<br />I
<br />
<br />R3...... uU 5781
<br />
<br />I,,'n~k(.. HI:;;".. ,H![(".:ml'ot 01 .ltmiu..',lhlc bw. HOf'fUWC-l" .-.;hall pny the .amount of all mortgage im;urancC' prc:rniums In the
<br />1II,Him.:r -Pl'ovld":tj ~lll-dcr par;~~r~lph 2 hereoC
<br />J\ny amt)H:its d.ishllc'\,",'d hy Lender pursllam to this paragraph 7. with interest thereon, shall become 'addi1iQn~1
<br />Jndd1h,;d'h~"''' (If U.orr(H\'cr ~ccllred hy thi.,. Mon!!agc. 1 :nle~s Borrower and Lender agree fo other- terms of payment. _ s~l~h
<br />lln)(lunls s.haH hI: p:l\!ahlc Up(l/l !l(\licc from Lender to Bnrrower requc_<;ting payment thereof. and ;;.haJl bear intcre.~t froin--the-
<br />date n-f di..ht1r.;;-emcnt .at rhe rati: payable fron,l lime ll,) time on out!iit~mding principal under the Note un.less' -payme~t:-of
<br />intcrus.t at such rate woult! he cOIHr:1rY to applicable law. III \\-hit:h event <;uch amounts shall hear interest at the highest--rate-
<br />r-ennissihlc IInd,'r ilpr1k;thlc law Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />any action h{:rcender.
<br />8. InsPE'('(ioD. l.cnder may ml\ke or cause h\ be made reasonahle- cntric.~ upon and inspections of the Property. - provided
<br />In;:.t Lender ...halt giu,: Borrmvcr nOtice prior to .JOY ~ti~h in<;;pectinn r;;pccifying reasonable cau"c therefor "related to Lender's
<br />inlcrc"I in the Property.
<br />9. C()nd-cmnation. The proceed.. of ;lllY ;rwJrd or claim for damages, direct or cnn\i.equentiaJ. in connection \\;ith any
<br />.:ondc-mf~lfi(\n or other laking of the Pr')flCrlV. ,If pan thercl:'1f. or for conveyance in liell of condemnation. are herehy assigned
<br />;lfht "haB he paid to Le.nde-r.
<br />In th(' c\ent (\r .-. 1{\!;1J Takin~ pf the Property_ !h.... rlo\.:ct.~d$ ..hall r.e :tpplicd to the "illms secured by this Mortgage.
<br />\.tith :hc '.'\\"._';';~ 'f:lfl\ r.)id I,' R("rn'\\~r In Ihe ':'.\"'~1l1 \If :'1 p:lrtial laking ,'f the 'Propcrt\'. unless Borro\\-'er an9 Lender
<br />,'lhl..'rwi<,c ag:n:.;- in writlrq,. tht'f~' ...h:1l1 he ;ll~r!il'"d !(\ :he ...urns ..e-c-un:-d hy thi" r"fortgage '.;uch proportion of the proceeds
<br />,~\ :'i. ,,'l.{H;,1 hI lM:lf rr~\r"~l"tinn "..h;ch ;11(' ::rnnunf i'( It1(' "urn~ ..ecnred hy lh;~ \lortgage immediarely prior to the date of
<br />t;d-;.in~ nc-.lr, In lilt: bllr martet \ ilJnl~ ~,f IlH' Pn"'pcn, tflnm::diatclv rrinr In thi.' daft' of laking. \\-ith the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid h1 Bnrrnwer
