlcf hncpf wtth iaH\h, -toJ p.l) !hl' no.t Iil<Jrl.f:.<lt;C II\Slll<tl\(~ Pll'uuum II [hi~ <br />lU-$t~~nl\.:nt and ill\.' !hH,.,'. :K"1;"\Ut'd heH~hy ;H>,~ 1Hl>~HrJ, pi ,i IHi,lltt\Jl} ,'h.H~;t' (:1/ !I,'u i1 tI,lI.lltSaJ.:( 1{t.~U{UN(i.' JYI <br />miUttlj if ~h~y He' heid by .lh'l: $e\:r;:iar) u! Uonsmgand U[b~tll.k\'ei\.lp.w..,'nL ,I:\. f\!Hrr'h~ <br /> <br />L <br /> <br /><H u a~\4 s-o k!-flg ,>i~ Ji,aid h{l1C \1f ('V~fj (,bh.' .-illd th\::i H\~lnir;tfn~ -'If(' m;)~Hl'd i.I ,In; W:l'lstiu:d ulldl.:t the ~H',;' <br />\'li!it:>"l::i ~'tf thl; N~ih,ul.l.~ Hi]ti~in.R ;\~.;, :tl\ .HlhWI.IJ: ~aq~I,.'h~ll~ 1>, ,'l!,.\ tunaLlI<.:: H~ lIn.' !t;IO.J~ \If thG holJ(:! \m~' <br /> <br />~ ~;~ ~ ~:: (;.~, ,~~.,:.~~ <br />'t..~-e: .~hi~ *'''.n~; <br /> <br />"i,,-,--\:--<~,~,;t J <br />~"-~'r'~~,~t t~t~'i <br /> <br />~.i_,*,~ F.>>A--:n..-J!lJ:; '~"f"",'d-, ...~o" eo( 1 <br /> <br />~ ~ ''',.,. '.t... <br /> <br />