<br />I
<br />
<br />not personally liable on the Note or under this Deed of Tru.t. and (e) agrees that Le~i;:d {ln9 ~h~r!:t~rrower
<br />hereunder may agree to extend. modify. forbear. or make any other accommodation. with regard to the term. of this
<br />Deed ofTru~t or the Note. without that Borrower's consent and without releasing that Borrower or modifying this Deed
<br />of Trust as to that Borrower's interest in the Property.
<br />12. l\loiice. Except for any notice required under applicable law to be given in another manner. (al any notice to
<br />Borrower provided for in this Deed of Trust shall be given by delivering it or by mailing such notice by certified mail
<br />addressed to Borrower at the Property Address or at sucb other address as Borrower may designate by notice to Lender
<br />as provided herein. and (b) any notice to Lender shall be given bv certified mail to Lender's address stated herein or to
<br />sudl other addresS as Lender may designate by notice to Borrower as provided berein. Any notice provided for in this
<br />Deed of Trust shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender wben given in tbe manner designated herein.
<br />13, GotemlaC LaWt SeoerIIbIUty. The state and local laws applicable to tbis Deed of Trust sball be the laws oftbe
<br />jurisdiction in which the Property is localed. The foregoing sentence shall not limit the applicability of Federalla'" to
<br />tills Deed of Trust, In tbe event tbat any provision or clause of tbis Deed of Trust or the Note contlicts with capplicable
<br />law. such conflict shall not affect other provisions oftbis Deed of Trust or the Note whicb can be given effect without the
<br />conflicting provision. and to this end the provisions of Ibis Deed of Trust and the Note are declared to be_able. As
<br />used hereln. "cost.... "expenses" and "attorneys' fees" include all sums to the extent not prohibited by applicable law or
<br />limited berein.
<br />14. Borro....... Copy. Borrower shall be furni"hed a conformed copy of the Note and of this Deed of Trust at the
<br />time of execution or after """,rdalion hereof.
<br />IS. RehablUlatIoa Loaa Apeement. Borrower shall fulfill all of Borrower's obligations under any home rehabilita-
<br />tion, improvement, repair or otber loan agreement which Borrower enters into with Lender. Lender. at Lender's option.
<br />may reqDire Bo~."r to execute and deliver to Lender. in a form acceptable to Lender, an' assignment of any rights.
<br />claims or defenses which Borrower may have against parties who supply labor. materials or services in connection with
<br />improvements made to the Property.
<br />16. T,.,."... of tJIe Properry; ~fdlcs. If a~~ or any part of the Property or an interest
<br />tnu.in is sold or transferred by Borrower without Lender's ,Prior written consent,
<br />esc~udinq (a. tne creation of a lien or MlCullbrance sDbordJ.nate to this Deed of
<br />Trust. (bl the creation of a purcbase lllOney security interest for bousehold appU""
<br />anees or le) a transfer by devise, descent or by operation of la.. upon the deadi at:
<br />a joint teftllJ1t, Lender _y, at Lender' s option. dec~are a~~ the SWIIII secured by this
<br />Deed of Trust to be i-.iiately due and payable. Lender shall have ..aived sDch
<br />option to accelerate if. prior to the sa~e or transfar. Lender and the person to
<br />whota the Properey is to be so~d or transferred reach agree_nt in writiO\g that the
<br />credit of sud1 person is satisfactory to Lender and that the interest payable on the
<br />suas secured by this o.ed of TrDst sha~l be at sucb rate as Lender shall request.
<br />If Lender exercise. such option to ...cee~eratl" Lender sha~l mai~ Borrower notice of
<br />acceleration in accordance with paragraph 12 hereof. Such notice shall provide a
<br />period of not less than 30 days fro. the date the notice is mailed or delivered
<br />..ithin wbiclt Borrower ....y pay tne su"" declared due. If Borrower fails to pay such
<br />su.. prior to tne expiration of sDch period. Lender _yo without further notlce or
<br />demand on Borrower, invo~e any re..dies permltted by paragrapn 17 hereof.
<br />NoN.UNtFORM Li)vEN....."TS. BOttO....r and Lender further "",enant ""0 agree as follows:
<br />11. AeeelenUoa; Rem.odks. E~cept ... p....lded In p.....,...pb 16 ..........C. upon Borrow..', breach of ...y eo_I
<br />or.....-.nt of Borrow<< lalbia Deed ofT~" iacludlna Borrower'. failure 10 pay. by lbe ..nd of 10 calendar daya aflft
<br />they ... 01.... _Y s_ """""" by tbl1I Deed or Ttuol, Lender prior.... ..,.",lenllon .hall giv.. nOlice 10 Borrowe. ..
<br />......1docI1n puaarapb 12 berooC specll}int' \lIthe breach; III tbe ",,!loa required 10 curt> s""b bre""b; (3) . date, not
<br />1_ !baa 20 da,.. ero... ,be dale the no~ io m.U...! 10 So.....""r. h~ ..bicb s""h bre""h m...1 he cDre.h and (4) that
<br />fallllre to c..... oudt brea.:h 011 or before lbe cIak spedlkd in lbe ootk.-e m.y "",ell in ac<'deratlon oC the sUIUJ .ecured by
<br />lbia Deed of. Trwl aad .a1e of ll.e Pl'OfH'rty. 'fhe notice .hall r....u...r inrorm Borro..er or Ihe rigbt to r..lnatate after
<br />aeaolftatloa aod dtco ri"ht 10 brinll . ""....t aclion 10......... lhe 110nulalen<", of a dwult 01' any other derense of Borrowe.