<br />Jf the Prl~pi'n\ i" .tt--..mdl')r\;.',l h\ B,'ulmer. nr if. ,;Iter nOlie\.' ~\' r _cnder to Borrower that the condemnor flffers to make
<br />,HI a~'.af(t <Ir ...Clrh.' :i "l.:l.Ifll for d,lfna).!C"- B(,rr0Wi'r (ltb 1<.1 n.'''rond tn I cnder within ~O days after the da:e such notice is
<br />ItEl!1cd. I cntla j" ..l~!lhorile.; to ,-',~!li.'cl ,lnd .<iprh Ihe rn'lo:C"d~. at I ender'" option, either 10 restoration or repair of the
<br />Prof"t-.n\" '!{ 1\1 ,he- _tlm.. ....,,'..:ured h\ !!1l\. \t\lf!~a~C
<br />t 'n~.:\.. J "-'1>\.:r "lnd Hnrr"\\t'l "then\l";" af:rc->: In v.ritint<, .m\" ">ollch arr!I..:.ilIPn of pmcced:l1 to prindpi'll shall not extend
<br />or p""!PtJ;W ;ht" dw: d:ttc ,'f tho.' mnn!hh inq,illrnl:nr:. ,I.'fcrrcd III in Jl~lraf:r:lrh" 1 ;lnd "2 hereof or (.'han~e the amount of
<br />.'ll...-h In<;;laHi1lenI'
<br />tft lklrrOM't'r 'i(l' R{'lea~d. f-'lC'll,>t,\ll ,....1 !nl' {"n.' ri_', p;l\'nll'nf ill" :n,....difi.._.atwn of iln1orti7atlon nf Ihe ~Hms se.cured
<br />hv ltH" "h'rt~UI~t: gfJ.ntCJ l'\ 'i.'nd(;"f fI' Jl\\" ..\1....:("....'.'.'1 'n in!cr......1 I.f R,'ff\)\\er ,h.1l1 n(l! {"'pt?raH.' to rdeasl':, in any manner,
<br />!he !1.If1l11l\ ,-,f the ,,;igtn,d B-.\tr.w.cr dnd Born1\\'L'r'" ..\:..<<:-",,-'h !11 inlert',,1 Il.:ndcr ...hall no! hI..' rC"lHired 1(1 commence
<br />rn.....,~cdjn~.. ;~;!;Im-q ~,h,:h ..,)..C,"',,'~,",'f :'f ~d'lI"(' h' t.:''ih:l'd "nh' fil;' ;'cl\rlh.'1l1 ,'f lllhcn"-'ht.i nh\dif\' :ln1or1il-3lion of the sums.
<br />'-,~"lHt'd n,- Ihi,-, \1.'!1~a~(' r\ ,l..';I"..'O I'r ":\ i.k,l1.lnd tll,lJ~ f<, !h..' ,'n!.:,ll;!.l B.lnrw.-er ,md R~"'rro\"ter's 'illl..'cc!>sors in interc!>.l.
<br />I 1. -Ff)rtw1tran~r in I t'ude-r 'tit a Wah-ec t.'" f,'rr..e.n;\lh'I' h\ (~'nd"'f H1 ('\t'r('l<;!n~ ,Ill\" richl or re-med.... hereunder, or
<br />,1Iht~rwl"'\. ,dL\(\k,j h\' ,:pph,.lhk [.1\\ I wa,\t'f ,,! .lr ~'rc..:llltk lhl..' t:''\cn.:ji(' ~'f ~1l1\' :'\uch right or remedy,
<br />Tht' rrf1"~.tH(.nH"n! I'! !Jl"lir~\n,;.. "f '~'W :',J\n~~"'~ '1 l.,\,'~ :'1 ''!~1C li<.'~l'" ,>\ ,:haq_',., b\ I cndl'f "h.dl not he;1 \\;li\,cr of !.endcrt~
<br />ri~ht 1;' ,.,:.:,'kr.ll1.' ~h~. m:'\:llIi1'. i 1:-1, '.d,'~'~('dn,:.., '.-, i., \!,'nL',IL'l'
<br />12. R'Ult'dj('..,('UfilUbdh'('. \1 .:~11t',-;'\." ,,;,' ,,(,d. < ,'Llti~l""(' ;:~- ,1!'.'llh_\ ,~il,! o.llHlU!ali\/..' tn ,In\- ('I her right or
