<br />DiED V"" TRUST
<br />
<br />83- 005744
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />GRANTOR(S}: r;~~~~;
<br />~*""'4"'. "'_"T IfilIYHI.'" t..II.--.'" ,.."'.... ~U'.T .....1'1."-
<br />StwU_y.1Ucba~dL Studley LindaS
<br />........,.. _A~_"".. .~ _TATI!: ZIP <:00
<br />633 Eaat MacArthur Grand Island tiE 68801
<br />
<br />;-:. '~:;-'<-~
<br />
<br />41 ~ West~=...~tr4~~~~J~,.o
<br />P .O.llOx536
<br />
<br />j~...
<br />
<br />
<br />;;>>E~~"~ .. .
<br />
<br />,_ ,.n_.-."
<br />nlls DEED OF TRUST. M.de this.-2!ltLd.y of October . 19.1Ll--. between Richard L an4. Li~SSt~.
<br />hemn.fter called TRUSTOR. who", .dd.... i,_~~~.,EaIlE,.!'!'!~.I:I!~s Grand Island, tiE . and Clay M.RoS_">";',
<br />-.-At~!!y.::.@.t~law _. be,ei""fl., called TRUSTf.E. who,", .dd;e"i' 10330 Regency Parkway Drive. OlIaha.JlE'
<br />and AVCO FINANCIAL < SERVICES r!\t'TERNATIONAL. iNC., a N~br<uk;l: corpotation~ hereinafter called BENEFICIARY, WJ,.6se: -lJ,dtJr~M _is -
<br />--.4U-West Thi~!!._J~,.~ llm!.53!l-t.,JLr.!!','L~~~~-L,.l."E 68801 .
<br />W1TNfSSETll: Tlu' Tn..tor GRANTS. CONVEYS. SELLS A~j) W ARRAN1'S TO TRUSTEE. IN TRUST. WITH POWER OF SALE, lhefo1Wwing,rlescri~.
<br />f.f<!pertv. llitw".d in lIall ...._.._....,._,~___ County. Nebrasb; A tract of land C01llpr1sing a Part of !.tit
<br />'IS Jbebnck' s Subdivision in the Southeast Quarter of Section Fifteen (15), Township lUe:v.u (11)
<br />liorth. llaagaNine (9)Weat. of the 6th P.M.. in Hall County. Nebraska moreparticulaJ;1ycde8cribe6'.
<br />.. follows: Beginning at a point on the Southeasterly line of MacArthur in the City ofG1."aud
<br />IBland. llallCounty, Nebraaka. said point being Thirty-three (33) Feet Southaasterly and Thiie
<br />Hundred Thirty-uine (339) Feet Southwesterly from the Northeast Corner of said Lot "~" )",ebli.',
<br />Subdivision thence Southeasterly Parallel to the Northeasterly Line of Said. Lot "R" a tlilltam:e~.
<br />On. Iluudrad Forty -00. and Six Teotha (141.6) Feet: thence Southwesterly parallel tot~ i'~"
<br />liortlNe.terly Line of said Lot "B". a distance of Fifty-eight (58) feet; thence Nort~si::erlr
<br />parallel to tha liortbsaater.ly l.ina of said Lot "B", distauce of One Hundred Forty one' and Six .
<br />teutha (141.6) fset to the southeasterly line of MacArthur Avenue; thence Northeaster!yp&raJ,l_l
<br />to the Northwesterly line of "aid Lot "8" a distance of Fifty-etght (58) feet to the place o~ ;
<br />beginning. .y.)
<br />obo ""own .. _6.3.3..J;.aaL.llacA1:t1uu;_.._., ....... ,.,... . .u_,_",.._~___._, . ".
