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<br />r <br /> <br />A CWJ <br />1I~~;t <br /> <br />(I,) munth prior (I.) its due datl" tlie: annUallll(lflga(.:r 1I1S11I;.Jlh':~ IlfCmiul1IlI1 order It I plo'lidr su.:h holder <br />with funds (0 pay SUdl premium to the Scclctary of llousillf, :H1U Urban Dc,!~jopl11elll pursuant 10 the <br />Nationa! Housing Act, as amended, and applic.ahle Rrguhliinus thC'~cundcr: or <br /> <br />C' <br /><. ' <br />\ <br /> <br />Ib) <br /> <br />If .and so long as s.;ud nole of even date and this H15trumenl are held by the Secretary of I-lousing <br />Urban Development, a monthly charge !in lieu of a mOflgalie imurance premium) which shall o. in an <br />alTlount equal to onc,tw.lfth (1112) of one,hall (ll~) per cenltJrn of the average outstanoing balance <br />due on the note -computed without takmg Into account delinquencies or prepayments: <br />A sum .qual to the ground rcnt'. if any. n.xt due. plu, the premIum, that will next due and payablcnn <br />poficies of fhe and othC'f haz3H.J insurance cov-crlOg thc nwrtga~cd propclty. plus taxes and assessments next-due <br />on the mortRagcd p"'p.rty (all as esti/nated by lite ft["fwagee! ks< all ,\1m' already paid th.refor divided hy thc <br />nurnb'er of months to elapse before- one f1Ionth prior 10 ,he date when SUl:h ground rents, premiums; taxes ami <br />assessments will b('come ddjnqut.~nt. such nuns to PC' held hy Mortf!agec- in Im..l 10 pay :Jaid ~ruund rents. pre. <br />rmums. !axes and spec1al as.sessments: and <br />AU paymcnts menlioned In the !W(' preceding S.ubsccllons of this para~raph and all payments to be made undt'r <br />the notr ~l~WCJ hereby :s..haii be added w~t""(hef, Jnd tht' Jgj!rc!!Jte amount thC'rc()( ~hall he paid by the Mortgagor <br />c3ch month ifl J sm~Je paymenl to be applied by thl.' Mmtg3gee to the fl)llowing Items. in the order set forth: <br /> <br />'-' <br />C <br />CJ1 <br />()::) <br />-.J <br />.... <br /> <br />te) <br /> <br />(1) premium ch:ug:cs UIH.lC( the (OnHJct uf lfIS1H'lHC-C- with the- St;.:rctary of H\,)uSTnI! and Urban Oeve-topmenl. <br />or monthly ~harge fin !feu of mortgage in!uranr(7 premium), as the case may be: <br />(fl) pound ffnts. lues, asseS-SInen!5, fife and lltheJ b.:1.;irJ Insurance- premiums: <br />(lin lmelest on the note secureu hereby, .and <br />(IV) amOHJI;JUtm of the pnnclp.a1 of S1td note <br />..\ny dCrKI~nc)' lt1 the amount of :In)' such aggregAte nwulhly paymc.'flt Sh31l. unless made guod by the Morl- <br />~j,gm rrio: to tile du.e date 'Of d-lt next such p.iYIllClll, I..-Oll1BlUtC an c...ent of default untiCf lhls mortgagr, The <br />Mort-g.i"ee may coUt!