<br />f{.'fHCd\' ,uh_kr r'll~ \1,'n~.;~~ ,1i .tihH'(kd i \! ,'I,-'l,H\ n" Pl..t, r~~. '_cOt, ,Yl<,.\;rr,'n~h :ndcp..'ndentlv tlf qH.TC,-,'.>ively
<br />13. Sut..n'~wr... :md h,\-iJ.:"' Bnund: 'oint and St., ('nIl I ijhilih-: (';Iption..., rht' "" l'nall1'; .Hld ,1~rl'('rnentS herein
<br />(nntaJoed ..h.lll blll.j >,~\{1 tn\..' '1,:1-,r... r,n~'i '\kr ,'-,:11 ,:lH.,' '.' :'1<.' ,,'''p\', t q' ....!"....~,"pro. ..nd ,I"i~n" ,J I cnder .lod R<;)rrower,
<br />"nhw.:t j(" 1;1'>.' ;~h,\i"-:dil~ .\.! :',H.,.c~ ':1" ,~ ~\l.l' \'j ',I:H~ ,'1' ,'1:\ ,If Rllft\'\\r:r dull h~' J'--'l!1t ,lnd "cveral
<br />rhc ...:..IfHli"lh .l1hi ~ICdJji!1f\ ,'I tr~' ,'..i.f,l~'- ,t+" '~',I" \t,o~H'.;o:,- . ")\','rn..'1 h.: t' ,'nil. '!n,j ,Ire 11\'1 !o he u'ied 10
<br />.ntl~rf'\'\'t i\r dc-lln;.: ~h::.' ;~r~'\ ,,:.,,-,.
<br />J~. "(llh.-t.. r-h~f'1 f", :'::'\ ...~-" \.\'n ;11 ;\!h,!hl,.'t m.HII1<.'-r_ (.Il ~iO\" notice to
<br />B-;~rr<twt.', "r,'\ld,-.d "'1 n ,lip.. ';'.1\1 ,orifl-.';J l~ud .ldd!',->",-'d [" R(irrov.-I.'r at
<br />the Pr-'>f!\,"!1Y -\-\d,e...... "f ,'~ \,1(1,,',", ','11":'" 1,1 1 ~'~hkf ,IS pl",~\'id-t.'d herein, and
<br />ihl ,un n~)h;\... :.' 1,')",,-"' ,t": ;: 1,( <:.'. !,' I ~,..,'.:<'~ _,d.!rc"., ~lil:,,'d herein {1( to
<br />"\lH,'h ,-'lh{~t' ,ld~:rt:~" _i'\ ;: ;."-',!c, cL q([':,~( ~, \'1\ 'h~tK~' prp\'ldeJ for In lhh
<br />\f,'rlg:.ij.!C' ;;hi.iH j-x' d,-'~;~1\.<d . , \;,1' ,-. h-.c.':" l..';\-,'n 1,) !L': I. I, cl,1l'l ~ f1;'n ~~n.'n In !ht.' m..rlt)('r dt~,i1!n<'lltd he-rein
<br />15~ l"nif()rm 'IO-n~ltge-; (;lu..rn~nl!' ..aM.; '--'''.'"raMI.h. j ;_-'10;' ,'f nWrlC,h'\' ,-mnninn un:t'l-lrm (V\'l'l1~lll" f,)!" n:lli()nal
<br />use ~nd nfH1-ilfH!,-.rrH .:<'.('fijnj.. :" hmHc.J " -'f, 1,<. ~-('ild)t,,:..~ ,I UIl!:,Hnl "~~:\lrd\' Hl,lrunlcnt covcring
<br />reai prOpi:.'fl\ Pk' \1\'n_....l~l' ..!,;l![ h' ~I"l'!' ,',J C'\ 'hl' '_j"~ ,:rJ"dtl.'l\"f1 i'i \\hid' lh~' Proper{\' ;" hKated, In the
<br />event th;.;! ,If"!\ p~.,\':",-.'-'; c'l : ;;,~{ . \!O:l~'.n:~. , !, . ";11);,,!- \\Hli ;,rrli':-;lhk 1.1.\\-', ..u.,:h (:on:lll.:! ..;hall IH't ..ffect
<br />\.'"'<the-r pnl\j"'I~~n~ ,.{ ,hl\ \1.,IP:!,:l.:~' '\<("!~. d'pc'\ ,-_l:1 f',-. ,~'\l.'n l'~kll ,,-jih'llt the ;",Hlfh~lin~ prn\-j.,i\lll_ and J(} 1his
<br />end the r"-;;'H>;;i...no. ,~i ~h,,-' \-t.'r!?;t~l'" ._.ne! thl' ~..., (~. ,i,,, i.il\.'"d ~,' ~: \t'\"!.:'!;lhl-:
<br />'6. 8nnn"..r'" ('np~, R~lfr."<,-1.'r -..h,d h.' ;t ,!;...h-(',l ,1 _ .'"'I:,'rnKtl (",'In- "t the -"\I!~- Ind ,....i ;hl\ "orh";i1f!t" ;II the time
