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<br />I <br /> <br />83-005891 <br /> <br />(1) month prior to its due date the annual mortgage insurance premium in order to provide such holder <br />with funds to pay such premium to the Secretary of Housing and Urhan Development pUrsuant to the <br />National Housing Act, as amended, and applicable Regulations thereunder; or <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />(II) If and so long as said note of even date and this instrument are held by the Secretary of Housing and <br />Urban Development, a monthly charge (in lieu of 0 mortgage insurlJ1fce premium) which shall be in an <br />amount equal to onNwelfth 0/12) of one-half (1/2) peT centum of the average outstanding balance <br />due on the note computed without taking into account delinquencies or prepayments; <br />(b) A sum equal to the ground rents, if any, next due, plus the premiums that will next become due and payable on <br />policies of fire and other hVifd. insurance covering the mortgaged property, plus taxes and assessments nexrdue <br />on the mortgaged I'rOf>"ilY (all as estimated by the Mortgagee! less all sums already paid therefor divided by the <br />number of months to elapse before one month prh'Jf to the date when such ground rents, premiums, taxes artd <br />useuments will become delinquent. such sums to be held by Mortgagee in trust to pay said ground rents,pre, <br />miums, taxes and special assessments; and <br />(c) All payments mentioned in rhe two preceding subsections of this paragraph and all payments to be made under <br />tbe note secured hereby shall be added together. and the aggregate amount thereof shall be paid by the Mortgagur <br />each month in . single payment to be .pplled by the Mortg.gee to the following items in the order set fotth:' <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />(I) premium charges under the conlf3ct of insurance with the Secretary of Ht)using and Urban Development, <br />or monthly chargt fill Ueu 0.1 mor!Kt1g-e insurance premium!, as the 'Case may be: <br />(II) grQund tents,. taxes, 3~-sn1ents. fire and other h31-3rd insurance premiums: <br />till) interest on th-~ note setured hert"bv: and <br />(IV) amortization of the prinelpal of said note. <br />Any deficiency 10 the amount of any such aggregate monthly payment SohaU, unless made good by the Mort- <br />gagor prior tn the due date of {he next such payment. \,.'nnsHtute :m event of default under this mortgage. The <br />Mortgagee may I;'ollecr a .tlate ch.'ugc" rh)l to exceed k'Uf -cents. (4il') f~H each doJlar (SJ) of C'3ch payment more <br />thai._ fif-ken<< i 5) J-ays 10 arrears to ,..'over the extra expense Involved in