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<br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br /> <br />83-' 005750 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />THIS INDENTURE. ..... thiL__----17t~,____ day of ~"~~qQ~__,-- <br />_JU8LITR H. KRUSLi\NQ-5IDBU_IJ':1,-K~. husb,ano and wife <br /> <br />of ~,__ County. Nebra-sta. as monpgor --5--_. and Home Federal SavintiS and Loan Association of Grand Island. acotpOration <br />orpniztd and exiwJlI under 1M laws of the United Slales of America with its pnncipal office and place of business .at -Grand Island, NebrMka. as <br />- <br />WITNESSETH: Tha"aid ""'''1''80' _~___,_, for and in considenltion ofthe ,urn of TWE NTY THOUSAND AND NO IIOO~- - --- <br />20,000.00 <br /> <br />----- ------- - - -------~~-=-::::----- ---- ---- --- >-- --- --------- - !Jolhl~(S. <br /> <br />), <br /> <br />the receipt of wbkh if> hereby acknowledged, do .____~__ by th~ presents mortgage and warrant untO' $IIld'MiOi'tpgee! its(,sl.!~son and,-asstana,' <br /> <br />rOl'eftr. all 1m follow1ftJ described real estale, situattd in lhee County of ____lj~L L _,__~ <br />and State of ~a. to-1ilo)t: <br /> <br />LOT NINE (9), IN BLOCK FIVE (5), IN SCHIMMER'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRANO ISLAND, <br /> <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> <br />To;;mber ...jt-fi all ---mg. air conditioning. hghlint{. Ilnti plumblllJ{ ~.t~'Upmt"lll Md fixturet'. indudtnJ; !KM.'n~, i1wnin~, storm windows tlnd <br />doonl, and..lndow ~ OJ' hUndt. u~onOf' UI ,onnectlOn wl~h ~a,d property. "'il~the-r lnt> 5amt' art' n(IW ioc-aH<d. tm stud propert}' or hereaftt>r <br />phlood 'honoo <br /> <br />TO HA VE AND TO BOLD THt; SAME. ti)~ll'wr *ic..h &1 .no :,unguJ.r tiw t..nV-mt'tlh. uUli appurtenances lhcrt!Unto ht.. <br />kl!'~ng, or m &n.Y1lflH .~, ktrTver. .nd ..arrant t~ tltle u) thto y~. Said motKllJ{ur::;: ht'n~hy t'ol.'l'ntun With said <br />mon.c&gtl@ that t tw 'i are , -.l Uw dtiiverv berooL li'a;. tAwluJ O'Nflt"T s llf ttw shove roO\'t')'oo iUld dt'snihed. <br />.lnd ,_ a!"€ SMPd of. .rood and u:~dcfeulblt> ~1-4lt~ of mhetllanu> therem. free and d~r of aU t>IlCumhrllm:-,t's, tlnd that he will <br />warrant .nd dtdend ~ utle t.~ fOffrVcr-!tl ttl~ dl!llffi_~ and demand~ Hf IllJ penton" wht)tn~"t!T <br />})RQVlllEO AL.W A YS. and thlS 1nM-ru:monlll ,,&<<Ut....o wd d'-tln"i>ttld tAl wt'tue I he pllynwnl of dw sum of Tw~ NT 'y' n~O!--J_SAi~ 0 AND <br />NQ/lPQ-:--------------------- ---- --- - ----- -- -- -- ------ - ---- !JolI.", I> 20,000, IJO L <br />..,kh~ t.bNeon. ~ ....uh $l.M:bchllrew Mod ..d"tln~ u mil) ~d~ 4nu I~}lihlf.' tc) SIiW mort,gllg~ uhdN lhl:' tl'rms ulId conuitions <br />of t"~ ROWel even date bent.nh and Wtl,;.lm'(i N>:reLy. ut!C\IWd by \O&u1 nwrtgBgO-T~ tt\ ~.uti mor-tgag\"ItJ, pHyablt' as cxpre~~ <br />in aatd DOte. and to OI\ICure U. Pfrlorma.tK'J1 oJ alllht! u-nm and ('oooiUtltl* {,'(If\lamOO lh~A'tn. iht' ~rrn... of said mite tire hereby IOn)rpUf"t~ <br />-.. by thiI__ <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />It ill the ~ and t(P'MmNlt. of lhe-parue9 herew that thts .tUortg..