<br />{NumbCt lI,nd Street)
<br />f{~-eth!l:f v.:uh aU buihll~~ :.Pd .unpffl":t"menH no\lc nr hNttillh.'l ;,'H.~.t;;,j th\"f\'on :J.ll-d ,111 SOt'ens. itWnmg..~. shad~~. slorm ~sh ~nd bhnds-, and he.~lin~. li~hti~
<br />vtutn\lm~. .i'u, d~}lUf, \''C"ntllanftJ:,_ g'ltt,e.r;.tltlg, <l:!Hi Jlr-""nndl~lunIJlj.l <'qlllJHIh"nl ti\o;"d to nmnC{'llon thl"fCwlth. al~ of whIch. tor the purpose 01 ~hlS Deed ot
<br />Tnnt. 1'h;,i.l;i be det'rrM'd fhtures ;;n;1 XJh1<<t !,; lh~' !I-~'11 rl<'n.:<~l, ;md lht' IWf."ht;Hlh,:nt' ;100 .Jllpurten:;JrKt''i pcrHmlln~: to tht' p~operty abm'c dew~lbed, and all
<br />Utctb, l..<<e$., a..tkyio. r...a~~~~ WI1)'\, "i'-J.t~'T~, \,,-,Iet ~_"m~j;:, r1j:hh. hbcfH.~ti: ;tnd jHll.'lk;;-.'" whal'i-tl{'wt fhertuntll Iwton~mg m lfl anywlw appert:nning and the
<br />t("\!tfUOOIl 4.nG r-':Ju:nndcr,-, -ail ~~f wh,;.::-h h f;:~[(:ncd t,i h!:'tnn..H~'; J\ In,: "prnlluf:''''
<br />TO HAvt, ANn TO HOLD Hl~ ;,h~!\'-c.dt-~nbt-d pfl."ml~", ....lIh thl,' -,pt1urh,"n,UKCt. .utd IhlUf~\. uni.n lh~ "<lid H-c-t1efll'l;]t~....., sueccs.:\oc:iO and assigns, fo-rever. for
<br />th.e- pUflM'.ie~ ll~U 1!'JCj b{"rein ~l l'.irlh, fl<X ltom Jll p~hts )rH.! t"'n("flt~ ,Jrhkt .u;.J 1:1~ !,'Irlth" ,ll iiHr Hnlnt"sh~..d "\t.tI1lHi(IO Llw~ Ilf lhe State of Nebraska
<br />\\-'hk-h may ns;hh -.tn-d lW-M'H:u, fhe WHj ItU'l-!.'f doC", helch "'J.Hl.'~-d) !de1~ and WJiH':;;
<br />TfU$tur .d1O ufin of Qld rH~ml<;.(!\, EJ:tfH1o~ the f~lt tit wUa;t and we the same, with or without taking pouession of
<br />the premb6. during durinJt tumin\.l~tl4.:l~ 'Ii' _mdl (lefll.uh It'JthurilJnR Bendk-il.lI)' ({) t'nter upon said premi~ and/or to collect
<br />aM rnion:e the- SiaJ ~-c1tr!t: I'or the tr.-<k'b-h:4tlC'$1 h(';'teb~' ~,\;\lred by iH\}' lawful m.e.ans itldud.i~ appointment of;j. receiver in
<br />the name of a.nt' ell! cv~t~ smd c),pi:'n'l.t~~ 01 upt;ntiun anJ cQUl.'<.'Uon, hldudioJ.:' r~solUble ath.lrney's fel~J, upon any indebted-
<br />fC$tI ~u-ttd )uo;rt'b)"':~iif1'ilNl fmtn~.
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />FOR Tnt::. rtrRPlJst OJ SU:1.'RIS(~ \ It "('n~'lmJ;II;:": ,,\ -';,lLh ,1.HHct'Ut...!lt oj t flHtllr ..nnl.jmeu h..~r'Cl.ll; (2) PaVnlt"nt of the jlftnclpaJ sum witii-:
<br />mre~11. '-15 f!f'()-vided in ;u.'l;;vrdli.lKt ",Ith (~ It'fln.. a;t4 PfUrolU\;",t <"j .1 PftHt\I\~Jf)' N(llt" LoJf1 Agreement (hc-rd.nafter rctt:rr~d lo AS "promiJsoly
<br />note") dated~~_^1-~......j.j.8.J..._.~ ._^ .____" .,~_, _.'._'''.''__n_''~_ __ ___.____ ___~_._ ____.__~~__. here-\~o'lth ('\('f.:ulcd hy Trustur alld paY;i.ble to the
<br />~ of ft(-t)e.fkufY. in tht> r-rim::ipal ~um ..if 1,._,~,J~~OO.~_.__, ..md ha-...mjt the tl.lte (\1 Ih fmal pa~.menl duc= nnll~.1..4.~~~__.______
<br />~4J may 'h~~m be l()am:d b)' &tnd~' ~:fr~~~; ~~e:l~:~~:~I~5C~~l~~,~~ b~ltf~~ ~O!t"finn~_e~ (~r~U~~~n:~~sa~:~~~~~~~~~ ~?/~~i~eti:Jt~t~;'=
<br />
<br />h.oWlWW. this ~pb d,o.,J rnH constitu~" a .::ommitmt':J.H by 8-\"nl."ficiuy w mate !ulUte .dvarlf:t:~; '4) TIle payment of any money th3t may be advanced by the
<br />lkoclkiuy !Q Trmlot fm' -iUl)" tC3$OO Of tv thiN: rutio$, ..idl tnt~re$l tnctt'\m. where the ;!.mounl~ au ~d\'am:-td to PfQte-et t1ltl i~CUfity in accorda.nce with tM
<br />oovemAl$ -of tbit Deed of Tnat; ('5) An>, t'(:'newaJ, rdltlafi:~:1ng or ......;\tlmAkm of 'W!id ~'tom~~r)' nute, Uf any other ai:'Temnt'nt h1 I'll}' whiA~h may be substituted
<br />-"'.