<br />('I C:'1e..:ulli.)fj \,r ;ttf(~r n..~(~'rthlh)!l ht"t"_,t
<br />17, TnuuItt of fht' PfUpt'rt~; A,-\.umplttltl, I; .1:' ~',,11.\ i',jr; ,'d ;!Il.' Pr,-"'ptrn. \,r :lllllltef\.'\;t Ih-creln j" ""Id ,"r transferred
<br />h\ .9orn\"'-Cf ..~fth\,ut I.l'm.kr'.; p:rn-lf ,~rH1:~'il ,-.'[he')' ~''.,"'idJn'ii! ;,L lh: ~r\',j!ion \'( ,t hen ,."'r t'n..;umhf<IHl'C '\lloonhoJle h'
<br />rht.." Mo-rtg.tg\:' ,hi Th~ ,.n:-31In:\ ,'1 .; ;'\I!,.-r:.1~.(" :1h'lh...\ <.,'<..\l;li~ ,iHt'r::'i.! (l'f ik'u<..chold aprkllK\.'-"':, (\.'j ~l lran~fer hy devise.
<br />dCSCi:nt flf ~\- ";X'fati("\" ;"\t 1.1\1. lll'>{m th~ t.k.ath ,'r .l J\~l1~1 l<.:l1;tlll ,'1" 1 j .L tI < ,~~J 11 r l.. I ~ lt1r J 1 . f 1hriJ9 ' JU t:rr ~r 1.1:11
<br />it' i rt. ~lt r-~ f. t l r'1. l coder il1J) Jt I 'Ti,dcr.~ ,'pt\\'fi_ J;t:1:_dt: ,iiI tht..' ..urn" 'e-..:t!red l--1\' lhi" Mortgaj!e to be
<br />HnnledHHd\' due ant! rayabl~ L-..:rakr ..,hilli h:i\t:" \L.n\~d -"lh;h \lpthJIl ,~. ;;l<..:.."I..'"!CfoiH: d. pnpf tl' the ..;:\lc ,\I- transfer, Lender
<br />and the pcr-.....,r'l 10 Whllfl1 the; Pr('lr-...t{~ h w bc 'H)I,J \-'1" ,r.ln"'i...rfl....J rca...!) diUl:emeot In \"ntln~ !h~H the (ft"Jtl t"'!f :\t1ch pers.on
<br />1\ sattUactC'!!' l., I enikr ;;nd th;;u rhe mh..h.....l pJu.r.k I'll th\.' ~"Pl" '>-t'ct,red h (hi~ \1,':tP1t:l' ,fl.l!! he ~It ~m.:h ra.le as Lender
<br />~t\.itH requC'~t If Lender hb Wa!\.'cJ lht' '-'r"~~I~ ki d(.'"..:~.'kr,,1.( p:.wldcJ ," ,hi.. pJfa.g.r.Jph 17 and If R.\rrowcr\, ~U~ce\sor in
<br />lfUeffl.t has t~X<<ljlW a WJ1He-n .i-humplH)n .\f:n:ement ac(cptt'J If: \, ri{mg hy I L'fhlcr 1 ~ndcr ...h,lll rdc-;i'!c Borrower from all
<br />(,bligahons under lhi'i Mortgage and th~ :"";ote
<br />If Lender c\erdses ~H\,':h \\Nion r-:.... .h.:.~dt;f.H;: _ l endc; ..h,d! P1.ui BpI W',\ ,,-', 'IOh.~' .,( .h.:.:eleratil'n in ;h:l:ordancc with
<br />~rt&graph 1': h(--re..,(, Stk~h nNI~.t ...h.d} prP"<ldt- d reriod nf 11<" k1."! 111:111 ~n 1.1'-1\" 1'rpm lhe date the notice j;; maited Wilhlfl
<br />whK:h BoHowe-r ma)' ~y fh~ "um~ decl-J-fCd dut:. I; Borw....n f.rtl\ 1(1 pay ..u,-h '-din" fmM {\-' lhe t:'\pirali\,l) "f 'lh.:h period,
<br />Lcmdcr flU}.. wiln(\\u furtltt-r m'\tH.'C flf .kmand ~m 8(ifWy.er. i1l\'nl..c ;-g}\ r('"mt:'dic~ relffi:tted hy raragraph tR hereof
<br />
<br />NoN~llfonroiltM COVENANTS- 8-1.')!wwc'f and Lender funher ;;L'\'~'na!lt ..oJ a~rec fi:. fnlh1ws.