handling dehn-qucnt payments. <br /> <br />:-t. Thatlf tb.,. total of dw paymenb madt~ h~' th(> 'lori~~-()r und<"r (hi of paragraph 1. prec{'din~ shaH t~xc~ed <br />the amount of paymKlt~ actually made by th-,l ,"k-.rt,lr?:~N' fur eround rents. laX(~8 and assessments or insurance pre- <br />miums. .... !he ~""e may be. such excess, Ii ,he loan IS mrrent. ii' ,he option of the MortRagor, shall be credited b, <br />the\lortg'''llee on "ub;;equent paYmt'nt" '0 ix' made bv lh,' I'MtU3I(<lr. 'If refunded to the Ilort/l3gor, I f. however, the <br />monthly payment" made by ,he Mortgagor under ,,( pIlfa"",ph 2 prt'ceding shall not be sufficient [() pay ground <br />rcn~ tal.e_s and a....,~e~sm{muo or in~urann~ pf('mium~. a~ th~' ,a..'"-(> may h<', "h{'n the ~amc ,-"hall bncome due and pay- <br />able, the,ft the \lortgBA:Of ...huil pa~' to lhl! 'lortg~e.:' an." <J.m<mnt n{>n.'~sal)' 1-0 ml1kp up lht, dencil'nl'-Y~ on or befort~ <br />th-e- da~ \\hi-:.n payment ('( .:-"u("_h Kmund fonl...., ta.Xt.~. a.~~.~...~mf'nt~ or in~uraru.',' prtomiums &:hall bn due. If at any <br />lime th(~ 'IortR~r ~hl.U l-t'f\dt~ to tht' \tort~a~'.'. in :u'rordam_'t' "iUl the pro'i:">tOfl~ u{ the note ~e(:urt>d hereby, <br />full pK~meflt, of th(t vnhrt" tnde-bu.~,''''-''"' H'~.n~:-i'\ntf~ thervby. tht. \-tort~llJt{>-\" t-hall, in ('nmpu(in~ the amount of .Huch <br />utdebtcdot--ss. l..~t to dll: ~l\:coum 0-1 th(;. Mortgaglu ;lU p"'_ymt'fJts made under the proVlslOOS of (Id of p..tragraph 2 <br />htl/'tlOf which Ul<' llortl!~ ha." !lVi """om~ IIbli"".ed ,.. I"') t.. tht' "<'<rt'tlll)' of llou~io" and \ 'rblll1 D~,dol'men' <br />and an)' luUance r.._intn~ in the fund~ atTumulahHi unde-f tht' pm\-i;o.;tdn~ ur (b) of par-d-I!raph 2 h(-reof. If thv-rt' <br />>~l:t.1I be- a def.awH undt>r an)" tlf tnt" t.rovblon~ Hf thi:->. ml)n#!:itg~. tt'~_JhHl~ in a publir ~aJt. nf lhe- premts~s ('ov{lwd <br />hereby. Of if th~ 'it'flJtll~'* ac:-quirt.,s ate propt'ft~' iJliwn\f~.' lifh~r rh.fault. th~ ';'Of14t~t~. ....halt appi}l OJt tht.~ lime or <br />tht~ ~nwnt't..tml of :o\Ut-h pnx..t"~dif1~"'. or at lht" tlm,' Ih,' vropt~rt~ I~'fWtc"<" tu"quirt-d. the balance then r('main- <br />ing in tAw- rund~ ac,,'ufIlUhut"d un-tier ,d par~raph :! pft"(.t-dU1~, J,~ ,\; nt:.dtt- ~a.iu~t lht;,' amount f.lf prhu'ipal then <br />remwnin~ unfuud under ~aid ntilt-', and -..hail !1mlft!rI~ adju'c<t all~ pu~m'--nt~ \'rhkh ,,,hull ha\-{' b(~tHl nUldH under {al <br />of P"'lIj!'''f'h 2, <br />-i, That lhe M.orl_~l( ~t!l }ld} ~h~\.m,j ll."nh, ~~-,e-.., .......("'Hl(nf~_ \',.lt~f cd.:" .mJ (Ither .!