<br />83- 005735
<br />
<br />1l..'IhJ...:r"" \\I:L,:. .1~!r\'('mCnl or .ippJICthlc law Horrmvcr ~hall pay the nOl<ltlnt of alllllort!-,age im;uf.tnCe premiums ii1 the
<br />!1l<lnl1cr pJi.wldc\l undl...'r par:lgr.aph :! hereof.
<br />"n~' ~tmnll:J{s di.st\ltr-.cd hy Lender pun;,H~mt to {his paragraph 7, with interest thereon. shall bee-orne additioll'aI
<br />iru.k-tHCdr'h.'''''' ()f !tprruwl'f \ecured hy thij Morrgage. t 11)le_ss Borrower ami Lender agree to other-terms of paymettL-:~,lCh'
<br />all1tltmt",- .~hr.tH t<t.' p:lv.lbh.' ll,Wfl notice from Lender to Bf1rn)Wcr rcqu~s,tjng paymC'nt thereof. and s.haH bear interest-from. the
<br />datc of tlil<hul'<;l:mcnt al th~ f:ltc paY3hlc from time h' time on olltsto'tnding: principal under the Note unless,- paym~mt of
<br />interest ~lf such r~ilc \l.,otlltf he C\illlrary {p apphcabJc law. in v.-hich cvenr ;;uch amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate
<br />rermissihlc undn ;lrrlicahlc 13'.\', Nothing contained in this p:uagraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense <>( 1ake
<br />:lnv action hdclInder.
<br />- 8. Inspeelion. f _~ndeT ma\' make or cause h. he made reas.onahJe cntrie~ upon and ins.pcctl(ms of the Property,' provi~~d
<br />lh;it Lender :.h.ll! p:ive Borrower nnricC' prior to tIny such in'!o\pe-<;flon ,pccifying reasonable c-~\U"C- therefor- related ttl Lender's
<br />Jnlcn.......t 1(1 the PmOCrfV
<br />9. Con-dt>mna'ion. 'rhc pr(\l'ccd-;. of :ti1V ,l.ward (\r claim for damages. direct or C'on"equentiaL in connection with any
<br />\.:ondCm!l~flinn Pf other l.l:king {\( the Pn1perty. l)f pal t thereof. Of for cnn;.'cynnce in lieu <,f condemnation, are herehy as..cdgried
<br />In.! ~haH he n;ud In i ,ender.
<br />In the t\('nl flf .. fNal t:~kin~ ,tf the Prnpe-rty, !hc pn''''1:cd$ <;hall lx: npplicd to !he sums 5Cctlred by this Mortg3!ge.
<br />.\IIh lh,: 1.:\"",,, :i jll\. !',\it! !" Rnlr"\~t:f In fhe ;:-':Cnl \1f ;, rMtiaJ l;;lkin~ t'( the Property, unle~~ B0rrower and L~nder
<br />"lht'r'wt-.,c ;t~r~:(" in wnttng, then' ...tuB ~ .lrrli~J Ii' the- "unl" ,t'-i...'t1tc-d hy rhi" \1ongage <;,uch proporlion- of the proceeds
<br />,I" 1"- t.'.:..{l!~lj {,,< 1 hat pr(\portinn ,\ tn<..'n the amount of the '>:'Jn1"- ,cl;:urcd hy ~hi.., M(yrtJ!a~ immediatel)" prior to the date ,-of
<br />~;lkjng Oe.J("- tn thi..> bir mal kc! ; .1hli: <..,r th~ F'rf'pcTt\ tf'lH)l:t'di:1iL'ly prif'f tel. tht~ date- of wklng, -with the balance: of th~ proceeds