(1 J- "late ch;uF:c" on! to -cxcctll Iota (cnu (-Ill) {Of c..h.:h dollar (5 I} uf c3ch payment more <br />than fine-en (t 5) {!.W$ 1" :u:e.:us 1-0 cu\'er the ex:uOI (xpensc mvolVt"d 10 ham1Hng clehnquent pa)'meots, <br /> <br />:1. That if th.. tolal of th.. payments mad.. by tl,.. \lortgagor undo. i lei of par3j;rllph ~ preceding shall exceed <br />lht> amount of paymf'nt.s actually m.adt" by the "orleagN~ for rround f('nt,. ta\t'!~ and a.ssessm_.'nls or insurance pre- <br />miufft~~ a~ lnt' ('IL""P mll) be. ~Udl excess. If the lO.J-n I... ("urrcnt, ;U Iht' option of the Mortgagor, shall be credited b) <br />lht' \tortj!::lf!("(l' on ~Ub~N4Ut'nt pa)'fI\t'nl'i to be- mad(~ b)' thr "ortgagor. or n'(und<-d to tht' .\tortgagoc H~ how~\'cr, the <br />"'....thl) pay..ents made hy lhc M"rtgagor under (I,) 01 p"mpaph ~ prect-dmg shalt nOl be sufficient to par ground <br />n"f1t~ (a.XClol and &~Ses-sm-t'"nts nr jn~ufanc{' premium!"+ a5 th{' ru...:;;,C' may tw. .....h...n the samt. ~hall become du€' and pay. <br />ablt'. th(lf11hr.- Mortg~Of shaH Pll)- to the \tort~Ol~rt' an~. amount nr-rf<! to makt' up the deflcicncY1 on or b"rorEa; <br />thf" dul-t~ v.-hen paymr-nl or sut'h ~round ten~s. l;UC'S,. a.~se:-;~m('nl'" or in"'uran('(' prt'mtum~ shall be du(". If ill any <br />time tn.. ~lortlla/l'" shall tender to the \lortgall"'" 10 a('coroance with the provisions of the nol.. secured hereby. <br />full pa~-m-('nt of th~ t.'ntir(' indebt('dnr...... repre~t'nh.d Ihrn"'b: 1 th(' \tortll~l!~.t. ~halt III fomputin~ ttH' amount of !;:uch <br />IIIdchtcdn~~'. crC.Jll to lh. .K,"CUnt 01 thc Mortgag", all ".n-mco" madc under dIe proVISIonS of (lI) of paragraph 2 <br />hN"t"-(tf v.hir-h Uu' -\ml(f!:a.A(<.' h:lS not hf-('o:n~ ()bb~atl'd tn pa) to thf' ~f"n.l:Jr)" of IlnusinR and Urban Development <br />md an} haiat1('"(! re-mJHlinp; HI thl' f\lnd~ -'lc(""umubt('d Und('f tnr proviSIons of {6; of pafa~raph 2 ht'ft"'Hf. If thert' <br />~hall bf" !l default undr-r an} of lhi' prO\-iSHlnS of thiS mor(~a;:.. r("-~uhi"~ in 3 publi<.' sail' of thp prt'mises covcn-d <br />h"n-uy. or If !be M()rt~a!ll''' >cqult<'s th.. pfOpt'rt} othNwise .rtN d,-rall;l. till' \lortg;tgl'e sJlall apply, at tnI' lim.. of <br />lht" ,'orn.mE>nceftlt"nl of 5ut'h pror-f't~dln~~. or at Lhf' llmt" th-r proV('ny I~ Oihf'r"'I~t> acquireu. the balance thC"n remain. <br />fnJ! In Lh{- funds a(Tumuhtt'd und....f (6; of p)r<l~!;;lph .2 prN'l"dln~. a:-; a frf'"dt t 1f!31n~t t.he amQunt of prindpal then <br />rt~:ilninR unpaid undt-r ~aid flaU:-. and ~hilH pmp-l'-ri)' "jdJu~t :in~ p~'ymt"nts ",hll.h s.haH h3.