<br />.1.. A~ R~. FoX<<pt., pro.-kIflI in paRKraph 17 hen-of. upon Borru""e-r's br",ch of any eonn.an' or
<br />........, 01 ~~f" i1t taw ~1o""'. ilKiudia& 1M (.'o,",~nant.\ to p8) ~htfl due >>n~ ~Ulm secured by Ihbi Mona..e..
<br />t.aot.r ""'" ... _..... >looII nutiI ....Ii<< 10 _.owe. .. p,mld<d in pan'l~ntph 14 h....." ,!"",Jlyin.: (I) th. b",~:
<br />/lIllM ........ ~ to' C_ ._ bocadl: (31 . dal.. nol IcM IhP 30 day. lrom lhe date the pOlic. b mailed 10 Borrowe..
<br />by wllkllt -" .......10 ...... loa clll'Ccl; ..... 141 lhaI lallt.... to cu.. _h bRaeh oft '" befo.. the do" lIpC<ifi.d in Ih. uotkc
<br />..., ....... 10 _hnotloa of 11M: ....... _urod by Ihls M.......... fnrecloourc by J"didal pro",<<Ii... and ",Ie of Ih. """,,,It)'.
<br />'"", 1ODIk. ..... tun.... W_ _......n of lhe 'iahf In "'I........ aI... .e<'den'ion .nd ,he ~hl 10 ....n in lhe to""'k......
<br />___ IIIe _........ of a dcf_ 0< a"y ot"', dot_ of Borrow.. 10 ace.Ie"""... om! fn_IM...... If lhe breach
<br />Is _ ..... ... or W..... I'" .... lIpC<_ In the nolice, b.ndH .1 l.enclfi'. np(lnn may dfflan- all of Ih. ....... ....'0..,.. by
<br />.. ~ to ... i.......Wdy c1... .0Id pay..w. "II_I fun!to. do......... ..... _y r"..d.... by jndlcia. p""....U.... tend",
<br />.w- t)e- fllfitW- kl ~.t .. $tiC. ,,-Hditta all t',ptQ8ft of 'MfflnMut". lrK-ludtq, bu. I1.fJl limited 10. t:I:)lSt~ or doc\llm'nt.r}
<br />.._e. ......... ..... lit" "'...._
<br />f.. ~tf, Jticbt t.. ...~, "~ffWllhJ.!.H~-thn~ I{'n-clt:r~ _l;i...cknif,,_m \.f (ft{< ~!Im~ '\f'<:med t"1". iht\" \-i!'!tj;':.l.f<\.'
<br />Bt'f"~'i'~\;ll'('t "httH ~Ot'*''f f!~ f~h; in tn"l:' ,Hi} r~~lt,.',,'>:d/n~'" }~j:un i'. I dodc.l I" '_-Ilt,~",_-l" !hi" \h;nf;~g~ d"'l'''~IHl!l\l'.U ..11 MH !Hlh'
<br />
<br />