<br />p~l:id tn R-rvr,1\\'er
<br />If ri'w Pf(lp('rfy i.. .,h:lIldon,:,l (.,\ B.'rr,"wer. ,>f d_ :dkr r'!l'lri;,;;.' h\' f \>nder h"l ROfwwcr that the- condemnor offers to make
<br />';1 :lw;nd ,-'r '.NIk :J ,.Jain' tt'f R<lrn:~wC'r hi I" ti) r....."~)nd 1.1 I coder ,,,,,'ithrn -'0 days after the date such notice- is
<br />In:ukd. 1 ~~rhkr i" .t,Jth(;ril~'d t,l rind ,;(pph !!w P7(xct.-.d..., 3f I l"nder'" ('\ption. either t('\ resforation or repair of the
<br />P-rnrx'fi\ \'r- t.1 th\' 'ow,,, >I..',,:lIrnl !~\ lh;.. ~..h>:rr;l.~e
<br />I On~,,-y< I L',,,Jn- ,md Rnn, '\\\:f l'\!ht'n\ 1"\: ;'If:n.';' H! \~ ri!;Il1-'. ;HI\' "-\l("h ;l,prlli.,' .ll1c,o n! pr()ct'~d::; t~) principal shall not extend
<br />d; r,~"trp!h: :hl' doc J.th.' \,f th..:: mnlllhh 1Ih'!;\1Jnh'I1b :dl..'fft'J 1;\ lfl r,lra~r:-lrh" t ~lnd ~ hereof or chanl!!e the amount of
<br />",'l h !!i'.LIHmt.:"111'
<br />10. BOrTo"rr -'Hi Reolt'1twd. r\!t:'H'>l<ltl ,)r Ih(" !llnC ~;1f f-,!\ :11cn! \" mpdifi~__;HH'n of ;mH\rti:ratlOo of the o.:ums secured
<br />~'V lb... M\'lh.',-,~t' ~jJnk'd !l\ I Cfhkr !>' ,111\' <..\)"""'-1...."...'\1 Hi inh.r.~.:-q ,-.f B.'n~V,At'r ..tuli n~-.,t 0perate to release. in any manner,
<br />the lqhdit\ ,,1 lhc ~'ri~tll,;l R,'H~(H.~Ct .ilHf Horr.l\\n'... ..il<..~~'t.."...(~7', '!~ In!ere'" ll,'lhkr ,hall not he rt:'quired t('l commence
<br />;1n.'1..~>('din4'" ~~;.;.:'n'-l ~iJ..:h "[,.<,,'\""1 '" rdl~"'C ii' (,,:~'p~i !;~!'<.' p;l\m<:!)l ,'f 11Ine:>.\I"-e m.xiify ~Hn(1rtlzarion of the sums
<br />'.c,.-Itit'~t h\ lhi" \f"llca.r..T ,"" i~~:J'11n ,)1 ''> \.km.ln,j 'n,IJt h\ tho: IYI..:nl;ll B,~n,'.....c; ;l!'i\j R,.1fTOwcr"s successors in interest,
<br />I L Fnt-b('.lUan("~ b~ I,t'ude-r 'me oj \\:ai\t:r, 'n'. L\r~;H;\n,-" h ! ,>(hi~'!- ;~~ ner>:;qm! .lflY ri$!ht ('If rcmed\' hnenoder> or
<br />,'ihl'f'\\-)"..: ~:f:,'r\k" h, ,1PI+,,~H~ -I);;:; "'.' _\ V..-,u\J;r .-'; ," i"<.',_tud~ th..-: (,",t>~~:\.c of ~HlY ~u;;:-h r1~ht or remedy,
<br />T"b.' rf{\(~i:l'tnr,"j~ "f H;\lir;!I1~,' ,Ii dh' J",1'IlH"': ,,:! ",,'. ,<1\;.:: :"."}\ ,,~ -.h.lfi;l'.... 1-\ ! ,-'ndl'f ,h..11 n,\[ hl.':' \l".i...cr f\f Le~der's
<br />l!!.":tn h' ;>-. \1\' (\'l' f1Ld".'!!'\ ,.f rh; hl~'dn...., !"" \!,''l\.',~,,''_
<br />12. R"ntt'dit"1I. ('"rnuhtfh~', ,:' ;- 1 \L.!:.'_n.>,'
<br />..,:r!h';!\ :,,;.j~-t '!"!h \l,'r:; ',c,' .'
