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<br />I <br /> <br />83- U05802 <br /> <br />J will make my monthly payments al <br /> <br />2J20 South 72nd Street, Omaha, ~:phraska 6H124 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />or at a different place if required by the NOIe Holder. <br />(B) Amount of Monthly Payments /,45 _ 63 <br />My montbly payment will be in the amount of U .S, $ . The Note Holder will cbange my <br />montltJy payment a. required by Section 4(C) below on the 6th Interest Change Date and on that day every 36th month <br />thereafter. Each of these dates i. called a "Payment Change Date. uThe Note Holder will also change my monthly payment <br />on any Interest Change Date if Section 5(B) below requires me to pay the Full Monthly Amount. <br />(C) Calculation of Monthly Payment Changes <br />Before each Payment Change Dale. the Note Holder will calculate a new monthly payment sufficient to repay the unpaid <br />principal balance on my loan in full on the maturity date at the Payment Rate in substantially equal payments. The ~Payment <br />Rate U i. the sum of the Index rigures on the rive Interest Change Dates preaedink a Payment Change <br />Date plus the Current Index. divided hy the number o. Pt~s 3,_1.50... ~ercentage poin~ (3_.,50.,.. %). rounded to <br />the nearest one--eighth of one pen:cntage point ((L 12..)%),~~~,i)t n~~a~:<~~:dm?r.~~990%~terest rate changed <br />I will pay the amount of my new monthly payment until the next Payment Change Date unless Section 5(B) below <br />requires me to pay the Full Monthiy Amount <br />(D)EJrective Dare of Payment Changes <br />Until my monthly payment IS again changed. I will pay the amollnt of my new monthly payment each month beginning <br />on the ri"" monthly payment date after the Payment Change Date. or Interest Change Date if] am required to pay the Full <br />Monthly Amount. <br />5. UNPAID PRINCIPAL BALANCE <br />l A) Changes in My t'npaid Prindpal Balance <br />My monthly payment .:nuld be less Than {he amount of the interest .X}rtlOn of {he first Full Monthly Amount I owe or <br />Je-s'';; than the mter-cs! portion of my first Full \rtonthly ;\mount after an Interest Change Date. If so. the Note Holder will <br />'ioubtract the amount of my m~)O[hl~ pa\.merH frnm th-t> ;:unouni (If interes.t 1 dwe and will add the difference to my unpaid <br />principal balance t.'ach month unul the :1('xt Intt.~re_"-l Change Date:. rile Note Holder will also add interest on the amount of <br />this difference {() my unpaid pnnClpal b<-lhuKC c"Jch month. Cntil the next Interest Change Date when the Note Holder <br />detenmne..~ my new rate of interest on my tht.~n unpaid pnnclpal balance. the rate of interest on the interest added to principal <br />will he the rate ddemHned In Sc;':('H(l!l 2 ..:boVt' <br />My tllomhly pa)-mcnl (nllld tx. mon..o lhan !he 4mO\lnl (,t the rull Monthly Amount. If .';0, the {-;me Holder will subtrdct <br />the ditlerrnce from the unp.uJ. pnn...'!pJi ~ajaIKc pt J1l\' loan each month unnl thi.' nt~xt InteTest Change Dak~ as if I had made <br />il rarti~l pn:paymem under Si.'-~:ll-nn .. ht'hm <br />iB) Limit on Unpaid Principal B"lanc~' Rl"luin'd Full Monthly Amollnt <br />My unpaid prmnpaj h<tlam.:c !ll.'\t'r ,;:,\,:t:r:d a maXHnum anwmH l~4ual to ~me hundred twC"nty-fiv-C"- percent {125%) of <br />tht" prm-':Ip-al amoum J nnpnaHy rn).nw.~t:d [t my r~ymg the a1ll\ of my monthly p.tyment after any Interest Change Date <br />~ould ~'ause tr.e unpaid prin-\.'ipal natann: 1;1 L''(,cn~d th.H maXltllUm amrlunl a! any orne. 1 must pay Hlslcad [he Full Monthly <br />.>\mount as my monthly payment unui the next P",i.vmem Chan,.-:.c Dale, <br />6. ~OTICE OF CHAN<;K" <br />The Ntltt Hohicf Wli! mad i,ir d1"..i:\t.'r ", HH: :.J m,t1...-t' \)j ;In\ dlan~C:-' In lhe Full Monrhiy An.-)um and my monthly <br />payment ~forc tOc dlec!n.C' date pi ..:m~ ~ h:ln~t:, Ihl~ ntltl(:\.