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<br />No.
<br />
<br />38059
<br />
<br />
<br />lit COItSll)ERATIOH of the payment in full of tile debt named therein, the COIlIIIlercial Federal savings
<br />
<br />HebrllSlia. hereby releases one mortgage
<br />
<br />and assignment of rents made by
<br />
<br />the CoImty of Hall
<br />th south :fourteen
<br />Scarff's Addition
<br />
<br />to said Association on the following described prql8rtysituat"in
<br />and State of Nellraslia, to-wit; Lots eleven (11) and Thirteen. ( 13) excentc
<br />feet (5 14') of Lot thirteen (13) in Block eighteen (18) in '
<br />to WP.St Lavn, in the Citv of Grand Island, Hall Count'y, Nebraska
<br />
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<br />Doeu~rrt No. 77-006724
<br />MIlch mort&'IP recorded in fl6dl( ~ of the Mortgalle Records, Ha U County, Nebraska,
<br />IN WITNESS WH[IlfOf. the COOlmefClal federal Savmll'l .no Loan Assocoaljon ot Omaha. Nebraska. has caused thIS release to be signed
<br />by its Vjell President and attested by Its AsSl~1 See/eta'y. and.ts cOIpoIate s8allo be h8leunto atfiled th.s 12
<br />day of Aln'il 19 83,
<br />
<br />,~ COMMERCIAL fEDERAl SA~S AtjO lOAN ASSO~ ~. Nebraska
<br />In~COC!O!> /' r 7 ./, ...>i/ / ~~.d"" /~
<br />/2t1/,I." 1 f.' ~ , L/ ~ "rfL -' av.:L ~'1 ~-""""/ VIce P,eslllent
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<br />Attest .. L,m".X:_._,~ AsSIstant Secretary
<br />
<br />stat. 9f fttlIr..
<br />
<br />ss
<br />C_'lII Doug1_
<br />Onllus 12 dayol March .A.0.1983 before metheundemgned. a Notary
<br />PullIil: in IIld fouaid County, personally came R. II. CaJllpbd1, Vice PresK1ent, and Opal II, Wise,
<br />AssistaRt SecHtaryof tile COIlIIIlerc.al f~ Sa1IJIliS and loan AssociatlOll, 10 me personally known to be the identical persons whose names,
<br />lI& SllClI officefS, are subs<;ribell tll the f~Olng Instrum8/1t ill1ci aclUJowledged the saId Iftslrumeot to be the voluntary act al)d deed of said
<br />Association by "- III said O!fltla! capacity voltmlaflly dooe and ex8QIted, /!', /,;" / (;::'i)/
<br />
<br />.... ,,--'-- ".""ra. . feb. 22 87 t:~1t:.e'/, , /";. ,~:tP: /'}1'-' ..
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