<br />
<br />,,1r;-1;'IH!e,'
<br />
<br />lJ, s-u,,'u':',,"of'. atttl :\......ic.n.. BUllutt:
<br />'.,j ".
<br />
<br />
<br />" 'ii"l ,>:mt!;:~ti\'c' tn ,tl1\ ,.{her ri~ht or
<br />,. p,k'r~'ndenrl\ t'r \\II.:\'c;;~ivelY
<br />.uuf 't'\t't>tt I ;ahihf\: (';.,Hi-nf1"", J h; '\ ~'n;\ll:" :l!ld ;I:'-tt.'l~ments here-in
<br />",F ,1\"1',1:"'" ;" I ....n~tcr .ind Borrowtr,
<br />,'1 R.-'f .'\\.,'~ >)1 d1 I"", 1,';nl '-\nd '\("\'~raL
<br />.~:;,j om,' 11'\! :,) he used to
<br />
<br />:',
<br />
<br />\"h:\,,': i.
<br />
<br />fn'\.' ,.l~"'fi,"
<br />
<br />'1 h'!'f\n..' I ddif:\_' !~1'
<br />l.s. 'nt-in", r\, t~~'; t."
<br />Hc'l:,'\H'f j";', ','~i<.:d i '! ':
<br />i~~t.> p~'\'p~"t\ --\JJi~-:-"-'" ,\<
<br />. t--t :~n.. :'htL;.',' ,,' ! _:, ,-~
<br />
<br />r1.~;l! pillfX';;', n;.~ '\kn~~,l~'t'
<br />C\1..'nf th;,! .{;';\ ~~!,-l\".,,'~' .~J ,:~
<br />
<br />\ 1.-,: ~
<br />
<br />.-t~1 l~~~, rn;inncr ai ;Hl\' nouce to
<br />,'~L!h',i . 'll "ddr1.>',;'i-,d r,~ ROrr0\\.t>f at
<br />,';, 1 ",",,!,'1 '~j'fP\ i~kd he-rein. and
<br />i ;;" idy\,,-, ..~;!led here-in (lr to
<br />~ -.. \i\\ "....i'-'C. flf,'Yldt:J f,"'lf 11\ fhi~
<br />",cq ~ . ,on 1" ~~..' tn,\'!!'1Ci- ~h.'''_l~n:tt;..~d herein
<br />,..,'.' \>, ~,;r, f,nlT' ,-,>H~n~inl" fnr nat!('nal
<br />l'~l"!~, ...;;:... ;;f'I\' :~I\tnHlh:nt ((1\'enng
<br />...~ ~n;:1--. thr Pr\~pe!t\ ~,l.-''':'~lk''d In the
<br />.\~~p~k.lf'k' ;.i\\ ,u.:h ((lfi!1:...-: "h:lll n...,t affect
<br />j,,\-~>! !~~t ~,-\n~h,-tln~ ron', l'\.i\':1, and to this
<br />
<br />,-,,<..'h . .th,'C ;1Jdr~'~, ,:"- 1 c
<br />\L'qg,\~" ...h,.\!i }-;,; ,!,,-~~'~-n~'j :;'
<br />
<br />"..t', :,fh1 n,1fJ :;;1,;,'r!r~ ~-,.\~.";~",,
<br />
<br />tr: ,;11'::',
<br />
<br />,'tht'f pt\'\'P~h)lh \'~- :1:.1'- \tp~-,,:,\o;:'..' ....."