<br />
<br />All ~).~t!l m~ h TUU-hJf un the ohli.p.mJJl ~\-urt."d by ttm Urt'd {~t' Ttu.\t :;hall be apphed m the lul.luWlnF ()%dcr
<br />ftRST~ T;.,~ t1tc- VOl) IMtH of b_'l~S ilnd- :.t-sX'imt':na thill m'A)" tll: lc~h:d ;md ;(..~:'t.~d a,gam..r 'j"utI p1eml~~, lIl\u.r;l:nc~ prcmlums, tcpam.. and ~~lllJther t:h~rpI
<br />
<br />~ S~~~~ T~~~~ 1;i~~:~n~int~~:U:~\}n gld lO:ln,
<br />
<br />THIRD: To the ~yn~nt ~I PfUtclp.'lt
<br />
<br />TC~ p~on,:cr THE SECURITY HEREOJ;.. lRUSlORtSJ COVENANTS AND A(;REE$: li) to keep !.;lid ptcOlISClo. Uburod against i\l_\s b} fu.e and othet-
<br />-~.--c...~h.)' nd i.:t'lf!.On~n(;lC'i "fl- to the fuH 'IIahi\' ,-'f ,,-U llnpftw\:ntI."ntt.: h-.r the prore.;,;-ti\ln 01 fJe:no:flCtMY In ~ucb mJ.nn~r. in ..u~'h amounts. :.tnd in ,,"-'II
<br />(~S llt Iknet~J~'- mlr;~' -from time t>\) tune dppron'. ilfld rhs! \(':\"i PW':Nct5i deu ~h.pe'n'ie ,Dr ':0H~cti(')nI5ha~1. at BClle!ki;j~.'~ '.'pt1l..IO, be applied on cUlt
<br />~ wbctm-f tht-'t: ('f nol vr h~ to(' rl"~tN;;\h(ln <it 'l;.ttd mlph1W_Hlf't!l5, 111 ';'WrH ('1' kl,'j:i lnn:tor wdt ~'vC' ImmedIate on!lL'e by m:ul t;J the Heneficia.ry.
<br />wbn may make. Vfl;'k,')f l,'>f t(.u if nut made- p-ft1fUp-dy' by 1 fU-'>UH, 'l'tld e;l.zh it:\U!:!Qt:"(." ;':'\HIW"'-"Y ,,'.(,H1cl"med lj, he.fC'b~' al.lthnm:ed and dircctt"i! tn lltak~
<br /> p.aymtnt Cot
<br />~ ,k1v -d1r~ -t.o l~t 'lkMffCtaO' flUidd of w the 'fro30t{~L f 11 to pay.aU law\" .(tnd "P'C('Q! a<,,'.t.':HnH'nt'i (If anY kmd th;H have ~n Of EU:!;)' N.' leVied Of
<br />~_ U;ptJG -wid i:tfemt~ ..nd tu ddivtfY ti-' ik-net'ki<'trr. up-~)n fequ~l't '\.\f the fknefktafY, 1he nntCl~1 H'.:e'pt "hnwin!! p_yment \)1' ;.ill ,u.:h I.L\-e'i lIInd
<br />~.Mmh., ~J) hi! tM Cl'~eflt €1f Jef.~dt hy THl~W! un.:k-t r.ua;s-uptu I (~r 1 ab.:'l>'e, 8-l."ft<fkil\fY, .if lt~ \I-puon, nlay 1.1_) pJ.J-J:€ an.d lN~p ~uch jn,ur:ltl\~e aho,..