-'~I'veftlmel1wl t.1f rnuni,,;:ip~l! <br />t.:rnuCC"l-o hoe~,~)f !mp,.l"1>lhvn.... (or ....tu\.h Phl\o'i'J.h.:tn ~'" not ~en m-aJe ht"rt'lnbef,lfe, ~md 1ft deLwlt lher~\lf the \tortgagee Ifla~ <br />~y the: ;jUU th,ij,l the ~ion~tJl ~!H promptl) ~jdl\Cf ihe dIkl'l! f(,"(l:lp-t\ th(reft.lf h.l the MOrlgiigec <br />~" The MorlgajOI ""IU r<i~" aH tone, \I,hk:h tHa)' he It.~..u::d I.lp...,o the \-i(lnltngec',~ "llr:n...~t in ..,lid fe-al ~~Ial( iHHi impco\'c" <br />n~nb..uW \\-hKh m.1} he k\lcO lIt->lIn lhl... ilhJrtg.:aiLC ,)f the J(j-It ~('Ult.'d heJC'h) lbut onl~ to the t'\teollhltt \u\.:h I') not pwhlrnt- <br /><<1 hy lill,\> ~uuJ only hJ the c,"h:nt HUH '!u-..:h ....II! n:\l-t mAke tin... hi,WIPIUrh)\hl. hut (,\.duding .iIl)' jn~.:orne l.i\. Stah: N Federal. <br />impo~cd un M(",l~ec" ..too .,.111 file the <.)ftkldJ re...ellH ..b\J\\ 109 "Ul.:n p.t) flit-Ill ~l1h the 1\'lorl8ug('~_ Upon viulation of (hi!> untJer- <br />takin&.. or if tbe MorlJ!;6ig-\lf I... p-r':JhtblitJ ~~ <to} I.,", nu!,i, vi ~rtdfreI ('\I\tIOg l'wilI pd}.-ing Ihe \.\ hole or an)' J\\lrtion vI' the -ilfore- <br />said ta.\Cs., \~ upon the rr:nJc-nOtt f.f ~Il) <.~\lUft dc;.:u:(. pr~)hirHlOg (he p~)ill<:nt h-y i:he Mvrtgati,Of ~Jr any sUl,:h taM~" {If if \ouch IdW <br />I..)f'deer<<- pfovide," that i.m;- ,HlWUrll '<<.' p,uJ h) the \tVng01~ur ~haH Pc ..'fe\lneJ un {he owrlg~t~l' Jtbl, {he MorlgagC(- ,hall h(tv~ <br />the r~1 to give IUIlet)' Ja}~ l4nUeu n\\lI~e I" trw G\\-"o<r \)f the nh.n~g:<J pl'emht'~. rt4Ulring the paymc:nl oi I he- mortgage <br />debt. If sut.::h nt)l~e he g.l\~Il. the ~I~ t.l('~1 ,hosH Ot:(IHlle du(:, pa}'i.iok and l.;'oHel.:libtc dt the t','~)lrl.l.tiltn of said nUlCl}" duy~ <br />6. That \hooid he fail tv pay an,' ..If ket:p- <tn~ C0nmall\ Ph.l\'hJcJ for lfi lhh \hutgagt:, then the Mortgagee. ;11 ih op- <br />tion, may pal or pt'rform the ~me. and aU t'\pc-niJitures ..ll made: ~han be added tv the principal sum o~ing un the ab..n'c no[<. <br />~aU be secured heteb'L and shjjJ beat th<- rdtt ~('t (\)rth in ltk ..aid note. until paid. <br />:" That bc: be.rcb}' as.Mgrh~ ~ransfer:-. and \-eb n\cr to the Mortga~c-c, h.~ be applied h,)'WurJ tht. ra~mcnt (\f the n~Hc ..mod all <br />\ums SC",Ufc-\l hereby in l"<UC of iiI; deiaull tU the perfo-rmi;ince of any 1,,)( the lelfn\ and comiiw.H1s of thh, Mort.t{.age (IT lhe s;.ud <br />note. aU the rents.. revenues. and ln~olIk; to he dcri\'ed from the mongaged prtmjse~ dUflng !:.uch time i.tS the mortg..\.:c- inJebted- <br />De" ~ remain unpaid: atl\i the Mortpgee ~hall have P{)Wtl tu dppuint any agent l.)f ..lgcnh il may dC~Jrc f\..)r the purpt.\:it.' of <br />repai.rina ~d pre:mise-.'