<br />\:'ud lh~' Ph'>" '\h'l'", .,t 'h~' \l,'rt,;.l;:<.- ,h,;." "\
<br />1~. Bonu"'t!'t" COin, H~\p-.'\\l.'[ ,1_ ,'i ;'-
<br />>./ e\t."l,:!Jfl-im .'1 .~n.:r !\_-..,lfli.tlh'O h..rt',.j
<br />
<br />.,-..i,,),,'\.t; '-,< "-.t'Li~','
<br />
<br />','n,:d ';~\ ,\' ;h~ '!N~' .In,! ~jf rb;,,- 't{'ort~ilge ~ll 1he time:
<br />
<br />17, Tra-Mffr of ~ ProPfl'l" :\....umplioR, f' ,: ,;,., .'[ l~t' P~,;Pt:i!\' ,'of :\n inteT'~'t therein h ::.t:>Jd or tramJerr("d
<br />ll-v B-orro,"",l~S' \\Itth>iil 1 ~ndcr's pr~'-'f ~Hlnl':l .,\,\....~.,;~ ~'\~t~;Jfn..: ~f\:,dH'n- ,If ,1 b:'\ ,If i."ncumbrauu;- "-unordtn.l,le h-"
<br />tn-I'- ~{\'rt;.;.;,~(', !h} the ~n;ath'p ,'j !~l<'t',-'\ '~"'.'n, <';,-'~',1 .'.~! :'il\h..:ih\~,l .lprh,Ph.:<..'~ l~J .1 fr;Jll-.fl..'r hy dc\'ise.
<br />J~('nf ~)r h\" \~pl"f;'W'n \\f lJA ,-Jf'l\/1 ~kalh ,,: ., ','~:H ;~'rnn: ;'f I"r> ~ 11 [. . 1",1'1 jJUfll f tl<lrllJ' J.lr r Iliff
<br />~. tt.LR r I t J r t t\:'ndt:l ,f')~n. ,11 1 t'"n~kr' l'r'i:,<;l d,';..l-ilrt: <lil th-:.' "urn... -...eu!fl'd t-J\ flp'., \tc~rt~a~c t(I be
<br />il'fHnct.h.nd", due- ,lnd r"~.ll:l-le Il..'nder 'hall ~'.t\l.' '.~,!,\t'd ",'..'1' \'P!!iJIt .1;C-l'lt'f',lte :!" rr!()f 1.' th\.' ,,-,:d~ \'r rransfer. (l.:nder
<br />
<br />;~n::l:~a~;:~n~~~i; .:'i~~'-~~~ ;:~l ~~~:r:'~~\ l;~:;~'~~r::I:lh~~ ~~:;l~;'~C~"~:~,r:~:[~t~~~!i~~~~::( ~~'J;~;~~~:~~~:1~~11 :'~l>~1;'r~~:~;111 l;~I~u~,~ I~~~;r;
<br />
<br />...hall f\':\tUt"'ot if r Cn-dl"f h.l's wa;ycd the "'f/II('n [,> ,L.:..'~kr_:!..' P:t1\hk,j :" Itll" p,tr.-t~f~lrn l~- ;l1'ld if H,)rrn\\-"t.'t\. \u(cC'~sm in
<br />inlt're!i:t has e\.c-i.'ute-d a \-n-m~n .1'>~llmrHOf1 ~i~r~I:.'HH:nl: ,lu,;eptt."d: in \~ ;1l:"~ 0\- 1 t~n...it:r I ~rhkr .,hid! fCk'::l',C R(1no\.\(~r from an
<br />l~Hga:Hi'fn under thiS M.."\rtgagC: and the 'PH.'
