<br />83- 005734
<br />
<br />
<br />Housing and Urban Develop~nt, of Washington, D.C., Grantor, in
<br />sum of ONE noLLAR ($1.00) and other valuable conSiderations in
<br />BARRY L. BAMESBERGER, A Single Person
<br />, Grantee(s) does hereby
<br />his heirs and assigns,
<br />County of Hall
<br />
<br />and convey unto the said Grantee(s),
<br />described'real estate situate In the
<br />to ",1t1
<br />
<br />'.,AtrACHt:b
<br />
<br />Lot Thr"" (3), Block Seventy-SIx (76), Wheeler and Bennett's Third Addition
<br />to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />
<br />ocr 27 1983
<br />~~~..
<br />
<br />BEING the same property acquired bv the Grantor pursuant to the provisions of
<br />the ~ational Housin!l Act, as amended (l2lJSC DOl et seq.) and the Department of
<br />Housinl; ami Erban Developme"t Act (79 Stat. 6(7),
<br />
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<br />
<br />TOGIITEER ",lth all tenements. hereditmllents. and appurtenances thereunto
<br />h.....lon~inR, and all the estate, right,. title,. interest.. claim or demand whatsoever
<br />of the said r.rantor'Y Qf't in, or to the ~ame. or any part thereof..
<br />
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<br />
<br />TO HAVE ,\....n TO HOLD the above descri;,ed premises unto the said Grantee(s) and
<br />to hi:", he-irs: <iun ~H\si)tns forever; ;.tnd th~ said Grantor does hereby covenant to
<br />WARRANT rind DEFflm the ~aid pn'miso5 ;l>\<linst the j""ful daios and demands of all
<br />persons c laloiuR h~, th'fou~h. t~l tmder htmiher, .:lOd <lRainst no other claims or
<br />,\"...nds,
<br />
<br />SeSJECT to ALL ct)Vt~nfH1tSt rt-"5trt:::tinns. r'escrv;ittons, i>asements. condit,ions
<br />dud T1Rhts .:lPP~urtH1' cd rt~enrd: .-md ~U8JECT to: .1!1V :'itate of facts an accurate survey
<br />1",,'lHJld ~h(!w..
<br />
<br />IN W'ITfiESS wHERE()_~ thf". un-Gertiig.nt!tl I.\!; ~his /th dav l,.-}f iktober , 1983,
<br />n3-~ ~e( his/h~r had ;uld >,,".~~d ,_l::i i!ffic~ Chip: ~ Lnm1 ~1g:mr.. & Property Dlsp... Branc.;h
<br />HUn Offlt"~l' ('qaha. ~;ebfa5k,::J" for ':Hld ,}n ht-~half of the- s~-!ld Secretary of Hous1nlol, and
<br />trban nev~l-crp~nt. un.d~r ,'luthcri tv i"iud r,.., vi rtue nf the Code of Federal Regulations..
<br />TiriH 2:". Chlipt~r II. 'Part :00, Suhput"r f1. ,;:tnd jS F.R.. 16106 (1.0/14/70), as amended.
<br />SA.\.f1;Et R. PiERCE. JR.
<br />
<br />In prt,tsence- ~)t:
<br />
<br />S~crrtat'y i}f Housing and Urban Development
<br />
<br />~, . ",> 'Vi ;i
<br />0)': ~'\-<-o-'_'~ ,-.~J ..' r.'7~ (SEAL)
<br />C\.i{lq~~.--1cj'~ "\;vt~l . i
<br />I.'ffi\~~ Ch.iet', L~.Jan ~'gmt. 1'"6 Proptlrtv rasp. Branch
<br />Ht''l1 t1ftie~~, Omaha, ;iebraska
<br />
<br />COUtf"l1' Of lXiUGl,^S
<br />
<br />(In thl.s 17th day of Oct-ot~\~r" 11!83 , he(pre we Lorraint~ D. Boone-
<br />.:\ 'Notary Public in ;lud for ~,aid County, t'~t"sona.lly o:.'ame (~:org(:' \\:.. Vn~~~l
<br />who is. p-e.n&Qnally _ell kno\.o:"tl to Me and known ti..) me to be the duly appotnted Of Lice
<br />f)~ief:oc l.oan Mpt. &. Prop,"- Disp. Hr. HUD Office, Omaha, Nehraska, and the person
<br />\;the 1.'!:x~c\.,\tg--d the foregoing inl:itl'ument by virtue of the <1.!H1Ve C1 ted author1.tv an~J
<br />i;!(.kut,lWledge.d the said instruaent ~lnd th~ ex.c-cution thereof to be h1t3.!her voluntary
<br />-act and de.eo ~":l!i Office. Cht(!f t Loan ::1gmt. f} Prop.. Di~p. Dr. . for dnd on behalf$ of
<br />S~j, R., Pi~r-cf,'i" Jr.. . S.ec:rctary ~)f H(~u-sing and Urban Developtoo.nt,
<br />fof' t~ pu'rposes th~(~in- expt'es-s~d..
<br />
<br />In. tl!st'!t9Qoy '\oi'h'~;~Te:(~f,! hav.e- her-::-unto fliet my hand and afftxed my nottlrial tHo\,al
<br />at O'a~~a. Nebra:~k.a , an the day a.nd year i~lst above wri.tten..
<br />
<br />... ,.:.,.-,,!...IL~.. ..lIta.
<br />......~.....-
<br />
<br />My ",_t.....1.<>I'I <>XVh<!..;
<br />
<br />P~y-h. :l; ~ .! :181
<br />
<br />
<br />HI'P-'JI84;j (J ;-;'Q)
<br />