- ii(l4 of reming the- s~\me and coilc-cling the fetUs. re\.:nues. and income:::. :..nJ It may P~'} out ~)f 5-~tid in- <br />'Q~ aU eJi.pensc~ of repa,ir:ing ~ premise.s an4 nec~:>sar)' ..:ommii1Si-ow~ and t:"'pen~\ in~urreJ III renung and llHw.iging the <br />same and (.If C()}]e,ctins rentals tbefefrom; the tMlaf'",-"-e remainiug. if any. to he applied h_'lWUI'J the Ji\l:harg.c vf ,aid mortgag~ <br />indebted""", <br />&. T-hat bt ...,iU k<<p_ the impruvem-ent-s 00," -existing or hereafter ere-ct;:-d on the llhJrlg...lgCiJ ph)pen~, llhUCl.'J '-':'! may he <br />required from lime: lo time b~' the MortgaS<< ~-\gainst kH-!'.l b:, fire and t.Hhc:r hal<lrds. c;:-l.sualtjes and contingen\'ic~ In ~u(h <br />alnOtint.!i and for su<:h periods a~ may be required by the Mortgagee :m,J wiU Pd.Y rmmptiy. 'When due. ~-tn~ rre-miurn~ \Hl ~\.lI..:h <br />1h$U1ance provision, for paY,fDeQt or. whk:b h-a,~ not been made ncreinbefore, AU m~urancc ~hal! be carried III ~~lmpilnit'" ap. <br />pro led by tb<: Motlgaj!c< and tbe policie, .nd ren<".I. 'bet<"f ,hill] he held 0,' the Moltgas.e dnd h." attach.d ,herete> ",,' <br />payable "' in (a\;m of and in form al.:\.'t:pl~b-le to the Mong.agcf _ In e\"~nt of kh-" Mt.lngagof ~ in give immediate- 0011((' l'} <br />mai! to ~ ~ee_. who ma:r Jrulk.e PRl(}{ of loss If IWI made prompth' ..,.}- MOl'tgt\glJl. and e;-J;1:h tn~uri.tl1\.:c ..:mnp.any (DU- <br />=1I! betcby autboriU<! lInd dit.,;ted t" r"ak. pllym<nt k. ,o,h k'ss di..dly hI ,he MoltlP'se< in,to;>.! nl tn Ihe M"rtgog'" <br />lIlId the M.irfNce jointly, and tbe in.uranee pmeeed" 01 allY part tberelll, "my l'C applied hy ,ht, Mortgage" ,,' ii, ,'pu"" e,tber <br />tQ,~_f~uctioOot,tbe-indcbted-neu,hc:rc-p)' sc-c-urttJ: Of to the restoratwn UI' repair of lhe- p-fllp-crt) dallli.\~ed" In e\ent \)( fon:do" <br />...rc o1t1li1~or ot\lertrllltSf", o1titk to tile mortNe<! pl'opi!rty in <xtinguishrnent l,f the iodehl<dn." ,,,,,,red hereb" <br />aU n,bt~ ritJc: and i-nlt're\f fiC tile MOftp&\-W' m ;md: tn any m'Sutance pohc-ie-~ then JO fm~(' )ih.ttU P~':<i!'. to:>, the pUii.'h~1Si."1 ;.IJ gr';Hl!l.~t:' <br />9." That,.~ additional and c_uU.teta! sccurity f~t the p4ymenll.}( the n..>t< deS(,tii.'le~._ -anli.all \iu:m~ hl he(mue tfue undef lhi,., <br />tU4(lJaIC;~ the- Mortpgor,he_feby a\$.ign.s to tb(: Morfgagee a,~1 ,pfvfits.. reVtnu-e-.s., Hl.ya1t~. t18hh ;ll~J N.ndlb .h.:\."tUl"n~ \() lhe <br />M~ unde-l uy and aU oil and gas ie3-~e~ on :-.aid rlrtnuse~. with the_ -rtght to ftcei\'~ :H10 IC;':Clpt fi11 IJw ~~\mc ,HHi apJ~i} <br />them ( ",c-ll before- as after dtfaub in tl)eeandl_tious ofthi-).$t, Jru,! tbt Mi.lftgdgcC ma~ ~ltmMld~ ~u~ <br />fQl aM t(-cp\,er aniy Wi\Jt ~yrot-n.h wh<n due ling payable, bUt s,hiU not be re_quirt\l ..(\ tn .:h\ Thi."i ~"-i-igni.l'h:-nt j.. h.'l-Icrtnffl,!.t{' <br />lInd bt,,~ III\U lUld ,,,id uwn ..l~ase .,f Ih\5 ffio<t_. <br /> <br />H1..)t.,-(}jl4.jM i!.~-t~)j <br />