\'f' bet'n made under (aJ <br />Hi iJlU~tBph 2. <br />~_ :-hat the' Moftl.J.gor ....liJ paj' ..'"round frnl\. L~\t''', <i~~c-,\-mtnt~, 'W;s1t'f' r;tl('!t. Jnd urhe! ~overnme-nlal or municipal <br />...haf~\_ 11M!. or W1SX"\-Sllh\ll\. ror ~'ht-Ch prO\iISHJO has. (it)! t>e.c:n made- hCftlIlhdMC, and 11\ ddault Illerenl the Mortgagee may <br />r-3)-' the samt~.ln4 tht- M1Jrtg.a~or "" III promptly- deliver th<: \~m'lat rcce'l'H\ therefor to th( Mortgag("( <br />.5 TM AhJrtpiOf wi-U p.l)' aU l.lAC! WhKh may ~ l~"It'J upon thr ~hltlt:--J-iee.\_ tnttrC-'i.t In \-aid leal estate and Improve. <br />l~nU. and "'hlch may he levied upon this mortme ur th. deht ...,"r.d lbul only to the extent that such is not prohihit. <br /><J t>v '"'" and <>nly tv the .u.nt that ,ueh will not ma.. thi> Io.n u,""cu.l. hUI "cluding any iocom. tax. Stal. or F.d.ral. <br />imp(lM:-d \'1ft Ml}fttZl@:~. and wil! fHe- tht ol11cial receipt shmHttg i~H;:h p.lyme:nt \\'Hh the Mortgagee _ Upon violation of chis undcr- <br />lakin,. or d u~ Mottpgt)l u prohibttcd by an).]a", now t.)f hereafter t\i\t1ng from fHI)'lng th-t whole or any portion of the afore- <br />,aul tau.. ," upon the r.nd.nng vI ani _"urt d~"c. prohlh,ung tll. rayn>tnl hy the Mortgagor or an)' such taxe,. or if such law <br />or p,,"Id.s that any .mounl so plld by lh. Morli'il:or ,hall be credit.d on th. mortgage debt. the ~hlltg.g.. .hall have <br />thl' rigbt 10 live ni~ty d.ays' "'ul1~n Il<).-hc~ (0 lilt own~r of the OlOrlg3i-c.d prc-mls'C\. reqUiring the raymcnt or the mOrlgaac <br />dcbl, If "..<" noticc be glvcn. lhe u,d debl ,hall beeomc du.. payable and coll.cltbl. .Ithc ..piration of said ntn.ty day< <br />b. That .lIould he I.illo P<lY any <um ()t ....p anycoven8nl proy,ucd for rn thIS M<ltlgag.. then the Mortgalt... at its op- <br />tIOn. may p.)' or petfcrm thc .am.. and .lInpend,lur.. '0 made ,hall be added to the princtpal ,um owing on Ih. ahov. not.. <br />,hall be ,"cured .nd shall bcar lnler." at the rat. ..t forth in th. \aId nol.. unul p3ld, <br />7 Th.t he hereby assigns. Iran,rers aod ..t$ ov.r to the Mortgagt.. to he apphed toward the paym.nt of th. not. and all <br />,ums ,."urco hereby in cue of a default 1ft the performance of any of .ht term, aod ,ondllio", 01 thi, Mortgage ur the said <br />fi(ltt".1" (tit' rents. Ie-venu(! and _income- lQ be dcti\"cd Irum the lnCtrlg3gcd duong such time as lhe mongagt' 'ndebled~ <br />n(-\\ JnaU rernain unpaid: and the "fottgAice: s~U have p(,-,w~r 10 appOlnl :tn). otg.ent Of agents 11 may desire for (he purpose of <br />", \aId pfcmiu!!. and I,)f rentin&: the $Mfle- and ..:-oJlccl1ng the re-nts. re\cenuc-\ and in~O-me, and II may POi)' OUI of said in. <br />l:~)cnl"i ~1 t.