~ wlli mclude mfomlaUon fCqulfed by law to be giv~n me and <br />also the wk '-lnti tCk--ptlOm.' number pI ;t rX'r~tln \\-f"tO \lofH\\\-cr any que\uun I n-.ay have regarding the nuh,:e." <br /> <br />B. CHARGES: LIENS <br /> <br />Cmfoml CO\CnaUI -4 01 thoe ~ed:nl\ In..rrUl'llt.''IH I'> ,un~nJt."J it! n..'-aJ ~I~ hl!iOV.". <br /> <br />4-. ('~; Lka't, 900"\'\\('! ,haH ~'l;P. <ill !d\..~~, ,~'>'ri..'';",IIH..'nh. ;imJ \~lhc! ..'hargl'~, iinc-s .Hlt! ImpuMllon:-. attributable to the <br />Prnpen~' wh.\.'h m.a~ .maHi " ~\no{1l~ ,>\I..'r till" S<;;'.:tJrtt) In~trul1lC'nl. ,md ka~h'ljd pa)'mcm~ or ground rcnt~. if any, in the <br />manQ('r pnwu.k.-d untk-t' paragn!ph :: ht.'r\.'i.,j nf, If Bi.1I pallj lit _'l-u\.h manner. fly BMruwer makIng payment. when duc, directly <br />to the payee then:uL Borm'.\cr ...hall pmIl1pt1~ lunm.h to L-e-odtr aU oulKe~ u1" dm-Ounh due under this paragraph. and in the <br />event BoITUWl;:"J ~haU mak~ pa}lUr:nt JU"(':l.,'tJ), BorruY\.cr 'lfhiH prnU1ptly fUm\M1 to l.~ndcr receipts evidencing ~uch payments. <br />Bom,,'wcr ..hall pl"Hmpt1; ~h.).\;hargc any hl:n,:h ha~ pnuflt)' ll\a thl~ Sn.unt)' InMnH11Cnt~ pn.vldcd, that Bomry.'cr shall <br />Iwt Ix~ required to Jj:,....'harge ,my ~Udi hcn :-~} hlllg <1... Bnrftw,.er: (OJ) 'ihaU agree 111 wHung to the paym~llIl)f the l)OligatlOn <br />~,..:ureo b)-' S.Udl ht':h III d manner a(~l:pl,Jbk lu L.:ndcr-. d:'l) ~hall In good taith contest ~Ul.:h lien hy, nr dcfcno agams.l <br />enfon:cment of su,h li~n In, jt:'gal rWt..,(,.-.\...J,U1g~ v. tlll.:h lJl the opmion vf Lender npef'dle to prevent the enforclt.'mem of (he <br />hen or forfeiture of the Property or atl)" pan Ihl'rt'\.it; ur I.CI :-.hull ~"t.'Ule !rum lhl: holder tit such lien an agrc~l1lenl in a fonll <br />sat1~tactory to u:ndcr ~ubordumung ...u;,;h Ilt;n ll} thIS Sc(.'u-rity Instrument. <br /> <br />If under delenuines that dll ~)( .in)" of the Property I~ ~ubJtX't w a hen whil:h maj .-dtam a pnorHy over thiS Se....urIty <br />In~ment, L;rnkr 'ihaU send llllth;(' 'identifying ~Ui:h hen, Bomw.'cr ~haH :'iU.isty ,uch lien Of takc one or more <br />'Of the ~t<<m~ ~{ fUM at"Ac \\ouhm ten days ;.)1" lhe gl\oing or noul,:~. <br /> <br />c. :liOneE <br /> <br />LrufonTl C4y,enam 14 of the StA,.unty Imarun~m 1.~ .tIuen\k-d hJ reau a~ follow'! <br /> <br />14.. Notice. EX.l'cpt fOr an;- flLltU;(,'" n-QU1f\.."ti u~r apphl:wk hiW In ~ grl'~n lil anolh!i:l mann~[. HI.) any Hol1C-e: tu HQfJ\l","cr <br />pro't'.i:ded ft1f !fl lhi.s 5ec'umy ln~mcrd :->ha11 be t!tven hy delivermg it or hy ma.iling It b} tirst da.'j) mad to <br />Borrower allhe PrujX"ny AJdre-ss i)f at ~uch olher addrt:~5. J,;. B"lrn)Wl'"J" may J.eslgmltc by notICe too Lender;.e. prtJ\ide-d herem. <br />:aDtJ io) an) IKJtt.:e w Lender ""hall he ~ncn by lirst ....lass- mall to L.cnlkr.~ .itkfn:'~~ ..1;,Hctl herem or to ~ul.,~h olher aJdrt',~s. .i~ <br />L.endc-f may dt~.ign..t-c b}' n{)ttl.:~ h~ Borrower ;{!\ fJ'twided herem. Any n-otH.:'C pro..-H.kd for in this Securit)' Instrument :"ihaH <br />~ d<<!nled to have 'b<<-n giyt"u to lklffi)\\-Cr or L:rn.lcr when given in rhe m~not:I' d('Sl~JH"'~ herein <br /> <br />I). VNU'OIlI\4 MORHiAGE. GOVERNING LAW, SI:;VERABIUTY <br /> <br />Uuih'1tID 'CQ"#elliilU 1.5 01 tJ'k.e, ~unty lnstrumc-nt t-:. wncnded h,J fead as 10Ih.H,\-",. <br /> <br />l5~ lJaitontl~;, f"..u\'a1.Uua lA\t-; M\'erabittl)". Tht'il fnrm of St~-curHY Instrument (>omhiner; unih:mu 1.~....'l,renams h"lf <br />tWili-mtu !J'K anti rw.m-Ull~hJO'n ~-(n,'cninb ....-Ith limH-l'tf v~fiatiDn$ by jurisdk1wn to J,,'onstitute iI \lnif~'~rm ::.C'~;unt)- llhlfUHWtll <br />'-'1j''''~Uf.: t\:'--4i pt\Jpcny 'Tht~ Sc.l:'UfHY Ift'S.tfluncot ,.h,;11l he ~U''''t'mt:{i b'r h~-dcnli Ja"\;\o .i:!1--d tlx' hi"" dl lh( }\.in",uI...'tlnn m \\ Inch <br />t~ i"''9'f-ny ;L'li !tK.-3!-.t'J_ In the \-;"i'(Ht lh~.t ilUY iH-n".l'H('fi \It ,,-l~u.S(' \4 ttH~ .s.~"' !n"\TUIH..""nt ,'1 [hf." ~ltt(' uJnrh...-t" v.lfn <br />~JlJ,iJu;atd(: id,*, \\J\:ft "nMh...l ...-hall tioI .-:dfc''':i pthcc P'HiH'HUH:- ~.lf tnI<'. Sc'\.'lJ.f1t> hl":lJ.rUfHi:'ni '11 th~ ',~I.~~ \-\tHi,.-h ...,JJ1 !~; ~~p....'n <br />