<br />l( Lender c\.('rd~ \w.:n ~"r!;l"l-n t~\ a~";t"Jcr.J!t' I ~'n<..I~'; ," ;~! r.~.H! B,jr;;v,~....r H{'t!.:l' ,-~l d'-I.'l~ltr:Hl(Jn PI ::h'..:nrdance With
<br />para#uph i-4 h-ae-nf Such fH"1trCC \h~lji pn.n'H.ie ;, ,-,f fL'~ h'''''' i!,:t;\ 1~) ,l,~\.. ir\'m !h(' J;ite inl' n,~tj;.'l' j" m.1i!t:d \\'ithm
<br />~,jHd'llk)ff('i!wer m~) pay the '\ums (kd.ued J\1e 8on~-"'\':f ~,,,d, 1{' P,;\ ,<..,,)1 --dfrh rn~~r Ie' the t'\rHf:lllC'!l ;\f 'dll.'h ~"nod,
<br />l.ender may. ..Htrn'J-llt further nOhcc Of ..k'm{lnd \~n ll~'n;.''.\;n ','.;'ll..' ,!:!l~ r~'nwdl(,,';. pt.'rnllt!~,i h fJf:tgt..lph I" hereof
<br />
<br />NON..lJNn{JR~ Cnv:U''''\:''''TS B,'lHN\'C-r ;mu I ~~:;oer tUflhet l..:d"("n~ln! ~inJ ...grce .-.... !n-!hm"<'
<br />11. A<<*ndoa; R~dift. u<<pt 8'li pTOVMled in p>>fltltr-a:ph 17 hereof. upon BorrO'u','s breach of an)- f..'o\'t'oant or
<br />........ at 80rTMfff 1ft mh \.Ionaaee. iocludinl the- ('0' t"ffilftb. to pa,. wht'n due an~ Jourm M-cuR.'d b)' thk Mortgaa:~.
<br />IAIlClH JIl'i<< to ....Ioradooo shall mall notier 10 &tro...... '" prmidt-d in ,......apb 14 h.rntf 'p<<ifying, II) Ih. .....llCh:
<br />ill........... ~ to...... _10 .......,b: tJ\ a dat.. ""t Ie... Ihan 30 day< from Ih. dat. Ih. nolk. "' mail.d 10 Borro.....
<br />'" ........ -- lire..... _ be clll'fll; aad 141 that failure 10 .u... .1Kh "'....h .... or belo.. Ih. date .p<<llkd In Ih. notic.
<br />_ rnoolI m _............ ... fin' .0.... ""'OM by Ihi. Morte.... f......low.. hy judicial pro,....diut .nd .ale of Ih. I'roperty.
<br />n.e ~ .... IUft_ ""or.. ........... of II>< ..II' 10 ..i....... aller acceleration and Ih. rillht to ......11 in the {o......o......
<br />,.,......... 11M _........... "I . default or ...y o'her <kl._ fil ll"",,wer t.. ....'cel.ratlon and (........"""..... If I"" .....llCh
<br />k __ ~ oa or- WOf'W tk .. 'P"..... III Chr uodt:.... t~nder at tf'Me-rt option ".., ~c-larc .U of tilt' sumli ~ur~d by
<br />lWt ~ to be ~y d... .... p.y_ ..il"""t lunber dtmaad and _y fO'c<'k... by judkl.l pmcecdiRll. t.uder
<br />.... be- ftttiIW Q) t'o.'d Ht -w..'h P'~~'ftC ... fI'''~ nf fnni:h:\\-"rt'. indudillJl. but ttoI tlm,Rt'd w. ('~b ,~r dtK'ulnt!tJt.')
<br />........... _...... .... tlf.. .........
<br />t'. ~.t'1. Riehl kl R~m.. )'-.\:'lfv.1th"-hllHt\hj.(: t -cnJ"'f'~ "'~~<.'~,-'fM)..'~1 nil' ',~n~" "'i."'.:'_lretj n, Ih}" \.L\ll~,lgt'
<br />}i{}ff\~t:'t ""hl,,i.i h.\\lt H't' ft~~l h> !u,,-<-(, ..n} prncn:,dtO~" !....;-~lH~ I ,:'~l-d-':'-r ~" ,';-~i;lr~-,-: :rl;'< M;,1';V"~~{': ;i.;,;,~'Hllj1F..'J ,ll J.H\ \'!!l;.:
<br />