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<br />r <br /> <br /> <br />(Revised 1961) <br /> <br />83-"f) {} 5 740 The Huffman GeD;eral Supply Hoole, LlncolD. ll.b:r. <br /> <br /> <br />KNOW AU. MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> <br />THAT I or We, <br />lUck!e J. Kallos and Rosemary Kallos, Husband and Wife, Each in His and Her Own Rigbt <br />as Spouse of Each Other. <br /> <br />ineOlllliderationof Four Thousand Five Hundred Dollars & no/lOO ($4,500,00) <br /> <br />receiv--ed fro-m grantee, do hereby grant, bargain, sell. convey and confirm unto <br /> <br />Patrick E. Saedra atJd Rose L. S_dra, Husband and Wife, As Joint Tenants with Rights <br />of Surv1vorshio and Not as Tenants in Common. <br /> <br />herein ealled the grantee whether one or more. th" foHowing described real property in <br /> <br />P.all <br /> <br />Connty Nebr ,"SM <br /> <br />A PART OF THE NORTHEAST qUARnR OF THE SQllTREAST quARTER (Nl'%SJlJ,;), OF SECTION Tl!IRnJn( <br />(13), TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (1). lIDRTH, RANGE TEN (10), \lEST OF THE 6thl'.M.,lNIfALL <br />COUNTY MORE PARTICUl.ARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS t COMKRNCING AT A POINT 298.7 FIlET SOUTH <br />OF THE NE CORNER OF SAID liE!,; OF SE!,; OF SAID SEerION, RUNNING THENCE WEST FOR A DISTANCE <br />01' 290.0 FIlET, RUNNING THENCE SOUTH FOR A IlISTAJfCE OF 50.0 FRET, RUNNING TlIIlHCE EAST <br />FOR A DIST.ANCE OF 290.0 FEET, AND RUNNING THENCE NORTH FOR A DISTANCE OF 50.0 FEET TO <br />THE PLACE OF llEGINlHNG, StIll.TECT TO ~ OF TIlE COUNTY ROAD TO TIlE EAST OF SAID I'REMISl!S. <br /> <br />that grlUlf-or has g~)od ri~ht and lawful eiuthnrity 10 ,'Utl\"'.'" tht' ~1Ut'; awl thnt grantor wa.rrant,!. aud will defend <br />i the tith.' to SAid pr~mi.~~.s ngairlSt tht> lawfUl ,<tauns (,f idl pt"hun~ WhQIDSOeVer_ <br />! <br />! <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I ".,,;;'. ~:,~~'\.L / <br />I <br />I STATE OF., .~1!P.r.lI'i'!<A . ('nunt)' or l!.I\~l. <br /> <br /> <br />I' !ld..", m", a not...), public '1ualifieJ ror ,,,,J county. p....ollally came <br /> <br />Ntckie J. Kallos and Rosemary KaIIos, Hu~band and Wife, racn In His and Her Own RiRht <br /> <br />aa SpOuse of Each O~her. <br /> <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />nut."l Oetob.,r 24. <br /> <br />1'11\3 <br /> <br /> <br />To havp and to hold t.he ab-o\'l" d,':,>"rdwd pr\'l1ll~l."- ti:'g't;'tht'r with aU h',nE~menu. hereditaments and appur- <br />t&uu1Clffl. tbe-:rt-to. hdtltl~in~ unt,i) Hl:t~ g-runtt'.i~ Hnd til g'riUtll'f' >~ hf~iN aud nssiJ,t'us forever. <br />~\.n.d tfw ~rantor d:Ht:'li< h,,-r~hy ,'ov.--! with lh~'> l{rMuhff' awl wlth's heirs and assigns that grantor <br />is lawfully St!U\t'd of ",aid prt'm~M~-s; tln.t th.~y ;in' fn>-t' frpm t'\1cumuru.u('ce <br /> <br />EXCEPT EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIQNS OF RECORD, <br /> <br />\'-.'/""'.'<~: <:: ' <br />r __-.._ ./.l.'". ..';.......:!... <br /> <br />:1~i~'~;~-.~~<". <br /> <br />Ros....arv f(alhls <br /> <br />bown to me to b~ the id~nlieal J.l~nwll or person& who ~igued <br />ext:eUtlon.the-.hof to- b" hi..'i. her or their vu-luntary Art aud deed. <br /> <br /> <br />cA.''';'" .__~t' ..." ~~c:~u <br />.... ---. ,- <br />My c-ummiii.Sio~ expires. <br /> <br />the for~golfig instrument and aeknowleJg\\<1 th. <br /> <br />"''';' <br />L/2;"~t.~.~~~ <br /> <br />.." <br />,19.~f. ~ <br /> <br />. (~'~->{'J? . <br /> <br />. . Notar)' Public <br />C'~ '7 <br />"', ]9.'1":/. <br /> <br />S'l'ATB 010'. <br />e"lllItT <br /> <br />I <br />i"" <br /> <br />lmt.,rtId .'" nl1m.ri.,,1 .n<ln anJ m.d tor r.e<,rd HI the Regi.ter of Deedo Offi". of lI4id County th~ <br />. day "t. . HI . al., . ,..doek and. minutes J,I., <br />-.ud ~rdf!d in Bo.;)k. uf . fit pa~~, <br /> <br /> <br />lWI( "f nood.. <br /> <br />By <br /> <br />n.plIly <br />