<br />Pf(>>.~ f!.'Jf_ tn _lute.:- J;hH;'~OOi th.e ti!~ ~"f f~]\ l>tt'd. (If TrU!l and f!:!Y the n~;;;~m.1:ibl... rl~'-mn.un\; .'inti dl"r~t~ !here.fot. (h) p..y all .;,Iid L(\l"\ .md ;J;\'i.t's.smentJ
<br />
<br />=~~t=be~~~:: ~:~~ a::y~~ ~~~, f~~$:~~~I~~~~I~~~~~~ls!~)rt:~ll\~~~:~:t~~~l' ~ll~h~l~~~l ,~sa:)~~~tt 1;~~~::~:i~~:.~~~~~:::n;J~cj~~i~~~ :~~I~hl~~::i~'t~<
<br />r:-;~~ .~"k~~~:~::'~=; :~r;;i'J:~:~u;~~~~ ~~~~~~t~r ;;~~~:~f i~~~~=t~'r: _;~ ~~~n~:~~!.l;l::i c ~:~{;:~~,~~ :~~~i:i:~:~::::;~ho~~~'~~l,~::lj7n~Hf~ll;:;'~:!1 i:'-~l~a~~t::
<br />
<br />~ ind -. .. ~ t1td 'Wm~m.nM1 any t)1dki~l whkh 1U1)' ht iliIma,w or cl~ttQ-}' N lhe~~m;. al.a l,! pay, wh,en du~~, ;ill CblH1.'i tOt lilbol p1eftOrmed
<br />__ ~totriak i\tt~ me:relCf~, t~) 'l'1ut. if ;t _~t <,:.1 -t!\tt, Promn:l!,\)f)' Nat.e, he will PBr, promptly ~-hC" mdebtC'.dnti'- ~:UTt'-d h~Jcbr. ;md. perform aU (-'ther oM"
<br />~ m-rd ~~~, Witb ~ ~ Q.f iaid Pt~t)' Nl1t1t' and !hi! D~ of TrusL (6) Th~t (t-1~ ume Iii pspnt'nt d the ltl:dl:.!btl:~ne"\s IH.rct'~_- se-<:urcti._ O~ ,:-'f M)'
<br />~_~ ~. _~ ~-~'l:-wntlN 'dl ,f~~F ~ -any p"lrt1':~ of the 'p.mt~ bud_a d",.\io:rtb~d nul'. '1vltb,I-\!t nutKC. be rd~~sef.!- If'Hi\ lh,,~_ th'Ji h<.'rl,\)f, _~.tthl)Uf
<br />~ m ~~- U'ir: ~ -u.bIh)'_ (Jf .iJJ)' pt::t~n ..~nh" priorit}i ~~f ,hi! Dud ofTru_'l!, {71.'fh.tl he d~>es ht>reny f<JN>'t"f W:Jrr~lHt aod will l,..re"'et defend the!
<br />""u6~ ~,""",_th4,tawfW clPM ul &ny._ d penom wl1'3ibo<<Yl.tf,
<br />
<br />IT 1ll"""IA1.U' A(l1lJ!liJJ 1'IQTl
<br />
<br />(J) ~\"t'nb~ h."-kl-IJ).-_a~,_~,-~t. VI do any -;Kt ~ ht;nm f1fo.yu:te-d. tIT ,f -.ut~ a:O;:!lf.l!l ~H pwn".-iitl~ E~ ,",'lHtllt"n-t'l.,'t! wnK'h 11l.~{{'n,,1l~ ;,llfe;;!,\
<br />~.-,Be_f~wy m -r1m~, but, \utft-;.J'1n Qbt~Ud:n ~4 dn 'w, >lnoi '1inttuMH mmc-t: h~ ~)t ~km.ltnd tllhl.n THl~WT, dnd
<br />-pt~t q~_-!k~ ~~.r. j:f'~Y mak-t- ~)f 4-lJ Lite Sim-;-,' 'U'i\l m;t~. P'",y, _p-\.n"ch.,;I~. ~-\~sH<:~1 ~w ..-\.!B1PhH!HJ;r::' ~ny "!k;~lllhra[j,:,~, (.h,u~
<br />~ ~i '_ _ 'l<'fkt ~'OJ:1re1I,,';'and i~ l:c'oi~!n~ ~") ..w,;.'h f'\-nlo'~U" HI-rut any 'l~bmh M'ht n!'d1d .\lll<lutlh Ilt
<br />
<br />~~ill~ ~ ___~ ~c:i~_ ~ Tr"~h~_.n;:U t::: :::::~t ;~f~~;h~;~'l~~tl~t;,~j::~;~dj,:;, ~~~~:~:.~ !~;\ ~~~;:~;\~~:;:d~~ \!i<\1I 1..-
<br />
<br />f,;.} ~ ~- ~~, ~ ->itt.y ~t ~,'ff b;;- ~i'l~lJ- try; ft':Ut.1!'t ('if ittl)' U1'~f.t.Mt.!o,'l ph",,"!.~~dmt, tkntnC-hn ~h;'l!l h." ,"nntkd f" ..IH ,nn,,'>(m,1-linfJ. -:;,,"'a,d~
<br />.-4'~ ~~~'4 ~~f!(., ilH, f~,!-';jl~t fM MtcW Oft ~ ~~ .~~ h...~.l~'
<br />
<br />l:fm- jtt. ~_ 4r..#. "-.'{' t~~, )!-f-dh'u \.\ wil dqll n;-'"
<br />t,. ;'h\'-""<f',j ',If.' ufl(\n
<br />
<br />
<br />'n.'l'1 ""'. \I":'
<br />
<br />,j .l i " ~ ~ It '~l
<br />
<br />'.,~h 1'lt4':1!.i, Jjo.._t ".'..~...~'" (liSutfJ""- -\,_~.-
<br />
<br />\1f\lGli'fAL
<br />