\pcO-:le\- ...)f tt:pairing rremises and necessary commiSSIons and cxpe-niC~ Incurred in renting: and managing thc <br />\aMt and of -t"oUectlflJ fcnlab therefrom: the balance remaining. If :wy, to Pc ~\rphe--d lowOlrd (he discharge of said mortgage <br />,ndclotcd~s>, <br />$ That he- ....di kt~p- tht improvetl1c-nts n~lW t1i~tlng Of hefC"Jftel trc;.:tct.l on lhe mort~J,:eJ property, insured as may be- <br />t~Q-uitC'4 hum timr- to timC' Ol the Mt1rttt;.tgee- jiJaintt lo-,s- ny fire .;trld other halard'i. c3\uahte's and c(Jnhn~nci-es in ,uch <br />amounts aflll for ,,,,,h pcriods a. may"" r.quir.d I'>y the M"'lgagcr and wdl pay promptly. when dut. any pr.mium, M ,uch <br />t-nwnm('( -provision fOf p3fmtnt -of whidl na.5' 001 been made hc-fcinhdorc. All in\Ur;lnCC s.haH ~ c;1rt'ic:d in companicJ ap-- <br />pH"<<!>Y lllt Mortg"",c and thc p<,uetC.. .nd t.M..a!> thcreo! .hall hc hdd lw the Mortgag.c and have all"eh.d 10" <br />~~~ da.-uu_, in f<lv(K of 3.00 m {"rm a~ccpf.abl(" to l~ In (,>:'(ot of lu~s Mortgaa;or wtn give Immediate nnhct by <br />m.d -kllhc M~~ wb~) may make proof vi f.ou d nut made prompt;}' h)' Morl~ag()r.. and -each lO'i.Utance con. <br />.:-ttM-d n web)" Illtttorizcd ind dU-cdcu tf~ make r~Wm~nt (or Mh...h fOh ~!If(:"clty to the MortJ(J.~tc in~tca-u \)1 ((l the Mortga)tm <br />aAll lllt MOtl.&tlP. jtlIntly_ ..ui the pr"..eil.. t'r any patt thct",f, mal"" .pphed 1'>)' rho Mortgage. at lH opoon cuhcr <br />h'~ t--,. rtdUCoofl_qf tbe- j-n4tbkd($cU ht:i-tby sN:urcd or to- the re~loralmn Of fepa-tt" of the prop~ny dJtnageu In event of fMCdo <br />Wf. <>I,h", '"'"~ or "'her tran.!cf 01 Uti. Ill/he ",ortgaa.d properl\- In ollng,u,hmcnl of th. mil.blednc" secured, <br />;Ill I~L -tdk ._M tf\t-CltM ttf the- M()f1I~\'tf H'l and to 3!:lY in\Uf~n(~ f'Hh<:.c\ th('{l to ft:'"h'C' ;:,h;:dl P;'J:\:\t f,\ th.r. p-o-r.....h:l"\t"f (if ~nHHet <br />9' TNtt ~'f'" ,,QJtt"'''\-~ a:rtd {di.llC'fJl \t('lHlly fm the fl.l_ymttu nl1hf' tt,~t(" dt"'~L.~nbt:d. ;nui ;~1I ~um\ 10 ot"t:om(' Jue- t/O(]tr thi\ <br />~tplt" '-h1: M.grl~...-Of tJttd,) ,\tiugn\ t(} It", Md-fft:l1l1tf:- ~n rrof-H't, ft'..(:'Hut'lo. hiyatoC\, j tgtlH .Hid ~cnchl" ;IU,'rlHng w tht <br />"h'Kl(-.-' "'"~t,,- atld aU ulf ~u..J .;;, !t.-UC\ un !iud -pftmi'5-t-$, ~ lth tht n~h! tn fC,:ty~'(' ;:;l1d rt'~q"H for th(: ~:a!Tl-C olmJ .t'l.~tj)I)' <br />ihfj!"t H"-l~ fn4tfttfdflCU, U ..:-('U belat{ J" ,-ill" dt(;,SuK Hllnc-\ --d th~.. m,'!lg:J~. Mld the ~hH!f.~rJ:>:'"t f':1..;'t\., tkm~nd, we <br />ft}f _. _~<<<t'>vr-r ~1W ),u-{h .p.tY1htnh .htrt due bM p.YilhJt:. 11Ut ..hili n{)t Me r('f~nFtJ !-n h~ IJ,; 1 tot, a'\tf;:nrnOH ,"\ h. ittmm~ll!' <br />,"'t...,,,,,..'lu.ll..,,.j .l><<lulW" rckn. <'I th.. m"ttJ!iI;.~, <br /> <br />tqJ~).~:lolJM H'!:.l'iU <br />