-ce ~h.oJl &bo ~ure llU}' future tildvanct'!i mad..- to said ml)rtgagor <br /> <br />by saW ~. and c:.ny aDd.all ~ in addition to to*, amount lIbtJVtt stated which lll3id mortgagors., or any of them, may O'A-t! lO <br />Noid ~. bo"-''''eI' .videot.:ed. w~ by not-t', book KCwnt or t;ther-wUMl- This murtgag'3 !lhaU remam In fuU forn' aiM effect I)(.lwl!'('n <br />u.- ~ bertt.o and lbNr heir:a, penonaJ NpreH.nlat,JVeB, JSuu~s.'!iOn and 8S&lgnS. until aU amount.s ~red hereonder, mduding fUlun' <br />adv.~, t.N paid in fuC wit.h <br /> <br />The ~ ,_~__. htnby auian _~ to Mid ~_ ..U I't'!nUi and ineomtl ariBing at an)' and aU UmetS- from :l'aid proptM'ty uno <br />hrereby atlthorlM Mid ~ or ita- agent. at tts Gptwn, upon de~.uJt., to uke -c~ of rnd. property and ..'01I<<t ail rent~ alld 1fll,,'tJftU' <br />~ aNi aJl!Ply thtl aa.IIM' to- \-be paYJ:n8Gt. of tntenf8f., princlpal. insuranr.e pttlmiunls. tueii. Ilssessments, re(lilirs or impro'o't>ult'nu< <br />-.y ........_ _l' lA _ _, or l<>othe< cl>ar.., or _""""" provided fOl' bono. or In the note hervby """..""I. Tho> <br />NM. ~c. shall coatmue Ut fon:a unW: the u.npU:l bata.n&:e -of....w not.Mo 1$ fully, The of ~n heroonder shaH in no mamwr <br />~ct Of nued said ~ in tlw roUect.ioh 4'H 5tid Sutl);$ by toreclosUfb or otheN-iw <br /> <br />n. flihu'V vi ~ ~ W a!\Y of iu rights btmronder .t any time ~haU not b~ t.'OMtruOO tlJ'l a waiver of it.... r4tht to Q,.">.'Wrt tht' <br />__ at aay 1aUr to inaifi- upon Ilcd.mor<< ~l"ct comp~ w,th all the l.t>r-n-.s and pro'o'iswnt; of !!iaW nut&!- and nf thl!!i tn(lftgal!Cl~ <br /> <br />I{ said ~ s .un caWi6 Lo t. paxi to ~ In()~ ~ tUlhn- a.r.nount due it bt!nlU-ntitlr. and undur the hmn.s anu pro\'islfins <br />of aid 1!IOW Denby MCW'ed, ~ futla~ tadVaDCe$. .nd an)' utensi()-Q$ Qt fWW\Vau. lhto.ruof in aCt't.lTda~ witb the t('rms and pmvi!oioM <br /> <br />~...t.... i .._~ _~~"--.---- ,hail eompi;y-1I'ith.U tiw 'provw~ of said nQt.9 and ullhu mor~. thto:n t~ ptt?tiellU\ shall bt'- vuld. <br />~-co....JafWIiorca.........aa:wl-.ld~..ballbel$titled to the-po-aaeuK>n of aU ofliaid propt'rty..nd Rllly. at iU.llplk>I\. <br />~.u........ 01.... _ """ ..u ~ ~ thoroby to be _...Iy d"" AP<l poy.hlD, and ""'y 10__ u.o. '""rtll"". <br />.........., otllOflopl_... ~ iwFiclJl.- ~ "",ved_ <br /> <br />._~, J:haU tw b~- Qpoa Mti aUli IIWte to the belWltit of t~ hein. U\olt."UWffl, lu1m<<Utitrat.m-5, suc~n ilM, ~ <,I th.. <br />......,.lft -""""" ~, <br /> <br />~;t_fltWJ,T'H" WHEREOf". Mt4 M~ ,? n. _.\l~,,_ hemu.tI-U \I!et- t,heir hand :~ t-ge day and ,,!,(!W' lit,", dho~'I' <br /> <br />,..~ ,1.... :;. /' <br /> <br />iiiai{~~<;:Ia1{ .~="',,~"=d r,' . <br />