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<br />r <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />cEIL~ro 5777 <br /> <br />9. C........... The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or consequential, in connectiOn with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu ot condemnation. are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid to Lender. <br />In the event of a tot.1 taking of the Property. the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trusl, <br />wilh the excess, if aoy, to Borrower, In .he eVent of a partial taking of Ihe Property, unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall be applied to the sums secured by Ihis Deed of Trust such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to !hat proportion which lhe amount of lhe sums secured by Ihis Deed of Trust immediately prior '0. !hed.te of <br />.aking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with .he balance of the proceed. <br />paid '0 Borrower. <br />If the Property is abaodoned by Borrower. or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor ollento'make <br />an award or settle a claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the 'dale-such "noticc''is <br />1IllU1ed, Lender i. aUlhorized to collect and apply .he proceeds. at Lender's option, either 10 restoration or repair of !he' <br />Property", to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />Unless L~ and Bo'mw~r otherwise- agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to- principal shall not extend <br />or poilJlOne the due date of the monthly iost.llmen.s referred '0 in f'aragraphs , and 2 hereof or change the amoun.of <br />sud{iD$!allments. . <br />10. Borro'fffl' Not RdeMed. Extension of the time for payment or mOdification of amortization -of the sums. secured <br />hy this Deed of Trust granted by lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release, in any maimer, <br />the liability of the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be required to- commence <br />proceedings against -such s.ucc-essor or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the- sums <br />secured by this Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in -interest. <br />I J. FOl'beanInee by Lender Not a Waiver. Any forbearance by lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder. or <br />mherwi5e afforded by applicable law, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the ex.ercise of any such right or remedy; <br />The procurement of insurance (."It the payment of tax.e:s. or other liens or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's <br />right to accelerate the maturity of the Indebtedness secured I;ly this Deed of Trust <br />12.. RemMi6 Cumulatbe. All remedies provided in thIS Deed of Trust are distinct and cumulative to any other right <br />or remedy under this Deed of Trust or .afforded hy law or equity, and may he exercised concurrently. independently- or <br />successively. <br />/3. Su<<......... aDd A...... Bound: JuIn. and Several l.iabillty; Captions. The coveoants and agreements herein <br />-contained shall bind, and the right~ hereunder shall inure to, the respective successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower; <br />subject to the provisions of paragraph } 7 hereof. An covenants ..wd agreement!'; of Borrower shall be joint and several. <br />The captions and headings of the paragraphs ('If this Deed of Trust arc for convenience only and are not. to be used to <br />intcrp~t or ddine the provisionS- hereof, <br />14.. Notke~ Except ror any notice reqUired under applicabk law lO be given in another manner. (a) any notice to <br />Borrower provided for in this Deed of Trust shaH be given by mailing such notice by cenitied mail addressed to