<br />to aceelftallon ....d aale. If lbe breach io nOI """'" un or berure Ibe dale spec:lIIep ill !he noUce. Lende....1 de.'.
<br />optlon, ....y _I.... all of the ....... -..red by thi> Deed of Tnal 10 he lmm..dlately du.. and payab16
<br />......01 ..01 _} Invoke lbe po..... "r sale and 0' ou...r remedl.. penultted by .pplicable I.... lellcJef'iball
<br />to colIed all ~ <..... eel upenMO lncurnd In Punulnllbe ........u.. provided In thIa pa.raiii:ila ,.
<br />b.. IlOlllmlled lO, .-....able .ltol'lMYS' 1_.
<br />If the po""" of aale la In.uked, TI'1I$le\>.baII ",,",ord. nOlke of d.,(aullln each <ounl} In ..hich lh.. Property 0. ,om..
<br />pIII1 tIMnoC Is I_led aod shall mall cupl.. or .IKh nod.,., In the manner p..-'ribed by applicable law to Borrower and
<br />to tM otMr JMl'IIO'III pnKribod by .ppllcable law. All<< the iapae "f .neh Ii..... aM may be required by applkable law,
<br />rr.cee .1saIl al... poabIJco nodce of sale to tbe penont and In the manner prescribed by applicable law. Truslee, without
<br />-.....1_ Ilomt_, ,hall ..n u... Properly at pul>lIe .uc:t1ou .... lhe hlgbeol bidder atlhe lien.. and place and under Ihe
<br />_ deslpated in Ii.. nolke of sale In 0.... or ......., ~ a.nd in such ord..r aM 'fnale\> ma, d..termi..... 'frDo,"" m.y
<br />poatpoae sale of all or ...., parcel of the Property by public annoW1<"""enl at Ih. tin>.. ...d pi"". or any previulal}
<br />schedcded sale. Leader or Lender's ~ m.y puwllMe the Property .t any sal..
<br />UpeIl ""*PI of pay_ of else priee bkl. T......_ shall delh.. 10 tbe purcbtuer Tnatec', deed conveying tbe
<br />Pr.perty MId. The reeltaIJ in !he Tna,",,', deed .hall he prima r.cie .vldeo<", or Ih. truth or Ibe statemenll made
<br />llIweIa, T.....- shaIl.ppl, the proceeda of tiN! uj.. In the foUowlng ....de" ia i h) all .....onabi.. cOllis and upe""" "r !he
<br />.....lDdlldboa. bat not Umlled 14, T....""'" f_ adlUllJy i"~Drred or nol mo", than ..,!'!'...",.. 'J. oC Ibe &I'0Il ,ale
<br />price, reMOIIlIl>le __y" f_ aod eClS15 of tille eddeDCt'; (bi to all 'ums secured by thio O""d or Trust; and (c) Ibe ..~.
<br />_, If _" tG die penon"" penuaI r.galIy endlled thento.
<br />114 a.now.', RJPai Ut RtiD&,tate~ Not""ah~tanding Lender's a\.;;.;cler.:ulon or the )ums ,secured by this Deed of
<br />Tr.at. due to Borrower's breadL Bon<>wer sh31! lta'-" the nght to h.'c dny proceedings begun by Lender to enforce this
<br />Oeed.. -of TtUt dbcOllttnued at an)< time prior w the earlier to ,..x:('ur nf ttJ the fifth day before fhe sale of the Property
<br />punuaAt to the: power (}f \idr contatned in this. Deed of Trusl (\r tn! entr)' of a Judgment (nton.'tn~ (hl~ Deed of Trusl if:
<br />(aj. ~ pays Lel<<kr iOn .u"', ..hkh would t>e then due und<< thl< l~ .,1 Trust and the Note had no acceleration
<br />QiCC,\ttted~ lbJ &rrQ'WC'f cutes. "n bre~hes. of any Nher t''O\'ethtnls ;::It -:lgre-emenf5 \)f BOfT01ilif'.r contamed tn this Deed of
<br />T-M-t-; (c) ~r p.Y' ~l fe,HiJHa.ble c.x.penst'i- in\.'urred by L{'ntk'r and Truuec in .:nfotl.'1U8 the covenants and
<br />~nu of Bofl'.{l'W'(f ,,'t,:tntdmW ffl this D<<d ofTru5l aud m enturcm.g Li:nder':<j and TrlH.tce'.s remedies Jb provided in
<br />~..p.b 17 herwl ind.5UlHl:R,. Dut nut limited to. feawnabk attorney.," fee5., a.ad \J} 8(tf'fowC"r t.;1.kes ~u,'h 3.i'tlon as
<br />tAMttf ma~' reilUOna.bt}" fY.;quir~ f{l <!.Si\ut.-t thal. the il-t':'t1 ,;{ thlll. D~! (li" -r f"usL t..ende(~ HHerellit in the Property and
<br />itot<<l~.t obi,li.'t\ln to ~~)' {he: ~i)nu u{'urcd by ~h~ t~{j oi fru).j \hail C1JtitUWt" l.1HlInp,:l1n~, t.~ron ~u~h payment and
<br />cUH by .&nt}..ttt. "th~ J>ett1 ot rnnJ il.tui the i..:)bhl:aHmu: M,-;{'urC'<J h;;;r~'b} \h<ill n:'maH1 It": iu!! hJn:e ilud dfe...:t ," if no
<br />...~!tl"'" "lid <.",'"",,<11.
<br />
<br />