Borrower at <br />[be Property Addrcss or at such other address as Borrower may designa[e hy notice to Lender as provided herein. and <br />(b) any notice [0 L~rnkr shall be given by certified mail. rerum receipt requested. to lender.s address stated herein or to <br />~uch other- addrc5$ as Lender may designate by notice 10 Borrower as provided herein. Any notice provided for in this <br />Deed of Trust shall be deemed to been given 10 Hormwer or Lender when given in the manner designated herein. <br />t!. Uttif-Qf'r! IJeed of Trust: Gotl'r-minc Law; St'vrrahility. ThiS form of deed of nust combines uniform covenanls for <br />national use and n-on~unif-orm covenants with limited variatIOns hy IUrisdicltoo to .co.n!'i!itut~ a uniform security instrument <br />covering real property. This Deed of Trust $.hall he g(,...'erned hy the law of 1he JUrlsulcuon to which the Property is loca1ed, <br />In the event that any provision or clause of this, I'>ttd of Trust or the NOle \.:ontlicts wuh applicable law, such conflict shaH <br />not atf<<t_ other pro'YlaloRS of this. Deed of Tru!'-t ()f the Note which can he gtven effect without the conflicting provision. <br />and 10 thHi cftd--U--provisKms of 1M Deed 01 1 rml ~nd the NOle I1re- declared to be severable, <br />16.- Berntwers (:..,~ Bofl't')'Wef shall bt: hmm.hed a "on formed ,."opy of the Note and of this Deed of Trust at the time <br />uf execution or after recordation he~f <br />17. Tnnsf-er of the Propeny; AllIUmpdotL If aU Of any part or Ihe Property or an interest therein IS sold or tram,ferred <br />hy BorroWU' without l.c-nder"s prior ""THten (Hnsent. e~dudlng 1.:1; the l~reatl()n of 3 lien (If encumbrance subordinate 10 <br />this Deed of Trust, (h) the cre.ahon of a pUfchas.c 'HOlley M':cunty mterC-S1 tor hOtl~ehold appliances. (c J a tran-.fer by de\'tse. <br />descenll)r by operation of law upon the Jeath of a IOlnt tenant or .( d) (he Brant t1t any leasehold interest of three l'cars or less <br />not contaming an option (0 pun::hasc. Lender may, ;It Lcnder"s optfon. de-clare all the suItl$ $-ccuroo by this Deed 0 Trust to be <br />immediately due and pay~bk. Lender s.haU ha\'e waived !uch option to accelerate if. prior to Ihe sale or transfer. Lender <br />and the pcDOn to whom Jhe Property i" to be soW or I ran!lJt:rred n:ac::h agreement in wri.ting that the credil of such person <br />is satisfactory to Lender and thal the mternl }41}-ahlc on [he ~um~ ~~Ufed by lhis Deed of Tru~1 ~hall be- at such rate as <br />Lender shalt requat. If Lender has w.uvcd the- ~)ption to "c~-denl(' pfOvlded in 1his paragraph 17, and if Borrower's successor <br />in interest: hu executed a written assumption agret:metil a..;ccpt-ed In writing by Lender, Lender shall release Borrower from <br />aU obligations under this ~ of Trust And t~ NOlt, <br />U Lender exercises such optlon to a~.ce:leril.te, l.ender \h.aU fnltil tkuwwer n-Olice or acceleration in accordance with <br />parapaph 14 hereof. Sucb notice shaH pn..wu.k oil; pc-tl~>tJ of I1l,ll len than .10 days from the- date the notice is mailed within <br />which Borrower may pay the sums declared due. If Bt.1!1t)wer fillh 10 pay such sumll prior to lhe ex.pirahon of s.uch period. <br />Lender may. wdbout funber noltce Of Jc:mand. on BOr-roWC"I, Invoke an)' rc::medie! permitted hy paragraph 18 hereof. <br />NdN,UNlfOlt.M COVENAN1'S, 8orrower anO Lenticr turther I.:-Ovenant and agree Oil) follows: <br />18. Acctiftal.... R~ E:uc:pt.,. prvwic1c4 io ,....... 17 he~f, upoa Bono",,,,r. bRae'h of .ny coveout or <br />_I of Bo......... i.. lbio Ilft4 01 Tl'llS1, i..dodln& ..... <0._...... t.. pa} ..heu due an} ....... secured by .bis Deed <br />01 T..... Lende< prior '0 ll<:<tkntlo. s!uIII mail notk... 10 Bo"....e< as pro.ided in ~ 14 he~ spedlylug; (I) Ih. <br />~; (1) tIoe actloa roqllirocllu <un: _ broach; (3) a date. not I... lha.. 30 do}, rrum tho dato lhe notk. is maUed 10 <br />........e<, by _h iwu<h m.... be <_; _ (4) .hat faU.... '0 <.... _h b...""h .... u< before Ihe date sp""ified <br />I. I"" DOtke _ ........ in ll<:<tkntiom of lhe ....... ~curod by this o..d of Tnm .ud sale ul Ihe Property. The uotke <br />sIIaII fudher ioIun. Bom..... of I'" """ 10 m_e alle< a<<oIeratiom and lhe rich! '0 briRa a <..urt .ctio.. 'u .....rt <br />tIoe ~ ..I . dof_ Dr ..yother dof_ of Bor....... 10 an.Jenotioft _ sale. If the broarh is no' <urod <br />au or hd..... tho dale .-,.dllaI In lho notk., I....... a' 1.0........ optiun ....y dorIaro all of tho ....... ..<ured by Ihis Deed <br />of T...... to be lauMdiaIoI} d.. _ ,"y_ .._. flJrther dom_ _ may in.ok. tho po...r of saI. _ any other <br />penRltletl by appIicabIo la... Lende< sIIaII be eJdi_ to _. all .......wtbIe <oollI _ n......... lncunod in p.....ulug the <br />.......... ,....Wed ia lhis _..... J" iIociadlIoc. but &01 IiaUtetI '0, .......wtbIe auorney's f.... <br />If ... power uf .... is Ia....... Trasloc sbaIi "",ont a nolko of def_ In eadt eounIy i.. whldt tho Property or som. <br />(JIIlt ,......, Ii Io<aletI ..... sIIaII Mail topleI of AIdIt_ ia tho _ ,roKriIletI by appIkahIe .... 10 ..........r ud 10 the <br />ntItu .......... pnsoriIletIby ................. Mitt IIw ~ of """" Ii.... as _y be roq1llred by applkable ...., Trustee sbaIi <br />1M....... lIUlke 01_ ia "'" ........... _ In the maRROr _rlbnl by .ppli_ I...., ..i'hou' olemand on <br />..........., sIIaIIdlbe '-'7 al pu\IIic _tion 10 lhe hlc...... bidder ., t.... time _ place ud undor the 'erms dooic..atetl <br />la 11M: _ of ute ia _ or ... par.:els ..... in _It unler as T_ ....y dolermiao. Tn>otee _) postpoue ... of all <br />or aay ,....,.. of 11M: '-'7 by paIoflo __ at .... limo and pla<e ot aD} prniotooJy s<hodulod ..Ie, t........ or <br />~.oi",~....~yp.rdl...~"",,""!,~~y_,.~_.. .., . . __' ~--' .._ <br />1..lpOIl,J"eC:dpI-"""_ III' Ute pncc ..... II1tSlee- ___ """er io iae jlii~i~ - -, Ilq;a OOIIvc-ylftj iiK rropc-riy <br />..... 1lte redlak ia 11M: T_"s ..... sIIaII "" ~ f""Ie ..Idearo of I'" truth ..f the _ made I......m. Trustee <br />....1IfIII:r 11M: ~ of..... la ... f................, (a) tn all .........- <OilS ud ....- of ."" sale. I..dudlaa. ....t <br />aulllodei ... 'tl'l!olee"s I.. 01.... _ tfoaa . OS'!\. of .......... .. prire, .-.-abIo ._y', feet alJd _fa of <br />~:.w...., 00.. aD_ _...... 'y IhIa Oed uf TnIlit; _ (<)Ibe nc_, If any. to I'" _ .... ........... lopI/y entitled <br />19; ........1tJpI ia........ Not..i1holandioi Lender', acceler.tion of tho sum, .ecured by Ih.. Deed of n...t, <br />IIorrowc;r ha.. lhe "-". 10 have .ny pr....--eedin,. bellun by t.nder '0 enforce this Deed of Tnt.t diS<.-on.inued at <br />any'. prior to .... _rlier 10 """"r.ot (i) the fifth day helot. .he .... of .he Prol"'rty porsuant '0 the ""wer of sale con",ned <br />m 1hi&0ed ufT_t or (ii)Mlry of -iudpnent enforOug this Deed of Trust if: (a) Borrower pay. lender all sums which WQuld <br />hI;!llIIu dQou.... t!lis 0I:lld of Tn"'t, the NOIe and not... _urioe Future Ad....""" .f any, had no .""deration occurred: <br />(b) ~ .,.,....u ~ ..I .ny 01...... co.......'" or .,r",,,,,,ob of Borrower contai!l<ld in llli. Deed of Trust; <br />r"')~ pa,. at! ~ u....- incurrod by t.ender and Trust... in enf_malhe ,-o""no"'s and 'C_n., o( <br />a.n- ~... tll;. Coed of 1'0l$l oml in eulm..:inl Lender', and Tro..e.', remodies a, pro.ided in p.rag'.ph 18 <br />llenlot, ~ ....t _ l~ tu. "'-.bJe a<<"""'Y's 1_; and (d) Ilono,"",< t.k.,. ,urh ac''''n .. tender m." ,, <br />........ to _ that .... lieu 01 tlri< Coed of TI\I<t. lender', .n",..... In .he f'r",,,,,,y "nd', oblill.;,lIon '0 P', <br /> <br />